70 research outputs found

    a study on anaphoric pronouns

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    A study on anaphoric pronouns

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020In the last decades, in the Portuguese educational context, as in other countries, grammar has been a central topic of debate in L1 education. Since 2001, a perspective of grammar education as explicit knowledge of language has prevailed in the Portuguese L1 curriculum. From this perspective, inspired by proposals of the Anglo-Saxon movement of language awareness, the main goal of grammar education is to develop the implicit knowledge that children already have and use into an increasingly reflected and explicit knowledge. In this conception, which supposes that «most of data needed to teach grammar is in children’s heads» (Hudson 1992), discovery-learning approaches seem to be particularly adequate. Founded by Bruner and brought into grammar education by Hudson, this learning approach gives the student a central role and reflection upon language is stimulated through scientific reasoning. In this article, we will refer to a study on the comprehension of anaphoric pronouns in which a discovery-learning approach, the «grammar lab», was used with 20 students in grade 4. Proposed by Duarte (1992, 2008) after Hudson (1992) and sharing characteristics with other approaches (e.g., the «linguistic inquiry» by O’Neil and colleagues), the grammar lab allows students to use their intuitive knowledge and guides them to observe linguistic data, to test and validate hypotheses about language. In our study, which investigated relations between explicit knowledge and reading, students were guided to reflect upon different properties of anaphoric pronouns to develop strategies to identify antecedents of pronouns in a reading task.publishersversionpublishe

    Discovery-learning in grammar education: a study on anaphoric pronouns

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    In the last decades, in the Portuguese educational context, as in other countries, grammar has been a central topic of debate in L1 education. Since 2001, a perspective of grammar education as explicit knowledge of language has prevailed in the Portuguese L1 curriculum. From this perspective, inspired by proposals of the Anglo-Saxon movement of language awareness, the main goal of grammar education is to develop the implicit knowledge that children already have and use into an increasingly reflected and explicit knowledge. In this conception, which supposes that «most of data needed to teach grammar is in children’s heads» (Hudson 1992), discovery-learning approaches seem to be particularly adequate. Founded by Bruner and brought into grammar education by Hudson, this learning approach gives the student a central role and reflection upon language is stimulated through scientific reasoning. In this article, we will refer to a study on the comprehension of anaphoric pronouns in which a discovery-learning approach, the «grammar lab», was used with 20 students in grade 4. Proposed by Duarte (1992, 2008) after Hudson (1992) and sharing characteristics with other approaches (e.g., the «linguistic inquiry» by O’Neil and colleagues), the grammar lab allows students to use their intuitive knowledge and guides them to observe linguistic data, to test and validate hypotheses about language. In our study, which investigated relations between explicit knowledge and reading, students were guided to reflect upon different properties of anaphoric pronouns to develop strategies to identify antecedents of pronouns in a reading task. Some of the materials used will be presented and the main results obtained, which show positive effects of this approach in grammar education, will be discussed

    análise de itens sobre compreensão de dependências referenciais

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    UID/LIN/03213/2019The present article aims to contribute to a reflection about evaluation of grammatical knowledge in a school context, trying to find out the importance that has been given to the topic of anaphoric relations and, particularly, to referential dependencies in national examinations of Portuguese language. In a documentary study, which is part of a broader research on relations between grammar and reading comprehension (Batalha, 2017), we analyse a set of examinations carried out between 2008 and 2014 to identify and to characterise items that evaluate the comprehension of referential dependencies in reading and, specifically, the identification of antecedents of different types of anaphoric expressions. The information obtained, which includes statistical data on students’ performance on various items, not only shows that referential dependencies are, in general terms, evaluated in examinations, but also that this may still be a problematic area at the end of basic education.publishersversionpublishe

    From grammar to reading : a study on referential dependencies

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    In this article, we present a study that investigated relations between grammar teaching and reading in Portuguese as mother tongue. The study, in which 91 students have participated, aimed at (i) pre-assessing students' ability to comprehend referential dependencies in reading at different stages (grade 4, 9-10 years old; grade 6, 11-12 years old; and grade 8, 12‑13 years old), (ii) proposing a teaching intervention to develop language awareness about referential dependencies and, more specifically, to develop strategies to identify antecedents of pronouns (grade 4) and (iii) assessing the effects of the teaching intervention (grade 4). The study was based on a quasi‑experimental methodology, with pre and posttests and a teaching intervention developed in the classroom, based on discovery-learning methods. Results of the study, which show positive effects of the teaching intervention, reinforce the benefits of grammar teaching as language awareness development. The study also offers a contribution towards the discussion of the role of grammar teaching to the development of late acquired structures, such as particular types of referential dependencies.En aquest article, es presenta un estudi sobre les relacions entre l'ensenyament de la gramàtica i la lectura en portuguès com a llengua materna. L'estudi, en què van participar 91 alumnes, va tenir com a objectius (i) pre-avaluar el coneixement lingüístic d'alumnes en diferents nivells educatius (quart curs, 9-10 anys; sisè curs, 11-12 anys; i vuitè curs, 12 -13 anys) pel que fa a la capacitat per comprendre dependències referencials en la lectura, (ii) proposar una intervenció didàctica per al desenvolupament de la consciència lingüística sobre dependències referencials i, més específicament, per al desenvolupament d'estratègies d'identificació d'antecedents de pronoms (quart curs) i (iii) avaluar els efectes de la intervenció didàctica (quart curs). Basat en una metodologia quasi experimental, l'estudi es va desenvolupar amb prova prèvia i prova posterior i una intervenció didàctica, que va seguir els mètodes d'aprenentatge per descobriment. Els resultats de l'estudi, que mostren els efectes positius de la intervenció didàctica, reforcen els beneficis d'ensenyar la gramàtica com un desenvolupament de la consciència lingüística. L'estudi també ajuda a mostrar el paper de l'ensenyament de la gramàtica en les estructures lingüístiques de desenvolupament tardà, com certs tipus de dependències referencials.En este artículo, se presenta un estudio que investigó relaciónes entre la enseñanza de la gramática y la lectura en portugués como lengua materna. El estudio, en el que participaron 91 alumnos, tuvo como objetivos (i) pre-evaluar el conocimiento lingüístico de alumnos en diferentes niveles educativos (cuarto curso, 9-10 años; sexto curso, 11-12 años; e octavo curso, 12-13 años) en cuanto a la capacidad para comprender dependencias referenciales en la lectura, (ii) proponer una intervención didáctica para el desarrollo de la conciencia lingüística sobre dependencias referenciales y, más específicamente, para el desarrollo de estrategias de identificación de antecedentes de pronombres (cuarto curso) y (iii) evaluar los efectos de la intervención didáctica (cuarto curso). Basado en una metodologia cuasi experimental, el estudio se desarrolló con prueba previa y prueba posterior y una intervención didáctica, que siguió los métodos de aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Los resultados del estudio, que muestran los efectos positivos de la intervención didáctica, refuerzan los beneficios de enseñar la gramática como un desarrollo de la conciencia lingüística. El estudio también ayuda a mostrar el papel de la enseñanza de la gramática en las estructuras lingüísticas de desarrollo tardío, como ciertos tipos de dependencias referenciales.Dans cet article, nous présentons une étude sur les relations entre l'enseignement de la grammaire et la lecture en portugais langue maternelle. L'étude, à laquelle ont participé 91 étudiants, visait (i) à pré-évaluer la capacité des étudiants pour comprendre les dépendances référentielles en lecture à différents stades (4ème année, 9-10 ans ; 6ème année, 11-12 ans; et 8ème année, 12-13 ans), (ii) à proposer une intervention didactique pour développer la conscience linguistique sur les dépendances référentielles et, plus spécifiquement, sur l'élaboration de stratégies pour identifier les antécédents de pronoms (4ème année) et (iii) à évaluer des effets de l'intervention didactique (4ème année). Basée sur une méthodologie quasi expérimentale, l'étude a été développée avec pré-test et post‑test et une intervention didactique, qui a suivi les méthodes d'apprentissage par la découverte. Les résultats de l'étude, qui montrent les effets positifs de l'intervention didactique, renforcent les avantages de l'enseignement de la grammaire en tant que développement de la conscience linguistique. L'étude contribue également à montrer le rôle de l'enseignement de la grammaire dans les structures linguistiques en développement tardif, telles que certains types de dépendances référentielles

    Immobilization of the person with suspected spinal injury

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    O presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular “Estágio Final e Relatório” do 15º Mestrado em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, na área de Especialização à Pessoa em Situação Crítica, na Escola de Enfermagem (Lisboa) do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e tem como objetivo a obtenção do grau de Mestre em enfermagem e o título de Enfermeira Especialista em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica na área da enfermagem à Pessoa em Situação Crítica. Nele pretendo descrever os objetivos e atividades desenvolvidas nos estágios, além das competências de mestre, competências comuns e competências específicas de enfermeira especialista adquiridas e desenvolvidas nesses contextos, através de uma metodologia descritiva e crítico-reflexiva com recurso a pesquisa bibliográfica para fundamentação científica. O referencial teórico do relatório e da prática de cuidados à pessoa em situação crítica nos contextos de estágio é a teoria das necessidades humanas fundamentais de Virginia Henderson. Quanto à estrutura do relatório, na introdução definem-se alguns conceitos principais. No primeiro capítulo é feita uma scoping review sobre a imobilização com plano duro do adulto com suspeita de traumatismo vertebro-medular no pré-hospitalar e serviço de urgência, com vista ao desenvolvimento de competências de mestre, especificamente em investigação. Os estágios neste percurso académico e profissional foram realizados numa unidade de cuidados intensivos neurocríticos e numa unidade de cuidados intensivos polivalente num hospital da área de Lisboa e no segundo capítulo é feita a caracterização de ambos os locais. No terceiro exponho os objetivos definidos em cada estágio e é dado realce às atividades efetuadas para os atingir, através da descrição e análise reflexiva das mesmas para desenvolver as competências de mestre e enfermeira especialista em enfermagem médico-cirúrgica à pessoa em situação crítica, realçando as unidades de competência da antecipação da instabilidade, administração de protocolos terapêuticos complexos e prevenção e controlo de infeção. Na conclusão é feita uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento profissional alcançado com base nas competências adquiridas e desenvolvidas neste percurso, rematando que este percurso contribuiu para evolução dinâmica da minha prática de cuidados de enfermagem especializados.The present report arises within the scope of the 15th Master’s Degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the Specialization area of the Person with Critical Illness at the Nursing School (Lisbon) of the Institute of Health Sciences from the Portuguese Catholic University and it aims to obtain a master’s degree and the title of nurse specialist in medical-surgical nursing in the area of person with critical illness. On it I intend to describe the goals and activities conducted in the internships: master skills, common competencies and specific competencies of nurse specialist acquired and developed in those contexts through a descriptive and critical-reflective methodology using bibliographic research for scientific substantiation. Virginia Henderson’s theory of human needs was the theoretical support for this report and the practice of nursing care to the person with critical illness in the internships. Regarding the structure of this report, in the introduction some essential concepts are defined. Next, in the first chapter, it is produced a scoping review about the immobilization with backboard of adults with suspected spinal cord injury in pre-hospital care and emergency department for the development of master skills, specifically in research. In this academic and professional path internships were carried out in two units: neurocritical intensive care unit and medical-surgical intensive care unit in a hospital in the Lisbon area and in the second chapter a characterization of both internship units is made. In the third chapter I expose the goals defined for each internship and highlight the activities carried out to achieve them through their description and reflective analysis in order to develop master’s skills and competencies of a specialist nurse in medical-surgical nursing for person with critical illness, highlighting the anticipation of instability, administering complex therapeutic protocols and prevention and control of infection. Lastly, in the conclusion, a reflection is made on the professional development achieved based on the skills acquired and developed along this path, reckoning that this path has contributed for de dynamic evolution of my specialized nursing practice

    Relações entre o Conhecimento Explícito da Língua e a Competência de Leitura. Compreensão de dependências referenciais no ensino básico

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    O presente trabalho, que se inscreve na especialidade de linguística e ensino de língua, investiga relações entre o conhecimento explícito da língua e a competência de leitura no ensino da língua materna. Para se estudar relações entre estes dois domínios, desenvolveu-se um estudo em contexto escolar para avaliação da compreensão de dependências referenciais na leitura por alunos do ensino básico. O estudo realizado, no qual participaram 91 alunos, pretendeu cumprir três objetivos: (i) diagnosticar o conhecimento linguístico de alunos dos 4.º, 6.º e 8.º anos de escolaridade sobre a compreensão de dependências referenciais na leitura; (ii) intervir didaticamente face aos resultados obtidos no diagnóstico pelos alunos de 4.º ano, através da promoção de atividades que visam o desenvolvimento da consciência linguística e do conhecimento explícito sobre dependências referenciais e, mais concretamente, o desenvolvimento de estratégias de identificação de antecedentes de pronomes; (iii) e avaliar os efeitos da intervenção didática, pela comparação dos desempenhos de um grupo de alunos de 4.º ano quanto à compreensão de dependências referenciais na leitura antes e após a intervenção implementada. A tese está organizada em seis capítulos: no Capítulo 1, de caráter introdutório, apresenta-se a questão geral da investigação e o seu enquadramento teórico e metodológico; no Capítulo 2, abordam-se questões em torno da gramática e da leitura, procurando mostrar-se relações entre estes dois domínios no que se refere à investigação e ao ensino; o Capítulo 3 é dedicado à caracterização das estruturas linguísticas em estudo, isto é, das relações anafóricas que envolvem dependência referencial, em particular as que se estabelecem entre uma forma pronominal – pessoal, demonstrativa e relativa – e uma determinada expressão linguística que lhe serve de antecedente; no Capítulo 4, procede-se à descrição e fundamentação metodológica do estudo sobre a compreensão de dependências referenciais na leitura, assim como à apresentação dos resultados, orientada por um conjunto de hipóteses derivadas da questão geral de investigação; a partir da análise quantitativa dos dados, complementada por uma análise qualitativa de itens problemáticos, o Capítulo 5 compreende a discussão de questões suscitadas pelos resultados relativamente às hipóteses formuladas, assim como a consideração de contributos da investigação desenvolvida para o ensino da língua materna; por fim, no Capítulo 6, sintetizam-se resultados e sistematizam-se respostas, sustentando-se a ideia de que o ensino da gramática, entendido como um processo de consciencialização e explicitação do conhecimento linguístico, pode reverter a favor de uma melhoria dos desempenhos na compreensão da leitura.The present research, which is part of the field of linguistics and language teaching, investigates relations between explicit knowledge of language and reading in mother tongue teaching. In order to study relations between these two domains, a study was developed in a school context to evaluate the understanding of referential dependencies in reading by students in grades 4, 6 and 8. The study, in which 91 students participated, aimed at three objectives: (i) to diagnose the linguistic knowledge of students on the understanding of referential dependencies in reading; (ii) to propose a didactic intervention in response to the results obtained in the diagnosis by students in grade 4, based on the promotion of activities that aim at the development of linguistic awareness and explicit knowledge about referential dependencies and, more specifically, the development of strategies to identify antecedents of pronouns; (iii) and to evaluate the effects of the didactic intervention, by comparing the performance of a group of students in grade 4 on the understanding of referential dependencies in reading before and after the intervention. This thesis is organized in six chapters: Chapter 1, the introduction, presents the general question of the research and its theoretical and methodological framework; Chapter 2 addresses questions about grammar and reading and the relations between these domains in research and in education; Chapter 3 is dedicated to the description of the linguistic structures under study, that is, the anaphoric relations involving referential dependency, in particular those that are established between a pronoun - personal, demonstrative and relative - and a linguistic expression functioning as an antecedent; Chapter 4 presents the methodological basis of the study on the understanding of referential dependencies in reading, as well as its results, guided by a number of assumptions derived from the general research question; based on a quantitative analysis of the data but also on a qualitative analysis of problematic items, Chapter 5 offers a discussion of the results according to the assumptions made, as well as a consideration of contributions of the research to mother tongue teaching; finally, in Chapter 6, results are summarized and research answers are reviewed, based on the idea that the teaching of grammar, understood as a process of developing linguistic awareness and explicit knowledge, can be used to improve performance in reading comprehension

    O papel da marca no momento de consumo de café no Canal Horeca

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    Um mundo sem marcas seria um mundo difícil. As marcas não são um objetivo, mas uma consequência da evolução da sociedade de consumo. Num produto Commodity como é considerado o café, a marca torna-se extremamente essencial para que se consigam diferenciar entre si. Mas será que quem consome o café no canal Horeca realmente se importa com a marca? O presente estudo é uma análise à presença da marca no canal Horeca e aos fatores externos levam o consumidor a consumir café nestes estabelecimentos.A world Without Brands would be difficult world. Brands are not a goal, but a consequence of the evolution of consumer society. In a Commodity product as coffee is considered, the brand becomes extremely essential for them to differentiate themselves. But does anyone who consumes coffee in Horeca Channel really care about the brand? The present study is an analysis of the brand in the Horeca channel and external factors that lead consumers to consume coffee in these establishments

    Para um perfil do conhecimento gramatical da geração do milénio

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    The academic year 2019/20 is marked by the arrival at university of students born in the new millennium. When this generation of students began to ‘learn grammar’ at school, teachers and other specialistswere debating the terminology for basic and secondary education and the place of grammar in the curriculum was changing. In this article, we propose to contribute to a description of the knowledge about language to which millennials had access, more than a decade after the Terminological Dictionary(DT) became official (DGE, 2008). Assuming that there is a prescribed curriculumand a real curriculum, we start from the question what is the place of grammar in the curriculum to offer a comparative analysis of the discourse prescribed for the teaching of grammar in official curricular documents approved between 2000/01 and 2019/20. From this analysis, we present an empirical study assessing the grammatical knowledgein European Portuguese of 65 students entering higher education in 2019/20. For this study, we used a diagnostic instrument, assessing knowledge of different grammatical topics, mainly in the domains of morphology and syntax. The results obtained, which update data from previous studies on students’ difficulties in grammar learning, suggest that terminological standardization and changes in the prescribed curriculum have not solved all the problems in the teaching of gramar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novel mutation in addition to functional TMPRSS6 gene polymorphisms originate an IRIDA-like phenotype in an African child

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    Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA) is a rare autosomal recessive anemia often unresponsive to oral iron intake and partially responsive to parenteral iron treatment. The disease originates from mutations in TMPRSS6 gene, encoding Matriptase 2, a transmembrane serine protease that plays an essential role in down-regulating hepcidin. Once TMPRSS6 is mutated, the corresponding protein is absent or inactive at the hepatocyte membrane leading to uncontrolled high levels of hepcidin and impaired iron absorption. This study aimed to investigate a 4-year-old boy of sub-Saharan ancestry (Mozambique/Angola), presenting with microcytic hypochromic anemia, low transferrin saturation, normal ferritin, and having a partial response to intravenous iron treatment. He is a -α3.7-thalassemia carrier. TMPRSS6 was screened for variants by Next-Generation Sequencing using Nextera XT libraries in a MiSeq platform (Illumina). Genetic variants found were validated by Sanger sequencing. In silico analyses were performed in HSF, SIFT, Poly-Phen2 and Missense3D softwares. A novel missense mutation (c.871G>A) was found in heterozygosity, in TMPRSS6 exon 8. In silico analysis indicates the conserved amino acid change (G291S) may be damaging to the protein stability. Due to its location in the CUB1 domain, it may also affect the enzyme activation and substrate recognition. Additionally, 3 SNPs previously associated with a greater risk of developing iron deficiency anemia (K253E, V736A and Y739Y) were also identified in TMPRSS6. Although IRIDA is known as an autosomal recessive disease, we conclude that, in this case, the result of a digenic inheritance of the novel damaging mutation (c.871G>A; G291S) and the 3 common modulating SNPs in the same gene and a co-inheritance of the α-thalassemia HBA deletion may lead to an IRIDA-like phenotype. Further functional studies of the mutated protein as well as family studies should be conducted.This work was partially supported by INSA_2013DGH910 and GenomePT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio