171 research outputs found

    Die neue EU-Zuckermarktordnung und ihre regionalwirtschaftlichen Folgen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 2005: Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

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    Die neue Zuckermarktordnung hat in der zweiten Hälfte des zurückliegenden Jahrzehnts innerhalb der EU für die Wertschöpfungskette der Zuckerherstellung tief greifende Veränderungen nach sich gezogen. Landwirtschaft und Industrie, Arbeitgeber wie Arbeitnehmer mussten sich mit knappen Vorlaufzeiten den Herausforderungen stark veränderter Rahmenbedingungen stellen, die mit klaren Einschnitten in die Rübenanbauflächen und die industriellen Verarbeitungskapazitäten einhergingen. Die Studie zeichnet diese Entwicklungen chronologisch und in den Folgewirkungen nach. Sie untersucht innerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland anhand von einzelnen Fallstudien die regionalen bzw. lokalen Auswirkungen, die sich mit der weiteren Konzentration der Produktionsstandorte vor allem da ergeben haben, wo es zur Stilllegung von Werken gekommen ist. In einem weiteren Schritt wird mit Hilfe der Entwicklungen im Rheinland beispielhaft aufgezeigt, welche Veränderungen für Landwirte, Unternehmen, Arbeitnehmer seit 2006 aus der neuen Zuckermarktordnung resultieren. Dies führt zur Grundsatzfrage: Wie hat sich das neue Regelwerk im wirtschaftlichen Alltag der Betroffenen bewährt? Die Studie bewertet Erfolg und Misserfolg der neuen Zuckermarktordnung vor dem Hintergrund der ursprünglichen Zielsetzungen der EU - Kommission. Sie stellt die Frage nach der Zukunft der heimischen Zuckerindustrie und der dortigen Arbeitsplätze unter den Rahmenbedingungen eines weltweit offenen Wettbewerbs

    Quantification of mixture composition, liquid-phase fraction and temperature in transcritical sprays

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    How do fuel and air mix, if a liquid fuel is injected into an environment featuring pressure and temperature that exceed the critical pressure and the critical temperature of the fuel? It is subject of current discussion on whether and if so when, the fuel/air-mixture becomes supercritical or not. We here report experimental data comprising three mixture properties that are relevant for the current debate, all spatially and temporally resolved throughout the spray and injection event: The overall composition of the fuel/air-mixture, the liquid fraction of the fuel/air-mixture, and the temperature of the liquid phase. To this end, we applied Raman spectroscopy and gave special attention to the signature of the Raman OH-band of ethanol, which we used as fuel. Its signature is connected to the development of a hydrogen bonded network between the ethanol molecules and thus extremely sensitive to thermodynamic state and temperature. Measurements were carried out in a high-pressure, high-temperature combustion vessel in a pressure range of 3−8 MPa and a temperature range of 573−923 K. For the highest set temperature we found ethanol in liquid-like mixtures that exceeded the mixture critical temperature. This is an indication of the existence of a single-phase mixing path

    A New Sensor System for Accurate 3D Surface Measurements and Modeling of Underwater Objects

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    Featured Application A potential application of the work is the underwater 3D inspection of industrial structures, such as oil and gas pipelines, offshore wind turbine foundations, or anchor chains. Abstract A new underwater 3D scanning device based on structured illumination and designed for continuous capture of object data in motion for deep sea inspection applications is introduced. The sensor permanently captures 3D data of the inspected surface and generates a 3D surface model in real time. Sensor velocities up to 0.7 m/s are directly compensated while capturing camera images for the 3D reconstruction pipeline. The accuracy results of static measurements of special specimens in a water basin with clear water show the high accuracy potential of the scanner in the sub-millimeter range. Measurement examples with a moving sensor show the significance of the proposed motion compensation and the ability to generate a 3D model by merging individual scans. Future application tests in offshore environments will show the practical potential of the sensor for the desired inspection tasks

    Mobile 3D sensor for documenting maintenance processes of large complex structures

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    With the new handheld goSCOUT3D sensor system, the entire surface of complex industrial machinery spanning several meters can be captured three-dimensionally within a matter of minutes. In addition, a comprehensive photo collection is registered and precisely assigned to the corresponding 3D object points in one hybrid 2D/3D model. At the basis of the robust 3D digitization are the measuring principles of photogrammetric reconstruction using a high-resolution color camera and simultaneous localization and imaging using a tracking unit. Following image acquisition, the process leading to generation of the complete hybrid model is fully automated. Under continuous movement of the sensor head, up to six images per second and a total of up to several thousand images can be recorded. Those images are then aligned in 3D space and used to reconstruct the 3D model. Results regarding accuracy measurements are presented as well as application examples of digitized technical machinery under maintenance and inspection