19 research outputs found

    Impaired barrier function by dietary fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) in rats is accompanied by increased colonic mitochondrial gene expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dietary non-digestible carbohydrates stimulate the gut microflora and are therefore presumed to improve host resistance to intestinal infections. However, several strictly controlled rat infection studies showed that non-digestible fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) increase, rather than decrease, translocation of <it>Salmonella </it>towards extra-intestinal sites. In addition, it was shown that FOS increases intestinal permeability already before infection. The mechanism responsible for this adverse effect of FOS is unclear. Possible explanations are altered mucosal integrity due to changes in tight junctions or changes in expression of defense molecules such as antimicrobials and mucins. To examine the mechanisms underlying weakening of the intestinal barrier by FOS, a controlled dietary intervention study was performed. Two groups of 12 rats were adapted to a diet with or without FOS. mRNA was collected from colonic mucosa and changes in gene expression were assessed for each individual rat using Agilent rat whole genome microarrays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the 997 FOS induced genes we observed less mucosal integrity related genes than expected with the clear permeability changes. FOS did not induce changes in tight junction genes and only 8 genes related to mucosal defense were induced by FOS. These small effects are unlikely the cause for the clear increase in intestinal permeability that is observed. FOS significantly increased expression of 177 mitochondria-related genes. More specifically, induced expression of genes involved in all five OXPHOS complexes and the TCA cycle was observed. These results indicate that dietary FOS influences intestinal mucosal energy metabolism. Furthermore, increased expression of 113 genes related to protein turnover, including proteasome genes, ribosomal genes and protein maturation related genes, was seen. FOS upregulated expression of the peptide hormone proglucagon gene, in agreement with previous studies, as well as three other peptide hormone genes; peptide YY, pancreatic polypeptide and cholecystokinin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that altered energy metabolism may underly colonic barrier function disruption due to FOS feeding in rats.</p

    Intestinal barrier function in response to abundant or depleted mucosal glutathione in Salmonella-infected rats

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Glutathione, the main antioxidant of intestinal epithelial cells, is suggested to play an important role in gut barrier function and prevention of inflammation-related oxidative damage as induced by acute bacterial infection. Most studies on intestinal glutathione focus on oxidative stress reduction without considering functional disease outcome. Our aim was to determine whether depletion or maintenance of intestinal glutathione changes susceptibility of rats to Salmonella infection and associated inflammation. Rats were fed a control diet or the same diet supplemented with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO; glutathione depletion) or cystine (glutathione maintenance). Inert chromium ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (CrEDTA) was added to the diets to quantify intestinal permeability. At day 4 after oral gavage with Salmonella enteritidis (or saline for non-infected controls), Salmonella translocation was determined by culturing extra-intestinal organs. Liver and ileal mucosa were collected for analyses of glutathione, inflammation markers and oxidative damage. Faeces was collected to quantify diarrhoea. RESULTS: Glutathione depletion aggravated ileal inflammation after infection as indicated by increased levels of mucosal myeloperoxidase and interleukin-1beta. Remarkably, intestinal permeability and Salmonella translocation were not increased. Cystine supplementation maintained glutathione in the intestinal mucosa but inflammation and oxidative damage were not diminished. Nevertheless, cystine reduced intestinal permeability and Salmonella translocation. CONCLUSIONS: Despite increased infection-induced mucosal inflammation upon glutathione depletion, this tripeptide does not play a role in intestinal permeability, bacterial translocation and diarrhoea. On the other hand, cystine enhances gut barrier function by a mechanism unlikely to be related to glutathione

    Gene expression changes in cecum mucosa upon dietary treatment

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    To increase our knowledge of the effects of Fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) on the intestinal barrier function in rats, a controlled rat infection study was performed. Two groups of rats (n=12 per group) were adapted to a diet with or without FOS. mRNA was collected from the mucosa of the cecum and changes in gene expression were assessed using an agilent rat whole genome microarray (G4131A Agilent Technologies). Results indicate that dietary FOS influences immune response and wound healing mechanisms, which will most likely affect the intestinal barrier

    Dietary heme adversely affects experimental colitis in rats, despite heat-shock protein induction

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    Objective: Research on dietary modulation of inflammatory bowel disease is in its infancy. Dietary heme, mimicking red meat, is cytotoxic to colonic epithelium and thus may aggravate colitis. Alternatively, heme-induced colonic stress might also result in potential protective heat-shock proteins (HSPs). Therefore, we investigated the effect of dietary heme on trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in rats. Methods: Rats were fed a high-fat control diet or a similar diet supplemented with heme. After dietary adaptation, rats were rectally infused with TNBS for colitis induction or saline for sham treatment. Colitis severity was evaluated and several markers were quantified in colonic mucosa isolated 1 wk after colitis induction. Furthermore, cytotoxicity of fecal water and serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein were measured. Results: Dietary heme increased cytotoxicity of the fecal water. Heme-fed sham-treated rats had higher colonic HSP-25 and heme-oxygenase-1 mRNA levels, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. HSP induction by heme was associated with decreased protein levels of myeloperoxidase and interleukin-1 beta after subsequent TNBS infusion. However, no dietary effects were observed on histologic colitis score. Furthermore, body weight gain, colon length, and food intake were lower and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein concentrations were higher in heme-fed colitic rats. In addition, somatostatin, involved in mucosal repair, was not changed with TNBS infusion in heme-fed rats. Conclusion: Dietary heme adversely affects colitis, despite HSP induction. We speculate that the irritating influence of dietary heme, being continuously present in the colon, impairs recovery after colitis induction. A diet high in red meat might be a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease development. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Performance Of Polyvinylidene Fluoride–Carbon Nanotubes Composite

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    The Polyvinylidene Fluoride polymer it is unique materiel, which drown huge amount ofattention in nowadays. Even though it has been known since 1969 year and many aspects of thepolymer have been studied good enough, there are still much more that need to be studied further,because the Polyvinylidene Fluoride still did not yet reveal his full potential. The strongest side ofPolyvinylidene Fluoride is the biggest piezoelectronic respond among all commercially availablepolymers. Polyvinylidene Fluoride is prepared in various forms: thin films, bulk samples, fibers.PVDF fibers attract the most attention because of high flexibility, lightweight, mechanical stability,chemical inertness

    <it>Salmonella </it>induces prominent gene expression in the rat colon

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    Abstract Background Salmonella enteritidis is suggested to translocate in the small intestine. In vivo it induces gene expression changes in the ileal mucosa and Peyer's patches. Stimulation of Salmonella translocation by dietary prebiotics fermented in colon suggests involvement of the colon as well. However, effects of Salmonella on colonic gene expression in vivo are largely unknown. We aimed to characterize time dependent Salmonella-induced changes of colonic mucosal gene expression in rats using whole genome microarrays. For this, rats were orally infected with Salmonella enteritidis to mimic a foodborne infection and colonic gene expression was determined at days 1, 3 and 6 post-infection (n = 8 rats per time-point). As fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) affect colonic physiology, we analyzed colonic mucosal gene expression of FOS-fed versus cellulose-fed rats infected with Salmonella in a separate experiment. Colonic mucosal samples were isolated at day 2 post-infection. Results Salmonella affected transport (e.g. Chloride channel calcium activated 6, H+/K+ transporting Atp-ase), antimicrobial defense (e.g. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein, Defensin 5 and phospholipase A2), inflammation (e.g. calprotectin), oxidative stress related genes (e.g. Dual oxidase 2 and Glutathione peroxidase 2) and Proteolysis (e.g. Ubiquitin D and Proteosome subunit beta type 9). Furthermore, Salmonella translocation increased serum IFNγ and many interferon-related genes in colonic mucosa. The gene most strongly induced by Salmonella infection was Pancreatitis Associated Protein (Pap), showing >100-fold induction at day 6 after oral infection. Results were confirmed by Q-PCR in individual rats. Stimulation of Salmonella translocation by dietary FOS was accompanied by enhancement of the Salmonella-induced mucosal processes, not by induction of other processes. Conclusion We conclude that the colon is a target tissue for Salmonella, considering the abundant changes in mucosal gene expression.</p