670 research outputs found


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    O MMA é um esporte em ascensão que vem recrutando cada vez mais adeptos a nívelmundial e foi observado na literatura que em lutadores de MMA as lesões lombares sãomais prevalentes na modalidade e geram maior tempo de afastamento dos atletas quandocomparadas a lesões em outros segmentos corporais. Objetivo: Avaliar o torque e aatividade eletromiográfica superficial das musculaturas flexora e extensora da coluna lombarem atletas com dor lombar crônica e assintomáticos. Métodos: Foram avaliados 11 atletasde combate em um ensaio clínico transversal, divididos em Grupo Dor Lombar Crônica(GDLC) de 6 atletas masculinos (idade média de 41 anos +/- 10,50; peso de 77,33 kg +/-8,68; e altura de 170,33cm +/- 11,72) e Grupo Controle (GC) composto por 5 atletasmasculinos (idade média de anos 31,8+/- 6,76; peso de 86 +/- 7,03; e altura de 176,8cm +/-5,31) selecionados de acordo com critérios de inclusão e exclusão pré-determinados. Todosindivíduos assinaram termo consentimento livre e esclarecido pré-aprovado pelo Comitê deÉtica do Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB), e inicialmente responderam osquestionários funcionais validados de Oswestry de incapacidade e o questionário de FABQVersão Brasileira, além de uma ficha com dados pessoais. Posteriormente, realizou-se aavaliação dinamométrica e eletromiográfica para flexores (Oblíquos externos einternos/transverso do abdômen; reto abdominais bilaterais) e extensores lombares(Multifídeos bilaterais). Depois de coletados os dados, foi feita a análise utilizando o testeestatístico não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney para amostras independentes. Resultados:Para as variáveis de ativação muscular abdominal, multifídeo esquerdo e o tempo de fadigade flexão abdominal e extensão lombar se aceita a hipótese nula com nível de significânciade 5%, sendo assim os dois grupos não possuem indícios que possuem distribuiçõesdiferentes e para a variável de ativação muscular de multifídeo direito e de força de flexãoabdominal e extensão da coluna, questionários funcionais Oswestry e FABQ e EscalaAnalógica Visual de Dor rejeita a hipótese nula, os dois grupos possuem distribuiçõesdiferentes com um nível de significância de 5%. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a diferençaentre os grupos foi presente nos questionários funcionais e na força muscular, sendo assimvemos que a lombalgia afeta a vida diária dos lutadores e o desempenho na luta peladiminuição de força. É necessário outra pesquisa para avaliar uma amostra maior e assimidentificar se os resultados obtidos podem ser difundidos para a sociedad

    Consumo de Plantas Ornamentales y sus Primeros Impactos Causados por la Pandemia de Covid-19

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    The importance of ornamental plants goes from the aesthetic issue to the improvement of climatic conditions in the environments, with beneficial effects on human health. The market for flowers and ornamental plants had a drastic reduction due to the isolation and social distance required with the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic in many cities in Brazil and the world. The objective was to characterize ornamental plants consumption and to estimate the pandemic initial effects. Through an online questionnaire, quantitative data were collected regarding the profile characterization of 537 consumers, the consumption habit, and the purchase of ornamental plants to verify the initial effect of the pandemic (April/May 2020) on the final consumer of ornamental plants. The questionnaire was available on google forms, being disseminated via e-mail and social networks to as many people as possible. According to the results, there is a preference for potted plants, mainly orchids, and succulents, acquired especially in flower shops, considering as the main attributes for the purchase, the visual appearance, and the price. The ornamental plants' purchase frequency is especially biannual, despite their strong relationship with people's quality of life. The social isolation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic caused changes in habits, leading to a greater need to have plants at home, thus increasing the consumption of ornamental plants and the preference for local production.La importancia de las plantas ornamentales cubre situaciones que van desde la estética hasta la mejora de las condiciones climáticas del ambiente, otorgando beneficios para la salud humana. Con la pandemia del Covid-19, el mercado de las flores y de las plantas ornamentales tuvo una drástica reducción producto del aislamiento y del distanciamiento social en muchas de las ciudades de Brasil y del mundo. El objetivo fue caracterizar el consumo de las plantas ornamentales y evaluar el efecto inicial de la pandemia en su adquisición o compra, mediante la administración de formularios on-line, los cuales fueron respondido por 537 consumidores a mediados de abril y mayo del 2020. Se hizo el levantamiento de los datos cualitativos considerando el perfil de cada consumidor, sus costumbres de consumo y su forma de adquisición de las plantas ornamentales. El formulario se elaboró mediante Google Forms y su divulgación se realizó por medio del e-mails y redes sociales, abarcando el mayor número de personas posible. Por medio de la estadística descriptiva, se caracterizó el perfil del consumidor final y se comprobó qué, estas plantas eran adquiridas por el simple hecho de llamar su atención como especie vegetal o para decorar. Existe un favoritismo por plantas en potes, principalmente orquídeas y suculentas, las cuales eran adquiridas en floristerías juzgándose factores de compra cómo: apariencia y precio. La periodicidad de compra de las plantas ornamentales es realizada de forma semestral, juntamente con la alta relación de la calidad de vida de estas personas. El aislamiento social proveniente de la pandemia del Covid-19, provocó cambios en los hábitos de las personas, acarreando una mayor necesidad de tener plantas en las casas y aumentando así, el consumo de las plantas ornamentales y su preferencia por la producción local.Â

    Nutritional Profile of Patients in Hemodialysis of the Hospital Universitário Ciências Médicas - Minas Gerais

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    Objectives: To evaluate the nutritional status of hemodialysis (HD) patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in all patients on HD at a single center. Results: We studied 72 patients, male (57%) and 45.8% between 45 and 64 years old. The most frequent etiology was systemic arterial hypertension (50.0%) and diabetes (20.8%). KT/V  > 1.2 was found in 88.8% of the patients, and phosphorus level > 5.5 mg/dL in 25%. The malnourished patients classified by body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2 (66.67%), arm muscle circumference (WBC) index (84.72%) and albumin (≤ 4.0 g/dL) (28,8%), and 22,22% use a specific oral nutritional supplement for hypercaloric hyperproteic dialytic patients, provided by the hemodialysis service. The mean interdialytic weight gain (GPIDm) was < 2.5kg in 58.3% and the relative interdialytic weight gain (GPIDr) was < 4.5% in 75.0% of the patients. There was a significant association between GPIDm and CMB, patients with lower GPIDm (≤ 2.5 kg) tended to have more mild or moderate malnutrition (p = 0.003). No differences were observed by time in hemodialysis in relation to age, interdialytic weight gain, laboratory and anthropometric measurements. Conclusion: The nutritional assessment by BMI was in agreement with the Brazilian literature. By CMB, most were classified as malnourished, which differs from albumin, in that only ∼ 30% were malnourished. The results show the importance of supplementation for this population. We have seen that > 75% of the patients are within the ideal GPIDr (< 4.5% of the dry weight). The dialysis time did not affect the nutritional evaluation parameters

    Performance and morfhometric characteristics of Santa Inês sheep and Texel x Santa Inês lambs on pasture

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance characteristics of the morphometric sheep of the Santa Inês breed, recently-Paris, with their respective Lamb Texel x Santa Inês, a paste, in creep feeding system. For this purpose, 30 Sheeps and theirs and the respective lamb were used for natural breastfeeding for 60 days until weaning. The randomized blocks used, with two Treatments (absence of the presence of the private feeder), with 10 repetitions, being shadow sheep by repetition municipality or relative lamb. In Studies on the termination of two Cordeiro, the bone of heavy animals was measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments (25 days), using the 30-Cordeiro weaned. The randomized blocks, used with three Treatments (0.400 of 800 g of concentrate / lamb / DIA). There was no difference in weight between the sheep outside of Cordeiro (supplemented or not). There were no two treatments effect on the morphometric characteristics among the sheep outside between the Lamb bone. The use of creep feeding did not provide greater weight gain in recovery to give weight to give infant sheep, nor did it provide greater weight gain, we Lamb supplemented in relation to this not supplemented during breastfeeding, but the supplementary feed 400g / animal / day in the finishing phase it shows better results for I gained two lambs of weight.Brazilian sheep farming has been gaining prominence with the increase in meat production, seeking more efficiency and profitability. Thus, the creation of the Santa Inês breed has stood out, as it is highly adaptable to different types of environments and has potential for meat production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance characteristics of the morphometric sheep of the Santa Inês breed, recently-Paris, with their respective lamb Texel x Santa Inês, a paste, in creep feeding system. For this purpose, 30 Sheeps and theirs and the respective lamb were used for natural breastfeeding for 60 days until weaning. The randomized blocks used, with two treatments (absence of the presence of the private feeder), with 10 repetitions, being shadow sheep by repetition municipality or relative lamb. In studies on the termination of two lambs, the bone of heavy animals was measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments (25 days), using the 30-lambs weaned. The randomized blocks, used with three treatments (0, 400 and 800 g of concentrate/lamb/day). There was no difference in weight between the sheep outside of lamb (supplemented or not). There were no two treatments effect on the morphometric characteristics among the sheep outside between the lamb bone. The use of creep feeding to supplement lambs kept on natural lactation does not provide weight gain in sheep, nor does it provide weight gain in supplemented lambs. Lamb supplementation does not influence the morphometric characteristics of ewes and lambs during lactation. Private supplementation during breastfeeding does not increase lambs’ weight gain until weaning, but food supplementation, via creep feeding with 400 g/animal/day, in the finishing phase presents the best results for weight gain

    Prevalence of burnout syndrome among physicians of a federal education hospital

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    Objective: to estimate the prevalence of burnout syndrome among physicians of a federal education hospital in the state of Paraiba/Brazil. Method: a descriptive and observational study, which involved 134 doctors randomly chosen among medical residents, professors of the ufpb and federal physicians from the institution. three sets of questionnaires were used: socio-demographic and professional, mbi-hss and itra. the data were statistically analyzed with the aid of the spss-18.0. Results: it was detected a prevalence of the syndrome of 81,34% and the predominant features among respondents suffering from burnout were: young adult, with children, unmarried, early career working in various health institutions, with delicate relationship with supervisors in various activities and tasks with poorly defined. Conclusions: it was concluded that the burnout syndrome was highly prevalent in the workplace hospital doctor and should be target of public policies to reduce stress from this kind of work

    Prevalence of burnout syndrome among nurses in urgency and emergency hospital system

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    Objective: investigating the prevalence of Burnout among nurses in hospitals of urgency and emergency in the State of Paraiba. Method: this is a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study conducted in six hospitals specialized in urgency and emergency service in the state. The sample consisted of 110 nurses. It was used as instrument the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Data were analyzed with SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 18.0. Results: the results pointed to 65,3% of young people (20-30 years), 54,5% in situations of multiple employment, 49,1% with weekly working hours of 20-44 hours, 82,7% with prevalence of Burnout, being 59,1% in moderate level and 23,6% in severe level. Conclusion: it is concluded that the nurses showed significant levels of illness due to diuturnal contact with work stressors elements

    Santa Leopoldina Digital: por um sistema informativo territorialista (SITER)

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    A estruturação do Projeto Santa Leopoldina_Digital (SL_Digital) se apresenta como continuidade e ampliação de perspectivas abertas por investigações vinculadas ao Laboratório Patrimônio & Desenvolvimento, da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. São trabalhos com objetivos de documentar e representar o patrimônio territorial, orientados à elaboração de subsídio metodológico para projeto, planejamento e intervenção. Em perspectiva conceitual, o registro de elementos patrimoniais se orienta para o mapeamento de objetos e ações com potencial para sustentar a interpretação do patrimônio territorial e prospecção de cenários e projetos de transformação patrimonial. Insere-se na reflexão sobre o estado da arte contemporâneo referente à problemática da insustentabilidade no território e à superação dos pares dicotômicos patrimônio-sagrado e desenvolvimento-destruição. Santa Leopoldina é o núcleo urbano mais antigo do Espírito Santo e um dos primeiros a se instalar nas terras não costeiras. A essa condição histórica soma-se seu valor como lugar do encontro multicultural e social. Realização no tempo, é compreendida em sua dimensão arquitetônica e urbanística, por meio da identificação de unidades espaciais de expansão urbana. O registro do patrimônio territorial-paisagístico e a interpretação de processos com impacto em sua conservação permitem avaliar a mudança da ambiência urbana em sua associação com o mapeamento de valores. SL_Digital se apresenta como instrumento de representação, planejamento e gestão, contribuindo para o reconhecimento, a preservação e a (re)inserção de valores no território.The structuring of Santa Leopoldina_Digital presents itself as continuity and expansion of perspectives opened by investigations linked to the Heritage & Development Laboratory, Federal University of Espírito Santo. They are research works with the purpose of documenting and representing the territorial patrimony, oriented to the elaboration of methodological subsidy for project, planning and intervention. In a conceptual perspective, the registration of patrimonial elements is oriented towards the mapping of objects and actions with potential to support the interpretation of the territorial heritage and prospection of scenarios and heritage transformation projects. The theme is a reflection of the contemporary state of art in relation to the problematic of unsustainability in the territory and to the overcoming of the dichotomous pairs patrimony-sacred and development-destruction. Santa Leopoldina is the oldest urban center of Espírito Santo and one of the first to settle in the non-coastal lands. To this historical condition, it adds its value as a place of multicultural and social encounter. Realization in time, is understood in its architectural and urban dimension, through the identification of spatial units of urban expansion. The registration of the territorial-landscape heritage and the interpretation of processes with impact on its conservation allow to evaluate the modification of the urban ambiance in its association to the mapping of values. SL_DIGITAL presents itself as an instrument of representation, planning and management, contributing to the recognition, preservation and (re) insertion of values in the territory

    Importance of the silvipastoral system on the animal health and welfare of dairy cattle

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    Brazil stands out for having one of the largest cattle herds in the world, being the first place in the commercial herd in the whole planet. Within bovine farming, dairy cattle raising stands out for its importance within the national economy because of the representativeness of small family farms, which develop a large part of the national milk production. However, despite the extensive area available for agricultural production, a large part of Brazil is located in the tropical area of the planet. This region is distinguished by high temperatures and high intensity of incident solar radiation. This condition tends to lead the animals to heat stress, thus leading to a decrease in the production of meat, but mainly milk, especially in properties that make use of european breeds. One of the alternatives to overcome the impact of heat stress in tropical regions is to cross european breeds with zebu dairy breeds, as well as seeking measures to reduce the incidence of solar radiation of these animals through integrated systems, such as silvipastoral systems. Thus, this review aims to show that the silvipastoral system is necessary to improve the animal welfare of dairy cattle

    Dermatobiose em Panthera onca : primeira descrição e regressão logística multinomial para estimar e prever o parasitismo em animais selvagens capturados

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    Dermatobia hominis is a parasite widely distributed in neotropical regions. The parasitic phase of the cycle is characterized by the formation of a subcutaneous nodule in the host, which can promote infestation by other dipterans and skin infections. The aim of this report is to register parasitism by D. hominis in free-ranging Panthera onca captured in the Brazilian wetland and to determine significant biological and meteorological factors that are likely to influence the presence of larval parasitism in captured wild jaguars. Between 2011 to 2020, 34 jaguars were captured and examined manually by searching for lesions characteristic of myiasis. By manual compression in the subcutaneous nodules, larvae morphologically identified as D. hominis (first and third instars) were collected from 13 jaguars. A multinomial logistic regression showed that adult jaguars had 16.49-fold higher odds of being parasitized than subadults. Thus, jaguars captured in the season of July–September have 34.01- and 11.42-fold higher odds of being parasitized compared to the seasons of October–December and April–June, respectively, which is associated with high total monthly precipitation in the previous season. The present study is the first to describe parasitism by D. hominis larvae in jaguars.Dermatobia hominis é um parasito amplamente distribuído nas regiões neotropicais. A fase parasitária do ciclo é caracterizada pela formação de um nódulo subcutâneo no hospedeiro, que pode promover infestação por outros dípteros e infecções cutâneas. O objetivo deste relato é registrar o parasitismo por D. hominis em Panthera onca de vida livre, capturado no pantanal brasileiro e determinar fatores biológicos e meteorológicos significativos que podem influenciar a presença de parasitismo larval em onças-pintadas selvagens capturadas. Entre 2011 e 2020, 34 onças-pintadas foram capturadas e examinadas manualmente em busca de lesões características de miíase. Por compressão manual nos nódulos subcutâneos, larvas classificadas morfologicamente como D. hominis (primeiro e terceiro instares) foram coletadas de 13 onças-pintadas. Uma regressão logística multinomial mostrou que onças-pintadas adultas tinham chances 16,49 vezes maiores de serem parasitadas do que subadultos. Assim, onças-pintadas capturadas na temporada de julho a setembro têm probabilidade 34,01 e 11,42 vezes maior de serem parasitadas em comparação com as temporadas de outubro a dezembro e de abril a junho, respectivamente, o que está associado à alta precipitação total mensal na temporada anterior. O presente estudo é o primeiro a descrever parasitismo por larvas de D. hominis em onças-pintadas

    Fluxo de calor no solo modelado a partir de dados de temperatura em dois níveis de profundidade em uma floresta tropical na Amazônia Ocidental

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    The global climate is dependent of ecological balance of forests, especially tropical. The heat flux in the soil is an important factor in studies of energy balance representing the main form of energy exchange between soil and atmosphere. The aim of the present work was to estimate soil heat flux using soil temperature measurements at two depth levels in a tropical forest in the Western Amazon, in order to obtain coherent data for both the use of the values and for the filling of failures in database. Had been used data on temperature and soil heat flux collected in a micrometeorological tower belonging to the towers network of the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Program in the Amazon, located in the Jaru Biological Reserve. The estimated data presented 94% agreement with the measured data, the two have similar behaviors that allow the use in filling of failures in a demonstrative way. However, there is a delay in the estimated values of the heat flux in the soil in relation to the measured one, which interferes in the result of the model, provoking more studies to improve it.O clima global é diretamente dependente do equilíbrio ecológico das florestas, sobretudo tropicais. O fluxo de calor no solo é um importante fator em estudos de balanço energético representando a principal forma de troca de energia entre solo e atmosfera. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar o fluxo de calor no solo utilizando medidas de temperatura do solo em dois níveis de profundidade em uma floresta tropical na Amazônia Ocidental, com o intuito de obter-se dados coerentes tanto para utilização dos valores quanto para preenchimento de falhas em banco de dados. Foram utilizados dados de temperatura e fluxo de calor no solo coletados em uma torre micrometeorológica, pertencente à rede de torres do Programa de Grande Escala da Biosfera-Atmosfera na Amazônia, localizada na Reserva Biológica do Jaru. Os dados estimados apresentaram 94% de concordância com os dados medidos, os dois possuem comportamentos semelhantes o que possibilita o uso em preenchimento de falhas de forma demonstrativa. No entanto há um atraso nos valores do fluxo de calor no solo estimado em relação ao medido, o que interfere no resultado do modelo, suscitando mais estudos para melhorá-lo