169 research outputs found

    Expressões de análise de sensibilidade em problemas elásticos

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    Neste trabalho, desenvolvem-se as expressões continuas de análise de sensibilidade em problemas elásticos lineares. Consideram-se variáveis relacionadas a parâmetros discretos e de forma do problema estrutural. Aspectos da implementação das classes em C ++ são discutidos. Por fim, apresentam-se exemplos de otimização de espessura e forma em domínios bidimensionais como aplicações dos métodos descritos.Peer Reviewe

    Identificação de tensores ambientais nos ecossistemas aquáticos da área de proteção ambiental (APA) da Baixada Maranhense.

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    Os tensores ambientais são definidos como qualquer fator que retire energia dos organismos e restrinja qualquer etapa de seu desenvolvimento causando um desequilíbrio no ambiente. Estes tensores, se bem definidos, podem ser utilizados no monitoramento de mudanças ecológicas e alterações hídricas constituindo-se um importante elemento na gestão dos recursos hídricos de uma região. A Baixada Maranhense, um complexo ecossistema alterado semestralmente pelo ciclo de chuvas, tem sido bastante alterado em função de elementos externos inseridos ao longo do tempo. Deste modo, o presente trabalho buscou por meio da etnoecologia identificar e descrever os principais tensores que atuam na região lacustre de Penalva. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstram que maior parte dos impactos são de origem antrópica, entretanto atuam no ambiente tanto negativamente quanto positivamente

    High-fidelity simulation versus case-based discussion for teaching medical students in Brazil about pediatric emergencies

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare high-fidelity simulation with case-based discussion for teaching medical students about pediatric emergencies, as assessed by a knowledge post-test, a knowledge retention test and a survey of satisfaction with the method. METHODS: This was a non-randomized controlled study using a crossover design for the methods, as well as multiple-choice questionnaire tests and a satisfaction survey. Final-year medical students were allocated into two groups: group 1 participated in an anaphylaxis simulation and a discussion of a supraventricular tachycardia case, and conversely, group 2 participated in a discussion of an anaphylaxis case and a supraventricular tachycardia simulation. Students were tested on each theme at the end of their rotation (post-test) and 4-6 months later (retention test). RESULTS: Most students (108, or 66.3%) completed all of the tests. The mean scores for simulation versus case-based discussion were respectively 43.6% versus 46.6% for the anaphylaxis pre-test (p=0.42), 63.5% versus 67.8% for the post-test (p=0.13) and 61.5% versus 65.5% for the retention test (p=0.19). Additionally, the mean scores were respectively 33.9% versus 31.6% for the supraventricular tachycardia pre-test (p=0.44), 42.5% versus 47.7% for the post-test (p=0.09) and 41.5% versus 39.5% for the retention test (p=0.47). For both themes, there was improvement between the pre-test and the post-test (p;0.05). Moreover, the satisfaction survey revealed a preference for simulation (

    Desenvolvimento de Khaya ivorensis a. chev (mogno-africano) sob diferentes espaçamentos de plantio.

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    CAPES e CNPq.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o crescimento, produtividade de madeira por hectare e sobrevivência em cultivos de Khaya ivorensis com espaçamentos diferentes, no município de Igarapé-Açu, mesorregião nordeste paraense, na propriedade Fattoria Piave. O primeiro capítulo objetivou um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o cultivo da espécie no Brasil e no mundo, para subsidiar as discussões dos artigos subsequentes. O segundo capítulo teve como objetivo comparar o crescimento, produtividade e sobrevivência em cultivos de Khaya ivorensis em 3 espaçamentos diferentes, denominados tratamentos T1 (5 x 3 m), T2 (4 x 4 m) e T3 (5 x 5 m). Foram realizadas avaliações dendrométricas de altura total e diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) em árvores aleatorizadas, observando a sobrevivência. Estatisticamente foi aplicada análise univariada em subparcelas (teste F) em função do tempo para se analisar esses 3 tratamentos, e suas interações nas idades.As médias de altura total, DAP e volume por árvore foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05) para se verificar se os espaçamentos diferiram em função do tempo. A sobrevivência nos tratamentos T1, T2 e T3, foram obtidas através da recontagem de cada plantio. Na comparação entre as médias, a altura nas árvores que apresentavam 4 e 7 anos de idade no T1 diferiu dos tratamentos T2 e T3. No que tange ao DAP aos 7 anos, registrou-se o maior DAP no T3. Com base na volumetria por árvore, no número de árvore/ha, obtidos para os 3 espaçamentos aos 7 anos de idade, foram 132,38 m³/ha no tratamento T1, 98,49 m³/ha no T2 e 130,06 m³/ha no T3. A taxa de sobrevivência das plantas no foi maior no tratamento T3 (86,3%), seguido por T2 (85,8%) e T1 (80,02%). Concluiu-se que o espaçamento influenciou no desenvolvimento das árvores de Khaya ivorensis, e o espaçamento 5x5 apresentou melhor crescimento das árvores, com maior percentual de sobrevivência, volumetria por planta e por hectare demonstrando maior viabilidade técnica e econômica entre os avaliados. O terceiro capítulo objetivou analisar o crescimento, a produtividade e a sobrevivência de um cultivo de Khaya ivorensis, no espaçamento 6 x 6 m em triângulo, durante 7 anos de idade. A coleta dos dados dendrométricos e de sobrevivência, foi realizada anualmente em 4 unidades amostrais fixas pelo período de 7 anos. Foram calculados o volume por hectare de madeira de fuste e os referentes Incrementos Correntes e Médios Anuais. A análise dos dados foi realizada através de ANOVA GLM, para melhor estudar as médias e as tendências de crescimento para as diferentes variáveis estudadas. Como resultados foi possível observar o satisfatório crescimento nas alturas total e de fuste, semelhantes a outros cultivos registrados na bibliografia sobre a espécie, com maiores densidades de povoamento. Para a variável DAP foi relatado um crescimento superior ao encontrado em cultivos com densidades maiores, exceto quando comparados à cultivos irrigados. A produtividade calculada atingiu ao 7° ano 51,38 m³/ha, com incrementos corrente e médio crescentes até o 6° ano de plantio e a sobrevivência calculada atingiu média de 86%. Contudo concluiu-se que o plantio desta espécie em espaçamento amplo apresenta crescimento em alturas e DAP satisfatórios, exceto quando atacados por pragas que afetam a brotação apical, atingindo produtividade similar à obtida em cultivos com a espécie em densidades maiores e em comparação com outras espécies nobres em espaçamento mais curto. A sobrevivência foi satisfatória, e grande parte da mortalidade relatada ocorreu devido à fatores não relacionados ao espaçamento.The objective of this study was to compare the growth, wood productivity per hectare and survival in Khaya ivorensis crops with different spacing, in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu, in the northeast region of Pará, on the Fattoria Piave property. The first chapter aimed at a bibliographic survey on the cultivation of the species in Brazil and in the world, to support the discussions of subsequent articles. The second chapter aimed to compare the growth, productivity and survival in Khaya ivorensis crops in 3 different spacing, called treatments T1 (5 x 3 m), T2 (4 x 4 m) and T3 (5 x 5 m). Dendrometric evaluations of total height and diameter at breast height (DAP) were performed on randomized trees, observing survival. Statistically, univariate analysis in subplots (F test) was applied as a function of time to analyze these 3 treatments, and their interactions in the ages. The averages of total height, DBH and volume per tree were compared using the Tukey test (p <0, 05) to verify whether the spacing differed as a function of time. Survival in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were obtained by recounting each planting. When comparing the averages, the height of trees that were 4 and 7 years old at T1 differed from treatments T2 and T3. Regarding the DAP at 7 years old, the highest DAP was registered in T3. Based on the volumetry per tree, the number of trees / ha, obtained for the 3 spacings at 7 years of age, were 132.38 m³ / ha in treatment T1, 98.49 m³ / ha in T2 and 130.06 m³ / ha in T3. The plant survival rate was not higher in treatment T3 (86.3%), followed by T2 (85.8%) and T1 (80.02%). It was concluded that the spacing influenced the development of Khaya ivorensis trees, and the 5x5 spacing showed better tree growth, with a higher percentage of survival, volumetry per plant and per hectare, demonstrating greater technical and economic viability among those evaluated. The third chapter aimed to analyze the growth, productivity and survival of a cultivation of Khaya ivorensis, in the 6 x 6 m spacing in a triangle, for 7 years of age. The collection of dendrometric and survival data was carried out annually in 4 fixed sample units for a period of 7 years. The volume per hectare of stem wood and the corresponding Current and Average Annual Increments were calculated. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA GLM, to better study the averages and growth trends for the different variables studied. As a result, it was possible to observe the satisfactory growth in the total and bole heights, similar to other crops registered in the bibliography about the species, with higher densities of population. For the DAP variable, a higher growth than that found in crops with higher densities was reported, except when compared to irrigated crops. The calculated productivity reached 51.38 m³ / ha in the 7th year, with current and average increasing increments until the 6th year of planting and the calculated survival reached an average of 86%. However, it was concluded that the planting of this species in wide spacing shows growth at satisfactory heights and DBH, except when attacked by pests that affect apical sprouting, reaching productivity similar to that obtained in crops with the species in higher densities and in comparison with other species noble in shorter spacing. Survival was satisfactory, and much of the reported mortality occurred due to factors unrelated to spacing

    RAGE against the glycation machine in synucleinopathies : time to explore new questions

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    Oligomerization and aggregation of misfolded forms of α-synuclein are believed to be key molecular mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other synucleinopathies, so extensive research has attempted to understand these processes. Among diverse post-translational modifications that impact α-synuclein aggregation, glycation may take place at several lysine sites and modify α-synuclein oligomerization, toxicity, and clearance. The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is considered a key regulator of chronic neuroinflammation through microglial activation in response to advanced glycation end products, such as carboxy-ethyl-lysine, or carboxy-methyl-lysine. The presence of RAGE in the midbrain of PD patients has been reported in the last decades and this receptor was proposed to have a role in sustaining PD neuroinflammation. However, different PD animal models demonstrated that RAGE is preferentially expressed in neurons and astrocytes, while recent evidence demonstrated that fibrillar, non-glycated α-synuclein binds to RAGE. Here, we summarize the available data on α-synuclein glycation and RAGE in the context of PD, and discuss about the questions yet to be answered that may increase our understanding of the molecular bases of PD and synucleinopathies

    Protocols for the Equitable Assessment of Marine Energy Converters

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    This book contains the suite of protocols for the equitable evaluation of marine energy converters (based on either tidal or wave energy) produced by the EquiMar consortium led by the University of Edinburgh. These protocols aim to harmonise testing and evaluation procedures across the wide variety of devices presently available with the aim of accelerating adoption though technology matching and improved understanding of the environmental and economic impacts associated with the deployment of arrays of devices. EquiMar will assess devices through a suite of protocols covering site selection, device engineering design, the scaling up of designs, the deployment of arrays of devices, the environmental impact, in terms of both biological & coastal processes, and economic issues. The series of protocols has been developed through a robust, auditable process and we hope they will provide a firm foundation for project developers, consenting agencies, project funders and technology developers to evaluate concepts

    O funcionamento masoquista na relação terapêutica

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    Pacientes com funcionamento masoquista representam um dos desafios terapêuticos mais difíceis durante a psicoterapia psicodinâmica. O comportamento masoquista pode dominar o campo analítico e causar forte resistência ao progresso do tratamento. Essa resistência pode aparecer tanto nas reações transferenciais do paciente quanto nas reações contratransferenciais e nos enactments do terapeuta. Este trabalho detalha as principais dificuldades na relação terapêutica com pacientes de funcionamento masoquista, ilustradas com material clínico, e revisa os principais cuidados que se devem ter na técnica da psicoterapia de orientação analítica durante o tratamento desses pacientes.Patients with a masochistic expression represent one of the most difficult therapeutic challenges during psychodynamic psychotherapy. The masochistic behavior can dominate the analytical field and cause strong resistance to treatment progress. This resistance can appear in the transferential reactions of the patient as well as in the countertransferential reactions and in the therapist's enactments. This paper details the main difficulties in the therapeutic relationship with patients with a masochistic expression illustrated in clinical material, and reviews the major precautions that should be taken in the technique of psychodynamic psychotherapy for the treatment of these patients

    Microinjection of GABAergic agents into the anterior nucleus of the thalamus modulates pilocarpine-induced seizures and status epilepticus

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    The anterior nucleus of the thalamus (AN) has been suggested as a potential target for seizure modulation in animal models and patients with refractory epilepsy. We investigate whether microinjections of GABAergic agonists into the AN were protective against pilocarpine-induced generalized seizures and status epilepticus (SE). Rats were treated with bilateral AN injections of muscimol (160 or 80 nmol), bicuculline (15 nmol), or saline (controls) 20 min prior to pilocarpine administration (350 mg/kg i.p.). Electrographic recordings were used to confirm seizure activity. We found that pretreatment with AN muscimol 160 nmol increased the latency to seizures and SE by 2.5-3.0-fold. This dose however was associated with side effects, particularly hypotonia. AN bicuculline was proconvulsant, whereas no major effect was observed after muscimol 80 nmol injections. the percentage of animals that developed SE was similar across groups. Overall, microinjection of high doses of muscimol into the AN delayed the occurrence of pilocarpine-induced seizures and SE but was not able to prevent these events. (C) 2010 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Toronto Western Hosp, Div Neurosurg, Toronto, ON M5T 2S8, CanadaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Physiol, São Paulo, BrazilToronto Western Hosp, Div Neurol, Toronto, ON M5T 2S8, CanadaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychobiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Physiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychobiol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Nomenclature and Comparative Morphology of the Teneurin/TCAP/ADGRL Protein Families

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    The teneurins are a family of glycosylated type II transmembrane proteins synthesized in several tissue from both vertebrate and invertebrate species. These proteins interact with the latrophilins, a group of adhesion G protein-coupled receptors. Both teneurins and latrophilins may have been acquired by choanoflagellates through horizontal gene transfer from a toxin-target system present in prokaryotes. Teneurins are highly conserved in eukaryotes, with four paralogs (TEN1, TEN2, TEN3, and TEN4) in most vertebrates playing a role in the normal neural development, axonal guiding, synapse formation and synaptic maintenance. In this review, we summarize the main findings concerning the distribution and morphology of the teneurins and latrophilins, both during development and in adult animals. We also briefly discuss the current knowledge in the distribution of the teneurin C-terminal associated protein (TCAP), a peptidergic sequence at the terminal portion of teneurins that may be independently processed and secreted. Through the analysis of anatomical data, we draw parallels to the evolution of those proteins and the increasing complexity of this system, which mirrors the increase in metazoan sensory complexity. This review underscores the need for further studies investigating the distribution of teneurins and latrophilins and the use of different animal models