25 research outputs found

    Kuluttajariitalautakuntamenettelystä aiheutuvat kustannukset ja ratkaisusuositusten vaikuttavuus

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    Kuluttajariitalautakunta on käsiteltyjen asioiden lukumäärällä mitattuna tärkein tuomioistuinten ulkopuolinen riidanratkaisuelin ja vähäisen intressin asioissa usein ainoa mahdollinen oikeusturvatie kuluttajille. Tästä huolimatta kuluttajariitalautakuntaa koskevaa tuoretta tutkimustietoa menettelyn kustannuksista ja vaikutuksista on niukasti. Tässä tutkimuksessa on lainoppia ja empiiristä oikeustutkimusta yhdistäen selvitetty kuluttajariitalautakuntamenettelystä aiheutuvia asianosaisten käsittelykustannuksia. Toiseksi tutkimuksessa on selvitetty kuluttajariitalautakunnan asemaa oikeussuojaa tuottavana riidanratkaisuelimenä erityisesti lautakuntapäätösten tosiasiallisen vaikuttavuuden kautta. Mittareina vaikuttavuuden tutkimisessa on käytetty lautakunnassa käsiteltyjen asioiden käsittelyaikaa, päätösten noudattamisastetta, ratkaistun riidan lopullisuutta sekä asianosaisten kokemuksia menettelystä. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä on koottu 354 kuluttajariitalautakunnan ratkaisusuositusta käsittävä tapausaineisto tutkimusotokseen kuuluvista asiaryhmistä. Otos on rajattu asunto-, ajoneuvo- ja eläinkaupan asiaryhmiin. Lisäksi tapausaineistoon valikoituneiden tapausten asianosaisille on toteutettu kyselytutkimus, joka saavutti 166 lautakunnassa asioinutta. Kyselyssä asianosaisilta tiedusteltiin muun muassa aiheutuneita käsittelykuluja, päätösten noudattamista ja kokemuksia lautakuntamenettelystä. Käsittelykulujen osalta tutkimuksen keskeisin havainto on, että kuluttajariitalautakunta on säilyttänyt asemansa käsittelykuluiltaan edullisena riidanratkaisumenettelynä asianosaisten kannalta. Toiseksi tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että lautakunnassa käsiteltyjen riita-asioiden intressit ovat kasvaneet merkittävästi aiempiin lautakunnasta tehtyihin tutkimuksiin verrattuna. Asioiden luonteen puolesta lautakuntamenettely on lähentynyt jossain määrin tuomioistuinmenettelyä, sillä yhä useampi lautakunnassa asioinut turvautuu menettelyssä oikeudelliseen avustajaan. Vaikuttavuuden osalta tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kuluttajariitalautakunnan ratkaisut ovat vaikuttavuudeltaan tehokkaita. Lautakunnalle saatetut riidat jatkuvat muussa riidanratkaisumenettelyssä vain harvoin, ja lautakunnan antamia ratkaisusuosituksia noudatetaan pääosin hyvin. Ratkaisujen vaikuttavuutta heikentää kuitenkin eniten lautakunnan pitkät käsittelyajat

    Description and evaluation of a secondary organic aerosol and new particle formation scheme within TM5-MP v1.2

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    We have implemented and evaluated a secondary organic aerosol scheme within the chemistry transport model TM5-MP in this work. In earlier versions of TM5-MP the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) was emitted as Aitken-sized particle mass emulating the condensation. In the current scheme we simulate the formation of secondary organic aerosol from oxidation of isoprene and monoterpenes by ozone and hydroxyl radicals, which produce semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and extremely low-volatility compounds (EVOCs). Subsequently, SVOCs and ELVOCs can condense on particles. Furthermore, we have introduced a new particle formation mechanism depending on the concentration of ELVOCs. For evaluation purposes, we have simulated the year 2010 with the old and new scheme; we see an increase in simulated production of SOA from 39.9 Tg yr(-1) with the old scheme to 52.5 Tg yr(-1) with the new scheme. For more detailed analysis, the particle mass and number concentrations and their influence on the simulated aerosol optical depth are compared to observations. Phenomenologically, the new particle formation scheme implemented here is able to reproduce the occurrence of observed particle formation events. However, the modelled concentrations of formed particles are clearly lower than in observations, as is the subsequent growth to larger sizes. Com - pared to the old scheme, the new scheme increases the number concentrations across the observation stations while still underestimating the observations. The organic aerosol mass concentrations in the US show a much better seasonal cycle and no clear overestimation of mass concentrations anymore. In Europe the mass concentrations are lowered, leading to a larger underestimation of observations. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is generally slightly increased except in the northern high latitudes. This brings the simulated annual global mean AOD closer to the observational estimate. However, as the increase is rather uniform, biases tend to be reduced only in regions where the model underestimates the AOD. Furthermore, the correlations with satellite retrievals and ground-based sun-photometer observations of AOD are improved. Although the process-based approach to SOA formation causes a reduction in model performance in some areas, overall the new scheme improves the simulated aerosol fields.Peer reviewe

    Large difference in aerosol radiative effects from BVOC-SOA treatment in three Earth system models

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation are oxidised in the atmosphere and can form aerosol particles either by contributing to new particle formation or by condensing onto existing aerosol particles. As the understanding of the importance of BVOCs for aerosol formation has increased over the years, these processes have made their way into Earth system models (ESMs). In this study, sensitivity experiments are run with three different ESMs (the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), EC-Earth and ECHAM) to investigate how the direct and indirect aerosol radiative effects are affected by changes in the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from BVOCs. In the first two sensitivity model experiments, the yields of SOA precursors from oxidation of BVOCs are changed by +/- 50 %. For the third sensitivity test, the formed oxidation products do not participate in the formation of new particles but are only allowed to condense onto existing aerosols. In the last two sensitivity experiments, the emissions of BVOC compounds (isoprene and monoterpenes) are turned off, one at a time. The goal of the study is to investigate whether it is of importance to treat SOA formation processes correctly in the models rather than to evaluate the correctness of the current treatment in the models. The results show that the impact on the direct radiative effect (DRE) is linked to the changes in the SOA production in the models, where more SOA leads to a stronger DRE and vice versa. However, the magnitude by which the DRE changes (maximally 0.15 W m(-2) globally averaged) in response to the SOA changes varies between the models, with EC-Earth displaying the largest changes. The results for the cloud radiative effects (CREs) are more complicated than for the DRE. The changes in CRE differ more among the ESMs, and for some sensitivity experiments they even have different signs. The most sensitive models are NorESM and EC-Earth, which have CRE changes of up to 0.82 W m(-2). The varying responses in the different models are connected to where in the aerosol size distributions the changes in mass and number due to SOA formation occur, in combination with the aerosol number concentration levels in the models. We also find that interactive gas-phase chemistry as well as the new particle formation parameterisation has important implications for the DRE and CRE in some of the sensitivity experiments. The results from this study indicate that BVOC-SOA treatment in ESMs can have a substantial impact on the modelled climate but that the sensitivity varies greatly between the models. Since BVOC emissions have changed historically and will continue to change in the future, the spread in model results found in this study implies uncertainty into ESM estimates of aerosol forcing from land-use change and BVOC feedback strengths.Peer reviewe

    EC-Earth3-AerChem : a global climate model with interactive aerosols and atmospheric chemistry participating in CMIP6

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    This paper documents the global climate model EC-Earth3-AerChem, one of the members of the EC-Earth3 family of models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). EC-Earth3-AerChem has interactive aerosols and atmospheric chemistry and contributes to the Aerosols and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP). In this paper, we give an overview of the model, describe in detail how it differs from the other EC-Earth3 configurations, and outline the new features compared with the previously documented version of the model (EC-Earth 2.4). We explain how the model was tuned and spun up under preindustrial conditions and characterize the model's general performance on the basis of a selection of coupled simulations conducted for CMIP6. The net energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere in the preindustrial control simulation is on average 0.09 Wm(-2) with a standard deviation due to interannual variability of 0.25 Wm(-2), showing no significant drift. The global surface air temperature in the simulation is on average 14.08 degrees C with an interannual standard deviation of 0.17 degrees C, exhibiting a small drift of 0.015 +/- 0.005 degrees C per century. The model's effective equilibrium climate sensitivity is estimated at 3.9 degrees C, and its transient climate response is estimated at 2.1 degrees C. The CMIP6 historical simulation displays spurious interdecadal variability in Northern Hemisphere temperatures, resulting in a large spread across ensemble members and a tendency to underestimate observed annual surface temperature anomalies from the early 20th century onwards. The observed warming of the Southern Hemisphere is well reproduced by the model. Compared with the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5), the surface air temperature climatology for 1995-2014 has an average bias of -0.86 +/- 0.05 degrees C with a standard deviation across ensemble members of 0.35 degrees C in the North-ern Hemisphere and 1.29 +/- 0.02 degrees C with a corresponding standard deviation of 0.05 degrees C in the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere warm bias is largely caused by errors in shortwave cloud radiative effects over the Southern Ocean, a deficiency of many climate models. Changes in the emissions of near-term climate forcers (NTCFs) have significant effects on the global climate from the second half of the 20th century onwards. For the SSP3-7.0 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway, the model gives a global warming at the end of the 21st century (2091-2100) of 4.9 degrees C above the preindustrial mean. A 0.5 degrees C stronger warming is obtained for the AerChemMIP scenario with reduced emissions of NTCFs. With concurrent reductions of future methane concentrations, the warming is projected to be reduced by 0.5 degrees C.Peer reviewe