119 research outputs found

    Estimate of blow-up and relaxation time for self-gravitating Brownian particles and bacterial populations

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    We determine an asymptotic expression of the blow-up time t_coll for self-gravitating Brownian particles or bacterial populations (chemotaxis) close to the critical point. We show that t_coll=t_{*}(eta-eta_c)^{-1/2} with t_{*}=0.91767702..., where eta represents the inverse temperature (for Brownian particles) or the mass (for bacterial colonies), and eta_c is the critical value of eta above which the system blows up. This result is in perfect agreement with the numerical solution of the Smoluchowski-Poisson system. We also determine the asymptotic expression of the relaxation time close but above the critical temperature and derive a large time asymptotic expansion for the density profile exactly at the critical point

    Critical dynamics of self-gravitating Langevin particles and bacterial populations

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    We study the critical dynamics of the generalized Smoluchowski-Poisson system (for self-gravitating Langevin particles) or generalized Keller-Segel model (for the chemotaxis of bacterial populations). These models [Chavanis & Sire, PRE, 69, 016116 (2004)] are based on generalized stochastic processes leading to the Tsallis statistics. The equilibrium states correspond to polytropic configurations with index nn similar to polytropic stars in astrophysics. At the critical index n3=d/(d−2)n_{3}=d/(d-2) (where d≄2d\ge 2 is the dimension of space), there exists a critical temperature Θc\Theta_{c} (for a given mass) or a critical mass McM_{c} (for a given temperature). For Θ>Θc\Theta>\Theta_{c} or M<McM<M_{c} the system tends to an incomplete polytrope confined by the box (in a bounded domain) or evaporates (in an unbounded domain). For Θ<Θc\Theta<\Theta_{c} or M>McM>M_{c} the system collapses and forms, in a finite time, a Dirac peak containing a finite fraction McM_c of the total mass surrounded by a halo. This study extends the critical dynamics of the ordinary Smoluchowski-Poisson system and Keller-Segel model in d=2d=2 corresponding to isothermal configurations with n3→+∞n_{3}\to +\infty. We also stress the analogy between the limiting mass of white dwarf stars (Chandrasekhar's limit) and the critical mass of bacterial populations in the generalized Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis

    Continuous dependence estimates for nonlinear fractional convection-diffusion equations

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    We develop a general framework for finding error estimates for convection-diffusion equations with nonlocal, nonlinear, and possibly degenerate diffusion terms. The equations are nonlocal because they involve fractional diffusion operators that are generators of pure jump Levy processes (e.g. the fractional Laplacian). As an application, we derive continuous dependence estimates on the nonlinearities and on the Levy measure of the diffusion term. Estimates of the rates of convergence for general nonlinear nonlocal vanishing viscosity approximations of scalar conservation laws then follow as a corollary. Our results both cover, and extend to new equations, a large part of the known error estimates in the literature.Comment: In this version we have corrected Example 3.4 explaining the link with the results in [51,59

    Some Applications of Fractional Equations

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    We present two observations related to theapplication of linear (LFE) and nonlinear fractional equations (NFE). First, we give the comparison and estimates of the role of the fractional derivative term to the normal diffusion term in a LFE. The transition of the solution from normal to anomalous transport is demonstrated and the dominant role of the power tails in the long time asymptotics is shown. Second, wave propagation or kinetics in a nonlinear media with fractal properties is considered. A corresponding fractional generalization of the Ginzburg-Landau and nonlinear Schrodinger equations is proposed.Comment: 11 page

    Finite-time blowup in a supercritical quasilinear parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system in dimension 2

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    In this paper we prove finite-time blowup of radially symmetric solutions to the quasilinear parabolic-parabolic two-dimensional Keller-Segel system for any positive mass. This is done in case of nonlinear diffusion and also in the case of nonlinear cross-diffusion provided the nonlinear chemosensitivity term is assumed not to decay. Moreover, it is shown that the above-mentioned lack of non-decay assumption is essential with respect to keeping the dichotomy finite-time blowup against boundedness of solutions. Namely, we prove that without the non-decay assumption possible asymptotic behaviour of solutions includes also infinite-time blowup.Comment: 14 page

    Competence and Professional Skills in Training Future Specialists in the Field of Physical Education and Sports

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    The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to understand the further strategy of improving the training of physical education and sports specialists. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of correlation between the notions of “competence” and “professional skill” in the context of the formation of a specialist in the field of physical education and sports. The study of the relationship between the notions of “competence” and “professional skill” was conducted on the basis of an array of special literature on the competent approach to training of physical education and sports specialists, including more than 200 sources published in different countries. The article analyses negative trends in the content of training future specialists in the system of higher professional physical education based on a competence approach. The acme-culturological approach for improving the professional training of future specialists is proposed and tested, the stages of formation of professional skills of future specialists in the training process are presented. There is a need to focus on the identified features of professional training of young people to professions in the field of physical education and sports. The proposed system of professional training of future specialists of physical education and sports on acme-culturological bases directs teachers to improve the quality of training graduates in their future professional activities

    Anomalous diffusion and collapse of self-gravitating Langevin particles in D dimensions

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    We address the generalized thermodynamics and the collapse of a system of self-gravitating Langevin particles exhibiting anomalous diffusion in a space of dimension D. The equilibrium states correspond to polytropic distributions. The index n of the polytrope is related to the exponent of anomalous diffusion. We consider a high-friction limit and reduce the problem to the study of the nonlinear Smoluchowski-Poisson system. We show that the associated Lyapunov functional is the Tsallis free energy. We discuss in detail the equilibrium phase diagram of self-gravitating polytropes as a function of D and n and determine their stability by using turning points arguments and analytical methods. When no equilibrium state exists, we investigate self-similar solutions describing the collapse. These results can be relevant for astrophysical systems, two-dimensional vortices and for the chemotaxis of bacterial populations. Above all, this model constitutes a prototypical dynamical model of systems with long-range interactions which possesses a rich structure and which can be studied in great detail.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamics of self-gravitating systems

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    Self-gravitating systems are expected to reach a statistical equilibrium state either through collisional relaxation or violent collisionless relaxation. However, a maximum entropy state does not always exist and the system may undergo a ``gravothermal catastrophe'': it can achieve ever increasing values of entropy by developing a dense and hot ``core'' surrounded by a low density ``halo''. In this paper, we study the phase transition between ``equilibrium'' states and ``collapsed'' states with the aid of a simple relaxation equation [Chavanis, Sommeria and Robert, Astrophys. J. 471, 385 (1996)] constructed so as to increase entropy with an optimal rate while conserving mass and energy. With this numerical algorithm, we can cover the whole bifurcation diagram in parameter space and check, by an independent method, the stability limits of Katz [Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 183, 765 (1978)] and Padmanabhan [Astrophys. J. Supp. 71, 651 (1989)]. When no equilibrium state exists, our relaxation equation develops a self-similar collapse leading to a finite time singularity.Comment: 54 pages. 25 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A study of blow-ups in the Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis

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    We study the Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis and develop a composite particle-grid numerical method with adaptive time stepping which allows us to accurately resolve singular solutions. The numerical findings (in two dimensions) are then compared with analytical predictions regarding formation and interaction of singularities obtained via analysis of the stochastic differential equations associated with the Keller-Segel model
