192 research outputs found

    Hunter-gatherer mobility and territories in the dunefields of center Argentina

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    The distribution of certain rocks in the landscape allows us to reconstruct diverse aspects of past hunter-gatherer behavior. In this work, we evaluate the mobility patterns employed by these groups and the presence or absence of boundaries in the Aeolian system of the center of Argentina. To accomplish this objective, we consider two types of evidence: 1) raw material frequencies and distributions in three areas of this Aeolian System and 2) presence and frequency of knapping stones from Tandilia sources. We construct a fall-off curve that is based on the relationship between the frequency of an item and the distance to the source of supply. The characteristics of each area yielded the human groups that inhabited delineate different modes of exploitation of the rocks. The fall-off curve documents a steep drop-off between 300 and 350 km from the Tandilia source and the spatial analysis indicates that within this distance the source probably represents the threshold of direct access to the quarries. Tandilia stone-tools seem to systematically supply a relatively wide area of the Central Pampean Dunefields of the Pampa grasslands, through varied processes, but they arrive at very low frequencies over great distances. The presence of Tandilia rocks in the Western Pampean Dunefields and Western Pampas Sand Mantles and Dunefields indicates social interaction between human groups that shared some common technological knowledge. The presence of stones in the Central Pampean Dunefields coming from the xerophytic woodland of the Dry Pampas can be related with contacts and exchanges among the hunter-gatherer group that occupied different territories

    Abastecimiento y Explotación de Materias Primas en el Arroyo Tapaque (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    Este trabalho apresenta as análises efetuadas sobre os materiais líticos provenientes dos sítios Núcleo Central 1 e Cerro Três Lomas 1, situados no setor norte-ocidental do sistema de montanha de Tandilla (Argentina). Examinam-se as estratégias de exploração realizadas nos setores de abastecimento, descrevem-se as formas de transferência e como foram empregadas as matérias-primas nos sítios situados na microrregião de estudo

    Analysis of the lithic assemblages from Paso Otero 4 (Necochea district, Buenos Aires Province). Advances in the knowledge of the technological strategies in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande river during the late Pleistocene-Holocene)

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    El sitio Paso Otero 4 forma parte de la localidad arqueológica homónima, ubicada en la cuenca media del río Quequén Grande (Partido de Necochea); las ocupaciones humanas fueron datadas en ca. 8900-4600 años AP. El primer objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer las principales tendencias de la tecnología lítica, básicamente referidas al aprovisionamiento de rocas, las técnicas de talla, los objetivos de producción y las etapas de las cadenas operativas representadas en los dos niveles arqueológicos que componen el sitio. Sobre la base de esta información se discute su funcionalidad. El segundo objetivo es la comparación de los resultados obtenidos del sitio Paso Otero 4 con los de los sitios Paso Otero 5 (transición Pleistoceno- Holoceno), Paso Otero 3 (Holoceno medio) y Zanjón Seco 2 (Holoceno tardío). A partir de los resultados obtenidos se proponen cambios en las estrategias tecnológicas durante el Pleistoceno final-Holoceno para el curso medio del río Quequén Grande. Estos incluyen, entre otros, una reducción en las áreas de captación de recursos líticos y la incorporación de estrategias de aprovisionamiento de lugares.Paso Otero 4 is located in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande River (Necochea District, Argentina), within the Paso Otero archaeological locality. Human occupations were dated at ca. 8900-4600 years BP. The aim of this paper is to present the main trends of the lithic technology at the site, basically in relation with raw material acquisition, knapping techniques, tool production and the stages of the chaine operatoire represented in the two archaeological levels that compose the site. On the basis of this information the functionality of the site is discussed. Finally, the results presented in this paper are compared with the available lithic information from nearby sites of different chronology: Paso Otero 5 (Pleistocene-Holocene transition), Paso Otero 3 (Middle Holocene) and Zanjón Seco 2 (Late Holocene). Changes in the technological strategies during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene periods in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande River are proposed. The latter includes, among others, a reduction in the catchment areas of lithic resources and a provisioning places strategy.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Analysis of the lithic assemblages from Paso Otero 4 (Necochea district, Buenos Aires Province). Advances in the knowledge of the technological strategies in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande river during the late Pleistocene-Holocene)

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    El sitio Paso Otero 4 forma parte de la localidad arqueológica homónima, ubicada en la cuenca media del río Quequén Grande (Partido de Necochea); las ocupaciones humanas fueron datadas en ca. 8900-4600 años AP. El primer objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer las principales tendencias de la tecnología lítica, básicamente referidas al aprovisionamiento de rocas, las técnicas de talla, los objetivos de producción y las etapas de las cadenas operativas representadas en los dos niveles arqueológicos que componen el sitio. Sobre la base de esta información se discute su funcionalidad. El segundo objetivo es la comparación de los resultados obtenidos del sitio Paso Otero 4 con los de los sitios Paso Otero 5 (transición Pleistoceno- Holoceno), Paso Otero 3 (Holoceno medio) y Zanjón Seco 2 (Holoceno tardío). A partir de los resultados obtenidos se proponen cambios en las estrategias tecnológicas durante el Pleistoceno final-Holoceno para el curso medio del río Quequén Grande. Estos incluyen, entre otros, una reducción en las áreas de captación de recursos líticos y la incorporación de estrategias de aprovisionamiento de lugares.Paso Otero 4 is located in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande River (Necochea District, Argentina), within the Paso Otero archaeological locality. Human occupations were dated at ca. 8900-4600 years BP. The aim of this paper is to present the main trends of the lithic technology at the site, basically in relation with raw material acquisition, knapping techniques, tool production and the stages of the chaine operatoire represented in the two archaeological levels that compose the site. On the basis of this information the functionality of the site is discussed. Finally, the results presented in this paper are compared with the available lithic information from nearby sites of different chronology: Paso Otero 5 (Pleistocene-Holocene transition), Paso Otero 3 (Middle Holocene) and Zanjón Seco 2 (Late Holocene). Changes in the technological strategies during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene periods in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande River are proposed. The latter includes, among others, a reduction in the catchment areas of lithic resources and a provisioning places strategy.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Biodisponibilidad de plomo y cadmio en sedimentos dragados del río Matanza y evaluación de métodos geoquímicos para su estimación

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    p.49-55En este trabajo se determinó la biodisponibilidad de cadmio y plomo en sedimentos dragados del río Matanza midiendo la acumulación de estos metales en los tejidos de la lombriz Eisenia foetida. Se evaluó la aplicación de métodos simples de extracción de cadmio y plomo, como medidas indirectas de su biodisponibilidad. La concentración de ambos metales aumentó en los tejidos de Eisenia fetida acorde con las mayores concentraciones en el sedimento; sin embargo, los coeficientes de bioacumulación sólo fueron mayores que la unidad para los tratamientos con adición de 5, 10 y 25 mg de Cd/kg de sedimento. El fraccionamiento de los metales por el método de Tessier mostró que la principal forma de cadmio presente en el sedimento fue la intercambiable para todos los tratamientos, mientras que las formas de plomo, variaron según la dosis del metal agregada. Las concentraciones de los metales extractados del sedimento con MgCi2, EDTA y DTPA se relacionaron con la bioacumulación en los tejidos de Eisenia ferida, indicando que pueden utilizarse como indicadores de la fracción biodisponible de Cd y Pb en los sedimentos

    Quantifying indoor radon levels and determinants in schools: a case study in the radon-prone area Galicia–Norte de Portugal Euroregion

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    Radon is a carcinogenic compound, and is particularly concerning in the education sector, where children and teachers may be exposed even longer than at home. Thus, this study intended to characterise radon in the indoor air of scholar environments in different provinces/districts of the Euroregion Galicia–Norte de Portugal. With a pioneering approach, this study evaluated the influence of specific factors/characteristics (location, type of management, construction material, season and floor within the building) and quantified their relative contribution to indoor radon levels. Radon was continuously monitored in 416 classrooms from school buildings located in urban and rural sites from different provinces/districts both in the regions of Galicia (A Coruña and Lugo provinces) and Portugal (Porto and Bragança districts), considering rooms for different age groups (from nursery schools to universities). Single and multivariate linear regression models were built considering the radon concentrations as the outcome variable and different room/building characteristics as predictor variables. Mean and median radon concentrations were 332 Bq·m−3 and 181 Bq·m−3, respectively. The radon concentrations observed are a public health concern, as almost 1/3 of the places monitored exceeded the reference limit value of the European legislation (300 Bq·m−3). Moreover, around 50 % of the indoor levels measured could be attributed to room/building characteristics: the building's location and the main construction material, as well as the occupants' age group, the floor within the building and the school's type of management (public/private). This study concluded that radon testing is needed in all school buildings and classrooms without exceptions. Thus, public administrations are urged to dedicate funds for testing, mitigation and public dissemination initiatives in schools. A special protocol for radon sampling in school buildings should also be developedThis work was financially supported by: LA/P/0045/2020 (ALiCE) and –(LEPABE) funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); competitive scholarship from Fundación Prevent (Beca I + D en PRL). PTBS Branco thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the financial support of his work contract through the Scientific Employment Stimulus – Individual Call – 2022.05461.CEECIND. The funding sources did not have any involvement in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; nor in the decision to submit the article for publicationS

    Genotipagem de Toxoplasma gondii em galinhas domésticas em uma área rural do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Free-range chickens may ingest oocysts of T. gondii present in the environment and consequently harbor virulent strains of this parasite in different tissues, without any clinical signs. Isolation of T. gondii through bioassays on mice and cats from naturally infected chicken tissues has been described in several countries, demonstrating the importance of free-range chickens in the transmission of this parasite. The aim of this study was the genotypic characterization of T. gondii isolates obtained from naturally infected free-range chickens in a rural area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Brain and heart tissue from 12 chickens seropositive for T. gondii were processed using peptic digestion technique for parasite isolation. From 12 samples subjected to mouse bioassay, nine isolates were obtained. RFLP-PCR genotypic characterization was performed using 11 genetic markers: SAG1, 5'-3'SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29- 2, L358, PK1 and Apico. Genetic characterization of the isolates revealed the presence of five atypical genotypes according to ToxoDB (# 11, # 55, # 64, # 140 and # 163). Our results showed a wide genetic diversity of T. gondii in free-range chickens in this region.Galinhas criadas ao ar livre podem ingerir oocistos de T. gondii presentes no ambiente e, com isso, albergar cepas virulentas desse parasita em diferentes tecidos, sem sinais clínicos. O isolamento de T. gondii por meio de bioensaios em camundongos e gatos, a partir de tecidos de galinhas naturalmente infectadas, tem sido descrito em vários países. Isso demonstra a importância das galinhas caipiras na epidemiologia desse parasita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar genotipicamente isolados de T. gondii obtidos de galinhas caipiras naturalmente infectadas em uma área rural do município de Santa Maria, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Fragmentos de cérebro e de coração, de 12 galinhas soropositivas para T. gondii, foram processados pela técnica de digestão péptica para isolamento do parasita. Das 12 amostras submetidas a bioensaio com camundongos, nove isolados foram obtidos. A caracterização genotípica por RFLP-PCR foi realizada utilizando-se 11 marcadores genéticos: SAG1, 5'- 3'SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 e Apico e revelou a presença de cinco genótipos atípicos de acordo com o ToxoDB (# 11, # 55, # 64, # 140 e # 163). Os resultados mostraram uma ampla diversidade genética de T. gondii em galinhas caipiras nessa região.Fil: Camillo, G.. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Machado, M. E. A.. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Cadore, G.C.. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Bräunig, P.. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Venturini, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; ArgentinaFil: Pardini, Lais Luján. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Barros, L.D.. Universidade Estadual de Londrina; BrasilFil: Garcia, J.L.. Universidade Estadual de Londrina; BrasilFil: Sangioni, L.A.. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Vogel, F.S.F.. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Brasi

    Phenolic acids, cinnamic acid, and ergosterol as cosmeceutical ingredients: Stabilization by microencapsulation to ensure sustained bioactivity

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    The global cosmetic industry is constantly searching for new ingredients with multifunctional properties. In this context, phenolic compounds (p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric, and protocatechuic acids), cinnamic acid and ergosterol were evaluated for their anti-inflammatory, anti-tyrosinase and antimicrobial activities, and thereafter microencapsulated by the atomization/coagulation technique. After characterization (morphology, particle size distribution and encapsulation efficiency), the microencapsulated compounds were incorporated into a semi-solid base cream and their performance evaluated comparatively with the use of the free forms. The cosmeceutical formulations were checked regarding the presence of the bioactive compounds by HPLC-DAD, and for their physicochemical properties (colour and pH). The obtained results demonstrated the anti-tyrosinase, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of the individual compounds that, after incorporation, have shown a decreasing pattern along time. On the contrary, the formulations incorporating the microencapsulated bioactive compounds gave rise to a gradual release, ensuring bioactivity maintenance. These results underline the advantage of using microencapsulation to preserve and ensure the controlled release of bioactive species in cosmeceutical formulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mushroom-based cosmeceutical ingredients: Microencapsulation and in vitro release profile

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    [EN]Mushrooms can be used as a source of cosmeceutical ingredients. Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus ethanolic extracts present important bioactive properties, but with some compounds showing easy oxidation and degradation. In the present work, microencapsulation by atomization/coagulation technique was used to protect the extracts. The obtained microspheres were characterised in terms of morphology, particle size distribution and encapsulation efficiency. Microencapsulated extracts were incorporated into a semi-solid base cream and their performance compared with the use of the free forms in terms of bioactivity, and in vitro release using the cosmetic matrix and real time conditions (up to 6 months). The physico-chemical properties (colour and pH) of the developed formulations were also monitored over the same time period. The cosmeceutical formulations containing free extracts displayed bioactivity. For the formulations prepared with the encapsulated forms, the release of the extracts was achieved and anti-tyrosinase and antimicrobial activities were observed, while for the antioxidant activity, the extract release over the time was not sufficient to exert an effect. Overall, the use of mushroom extracts in free or encapsulated forms can be an option in cosmeceutical formulations, and the encapsulated forms can allow a controlled release leading to bioactivity control

    Ritual persistence among hunter and gatherers of the pampean llanura of Argentina

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    En este trabajo se discuten y resumen las evidencias obtenidas como resultado de estudios multidisciplinarios —geológicos, paleoambientales, líticos, arqueofaunísticos y tafonómicos, entre otros— del sitio Calera, ubicado en las Sierras Bayas, región pampeana, Argentina. Este sitio se presenta como un depósito excepcional de origen ritual producido probablemente como consecuencia de varias ceremonias realizadas en las inmediaciones. En este lugar se registraron cuatro cubetas excavadas intencionalmente, fechadas entre c. 3400 y 1750 a.p., que fueron rellenadas con materiales arqueológicos y sedimentos alóctonos. Entre los materiales se destacan más de 6000 artefactos líticos de diferentes materias primas locales y no locales, aproximadamente 400 instrumentos líticos, 310 tiestos de alfarería (algunos con motivos figurativos antropomorfos), 1760 restos de pigmentos minerales, cuatro moluscos marinos, una hacha de granito, una cuenta de valva, una estatuilla cilíndrica decorada de forma fálica y varios instrumentos sobre hueso y astas. También se registró un número aún indeterminado (varios miles) de restos óseos de 16 especies de mamíferos —entre ellos guanaco, venado, carnívoros, mesomamíferos y micromamíferos—, seis aves, tres peces y, posiblemente, reptiles. Las características excepcionales del sitio permiten abordar aspectos ideacionales y sociales de los cazadoresrecolectores pampeanos y discutir la visibilidad arqueológica de los sitios de encuentro.In this paper, several lines of evidence (geology, paleoenvironment, lithic and faunal analysis, among others) from the Calera site (Sierras Bayas, pampean region, Argentina) are summarized and discussed. The cultural deposit seems to be a ritual site, formed by the occurrence of several ceremonies during the late Holocene. In the Calera site, four cubetas (pits) were intentionally excavated, between ca. 3400 and 1750 years BP, and filled with a great amount and variety of archaeological materials as well as alochtonous sediments. Among the recovered materials, there were more than 6000 of lithic artefacts, 310 pottery sherds (some of them with antropomorphic motifs),1760 pieces of mineral pigments, 4 marine molluscs, a shell bead, a granite axe, several instrument made of bone and deer antler, and a phallic statuette. A yet undetermined number (several thousands) of faunal remains were from 16 different mammal species (guanaco, pampean deer, carnivores, mesomammals, micromammals, among others), 6 avian species, 3 fishes and probably reptiles. The exceptional features of the site allow the study of social and ideational aspects of the pampean hunter-gatherers and discussion of the archaeological signatures of the site in terms of nonhierarchical societies.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse