1,618 research outputs found

    The different origins of magnetic fields and activity in the Hertzsprung gap stars, OU Andromedae and 31 Comae

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    Context: When crossing the Hertzsprung gap, intermediate-mass stars develop a convective envelope. Fast rotators on the main sequence, or Ap star descendants, are expected to become magnetic active subgiants during this evolutionary phase. Aims: We compare the surface magnetic fields and activity indicators of two active, fast rotating red giants with similar masses and spectral class but diferent rotation rates - OU And (Prot=24.2 d) and 31 Com (Prot=6.8 d) - to address the question of the origin of their magnetism and high activity. Methods: Observations were carried out with the Narval spectropolarimeter in 2008 and 2013.We used the least squares deconvolution technique to extract Stokes V and I profiles to detect Zeeman signatures of the magnetic field of the stars. We provide Zeeman-Doppler imaging, activity indicator monitoring, and a precise estimation of stellar parameters. We use stellar evolutionary models to infer the evolutionary status and the initial rotation velocity on the main sequence. Results: The detected magnetic field of OU And is a strong one. Its longitudinal component Bl reaches 40 G and presents an about sinusoidal variation with reversal of the polarity. The magnetic topology of OU And is dominated by large scale elements and is mainly poloidal with an important dipole component, and a significant toroidal component. The detected magnetic field of 31 Com is weaker, with a magnetic map showing a more complex field geometry, and poloidal and toroidal components of equal contributions. The evolutionary models show that the progenitors of OU And and 31 Com must have been rotat Conclusions: OU And appears to be the probable descendant of a magnetic Ap star, and 31 Com the descendant of a relatively fast rotator on the main sequence.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Fluidity speech formation as a qualitative characteristic of the oral statement of preschool age children with stutter

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    The research objective is to disclose the subject matter of speech therapy work focused on fluidity speech formation of preschool age children, suffering stutter. Stutter is a difficult disorder of articulation organs suchthat the tempo-rhythmical organisation of statements is distressed that leads to defects and failures of dialogue system, negatively influences on individual development of the child; more specifically it generates the mental stratifications, specific features of emotional-volitional sphere, and causes undesirable qualities ofcharacter such as shyness, indecision, isolation, negativism. The author notes that the problem of early stutter correction among junior preschool-aged children considered as topical and immediate issue. Methods. Concerning the clinical, physiological, psychological and psychologic-pedagogical positions, the author summarizes theoretical framework; an experimentally-practical approbation of an author's method of speech fluidity and stutter abolition of preschool children is described. Stage-by-stage process of correction,spontaneous and non-convulsive speech formation: 1. restraint mode application in order to decrease incorrect verbal output; 2. training exercises to long phonatory and speech expiration; 3. development of coordination and movements rhythm helping to pronounce words and phrases; 4. formation of situational speech, at first consisted of short sentences, then passing to long ones; 5. training to coherent text statements. The research demonstrates data analyses of postexperimental diagnostic examination of stuttering preschool children, proving the efficiency of the author’s applied method. Scientific novelty. The research findings demonstrate a specific approach to correction and stutter abolition of preschool children. Proposed author’s approach consists of complementary to each other directions of speech therapy work which are combines in the following way: coherent speech formation corresponding to age norms; the assistance in development of lexical and grammatical means of language; development of communicative skills. Practical significance. The identified methodological recommendations while correction-pedagogical process can be used for formation of communicative children readiness to school training and gaining experience of positive interaction with people around them. Timely measures aimed at speech acquisition of stuttering preschool children can warn possible deviations in mental development and prevent many difficulties due to their social adaptation. It is especially underlined that the guarantee of successful speech therapy work on stutter correction should be aimed at active interaction of experts with teachers of preschool educational institutions and parentsЦель данной статьи – раскрыть содержание логопедической работы по формированию плавной речи детей, страдающих заиканием. Заикание – это сложное расстройство речевого аппарата, при котором нарушается темпо-ритмическая организация высказываний, что приводит к дефектам и сбоям системы общения, отрицательно влияет на развитие личности ребенка: порождает психические наслоения, специфические особенности эмоционально-волевой сферы и обусловливает появление нежелательных качеств характера – застенчивости, нерешительности, замкнутости, негативизма. Поэтому проблема ранней коррекции заикания у детей младшего дошкольного возраста является крайне актуальной. Методика и результаты работы. С клинических, физиологических, психологических и психолого-педагогических позиций дается теоретическое обоснование и описывается экспериментально-практическая апробация авторской методики развития плавного говорения и устранения заикания у дошкольников. Показан поэтапный процесс формирования правильной, свободной, бессудорожной речи: 1) введение режима ее ограничения с целью сокращения неверной вербальной продукции; 2) обучение навыку длительных фонационных и речевых выдохов; 3) развитие координации и ритмизации движений, помогающих произнесению слов и фраз; 4) становление ситуативной речи на материале сначала коротких, а затем развернутых предложений; 5) обучение связным текстовым высказываниям. Приводятся данные постэкспериментального диагностического обследования заикающихся дошкольников, подтверждающие эффективность разработанной автором методики. Научная новизна предлагаемого подхода к коррекции и устранению заикания у детей младшего возраста заключается в том, что в авторской технологии сочетаются взаимодополняющие друг друга направления логопедической работы: формирование соответствующей возрастным нормам связной речи; помощь детям в освоении лексико-грамматических средств языка; развитие коммуникативных навыков. Практическая значимость. Применение в коррекционно-педагогическом процессе изложенных в статье методических рекомендаций будет способствовать формированию коммуникативной готовности детей к школьному обучению, приобретению ими опыта положительного взаимодействия с окружающими. Своевременные меры по полноценному овладению речью заикающимися детьми помогут предупредить возможные отклонения в их психическом развитии, избежать многих трудностей при их социальной адаптации. Особо подчеркивается, что залогом успешной логопедической работы по коррекции заикания является активное взаимодействие специалистов с воспитателями дошкольных образовательных учреждений и родителям

    L'effet CSI: état de l'art sur un phénomène aux multiples facettes

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    Depuis son lancement en 2000, la série policière "Les Experts" ("CSI : Crime Scene Investigations" en version originale) a été l'une des séries les plus populaires dans son genre tant aux Etats-Unis qu'ailleurs dans le monde. En raison de la représentation idéalisée la science forensique véhiculée au fil des épisodes, certains acteurs juridiques américains on exprimé, par l'intermédiaire de la presse populaire, l'inquiétude selon laquelle de telles séries puissent hausser les attentes des jurés vis-à-vis des indices matériels présentés au tribunal. Le terme "effet CSI" a ainsi été créé afin de désigner l'influence des séries de genre forensique, particulièrement "Les experts", sur la prise de décision des jurés lors des procès. Par la suite, l'utilisation de ce terme s'est étendue aux autres acteurs sociaux et juridiques. Cet article a pour but de présenter en détail l' "effet CSI" par le biais d'une recherche bibliographique des travaux effectués sur le sujet. La typologie des principaux effets décrits dans la littérature, l'évolution spatio-temporelle de l'emploi de ce terme, ainsi que les principaux points de vue et constats sont présentés. Cette compilation bibliographique révèle que les principaux champs de recherche de l' "effet CSI" peuvent changer en fonction de la zone géographique. D'une manière générale, il ressort que les séries policières peuvent être vecteurs d'informations propres à modifier la perception de la science forensique par le grand public mais qu'elles ne sont pas les seuls médias à produire une image réaliste de la criminalité et du système de justice pénale. Ces sources de divertissement peuvent quelquefois être éducatives mais peuvent également avoir pour effet de provoquer une hausse des attentes du citoyen ordinaire envers la police technique et l'indice matériel, sans pour autant constituer une menace pour le système de justice pénale

    Pneumonia in patients on the background of blood cancer.

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    Problematic issues of etiologic diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia are being studied actively. At the same time specific features of pneumonia in patients with severe immune defects, against blood cancer including are studied insufficiently. By the result of microbiological examinations of 149 patients with pneumonia on the background of blood cancer, who have undergone treatment in hematological center of CE “Dnipropetrovsk local multi-field clinical hospital №4” in 2010-2012, bacterial causative agents were determined in 59,7% of accidents, among which gram-negative microorganisms made up 69,7%, gram-positive – 30,3%. In 63% of accidents the asso­ciations of causative agents were determined: the combination of fungal flora made up 58, 4% bacterial associations – 25, 8%. Invasive methods of research have demonstrated a considerably bigger informativeness in determination of possible etiological diagnosis of pneumonia. In determination of causative agent in fluid of brochoalveolar lavage the part of positive results made up 77,4% against 30,3% in examination of sputum

    Influence of phase composition on Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Al-Mg alloys

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    The temperature-strain rate domain of the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect has been determined for three ultrafine grained aluminum alloys: Al-3Mg (А1), Al-4,57Mg0,35Mn-0,2Sc-0,09Zr (А2) and Al-5,4Mg-0,52Mn-0,1Zr (А3) (wt.%). The apparent activation energy of the serrated yielding was estimated. It was found that the presence of dispersed particles leads to a decrease in the activation energy and the temperature–strain rate domain of the PLC effect becomes narrowe

    The dynamic recrystallization behavior in Al-Mg alloys

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    The influence of phase composition on the behavior of dynamic recrystallization in alloys Al-3Mg (А1), Al-4.57Mg-0.35Mn-0.2Sc-0.09Zr (А2) and Al-5.4Mg-0.52Mn-0.1Zr (А3) (wt.%) during the equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) was studied. The ECAP processing of alloy A1 resulted in a partially recrystallized microstructure with the mean size of coarse and fine grains of 20 and 1.4 μm, respectively In contrast, the formation of fully-recrystallized microstructure was observed in the alloys A2 and A

    Effect of nitrogenous bases on the thermal stability of jet fuels

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    Fuels from naphthenic petroleums were evaluated, and it was found that they had more N bases than those paraffinic ones (0.00024 and 0.000009% N, respectively). The removal of the N bases improved significantly the thermal stability and reduced the residue formation during oxidation of the fuel. The improvement depended on both content and composition of the bases. Thus, fuels with similar content of N bases (0.00058% N) and thermal stability had oxidation residues of 17.5 and 5.6 and sol. gum of 13 and 1.5 mg/100 ml, before and after removing the N bases, respectively

    Origin of primitive ocean island basalts by crustal gabbro assimilation and multiple recharge of plume-derived melts

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    Chemical Geodynamics relies on a paradigm that the isotopic composition of ocean island basalt (OIB) represents equilibrium with its primary mantle sources. However, the discovery of huge isotopic heterogeneity within olivine‐hosted melt inclusions in primitive basalts from Kerguelen, Iceland, Hawaii and South Pacific Polynesia islands implies open‐system behavior of OIBs, where during magma residence and transport, basaltic melts are contaminated by surrounding lithosphere. To constrain the processes of crustal assimilation by OIBs, we employed the Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS), an energy‐constrained thermodynamic model of recharge, assimilation and fractional crystallization. For a case study of the 21–19 Ma basaltic series, the most primitive series ever found among the Kerguelen OIBs, we performed sixty‐seven simulations in the pressure range from 0.2 to 1.0 GPa using compositions of olivine‐hosted melt inclusions as parental magmas, and metagabbro xenoliths from the Kerguelen Archipelago as wallrock. MCS modeling requires that the assimilant is anatectic crustal melts (P2O5 ≤ 0.4 wt.% contents) derived from the Kerguelen oceanic metagabbro wallrock. To best fit the phenocryst assemblage observed in the investigated basaltic series, recharge of relatively large masses of hydrous primitive basaltic melts (H2O = 2–3 wt%; MgO = 7–10 wt.%) into a middle crustal chamber at 0.2 to 0.3 GPa is required. Our results thus highlight the important impact that crustal gabbro assimilation and mantle recharge can have on the geochemistry of mantle‐derived olivine‐phyric OIBs. The importance of crustal assimilation affecting primitive plume‐derived basaltic melts underscores that isotopic and chemical equilibrium between ocean island basalts and associated deep plume mantle source(s) may be the exception rather than the rule