297 research outputs found

    The effect of Hukou registration policy on rural-to-urban migrants' health

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    Access to social services in China is connected to a system of household registration (Hukou system) determined by place of origin with difficult geographical transferability. As a consequence, a vast majority of rural-to-urban migrants do not have access to public health services in urban areas. This paper examines if restrictions on healthcare provisions?that are due to restrictions on migration and Hukou registration?are linked to poorer health for rural-to-urban migrants compared with non-migrant urban residents. We use data from two waves of the Longitudinal Survey on Rural Urban Migration in China that provide data on self-reported health and objectively measured health indicators ? blood pressure and grip strength. Results indicate that even after accounting for migrant?s characteristics that have known impacts on health, such as income, education, sex, marital status, and being underweight, the effect of the Hukou restriction policy is large, significantly negative, and acts as a key predictor of why rural-to-urban migrants? health deteriorates, especially during the early years since migration

    How changes in international trade affect African growth?

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    ABSTRACT. The dismal growth performance of Africa in the last decades is one of the main worries of the global economy. In this paper we design an empirical model to explain how the growth rate of the economy is affected by changes in international trade. The main message of the model is that integration enables countries to exchange more varieties of goods and take advantage of some spillovers linked to the export-import process. These predictions are tested using GMM technique in a panel data performed on a sample of 22 countries belonging to the Sub-Sahara region over the period 1970-2002. The estimations suggest that Africa’s growth rates are positively related to a more open attitude and to a greater integration in international markets. However, the empirical analysis also points out the need of a certain degree of “social capacity” to ensure a successful integration. Finally, our results imply that African nations can profit from the economic growth of the OECD countries, as they are the main buyers of the region.RESUMEN. El lento crecimiento de África en las últimas décadas es una de las mayores preocupaciones de la economía global. En el presente artículo diseñamos un modelo empírico para explicar cómo la tasa de crecimiento económico se ve afectada por los cambios en el comercio internacional. La conclusión principal del modelo es que la integración permite a los países intercambiar una mayor variedad de bienes y aprovecharse de excedentes procedentes de la importaciónexportación. Analizamos estas predicciones aplicando el método generalizado de momentos (por sus siglas en inglés GMM) a datos recogidos de una muestra de 22 países pertenecientes a la región subsahariana durante el período 1970-2000. Los resultados sugieren que las tasas de crecimiento en África se ven proporcionalmente favorecidas por una actitud más abierta y una mayor integración en los mercados internacionales. No obstante, el análisis empírico muestra la necesidad de un cierto grado de “capacidad social” para asegurar una integración positiva. Finalmente, nuestros resultados indican que las naciones africanas pueden beneficiarse del crecimiento económico de los países miembros de la OECD, puesto que éstos son los principales inversores en dicha región

    Posicionamento bioético dos profissionais de saúde espanhóis: Um estudo semi-quantitativo

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    The present study was undertaken to examine the positions of Spanish health professionals on a variety of bioethical issues and to determine the relationships between these positions and the professionals’ religious beliefs and political views. The study sample consisted of 50 individuals randomly selected from a database of Spanish health professionals who had received solid training in bioethics. A structured questionnaire was designed that contained six closed questions on positions on biomedical advances and science and biotechnology (eugenics, use of nonimplanted embryos for experimental purposes, human cloning, and the idea that science should have limits) and the respondents’ sociopolitical and religious views, and assessment scales were developed for the responses. The distribution of the responses was subjected to statistical analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA). For the items with responses scored on a Likert scale, the positions taken were moderately adverse, and the vast majority of respondents believed that there should be limits to science. Religious convictions had greater influence on the responses than political orientation. There was evidence that liberal beliefs corresponded with what the authors consider to be more progressive ideas about the bioethics issues addressed in the study. The important questions of bioethics require an interdisciplinary approach and a combination of state and private-sector action to strengthen the links between religion and science, keep general knowledge up to date, and properly train biotechnology professionals.Se realizó el presente estudio para examinar las posiciones de profesionales de la salud española sobre una variedad de temas bioéticos y determinar las relaciones entre estas posiciones y las creencias religiosas y puntos de vista políticos de los profesionales. La muestra del estudio consistió de 50 individuos seleccionados al azar de una base de datos de profesionales de la salud en España que habían recibido formación sólida en bioética. Se diseñó un cuestionario estructurado con seis preguntas cerradas sobre posiciones acerca de avances biomédicos, de ciencia y biotecnología (eugenesia, uso de embriones no implantados para propósitos experimentales, clonación humana y la idea de que la ciencia debería tener límites), y los puntos de vista sociopolíticos y religiosos de los respondientes, y se desarrollaron escalas de evaluación para las respuestas. Se sometió la distribución de las respuestas a análisis estadístico usando análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Para los elementos con respuestas valuadas con una escala Likert, las posiciones tomadas fueron moderadamente adversas y la inmensa mayoría de los respondientes creían que debería haber límites para la ciencia. Las convicciones religiosas tuvieron mayor influencia en las respuestas que la orientación política. Hubo evidencia de que las creencias liberales se correspondieron con las que el autor consideraba ideas más progresistas sobre temas de bioética abordados en el estudio. Las preguntas importantes de bioética requieren una aproximación interdisciplinaria y una combinación de acción estatal y del sector privado para fortalecer los vínculos entre religión y ciencia, mantener el conocimiento general actualizado y formar apropiadamente a los profesionales de la biotecnología.O presente estudo foi realizado para examinar a posição de profissionais de saúde da Espanha sobre uma variedade de temas bioéticos e determinar a correlação entre estas posições e crenças religiosas dos profissionais e pontos de vista políticos. A amostra estudada consistiu de 50 indivíduos selecionados aleatoriamente da base de dados de profissionais de saúde da Espanha que receberam sólido treinamento em bioética. Um questionário estruturado foi definido para conter seis questões fechadas sobre posições a cerca de avanços biomédicos, ciência e biotecnologia (eugenia, utilização de embriões não implantados para projetos experimentais, clonagem humana e a ideia de que a ciência deveria ter limites) e os pontos de vista sociopolítico e religioso dos respondentes, e escalas de avaliação foram desenvolvidas para as respostas. A distribuição das respostas foi objeto de análises estatísticas utilizando a análise de variância (ANOVA). Para os itens com respostas computadas pela escala de Likert, desde de ‘concorda fortemente’ a ‘discorda fortemente’, as posições tomadas foram moderadamente adversas, e a vasta maioria dos respondentes acreditaram que deveria haver limites para a ciência. Convicções religiosas tiveram maior influência nas respostas do que aquelas de orientação política. Houve evidência de que crenças liberais corresponderam com o que os autores consideram ser ideias mais progressistas sobre temas bioéticos direcionados pelo estudo. As importantes questões de bioética requerem uma abordagem interdisciplinar e uma ação combinada dos setores público (estatal) e privado para revigorar os elos entre religião e ciência, manter um conhecimento geral atualizado, e treinar adequadamente profissionais em biotecnologia

    The Trade-FDI Nexus: Evidence from the European Union

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    The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between international trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) empirically. It analyses whether the reduction of trade barriers over time has increased FDI for the particular case of the European Union (EU) during the period from 1995 to 2009. To analyze this issue the authors estimate in first place the European Border Effect by means of a gravity equation. Once the border effect is obtained we test whether there is a positive (complementary) or negative (substitution) relationship between this border effect and the FDI within the European countries. A gravity model for trade and FDI is estimated using the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood. The results suggest that there is a positive and decreasing border effect up to 2007 while it turns upward for 2008 and 2009, offsetting the previous decline. For the particular case of the EU, commercial integration and FDI reinforce each other, thus being complements rather than substitutes. In addition to trade integration measures, this paper also analyzes the potential role of other traditional determinants of FDI, as the market size of the host country and the cost differential among home-host economies. Cost differentials are not as relevant as the possibility of gaining market share which leads us to conclude that in the EU the FDI pattern follows a market-seeking strategy rather than a cost-efficient model

    Differences in the economic growth of Latin American countries. Integration effects and foreign direct investment influence

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    RESUMEN. This paper tries to explain the wide range of economic experiences among Latin American countries taking into account the role of capital formation and foreign direct investment (FDI) as a drive engine of growth. We design a model in which FDI generates endogenous, non zero growth. In particular, FDI brings about growth because it facilitates the entry of intermediate goods of more advanced technology in the host country. In contrast, if the entrance of FDI is obstructed or precluded by policy measures in the host country, the growth rate of the latter will be smaller or even zero. Integration enables countries to exchange more varieties of goods and eases technological diffusion through FDI. The predictions are tested empirically using GMM technique in a panel data performed by 18 Latin American countries over the period 1970-2000. The estimations suggest that Latin America?s growth rates are positively related to a more open attitude and to a greater integration in international markets. However, the empirical analysis also points out to the need of a certain degree of social capacity to ensure a successful integration. Finally, the empirical exercise confirms the positive connection between FDI and growth predicted by the model.ABSTRACT. El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble: en primer lugar, desarrollar un modelo de crecimiento endógeno que analice la influencia de la inversión extranjera directa en el crecimiento del PIB per cápita en términos reales de una economía en desarrollo; y, en segundo lugar, contrastar de forma empírica si la inversión extranjera ha contribuido al crecimiento del producto en América Latina teniendo en cuenta las diferencias entre países. Con este fin, se desarrolla un modelo de crecimiento endógeno que se aplica a dos escenarios: una economía abierta que permite la entrada de capitales foráneos y una economía cerrada que no autoriza la entrada de tales capitales. El crecimiento es mayor en el primero de los escenarios, y su motor es la inversión extranjera, que coexiste con el capital local. En el análisis empírico se utiliza la metodología de datos de panel con el fin de estudiar el efecto de la IDE en el crecimiento económico latinoamericano durante el periodo 1970-2000, y se explora en qué medida una mayor libertad económica y un entorno institucional adecuado han contribuido al crecimiento económico de América Latina

    FDI, trade integration and the border effect: evidence from the European Union

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    This paper intends to combine two fields in the economic literature by examining empirically the FDI pattern –horizontal versus vertical– within the European Union and the relevance of trade integration as a potential determinant of investment flows over the period 1995-2009. We capture trade integration by estimating the magnitude and evolution of the home bias or border effect rather than by using other indicators such as the openness rate or the existence of tariffs and non-tariff barriers. We find that, for the particular case of the EU, it is not possible to strictly discriminate between horizontal or vertical FDI. The market-seeking strategy appears to be more important than factor-proportion related motivations; however, the robust relationship of complementarity between trade integration and FDI provides at least one argument in support of vertical FDI and suggests that the vertical model cannot be dismissed entirely

    An unusual presentation of postaxial polydactyly of the foot

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    [Abstract] A 6-month-old Caucasian baby is described with a postaxial polydactyly of the letf foot. Radiographic examination revealed the accessory digit was composed of soft tissue, some with a tiny osseous element, originated from around the metatarsophalangeal joint, defined by floating type (FT). The parents had consistent difficulty putting shoes. We encountered an exceedingly rare presentation of FT, to our inspection, had neither been previously related in published studies. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the unusual case of congenital deformity lesion on the left foot to be reported in the medical literature

    Extensor Hallucis Capsularis o Tendón Accesorio del Extensor Hallucis Longus: Estudio anatómico y funcional, frecuencia y mediciones

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    The purpose of this study was to look closely at the anatomy of the extensor hallucis longus, ligament or tendon capsularis Accessory Extensor hallucis longus muscle; defi ne its occurrence frequency, it is a muscle that is not present in all feet and raises controversy in the reviewed literature. The ligament is a ligament capsularis dorsalis pedis group that accompanies the extensor hallucis longus muscle medial to it forever. We intend to demonstrate by our dissections, a ligament more common than it seems and where is its origin and insertion as well as their function, presentation and location by using photographs of cadaver feet and its width measures and characteristics. To achieve our object of study in this article, fi rst 50 dissected human cadaver fi ngers, making the relevant measurements.El objeto de éste estudio fue observar detenidamente la anatomía del Extensor Hallucis Longus, Ligamento Capsularis o Tendón Accesorio del músculo Extensor Hallucis Longus; definir su su frecuencia de aparición, pues es un músculo que no está presente en todos los pies y suscita controversia en la bibliografía consultada.El Ligamento Capsularis es un ligamento del grupo dorsal del pie, que acompaña al músculo Extensor Hallucis Longus siempre medial a él.Pretendemos demostrar con nuestras disecciones, que es un ligamento más habitual de lo que parece y, dónde está su origen e inserción, así como su función, presentación y ubicación mediante fotografías en pies de cadáver, así como medidas sobre su anchura y características particulares.Para conseguir nuestro objeto de estudio en éste artículo, se diseccionan 50 primeros dedos de cadáver humano, realizando las pertinentes mediciones