134 research outputs found

    Fostering the Sustainable Development Goals from an Ecosystem Conducive to the SE: The Galician’s Case

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    The special alignment of the principles and effects of the social economy (SE) with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) renders this area especially suitable for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of these goals, favoring a paradigm shift towards a new economic system that reconciles growth and sustainability. In this context, governments and institutions can moderate or accelerate this path, with the implementation of a series of policies to promote and drive the social economy. In Spain, responsibility for the design and implementation of such policies is transferred to sub-central governments, known as autonomous communities. Galicia is the first Spanish autonomous community to have its own Act on SE. This article explains the promotion strategy established in this region, which has resulted in an ecosystem favorable to the development and consolidation of the Galician SE, based on a combination of public policies with synergistic effects. The outcome of this ecosystem could have a significant impact on the achievement of several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the promotion of equal opportunities (SDG 5), the promotion of decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), and the reduction of inequalities (SDG 10The research reported was partially supported by Grant TR811A-15-009-19 from the Xunta de Galicia to Maria BastidaS

    Female Entrepreneurship: Can Cooperatives Contribute to Overcoming the Gender Gap? A Spanish First Step to Equality

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    To date, entrepreneurship research has rarely focused on cooperatives. Recent research has suggested there is a positive association between cooperatives and women’s entrepreneurial activity based on the assumption that this model is especially suitable for women’s expectations and is favourable to their economic entrepreneurial development. However, few studies have empirically tested these propositions. This research, which analysed data from 264 Spanish cooperatives, confirms these findings. A mixed-methods approach was used. In the first stage, a Delphi study was run with 11 cooperative entrepreneurship experts to ask what factors may be decisive for women preferring a cooperative model. In the second stage, the factors derived from the Delphi study were used in a survey targeting female cooperative associates. The findings confirmed that female cooperative owners perceived this business model to be aligned with their values and best fit their work and lifestyle. This research contributes to the existing social entrepreneurship literature by providing empirical evidence from the Spanish context that highlights the role of women in cooperatives. The findings also emphasize the need for responsive policies and programmes that promote the cooperative model since it promotes female employment and women’s entrepreneurial activity even in periods of economic austerityThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, grant number TR811A-15-009-19S

    Conciliation between Equality and Expatriation

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolEn España, a pasada Lei 7/2007 para a igualdade de oportunidades entre homes e mulleres trouxo cambios substanciais para a dirección de empresas. Sobre a base da eficiencia empresarial, decidir quen debe ser postulado en función dun sistema de cotas de participación equilibrada entre homes e mulleres pode ser unha decisión ineficiente. Varios estudos insistiron en que a presenza internacional da muller como expatriada é sensiblemente inferior á dos homes. Se as razóns que conduciron a esta inferior presenza feminina son subxectivas, daquela probablemente nos atopemos ante unha boa oportunidade para incrementar esta. Porén, se estas razóns son obxectivas, daquela estaremos realizando nomeamentos de candidatas a postos que no medio prazo destruirán as nosas posibilidades de competitividade internacional. Neste traballo intentaremos analizar se as mulleres españolas afrontan menos dificultades para acceder a postos internacionais. Consideraremos as causas que apartan ás mulleres do progreso e determinaremos se, nestas circunstancias, a recente lei se converte nunha ameaza ou nunha oportunidade para a competitividade internacional das nosas empresasEn España, la pasada Ley 7/2007 para la igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres trajo cambios sustanciales para la dirección de empresas. Sobre la base de la eficiencia empresarial, decidir quién debe ser postulado en función de un sistema de cuotas de participación equilibrada entre hombres y mujeres puede ser una decisión ineficiente. Varios estudios han insistido en que la presencia internacional de la mujer como expatriada es sensiblemente inferior a la de los hombres. Si las razones que han conducido a esta inferior presencia femenina son subjetivas, entonces probablemente nos encontremos ante una buena oportunidad para incrementar esta. Sin embargo, si estas razones son objetivas, entonces estaremos realizando nombramientos de candidatas a puestos que a medio plazo destruirán nuestras posibilidades de competitividad internacional. En este trabajo intentaremos analizar si las mujeres españolas afrontan menos dificultades para acceder a puestos internacionales. Consideraremos las causas que apartan a las mujeres del progreso y determinaremos si, en estas circunstancias, la reciente ley se convierte en una amenaza o en una oportunidad para la competitividad internacional de nuestras empresasIn Spain, the passed Law 7/2007 for the effective equality between men and women, will bring about substantial changes in Management. On the basis of managerial efficiency, deciding who should be appointed to a post over a quota system of balanced participation of men and women at a given level would be an inefficient decision. Several studies have shown that the presence of women abroad, as expatriates, is outstandingly smaller than that of men. If the reasons that have led to this lower female presence are subjective, then we are probably faced with a great opportunity to increase the presence of women abroad. However, if these reasons are objective, then we will be appointing candidates to a post that will destroy our possibilities of international competition in the medium term. In this paper we will try to analyse if the chances of Spanish women of applying for jobs abroad are diminished, as it seems to be the case in the international context. We will consider the causes that prevent women from making progress and determine if, in these circumstances, the recently passed Law will turn out to be an opportunity or a threat for the international competitiveness of our companiesS

    Characteristics of febrile urinary tract infections in older male adults

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    Background: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most frequent bacterial infections in older adults. The aim of the study was to analyse the existence of differences in clinical features, microbiological data and risk of infection by multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) between older and non-older men with febrile UTI (FUTI). Methods: This was an ambispective observational study involving older males with a FUTI attended in the Emergency Department. Variables collected included age, comorbidity, diagnostic of healthcare-associated (HCA)-FUTI, clinical manifestations, hospitalization, mortality, and microbiological data. Results: Five hundred fifty-two males with a FUTI, 329 (59.6%) of whom were older adults, were included. Older males had a higher frequency of HCA-FUTI (p < 0.001), increased Charlson scores (p < 0.001), had received previous antimicrobial treatment more frequently (p < 0.001) and had less lower urinary tract symptoms (p < 0.001). Older patients showed a lower frequency of FUTI caused by E. coli (p < 0.001) and a higher rate of those due to Enterobacter spp. (p = 0.003) and P. aeruginosa (p = 0.033). Resistance rates to cefuroxime (p = 0.038), gentamicin (p = 0.043), and fluoroquinolones (p < 0.001) in E. coli isolates and the prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase and AmpC producing E. coli and Klebsiella spp. strains (p = 0.041) and MDRO (p < 0.001) were increased in older males. Inadequate empirical antimicrobial treatment (p = 0.004), frequency of hospitalization (p < 0.001), and all cause in-hospital mortality (p = 0.007) were higher among older patients. In the multivariate analysis, being admitted from an long term care facility (OR 2.4; 95% CI: 1.06-5.9), having a urinary tract abnormality (OR 2.2; 95% CI: 1.2-3.8) and previous antimicrobial treatment (OR 3.2; 95% CI: 1.9-5.4) were associated to FUTI caused by MDRO. Conclusions: Older male adults with a FUTI have different clinical characteristics, present specific microbiological features, and antimicrobial resistance rates. In the multivariate analysis being an older male was not associated with an increased risk of FUTI caused by MDRO

    The contribution of the law on the social economy of Galicia to territorial development and the improvement of employment

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    En los últimos años, desde diferentes ámbitos institucionales y, de forma especial, en el seno de la Unión Europea (UE) se han realizado pronunciamientos recurrentes en relación con la necesidad de reconocer a la Economía Social (ES) como una realidad diferencial a la empresa, que prioriza una serie de resultados al margen de los económicos y financieros. Paralelamente, el reciente compromiso contraído por las Naciones Unidas (NU) en relación con la Agenda 2030, materializado en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) ha atraído el foco de atención sobre este ámbito, por la alineación de los principios y valores que rigen las entidades de ES y dichos objetivos, y el consiguiente papel que éstas pueden tener en la consecución de los retos fijados. En línea con estos planteamientos, la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia ha sido la primera en contar con legislación propia en materia de ES, la Ley de Economía Social de Galicia (LESG) aprobada en 2016. Esta normativa hace hincapié en dos aspectos: la adscripción al territorio y el fomento del empleo. Precisamente lo anterior tiene una gran influencia sobre dos objetivos comunes a la ES y los ODS: el reparto equilibrado de la riqueza y el fomento del empleo de calidad. Igualmente, permite avanzar soluciones para alguno de los problemas más acuciantes del complejo contexto sociodemográfico gallego actual. En este trabajo se estudia el caso gallego como ejemplo de buenas prácticas para el fomento y consolidación del tejido de ES, que permite afrontar retos de diferente naturaleza a partir de la combinación de la actividad económica y la sostenibilidad

    Raw-cured Spanish traditional meat product 'Chistorra de Navarra': sensory and composition quality standards

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    The aim of this work was to set the quality standards of the chistorra de Navarra, a raw-cured Spanish traditional meat product, through the study of its sensory and physicochemical features. The quality of chistorra samples, coming from 50 different artisan producers, were assessed during three sessions by expert assessors (n = 15). In the first session, instrumental colour (L*a*and b*) and appearance and odour parameters were evaluated in the raw products. In the second session, texture and flavour attributes were determined in cooked products. Finally, in the third session, the best 10 classified chistorras from the first and second sessions were sensorially evaluated and sampled for further analysis: texture (Warner Bratzler and texture profile analysis (TPA)), chemical composition, and fatty acid profile. The chistorras with the highest sensory scores had high shear force values, flavour intensity, and fat/hydroxyproline ratio. The average fatty acid profile obtained for chistorra de Navarra was: 42% saturated fatty acids (SFA), 45% monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and 13% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which was similar to the one found in other raw-cured sausages. Considering the sensory evaluation, chistorra was defined as a product with an intense orange colour, and with high resistance value in the initial bite. It was also characterised by a high juiciness and tenderness, aroma, and meat flavour. In mouth, the pork fat, one of the ingredients of chistorra, was balanced without any of the ingredients dominating. Chemically, the chistorra was characterised by a fat content close to 67% (dry matter), low hydroxyproline occurrence (≤0.6), and protein amount ranging 18 38%

    CLUN : Concentración por fusión de tres cooperativas lácteas en el cooperativismo agrario en Galicia

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    El sector lácteo gallego, pese a ser un sector estratégico, se ha caracterizado tradicionalmente por un minifundismo que puede restar potencial competitivo a las empresas que operan en él -muchas, bajo fórmula cooperativa-. En este trabajo se describe el proceso de concentración de tres cooperativas lácteas -Feiraco, Os Irmandiños y Melisanto- a través de la creación de la cooperativa de segundo grado Unión de Cooperativas Lácteas Unidas (CLUN). Este proceso, junto a la actual fusión pilotada por la cooperativa AIRA, contribuye a redibujar el cooperativismo agrario y el sector lácteo en Galicia.El estudio se inicia con una breve descripción del sector agrario, y más en concreto lácteo, en Galicia, contextualizándolo en la evolución del sector en España. A continuación se describe el proceso de creación de CLUN, como ejemplo de concentración en el cooperativismo agrario gallego. Se describen las diferentes entidades que confluyen en la organización resultante, incluyendo las diferentes perspectivas del proceso. Por último, se identifican los retos que debe afrontar CLUN a medio plazo, para finalizar con un conjunto de conclusiones y recomendaciones que identifican un conjunto de buenas prácticas que pudieran contribuir al éxito en este y otros procesos de concentración similares. A este respecto, debe señalarse que el 1 de enero de 2019 CLUN se conforma como cooperativa de primer grado, consolidándose la fusión de las tres cooperativas. Esto sugiere que el proceso de reordenación del cooperativismo agrario en Galicia sigue muy activo, lo que redunda en el atractivo de su seguimiento como objeto de análisis
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