418 research outputs found

    Development of non-athlete norms for the Pacific sports visual performance profile

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    The sports vision discipline within the field of optometry is concerned with visual skills associated with athletic performance. A battery of tests that approximate observed visual skills in sport, entitled the Pacific Sports Visual Performance Profile (PSVVP), was utilized to evaluate 147 subjects. These individuals, each fulfilling criterion defining a non-athlete, completed the series of tests for the purpose of generating normative data. The norms provide a basis of quantitative analysis for purposes such as determining validity of particular optometric tests used in evaluating aspects of vision and sports performance. This study offers normative data for the non-athlete in standardized optometric tests and allows basis for further work in vision and athletics. Statistical analysis of normative data for the non-athlete versus previously generated Olympic Festival athlete data was also performed

    Modelling Illegal Drug Participation

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    We contribute to the small, but important, literature exploring the incidence and implications of misreporting in survey data. Specifically, when modelling ‘social bads’, such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with exceptionally low reported participation rates. We propose a modelling framework where firstly an individual decides whether to participate or not and, secondly, for participants there is a subsequent decision to misreport or not. We explore misreporting in the context of the consumption of a system of drugs and specify a multivariate inflated probit model. Compared with observed participation rates of 12.2%, 3.2% and 1.3% (for use of marijuana, speed and cocaine respectively) the true participation rates are estimated to be almost double for marijuana (23%), and more than double for speed (8%) and cocaine (5%). The estimated chances that a user would misreport their participation is a staggering 65% for a hard drug like cocaine, and still about 31% and 17%, for the softer drugs of marijuana and speed

    Employing with conviction: The experiences of employers who actively recruit criminalised people

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    Atherton, P., & Buck, G. Employing with conviction: The experiences of employers who actively recruit criminalised people. Probation Journal, 68(2), pp. 186-205. Copyright © [2021] (Copyright Holder). Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.In England and Wales, criminal reoffending costs £18 billion annually. Securing employment can support desistance from crime, but only 17% of ex-prisoners are employed a year after release. Understanding the motivations of employers who do recruit criminalised people therefore represents an important area of inquiry. This article draws upon qualitative interviews with twelve business leaders in England who proactively employ criminalised people. Findings reveal that inclusive recruitment can be (indirectly) encouraged by planning policies aimed to improve social and environmental well-being and that employers often work creatively to meet employees’ additional needs, resulting in commercial benefits and (re)settlement opportunities

    Multiple Motherhoods: The Effect of the Internalization of Motherhood Ideals on Life Satisfaction

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    Purpose – This study examined whether life satisfaction varied among women who occupy different motherhood statuses, and if these variations were influenced by differences in women’s internalization of cultural motherhood norms. We distinguished among women as biological mothers, stepmothers, and “double mothers,” who were both biological and stepmothers. We also included two groups of women without children: voluntary childfree and involuntary childless women. Design/methodology/approach – Data were drawn from the National Study of Fertility Barriers and analyzed using OLS regression. Findings – Biological mothers reported greater life satisfaction than women in other motherhood statuses. Accounting for the internalization of motherhood norms, double mothers had significantly lower life satisfaction compared to biological mothers, but voluntary childfree women had significantly greater life satisfaction. More detailed analyses indicated that internalization of cultural norms only appears to influence the life satisfaction of women with biological children. Research limitations/implications – The results suggest that it may not simply be motherhood that affects women’s well-being, but rather that women’s internalization of motherhood ideals, particularly when it corresponds with their motherhood status, significantly impacts well-being. Limitations of this study include small cell sizes for some categories of women where additional distinctions may have been useful, such as lesbian or adoptive mothers. Future work should incorporate diverse family forms and expand on the newly named category “double mothers.” Originality/value – By providing a more nuanced approach to categorizing motherhood status, including identifying double mothers, stepmothers-only, and two groups of childless women, the study added detail that has been overlooked in previous work on well-being

    'Just’ punishment? Offenders’ views on the meaning and severity of punishment

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    In England and Wales, ‘punishment’ is a central element of criminal justice. What punishment entails exactly, however, and how it relates to the other aims of sentencing (crime reduction, rehabilitation, public protection and reparation), remains contested. This article outlines different conceptualizations of punishment and explores to what extent offenders subscribe to these perspectives. The analysis is supported by findings from two empirical studies on the subjective experiences of imprisonment and probation, respectively. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 male and 15 female prisoners and seven male and two female probationers. Two primary conceptualizations of punishment were identified: ‘punishment as deprivation of liberty’ and ‘punishment as hard treatment’. The comparative subjective severity of different sentences and the collateral (unintended) consequences of punishment are also discussed. It is shown that there are large individual differences in the interpretation and subjective experience of punishment, which has implications for the concept of retributive proportionality, as well as the function of punishment more generally

    A morphologic and crystallographic comparison of CV chondrite matrices

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    Meteoritic matrices are commonly classified by their modal mineralogy, alteration, and shock levels. Other “textural” characteristics are not generally considered in classification schemes, yet could carry important information about their genesis and evolution. Terrestrial rocks are routinely described by grain morphology, which has led to morphology‐driven classifications, and identification of controlling processes. This paper investigates three CV chondrites—Allende (CV3.2oxA), Kaba (CV3.0oxB), and Vigarano (CV3.3red)—to determine the morphologic signature of olivine matrix grains. 2D grain size and shape, and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) are quantified via electron backscatter diffraction mapping. Allende contains the largest and most elongate olivine grains, while Vigarano contains the least elongate, and Kaba contains the smallest grains. Weak but notable CPOs exist in some regions proximal to chondrules and one region distal to chondrules, and CPO geometries reveal a weak flattening of the matrix grains against the edge of chondrules within Allende. Kaba contains the least plastically deformed grains, and Allende contains the most plastically deformed grains. We tentatively infer that morphology is controlled by the characteristics of the available population of accreting grains, and aqueous and thermal alteration of the parent body. The extent of overall finite deformation is likely dictated by the location of the sample with respect to compression, the localized environment of the matrix with respect to surrounding material, and the post deformation temperature to induce grain annealing. Our systematic, quantitative process for characterizing meteorite matrices has the potential to provide a framework for comparison within and across meteorite classes, to help resolve how parent body processing differed across and between chondritic asteroids

    Improved HIV and Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes for Released HIV-Infected Prisoners: The Impact of Buprenorphine Treatment

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    HIV-infected prisoners fare poorly after release. Though rarely available, opioid agonist therapy (OAT) may be one way to improve HIV and substance abuse treatment outcomes after release. Of the 69 HIV-infected prisoners enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of directly administered antiretroviral therapy, 48 (70%) met DSM-IV criteria for opioid dependence. Of these, 30 (62.5%) selected OAT, either as methadone (N = 7, 14.5%) or buprenorphine/naloxone (BPN/NLX; N = 23, 48.0%). Twelve-week HIV and substance abuse treatment outcomes are reported as a sub-study for those selecting BPN/NLX. Retention was high: 21 (91%) completed BPN/NLX induction and 17 (74%) remained on BPN/NLX after 12 weeks. Compared with baseline, the proportion with a non-detectable viral load (61% vs 63% log10 copies/mL) and mean CD4 count (367 vs 344 cells/mL) was unchanged at 12 weeks. Opiate-negative urine testing remained 83% for the 21 who completed induction. Using means from 10-point Likert scales, opioid craving was reduced from 6.0 to 1.8 within 3 days of BPN/NLX induction and satisfaction remained high at 9.5 throughout the 12 weeks. Adverse events were few and mild. BPN/NLX therapy was acceptable, safe and effective for both HIV and opioid treatment outcomes among released HIV-infected prisoners. Future randomized controlled trials are needed to affirm its benefit in this highly vulnerable population

    Employment Services Utilization and Outcomes among Substance Abusing Offenders Participating in California’s Proposition 36 Drug Treatment Initiative

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    California drug treatment programs may use funds to address barriers to work faced by Proposition 36 offenders, most of whom are not working at treatment entry, but employment services utilization and related behavioral outcomes have never been studied. This study examined primary data collected on 1,453 offenders by 30 programs during 2004 to explore the characteristics, employment services utilization, and outcomes of those who did and did not receive employment services while in drug treatment. One-year outcomes were mostly similar across groups, however, increases in the proportion of offenders employed, receiving income from employment and family or friends, and being paid for work were significantly greater among the received-employment-services group, and a greater proportion of this group also completed drug treatment. Employment services utilization was less likely for persons recruited from outpatient settings and more likely with greater severity of family/social problems and desire for services. Odds of employment one-year post-treatment entry were higher for those of Hispanic race/ethnicity (vs. White) and for those with treatment completion/longer retention but lower for those who were older, lived in specific counties, had greater employment problem severity at intake, and received other income-related services. Strategies for improving employment services utilization and outcomes among Proposition 36 offenders are discussed