67 research outputs found

    The influence of technologies on labor safety in animal breeding

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    Since the beginning of the human species, life on earth was dependent on technology. With the development of civilization created a permanent arrangement: a man – technical object – environment, which over the centuries was supplemented knowledge and skills of man and the “technical novelties”. He generates a threat that could be dangerous to humans. Modern construction gives a person more complicated, yet perfect technical facilities, which require it to increasing efficiency. As part of the technical progress is introduced into the production of new building structures, new types of machinery, equipment and tools that change working conditions and human existence. For the new working conditions are not detrimental to humans, it becomes necessary to take into account the new safe technique physiological and psychological characteristics of man. Against this background emerges the need to harmonize man with technique and with the environment and the rational protection of the life and health against potential dangers and hazards occurring in the environment, including in the workplace. There is therefore a need to know the rules, norms values, formulas, or ways of dealing with the scope of the development of good working conditions are safe for humans and the environment. The article describes the impact of technology on safety and labor protection in animal breeding. Ensuring the safety and health of the employee involves compliance with the requirements of legal standards (industry, national) regarding system elements: man – technical object – environment, using EU directives, as well as international rules and world achievements in science and technology, the location of the national (institutional) system of labor protection in such a way as to ensure the state of physical and mental well-being of the employee

    Vasoconsrictive and vasodilatative imbalance at experimental fecal peritonitis

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    Peritonitis problem today one of the most urgent issues in the field of clinical pathological physiology and abdominal surgery. According to various data, mortality in peritonitis is 18.3 - 62.8%. Endothelial dysfunction is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in patients after postponed peritonitis. The aim of the study – investigation of vasoconstrictive and vasodilatative potential in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis and its correction. It has been proved that experimental fecal peritonitis development pathologically affects the vessels functional state at each of the research stages. It's established weakening of the vasodilatative process on the background of peritonitis development, as evidenced by a decrease in the content of S-nitrosothiols. Result of this work has been proved that in peritonitis pathogenesis the vasoconstrictor potential of the vessels is significantly increased, as evidenced by a significant increase in endothelin-1 in animals that have been modeled by fecal peritonitis. Nitric oxide donor efficiency has been proved as part of complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication. The most pronounced positive effect was detected at the 21st day, which indicates the expediency of long-term use of L-arginine as a remedy for correction

    Research of effects by donators nitrogen of oxygen in complex therapy during experimental peritonitis

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    The research was conducted on 175 white rats of reproductive age (3 months), weight of animals - 180-220 g. Animals were divided into 4 groups:Group 1 - 20 intact animals. Group 2 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis.Group 3 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction and debridement by chlorhexidine solution. Group 4 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction, chlorhexidine debridement and endothelial dysfunction  correction with the use of a nitric oxide donor.Fecal peritonitis was modeled using injection of 10% fecal suspension in a dose of 0.5 ml per100 gof animal weight in the abdominal cavity of laboratory animals by puncture method (Lazarenko V.A., et al., 2016, patent No. 233826).The following results were obtained.Histologically confirmed the development of experimental peritonitis in all groups of the experiment. In the group №2 on the third day the deterioration of the studied structures was established. In the group in which the experimental peritonitis was corrected by antibiotic therapy and chlorhexidine remediation, the effectiveness of the correction was morphologically proven. In group 4, macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the intestine, liver, and abdomen did not reveal significant differences from the histological picture we observed in rats of the intact group

    Основні моделі фінансування церков і релігійних організацій у країнах Європейського Союзу

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    Білаш О. В. Основні моделі фінансування церков і релігійних організацій у країнах Європейського Союзу / О. В. Білаш // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.) Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОН України; НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2014. – Вип. 73. – С. 172-178.У статті автор розглянув досвід і практику, кваліфікував основні моделі фінансування церков і релігійних організацій у більшості країн Європейського Союзу. У межах представленої системи автор виокремлює декілька способів фінансування церков своїми віруючими та аналізує участь держави у фінансуванні релігійних установ


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    The aim of the work – to carry out an in-depth review of the organizational-legal, personnel and educational and methodological support for the process of training specialists in the field of knowledge 22 “Health” at the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy in 2017.The main body. The article summarizes the results of self-analysis of organizational, law, personnel, educational and methodical framework in the process of training specialists in the field of knowledge 22 “Healthcare” at the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy over the period of  2017. The Academy’s achievements during the above-stated period have been represented. The conclusions delineate the priority tasks, aimed at enhancing the personnel, educational and methodical framework and, as a result, the competitive ability of the Academy.Conclusion. Conducted self-examination of organizational, legal, personnel and teaching methods for the training of specialists in the field of knowledge 22 “Health” at the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy for 2017 showed that this provision is in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, testifies to the effective management of direction and the effectiveness of management decisions.Мета роботи – провести самоаналіз організаційно-правового, кадрового та навчально-методичного забезпечення процесу підготовки фахівців галузі знань 22 “Охорона здоровʼя” у ВДНЗУ “УМСА” у 2017 році.Основна частина. Узагальнено результати самоаналізу організаційно-правового, кадрового і навчально-методичного забезпечення процесу підготовки фахівців галузі знань 22 “Охорона здоровʼя” у ВДНЗУ “УМСА” за 2017 рік. Продемонстровано позитивні результати освітньої діяльності академії протягом вказаного періоду. Визначено першочергові завдання, спрямовані на покращення кадрового і навчально-методичного забезпечення освітнього процесу та, як наслідок, конкурентоспроможності академії.Висновок. Проведений самоаналіз організаційно-правового, кадрового і навчально-методичного забезпечення процесу підготовки фахівців галузі знань 22 “Охорона здоровʼя” у ВДНЗУ “УМСА” за 2017 рік засвідчив, що це забезпечення відповідає чинному законодавству України, свідчить про ефективний менеджмент керівництва та ефективність управлінських рішень


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    The paper deals with idea that the implementation of strategic objectives of national higher medical education is rendered possible by formation of learning environment at higher educational institutions, which not only promotes the training activity at the modern level, but also stimulates all the participants for active professional and personal enhancement. The learning environment and the results of training activity at Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy” in 2016 have been presented and characterized.Обґрунтовується думка, що реалізація стратегічних цілей національної вищої медичної освіти уможливлюється шляхом створення у вищих медичних навчальних закладах освітнього середовища, яке не лише забезпечує провадження освітньої діяльності на сучасному рівні, але й стимулює усіх учасників навчально-виховного процесу до активності, професійного та особистісного зростання. Схарактеризовано освітнє середовище та викладено результати освітньої діяльності ВДНЗ України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія» за 2016 рік