117 research outputs found

    The potential of low-intensity and online interventions for depression in low- and middle-income countries

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are confronted with a serious ‘mental health gap’, indicating an enormous disparity between the number of individuals in need of mental health care and the availability of professionals to provide such care (WHO in 2010). Traditional forms of mental health services (i.e. face-to-face, individualised assessments and interventions) are therefore not feasible. We propose three strategies for addressing this mental health gap: delivery of evidence-based, low-intensity interventions by non-specialists, the use of transdiagnostic treatment protocols, and strategic deployment of technology to facilitate access and uptake. We urge researchers from all over the world to conduct feasibility studies and randomised controlled studies on the effect of low-intensity interventions and technology supported (e.g. online) interventions in LMICs, preferably using an active control condition as comparison, to ensure we disseminate effective treatments in LMICs

    Від фундаментальних досліджень до комерціалізації результатів: досвід і завдання НАН України

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    У статті дано короткий огляд деяких науково-технічних розробок, що виконані в останні роки в установах НАН України і вже знайшли практичне застосування або готові до інноваційного впровадження. Ці розробки переконують у тому, що наука України зберігає потужний потенціал, який може повністю реалізуватися при належній фінансовій підтримці з боку держави і створенні сприятливого інноваційного клімату, що дасть можливість науковцям заробляти значні позабюджетні кошти своєю прикладною діяльністю.В статье приведен краткий обзор некоторых научно-технических разработок, которые выполнены в последние годы в учреждениях НАН Украины и уже нашли практическое применение либо готовы к инновационному внедрению. Эти разработки убеждают в том, что наука Украины сохраняет мощный потенциал, который может полностью реализоваться при надлежащей финансовой поддержке со стороны государства и создании благоприятного инновационного климата, что позволит ученым зарабатывать значительные внебюджетные средства своей прикладной деятельностью.A brief review of some science & technology developments is contained, accomplished in recent years in institutions of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, already used or ready for innovation-specific applications. These developments can assure that science in Ukraine could preserve the powerful capacity that can be fully utilized given proper financial support from the state and fostering favorable innovation climate, which will allow scientists to earn good off-budget money by applied activities

    Neurocognitive working mechanisms of the prevention of relapse in remitted recurrent depression (NEWPRIDE):protocol of a randomized controlled neuroimaging trial of preventive cognitive therapy

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    Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a psychiatric disorder with a highly recurrent character, making prevention of relapse an important clinical goal. Preventive Cognitive Therapy (PCT) has been proven effective in preventing relapse, though not for every patient. A better understanding of relapse vulnerability and working mechanisms of preventive treatment may inform effective personalized intervention strategies. Neurocognitive models of MDD suggest that abnormalities in prefrontal control over limbic emotion-processing areas during emotional processing and regulation are important in understanding relapse vulnerability. Whether changes in these neurocognitive abnormalities are induced by PCT and thus play an important role in mediating the risk for recurrent depression, is currently unclear. In the Neurocognitive Working Mechanisms of the Prevention of Relapse In Depression (NEWPRIDE) study, we aim to 1) study neurocognitive factors underpinning the vulnerability for relapse, 2) understand the neurocognitive working mechanisms of PCT, 3) predict longitudinal treatment effects based on pre-treatment neurocognitive characteristics, and 4) validate the pupil dilation response as a marker for prefrontal activity, reflecting emotion regulation capacity and therapy success. Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, 75 remitted recurrent MDD (rrMDD) patients will be included. Detailed clinical and cognitive measurements, fMRI scanning and pupillometry will be performed at baseline and three-month follow-up. In the interval, 50 rrMDD patients will be randomized to eight sessions of PCT and 25 rrMDD patients to a waiting list. At baseline, 25 healthy control participants will be additionally included to objectify cross-sectional residual neurocognitive abnormalities in rrMDD. After 18 months, clinical assessments of relapse status are performed to investigate which therapy induced changes predict relapse in the 50 patients allocated to PCT. Discussion: The present trial is the first to study the neurocognitive vulnerability factors underlying relapse and mediating relapse prevention, their value for predicting PCT success and whether pupil dilation acts as a valuable marker in this regard. Ultimately, a deeper understanding of relapse prevention could contribute to the development of better targeted preventive interventions. Trial registration: Trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register, August 18, 2015, trial number NL5219

    Neural basis of positive and negative emotion regulation in remitted depression

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    The recurrent nature of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) necessitates a better understanding of mechanisms facilitating relapse. MDD has often been associated with abnormal emotion regulation, underpinned by aberrant interactions between the prefrontal cortex and subcortical areas. We assessed whether neural regulation abnormalities remain after remission and relate to emotion regulation problems in daily life. At the baseline measurement of a randomized controlled trial, an emotion regulation task was performed during fMRI scanning by 46 remitted recurrent (rrMDD) patients and 24 healthy controls. We assessed both fMRI peak activity and the temporal dynamics of the neural response during passive attendance and explicit regulation of positive and negative emotions. Furthermore, we assessed regulation strategy use in daily life using questionnaires, and attentional biases using a modified attentional dot-probe task. RrMDD patients showed lower activation and different temporal dynamics in occipital, parietal, and prefrontal brain regions during passive attendance of emotional material compared to healthy controls. During explicit downregulation of negative emotions, no group differences were found. However, during explicit upregulation of positive emotions, rrMDD patients showed a different neural response over time in the insula. Behaviourally, rrMDD patients were characterized by dysfunctional regulation strategies in daily life. Within rrMDD patients, rumination was associated with activation within a limbic- prefrontal network. After remission, immediate emotional processing seems unaffected, but regulatory abnormalities remain, especially uninstructed and in daily life. Abnormal insula activation during positive upregulation suggests decreased monitoring of positive emotions. The relation between inadequate rumination and brain activity during emotion regulation suggests that regulation of both positive and negative affect is important in understanding neurocognitive underpinnings of resilience

    Effectiveness of Emotional Memory Reactivation vs Control Memory Reactivation Before Electroconvulsive Therapy in Adult Patients With Depressive Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial:A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: Although electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is often effective, approximately half of patients with depression undergoing ECT do not benefit sufficiently, and relapse rates are high. ECT sessions have been shown to weaken reactivated memories. The effect of emotional memory retrieval on cognitive schemas remains unknown. Objective: To assess whether emotional memory retrieval just before patients receive ECT sessions weakens underlying cognitive schemas, improves ECT effectiveness, increases ECT response, and reduces relapse rates. Design, Setting, and Participants: In this multicenter randomized clinical trial conducted from 2014 to 2018 in the departments of psychiatry in 3 hospitals in the Netherlands, 72 participants were randomized 1:1 to 2 parallel groups to receive either emotional memory reactivation (EMR-ECT) or control memory reactivation (CMR-ECT) interventions before ECT sessions. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS [total score range: 0-52, with 0-7 indicating no depression and ≥24 indicating severe depression]) was used to measure symptoms of depression during and after ECT, with a 6-month follow-up period. Participants were between ages 18 and 70 years with a primary diagnosis of unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition, Text Revision) and in whom ECT was indicated. Data analysis was performed from July to November 2019. Interventions: EMR-ECT or CMR-ECT interventions prior to ECT sessions. Main Outcomes and Measures: Depression scores and relapse rates within 6 months were assessed with the HDRS and analyzed using logistic and linear multiple regression analyses. Results: A total of 66 patients (mean [SD] age, 49.3 [12.3] years; 39 [59.1%] women) were randomized to the EMR-ECT group (n = 32) or the CMR-ECT group (n = 34). Regardless of the memory intervention, 42.4% (28 of 66) of patients responded (≥50% decrease of symptom severity on the HDRS). Of patients who responded, 39.3% (11 of 28) relapsed within 6 months. Remission rates (CMR-ECT group, 29.4% [10 of 34] vs EMR-ECT group, 25.0% [8 of 32]; P = .58), mean (SD) HDRS scores after the ECT course (CMR-ECT group, 14.6 [8.6] vs EMR-ECT group, 14.9 [8.8]; P = .88), total mean (SD) number of required ECT sessions for response (CMR-ECT group, 14.9 [7.9] vs EMR-ECT group, 15.6 [7.3]; P = .39), and relapse rates (CMR-ECT group, 46.7% [7 of 15] vs EMR-ECT group, 30.8% [4 of 13]; P = .33) were not significantly altered by the intervention. Conclusions and Relevance: Study findings suggest that the EMR-ECT intervention just before patient receipt of ECT for depression did not improve effectiveness, increase speed of response, or reduce relapse rates after the ECT course compared with patients receiving CMR-ECT. Trial Registration: Trialregister.nl Identifier: NL4289

    Antidepressants are frequently prescribed but still critized; a perspective on causes and solutions

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    BACKGROUND: From around 1980, antidepressants (ad) have increasingly been prescribed, for longer periods of time, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssris). Paradoxically, their effectiveness is still doubted, especially outside the psychiatric profession.&lt;br/&gt; AIM: To explain increase and offer a perspective on causes and solutions, and to indicate how to reach consensus.&lt;br/&gt; METHOD: Position paper with critical analysis and synthesis of relevant literature.&lt;br/&gt; RESULTS: The rise in AD prescriptions results from: 1. increased safety and ease of prescribing, 2. increased presentation and recognition of depression in primary care, 3. extension of indication criteria, 4. effective marketing strategies, and 5. effectiveness in acute phase (aad) and of relapse/recurrence prevention in continuation/maintenance phases (coad).Critics point to: 1. low added value of aad relative to placebo, 2. many drop-outs and non-responders, 3. relapse/recurrence prevention with coad works only for responders to aad, 4. relapse/recurrence after AD discontinuation often involves withdrawal symptoms, and 5. publication bias, selective reporting, selective patient selection, and suboptimal blinding, resulting in overestimated effectiveness and underestimated disadvantages.Factors that keep fueling the controversy are: 1. critics stress the net effectiveness of AD whereas proponents point at gross effectiveness which includes spontaneous recovery and placebo effect; 2. persistence of distrust in industry-funded rcts; 3. ideological positions, reinforced by conflicts of interest and selective citations; 4. lack of rcts with relevant long-term outcome measurements.&lt;br/&gt; CONCLUSION: Although consensus is difficult to achieve given the ideological component, there are options. Three factors are critically important: confer to establish which data convince the opposition, response prediction (what works for whom), and rcts with long-term functional outcomes.</p

    Gender differences in the implementation of school-based assessment in a Malaysian state

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    This study aims to identify the differences in assessment knowledge, school support, teacher readiness, teacher skills and challenges faced by male and female Grade 8 teachers who are involved in implementing School-Based Assessment (SBA) and the interrelationship among these five factors. In addition, this study explores the teachers’ views with regards to these five factors.This study uses a quantitative questionnaire designed by the researchers, and a total of 243 Grade 8 teachers answered the questionnaire.Qualitative data was then collected via semi-structured interviews which were conducted with 20 teachers. The findings show that male teachers are more ready to implement SBA compared to female teachers.Compared to the female teachers, the male teachers view school support as more important. In terms of knowledge, skills and challenges towards the implementation of SBA, there are no gender differences. The findings also show that there exist significant relationships among the five factors except between school support and challenges faced in SBA.Although male and female teachers share many similar views, the predominant view among female teachers when compared to the male teachers is that many challenges and issues need to be addressed in the implementation of SBA. The findings from the interviews also suggest that male teachers are more willing to accept changes when compared to the female teachers.This study has implications for the implementation of SBA in Malaysia because 63% of the teachers implementing SBA are females

    Assessing the effectiveness of Enhanced Psychological Care for patients with depressive symptoms attending cardiac rehabilitation compared with treatment as usual (CADENCE): A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: Around 17% of people attending UK cardiac rehabilitation programmes have depression. Optimising psychological wellbeing is a rehabilitation goal, but provision of psychological care is limited. We developed and piloted an Enhanced Psychological Care (EPC) intervention embedded within cardiac rehabilitation, aiming to test key areas of uncertainty to inform the design of a definitive randomised controlled trial (RCT) and economic evaluation. Methods: An external pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) randomised eight cardiac rehabilitation teams (clusters) to either usual care of cardiac rehabilitation provision (UC), or EPC in addition to UC. EPC comprised mental health care coordination and patient-led behavioural activation with nurse support. Adults eligible for cardiac rehabilitation following an acute coronary syndrome and identified with new-onset depressive symptoms during an initial nurse assessment were eligible. Measures were performed at baseline and 5- and 8-month follow-ups and compared between EPC and UC. Team and participant recruitment and retention rates, and participant outcomes (clinical events, depression, anxiety, health-related quality of life, patient experiences, and resource use) were assessed. Results: Eight out of twenty teams were recruited and randomised. Of 614 patients screened, 55 were eligible and 29 took part (5%, 95% CI 3 to 7% of those screened), with 15 patient participants cluster randomised to EPC and 14 to UC. Nurse records revealed that 8/15 participants received the maximum number of EPC sessions offered; and 4/15 received no sessions. Seven out of fifteen EPC participants were referred to another NHS psychological service compared to none in UC. We followed up 27/29 participants at 5 months and 17/21 at 8 months. The mean difference (EPC minus UC) in depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory) at follow-up (adjusting for baseline score) was 1.7 (95% CI - 3.8 to 7.3; N = 26) at 5 months and 4.4 (95% CI - 1.4 to 10.2; N = 17) at 8 months. Discussion: While valued by patients and nurses, organisational and workload constraints are significant barriers to EPC implementation. There remains a need to develop and test new models of psychological care within cardiac rehabilitation. Our study offers important data to inform the design of future trials of similar interventions