808 research outputs found

    Determinação de radionuclídeos naturais por espectrometria gama com detector de alta resolução

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    Apresenta-se a metodologia para a determinação de radionuclídeos naturais em amostras sólidas, através da medida dos raios gama dos nuclídeos filhos das séries de desintegração do U-238 e Th-232, na qual levaram-se em conta interferências espectrais e efeito de auto-absorção da matriz. Para o raio gama de 911 keV do Ac-228 as correções devido ao efeito de atenuação foram entre 20 a 50%

    Metodologia para medição e determinação da radioatividade na água do Reator Argonauta

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    Foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia para a medição e determinação dos radionuclídeos na água do reator Argonauta que é analisada periodicamente para verificar a integridade das placas dos elementos combustíveis. Foram determinadas pela primeira vez, as atividades dos radionuclídeos Kr-89, Xe-137, Xe-138 e Cs-138 que são de meia vida curta. Inicialmente, realizou-se um estudo de possíveis interferências para selecionar os raios gamas mais apropriados nas determinações dos nuclídeos normalmente encontrados na água do reator e medidos pela técnica de espectrometria gama. Constatou-se que as contagens muito longas efetuadas no passado estavam comprometendo as análises já que havia perda dos gases nobres durante as contagens. Recomenda-se, no lugar de realizar a coleta mensal (em operações com tempos superiores de 120 minutos e de 340 W), realizar o levantamento radiométrico do tanque de dreno em toda operação do reator e quando houver uma anormalidade coletar a água para realizar as medições por espectrometria gama usando um detector de alta resolução de germânio hiperpuro

    Estimating adaptive setpoint temperatures using weather stations

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    Reducing both the energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of buildings is nowadays one of the main objectives of society. The use of heating and cooling equipment is among the main causes of energy consumption. Therefore, reducing their consumption guarantees such a goal. In this context, the use of adaptive setpoint temperatures allows such energy consumption to be significantly decreased. However, having reliable data from an external temperature probe is not always possible due to various factors. This research studies the estimation of such temperatures without using external temperature probes. For this purpose, a methodology which consists of collecting data from 10 weather stations of Galicia is carried out, and prediction models (multivariable linear regression (MLR) and multilayer perceptron (MLP)) are applied based on two approaches: (1) using both the setpoint temperature and the mean daily external temperature from the previous day; and (2) using the mean daily external temperature from the previous 7 days. Both prediction models provide adequate performances for approach 1, obtaining accurate results between 1 month (MLR) and 5 months (MLP). However, for approach 2, only the MLP obtained accurate results from the 6th month. This research ensures the continuity of using adaptive setpoint temperatures even in case of possible measurement errors or failures of the external temperature probes.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 00064742/ITC-20133094Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness BIA 2017-85657-

    "Estacionalidad en el uso del hábitat y dieta en una especie en peligro de extinción: Tapirus pinchaque (Roulin, 1829) “Tapir andino”, en el Santuario Nacional Tabaconas-Namballe, Cajamarca, Perú."

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    Se estudió (1) el uso de hábitat del tapir andino con cámaras trampa y (2) su dieta mediante el análisis micro-histológico de muestras fecales. Para el caso del uso de hábitat se usaron datos de cámaras trampa de evaluaciones que se realizaron entre agosto del 2014 y abril del 2015. Se contó con un total de 49 muestras fecales, de las cuales la mayoría fueron colectadas en el páramo (45 muestras), con 24 en la estación seca y 25 en la estación de lluvias. De cada muestra fecal se seleccionaron submuestras mediante la aplicación de la técnica “Point-Frame” de 10 x 10 cm, al final se obtuvo 49 sub-muestras cada una con 100 fragmentos vegetales. De las sub-muestras obtenidas, los tallos fueron los que mayor proporción presentaron (0,69 ± 0,10), seguido de las hojas (0,28 ± 0,10) y semillas (0,02 ± 0,04). El análisis micro-histológico, a partir de las hojas, logró determinar que las Poales (Poaceas y Cyperaceas), fue el grupo con mayor frecuencia en el total de muestras, 100% (n = 49), seguido por las Solanaceas (38,78%), Ericaceas (34,69%) y Asteraceas (14,29%). Las semillas pertenecieron a las familias de las Solanaceas, Asteraceas, Poaceas y Cyperaceas. Mediante un modelo lineal generalizado (GLM), se logró determinar que la presencia de semillas en las heces está en función de la estación de lluvias (p < 0,05). Sin embargo, con los grupos vegetales consumidos, se encontró una relación entre la estacionalidad y la dieta solo para la familia Solanaceae (p < 0,05) siendo su consumo mayor en la estación seca. Respecto, al uso de hábitat, el modelo no logró predecir una relación entre estacionalidad y la presencia del tapir (p > 0,05). In this study, the habitat use of the mountain tapir was determined with camera traps and its diet was determined through micro histological analysis of feces. In the case of the use of the camera traps, the data was obtained from evaluations carried out between August 2014 and April 2015 by the World Wildlife Fund. 49 fecal samples were collected in both the paramo and the mountain forest habitats (45 and 4 samples respectively). The sub-samples were obtained using the 10 x 10 cm "Point-Frame" technique, collecting 100 plant fragments per sub-sample. Of the subsamples obtained, the stems were the ones with the highest proportion (0,69 ± 0,10) followed by leaves (0,28 ± 0,10) and seeds (0,02 ± 0,04). The results of the micro histological analysis shows the Poales order (including Poaceae and Cyperaceae), was the most frequent group with 100% (n = 49), followed by Solanaceae (38,78%), Ericaceae (34,69%) and Asteraceae (14,29%). Seeds obtained were exclusively from Solanaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae and Cyperaceae families. By using the generalized linear model (GLM), it was observed that the presence of seeds in feces is in function of the season (p < 0.05) being more abundant during the rainy season. Nevertheless, when applied with the consumed vegetal groups, a link between the dry season and the Solanaceae family was found in the diet. In addition, for the habitat use, the GLM resulted in no differences in habitat use for both seasons (p > 0.05).Tesi

    Estimating Adaptive Setpoint Temperatures Using Weather Stations

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    [Abstract] Reducing both the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of buildings is nowadays one of the main objectives of society. The use of heating and cooling equipment is among the main causes of energy consumption. Therefore, reducing their consumption guarantees such a goal. In this context, the use of adaptive setpoint temperatures allows such energy consumption to be significantly decreased. However, having reliable data from an external temperature probe is not always possible due to various factors. This research studies the estimation of such temperatures without using external temperature probes. For this purpose, a methodology which consists of collecting data from 10 weather stations of Galicia is carried out, and prediction models (multivariable linear regression (MLR) and multilayer perceptron (MLP)) are applied based on two approaches: (1) using both the setpoint temperature and the mean daily external temperature from the previous day; and (2) using the mean daily external temperature from the previous 7 days. Both prediction models provide adequate performances for approach 1, obtaining accurate results between 1 month (MLR) and 5 months (MLP). However, for approach 2, only the MLP obtained accurate results from the 6th month. This research ensures the continuity of using adaptive setpoint temperatures even in case of possible measurement errors or failures of the external temperature probe

    Semi-automatic rubble counting system for superheated droplet detectors

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    Neutron dose rate measurements are normally performed by means of PADC, CR-39 and TLD detectors. Although, none of these devices can give instant reading of the neutron dose, recently new kind of detectors are being developed, based on the formation of tiny drops in a superheated liquid suspended in a polymer or gel solution, called superheated droplet detector (SDD) or also as bubble detectors (BD), with no response for gamma radiation. This work describes the experimental setup and the developed procedures for acquiring and processing digital images obtained with bubble detector spectrometer (BDS), developed by Bubble Technology Industries, for personal neutron dosimeter and/or neutron energy fluence measurements in nuclear facilities. The results of the neutron measurements obtained during the F-18 production, at the RDS-111 cyclotron, are presented. These neutron measurements were the first ones with this type of BDS detectors in a particle accelerator facility in Brazil and it was very important to estimate neutron dose rate received by occupationally exposed individuals

    Modelo prolab: Thaniy Med: La historia de tu salud plataforma virtual de registros médicos y otros usos en el área de salud y autocuidado

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    Este trabajo presenta una solución sustentable de negocio enfocada en atender un problema social relevante a nivel nacional relacionado con la salud y bienestar de los peruanos. El acceso a servicios de salud y preservación de la vida es un derecho fundamental de las personas y, por lo tanto, estamos enfocados en mejorar la calidad de atención, facilidad de acceso y experiencia en general de los usuarios en los diversos centros médicos y su interacción con los especialistas de salud. La solución (Thaniy Med) consiste en una plataforma virtual compatible con smartphones y dispositivos móviles que permite a los usuarios digitalizar, almacenar y gestionar su historial médico y registros de salud personal y familiar, permitiéndoles tener el control completo sobre su información y, por ende, portabilidad para seleccionar al especialista o centro médico de su elección. Así mismo, en una segunda etapa se tendrá la opción de servicios médicos a distancia (como tele consultas y telemedicina), además de acceso a información de salud preventiva con datos relevantes en materia de nutrición, psicología, bienestar, etc. Nuestra propuesta está soportada correctamente por un plan de mercadeo, diseño del prototipo correspondiente y plan de operaciones que permiten el debido sustento de su deseabilidad y factibilidad. Se desarrolló muy a detalle todas las funcionalidades, propiedades y beneficios de la solución a través de pantallas descriptivas que permiten al usuario una simulación de navegación y por ende experimentar en gran medida con la plataforma con la intención de garantizar su satisfacción con el producto. Los resultados financieros indican que el modelo de negocio es viable generando un retorno neto descontado al 10% de US3.2millonesyunatasainternaderetornode101unperiodode5an~osyunperiododepago(paybacktime)detresan~os.Enelprimeran~oserealizaunainversioˊndeUS3.2 millones y una tasa interna de retorno de 101% en un periodo de 5 años y un “periodo de pago” (“payback time”) de tres años. En el primer año se realiza una inversión de US115 mil en desarrollo de software y adquisición de espacio en servidores; durante el año 1 y 2 el incremento de usuarios cubre parcialmente los costos y gastos operativos, y es a partir del año 3 que el nivel de usuarios garantiza flujos de caja en exceso de los costos y gastos. Los resultados financieros se basan largamente en la capacidad de atraer usuarios al perfil de usuario “Standard” que tiene el menor costo de suscripción mensual de US3.00locualesclaveenlaestrategiaparacrecerdemaneraaceleradaunabasedeusuariosextensayesunodelosprincipalesdriversdelmodelodenegocio.Loscostosygastosprincipalesestaˊnasociadosainfraestructuradeservidores,manodeobra,seguridadygastosadministrativos.ThaniyMed,validadaporlosusuariosmedianteelusodelprototipo,cuentaconunVANsocialdeUS3.00 lo cual es clave en la estrategia para crecer de manera acelerada una base de usuarios extensa y es uno de los principales “drivers” del modelo de negocio. Los costos y gastos principales están asociados a infraestructura de servidores, mano de obra, seguridad y gastos administrativos. Thaniy Med, validada por los usuarios mediante el uso del prototipo, cuenta con un VAN social de US 4,186,485 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) del 364% al final del quinto año y para una proyección total de usuarios de 278,031, principalmente por ahorros generados en movilidad (US2,891,584),consultasmeˊdicas(US 2,891,584), consultas médicas (US 14,457,920) y valor social del tiempo (US2,602,426).Deigualmanera,hemosgeneradoimpactossignificativosenlosobjetivosdedesarrollosostenible(ODS),lograndounTSRIde443,8y11respectivamente.ThisthesispresentsasustainablebusinesssolutionfocusedonaddressingarelevantsocialproblematanationallevelrelatedtoPeruvianshealthandwellbeing.Havingaccesstohealthservicesandthepreservationoflifeisafundamentalrightofpeopleandtherefore,wearefocusedonimprovingthequalityofassistance,easeofaccessandoverallexperienceofusersinthevariousmedicalcentersandtheirinteractionwithhealthspecialists.Thesolution(ThaniyMed)consistsofasmartphonesandmobiledevicescompatiblevirtualplatformthatallowsuserstodigitize,storeandmanagetheirmedicalhistoryandpersonalandfamilyhealthrecords,allowingthemtohavecompletecontrolovertheirinformationandthereforeportabilitytoselectthespecialistormedicalcenteroftheirchoice.Likewise,inasecondstage,therewillbetheoptionofremotemedicalservices(suchasteleconsultationsandtelemedicine),aswellasaccesstopreventivehealthinformationwithrelevantdataonnutrition,psychology,wellbeing,andsoforth.Ourproposalisproperlysupportedbyamarketingplan,designofthecorrespondingprototypeandoperationsplanthatallowstherightsupportofitsdesirabilityandfeasibility.Allthefunctionalities,propertiesandbenefitsofthesolutionweredevelopedingreatdetailthroughdescriptivescreensthatallowuserstosimulatenavigationandthereforeexperienceusageoftheplatformtoagreatextentinordertoguaranteetheirsatisfactionwiththeproduct.Thefinancialresultsindicatethatthebusinessmodelisviable,generatinganetreturnofUS 2,602,426). De igual manera, hemos generado impactos significativos en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS), logrando un TSRI de 44%, 30% y 29% en los ODS 3, 8 y 11 respectivamente.This thesis presents a sustainable business solution focused on addressing a relevant social problem at a national level related to Peruvian’s health and well-being. Having access to health services and the preservation of life is a fundamental right of people and therefore, we are focused on improving the quality of assistance, ease of access and overall experience of users in the various medical centers and their interaction with health specialists. The solution (Thaniy Med) consists of a smartphones and mobile devices compatible virtual platform that allows users to digitize, store and manage their medical history and personal and family health records, allowing them to have complete control over their information and therefore portability to select the specialist or medical center of their choice. Likewise, in a second stage, there will be the option of remote medical services (such as teleconsultations and telemedicine), as well as access to preventive health information with relevant data on nutrition, psychology, well-being, and so forth. Our proposal is properly supported by a marketing plan, design of the corresponding prototype and operations plan that allows the right support of its desirability and feasibility. All the functionalities, properties and benefits of the solution were developed in great detail through descriptive screens that allow users to simulate navigation and therefore experience usage of the platform to a great extent in order to guarantee their satisfaction with the product. The financial results indicate that the business model is viable, generating a net return of US3.2 million discounted at 10% and an internal rate of return of 101% over a period of 5 years and a payback time of three years. In the first year, there is an investment of US115,000madeinsoftwaredevelopmentandtheacquisitionofserverstorage;fortheyearsIandIItheincreaseinuserspartiallycoversoperatingcostsandexpenses,theyearIIIthelevelofusersguaranteescashflowsinexcessofcostsandexpenses.Thefinancialresultsarelargelybasedontheabilitytoattractcustomerstothe"Standard"userprofilethathasthelowestmonthlysubscriptioncostofUS115,000 made in software development and the acquisition of server storage; for the years I and II the increase in users partially covers operating costs and expenses, the year III the level of users guarantees cash flows in excess of costs and expenses. The financial results are largely based on the ability to attract customers to the "Standard" user profile that has the lowest monthly subscription cost of US3.00, which is key in the strategy to rapidly grow an extensive user base and is one of the main drivers of the business model. The main costs and expenses are associated with server infrastructure, labor, security, and administrative expenses. Thaniy Med, validated by users through the use of the prototype, has a social NPV of US4,186,485andaninternalrateofreturn(IRR)of364foratotalprojectionof278,031users,mainlybysavingsgeneratedintransportation(US 4,186,485 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 364% at the end of the fifth year and for a total projection of 278,031 users, mainly by savings generated in transportation (US 2,891,584), medical appointments (US14,457,920)andsocialvalueoftime(US 14,457,920) and social value of time (US 2,602,426). Similarly, we have generated significant impacts on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), achieving a TSRI of 44%, 30%, and 29% on SDGs No. 3, 8, and 11, respectively

    Pretreatment of urine samples with SDS improves direct identification of urinary tract pathogens with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry

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    [EN]We pretreated with SDS 71 urine samples with bacterial counts of >10(5) CFU/ml and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) identification scores of <2, in order to minimize failure rates. Identification improved in 46.5% of samples, remained unchanged in 49.3%, and worsened in 4.2%. The improvement was more evident for Gram-negative (54.3%) than for Gram-positive (32%) bacteria

    Mn12 single molecule magnets deposited on μ-SQUID sensors : The role of interphases and structural modifications

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    Direct measurements of the linear ac susceptibility and magnetic relaxation of a few Mn monolayers deposited on a μ-SQUID sensor are reported. In order to integrate the molecules into the device, DPN has been the technique of choice. It enabled the structuration of the molecules on the most sensitive areas of the sensor without the need for any previous functionalization of the molecule or the substrate, while controlling the number of molecular units deposited on each array. The measurements reveal that their characteristic SMM behaviour is lost, a fact that is attributed to molecular distortions originated by the strong surface tensions arising at the molecular interphases

    SUSY Quivers, Intersecting Branes and the Modest Hierarchy Problem

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    We present a class of chiral non-supersymmetric D=4 field theories in which quadratic divergences appear only at two loops. They may be depicted as ``SUSY quivers'' in which the nodes represent a gauge group with extended e.g., N=4 SUSY whereas links represent bifundamental matter fields which transform as chiral multiplets with respect to different N=1 subgroups. One can obtain this type of field theories from simple D6-brane configurations on Type IIA string theory compactified on a six-torus. We discuss the conditions under which this kind of structure is obtained from D6-brane intersections. We also discuss some aspects of the effective low-energy field theory. In particular we compute gauge couplings and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms from the Born-Infeld action and show how they match the field theory results. This class of theories may be of phenomenological interest in order to understand the modest hierarchy problem i.e., the stability of the hierarchy between the weak scale and a fundamental scale of order 10-100 TeV which appears e.g. in low string scale models. Specific D-brane models with the spectrum of the SUSY Standard Model and three generations are presented.Comment: 36 pages, using JHEP3.cls, 8 figures. References update