28 research outputs found

    Central nervous system functions of PAK protein family: From spine morphogenesis to mental retardation

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    Several of the genes currently known to be associated, when mutated, with mental retardation, code for molecules directly involved in Rho guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) signaling. These include PAK3, a member of the PAK protein kinase family, which are important effectors of small GTPases. In many systems, PAK kinases play crucial roles regulating complex mechanisms such as cell migration, differentiation, or survival. Their precise functions in the central nervous system remain, however, unclear. Although their activity does not seem to be required for normal brain development, several recent studies point to a possible involvement in more subtle mechanisms such as neurite outgrowth, spine morphogenesis or synapse formation, and plasticity. This article reviews this information in the light of the current knowledge available on the molecular characteristics of the different members of this family and discuss the mechanisms through which they might contribute to cognitive function

    PSD-95 promotes synaptogenesis and multiinnervated spine formation through nitric oxide signaling

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    Postsynaptic density 95 (PSD-95) is an important regulator of synaptic structure and plasticity. However, its contribution to synapse formation and organization remains unclear. Using a combined electron microscopic, genetic, and pharmacological approach, we uncover a new mechanism through which PSD-95 regulates synaptogenesis. We find that PSD-95 overexpression affected spine morphology but also promoted the formation of multiinnervated spines (MISs) contacted by up to seven presynaptic terminals. The formation of multiple contacts was specifically prevented by deletion of the PDZ2 domain of PSD-95, which interacts with nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS). Similarly, PSD-95 overexpression combined with small interfering RNA–mediated down-regulation or the pharmacological blockade of NOS prevented axon differentiation into varicosities and multisynapse formation. Conversely, treatment of hippocampal slices with an NO donor or cyclic guanosine monophosphate analogue induced MISs. NOS blockade also reduced spine and synapse density in developing hippocampal cultures. These results indicate that the postsynaptic site, through an NOS–PSD-95 interaction and NO signaling, promotes synapse formation with nearby axons

    Utilization of in Vitro Anther Culture in Spelt Wheat Breeding

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    The efficiency of in vitro anther culture was screened in a full diallel population of four spelt wheat genotypes and ten F1 hybrids. Genotype dependency was observed based on the data of embryo-like structures (ELS), green-, albino plantlets. In the diallel population and ten F1 hybrids, the green plantlets production ranged from 13.75 to 85.00 and from 6.30 to 51.00, respectively. The anther culture-derived plants of F1 hybrids were grown up in the nursery. At the harvest, 436 spontaneous doubled haploid (DH) plants were identified among the 1535 anther culture-derived transplanted and grown up individual plants. The mean of spontaneous rediploidization was 28.4% which ranged from 9.76% to 54.24%. In two consecutive years, the agronomic values of ‘Tonkoly.pop1’ advanced line were compared with seven DH lines of ‘Tonkoly.pop1’ in the nursery. The DH lines achieved competitive values in comparison with ‘Tonkoly.pop1’ advanced line based on the 11 measured parameters (heading date, plant height, yield, hardness, width and length of seed, TKW, hulling yield, flour yield, protein and wet gluten content). These observations presage the efficient utilization of anther culture in spelt wheat breeding

    Signaling mechanisms regulating synapse formation and function in mental retardation

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    Major progress has been carried out in the last two decades in the identification of genetic alterations associated with mental retardation and autism spectrum disorders. In many instances these defects concern genes coding for synaptic proteins or proteins involved in regulation of synaptic properties. Analyses of the underlying mechanisms using gain and loss of function approaches have revealed alterations of spine morphology, density or plasticity, raising the possibility that these disorders result from synaptopathies. Also the multiplicity of genes and proteins involved points to the implication of specific signaling pathways among which small GTPases appear to play a central role. We review here this evidence and discuss the mechanisms through which they might lead to synaptic network dysfunction

    Activity-dependent regulation of genes implicated in X-linked non-specific mental retardation

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    X-linked forms of non-specific mental retardation are complex disorders, for which mutations in several genes have recently been identified. These include OPHN1, GDI1, PAK3, IL1RAPL, TM4SF2, FMR2 and RSK2. To investigate the mechanisms through which alterations of these gene products could result in cognitive impairment, we analyzed their expression using quantitative PCR technique in two in vitro models of activity-dependent gene regulation: kainate-induced seizures and long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP). We found that the level of expression of four genes, PAK3, IL1RAPL, RSK2 and TM4SF2, was significantly up-regulated following kainate treatment. Furthermore we observed a significant increase in mRNA levels of PAK3 and IL1RAPL following LTP induction. These results suggest a possible role for these four genes in activity-dependent brain plasticity

    Distinct, but compensatory roles of PAK1 and PAK3 in spine morphogenesis

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    PAK1 and PAK3 belong to a family of protein kinases that are effectors of small Rho GTPases. In humans, mutations of PAK3 have been associated with mental retardation and result in in vitro studies in defects of spine morphogenesis. The functional specificities of PAK1 and PAK3 remain, however, unclear. Here, we investigated using loss and gain of function experiments how PAK1 and PAK3 affect spine morphology in hippocampal slice cultures. We find that while knockdown of PAK3 is associated with an increase in thin, elongated, immature-type spines, downregulation of PAK1 does not alter spine morphology. Conversely, expression of a constitutively active form of PAK3 remains without effect, while expression of constitutively active PAK1 results in the formation of spines with smaller head diameters. Interestingly, expression of constitutively active PAK1 can rescue the long spine phenotype induced by suppression of PAK3. We conclude that while PAK1 and PAK3 share distinct roles in the regulation of spine morphogenesis, their activity may overlap allowing the compensation of the PAK3 deficit by PAK1. This result opens interesting perspectives in the context of reversing the spine defects associated with PAK3 mutations