2,228 research outputs found

    Influence of built structures on Tonle Sap fisheries : synthesis report

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    This document is a synthesis of the major findings and recommendation of a study on the influence of built structures on the fisheries of the Tonle Sap Lake. The multidisciplinary study analysed the influence and impact of built structures on hydrology, fish, and ultimately on people. The project established a database of major structures around the Tonle Sap Lake. Hydrologists modeled the influence of infrastructure on the flow and quality of water. Environmental scientists analysed information about how infrastructure affects the environment. Experts in ecology and fish biology assessed teh direct impacts on fisheries. Social scientists and economists evaluated the influence of infrastructure development on people's livelihoods, and studied local people's insights related to the planning, construction, and operation of built structures.Inland fisheries, Environmental impact, Structures, Man-induced effects, Cambodia, Tonle Sap L.,

    Novel Agents Targeting Bioactive Sphingolipids for the Treatment of Cancer

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    Introduction. Declared on the rapid development and pace of construction, which increases the need for high-risk work, in particular: climbing works and works at height using a special climbing order. The types of work during which there is a risk of accidents are presented. The dynamics of events that led to fatal accidents according to the statistics of the State Labor Service of Ukraine is highlighted. The relevance of the justification for the choice of climbing equipment for the rescuer, who will work to rescue workers, depending on the height. Purpose. Justification for the choice of climbing equipment for a rescuer who is carrying out work to rescue a worker who is suspended at a height. Development of a clear algorithm of actions of the rescuer-climber.Research methods. Analysis of current norms and rules on how to conduct rescue operations in rescuing a victim who hung at a height. Identify the main shortcomings that exist today in the conduct of rescue operations at height. An analysis of current norms and rules shows that the requirements for rescuing workers suspended at height are presented in general and without a clear algorithm for action.Presenting main material. To rescue a victim at risk of falling from a height, a rescue plan must be developed for a specific area or structure, taking into account all the features of rescue when working at height. The rescue plan should include detailed procedures for rescue and self-rescue methods, equipment used, training requirements, specialized training for rescuers, etc. Training of rescuers-climbers should be carried out with a certain frequency and a typical training plan. A list of rescue equipment at a height to rescue a suspended worker is recommended.Conclusion. A clear algorithm of actions of the rescuer-climber is offered at the descent of the rescuer to the victim on the main rope of the victim; the descent of the rescuer to the victim on a safety rope of the victim; lifting the rescuer to the victim on the main rope of the victim; lifting the rescuer to the victim on the victim’s safety rope. Specified equipment is recommended to the rescuer for rescue work at height.Вступ. Наголошено на стрімкому розвитку та темпах будівництва, що збільшує потребу у роботах підвищеної небезпеки, зокрема: верхолазних роботах та роботах на висоті з використанням спеціального верхолазного спорядження. Представлено види робіт під час виконання яких існує загроза нещасних випадків. Висвітлено динаміку подій, що призвела до нещасних випадків зі смертельним наслідком за статистичними даними Державної служби України з питань праці. Представлено актуальність щодо обґрунтування вибору верхолазного спорядження для рятувальника, який проводить роботи з порятунку робітника, що завис на висоті. Мета. Обґрунтування вибору верхолазного спорядження для рятувальника, який проводить роботи з порятунку робітника, котрий завис на висоті. Розроблення чіткого алгоритму дій рятувальника-верхолаза. Методи дослідження. Аналіз чинних норм та правил щодо способів проведення рятувальних робіт при порятунку потерпілого, який завис на висоті. Визначення основних недоліків, що існують сьогодні при прове-денні рятувальних робіт на висоті. Аналізом чинних норм та правил встановлено, що вимоги до рятування завислих на висоті людей представлено в загальному вигляді та без чіткого алгоритму виконання дій. Виклад основного матеріалу. Для порятунку потерпілого, що піддається ризику падіння з висоти, пови-нен бути розроблений план порятунку для конкретної місцевості чи споруди з врахуванням усіх особливостей порятунку при роботі персоналу на висоті. План порятунку повинен містити детальні процедури щодо методів рятування та саморятування, використовуване обладнання, вимоги до підготовки, спеціалізоване навчання для рятувальників тощо. Навчання рятувальників-верхолазів має проводитись з визначеною періодичністю та типовим планом підготовки. Рекомендовано перелік спорядження для проведення рятувальних робіт на висоті для порятунку завислого потерпілого. Висновок. Запропоновано чіткий алгоритм дій рятувальника-верхолаза при: спуску рятувальника до потерпілого по основній мотузці потерпілого; спуску рятувальника до потерпілого по страхувальній мотузці потерпілого; підйомі рятувальника до потерпілого по основній мотузці потерпілого; підйомі рятувальника до потерпілого по страхувальній мотузці потерпілого. Рекомендовано конкретне спорядження рятувальнику для проведення рятувальних робіт на висоті

    Free-streaming approximation in early dynamics of relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We investigate an approximation to early dynamics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, where after formation the partons are free streaming and around the proper time of 1 fm/c undergo a sudden equilibration described in terms of the Landau matching condition. We discuss physical and formal aspects of this approach. In particular, we show that initial azimuthally asymmetric transverse flow develops for non-central collisions as a consequence of the sudden equilibration. Moreover, the energy-momentum tensor from the free-streaming stage matches very smoothly to the form used in the transverse hydrodynamics, whereas matching to isotropic hydrodynamics requires a more pronounced change in the energy-momentum tensor. After the hydrodynamic phase statistical hadronization is carried out with the help of THERMINATOR. The physical results for the transverse-momentum spectra, the elliptic-flow, and the Hanbury-Brown--Twiss correlation radii, including the ratio R_out/R_side as well as the dependence of the radii on the azimuthal angle (azHBT), are properly described within our approach. The agreement is equally good for a purely hydrodynamic evolution started at an early proper time of 0.25 fm/c, or for the free streaming started at that time, followed by the sudden equilibration at tau ~1 fm/c and then by perfect hydrodynamics. Thus, the inclusion of free streaming allows us to delay the start of hydrodynamics to more realistic times of the order of 1 fm/c.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Enhanced localization of genetic samples through linkage-disequilibrium correction

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    Characterizing the spatial patterns of genetic diversity in human populations has a wide range of applications, from detecting genetic mutations associated with disease to inferring human history. Current approaches, including the widely used principal-component analysis, are not suited for the analysis of linked markers, and local and long-range linkage disequilibrium (LD) can dramatically reduce the accuracy of spatial localization when unaccounted for. To overcome this, we have introduced an approach that performs spatial localization of individuals on the basis of their genetic data and explicitly models LD among markers by using a multivariate normal distribution. By leveraging external reference panels, we derive closed-form solutions to the optimization procedure to achieve a computationally efficient method that can handle large data sets. We validate the method on empirical data from a large sample of European individuals from the POPRES data set, as well as on a large sample of individuals of Spanish ancestry. First, we show that by modeling LD, we achieve accuracy superior to that of existing methods. Importantly, whereas other methods show decreased performance when dense marker panels are used in the inference, our approach improves in accuracy as more markers become available. Second, we show that accurate localization of genetic data can be achieved with only a part of the genome, and this could potentially enable the spatial localization of admixed samples that have a fraction of their genome originating from a given continent. Finally, we demonstrate that our approach is resistant to distortions resulting from long-range LD regions; such distortions can dramatically bias the results when unaccounted for

    Prediction of Maximal Heart Rate in Children and Adolescents.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify a method to predict the maximal heart rate (MHR) in children and adolescents, as available prediction equations developed for adults have a low accuracy in children. We hypothesized that MHR may be influenced by resting heart rate, anthropometric factors, or fitness level. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Sports medicine center in primary care. PARTICIPANTS: Data from 627 treadmill maximal exercise tests performed by 433 pediatric athletes (age 13.7 ± 2.1 years, 70% males) were analyzed. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: Age, sex, sport type, stature, body mass, BMI, body fat, fitness level, resting, and MHR were recorded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: To develop a prediction equation for MHR in youth, using stepwise multivariate linear regression and linear mixed model. To determine correlations between existing prediction equations and pediatric MHR. RESULTS: Observed MHR was 197 ± 8.6 b·min. Regression analysis revealed that resting heart rate, fitness, body mass, and fat percent were predictors of MHR (R = 0.25, P < 0.001), whereas age was not. Resting heart rate explained 15.6% of MHR variance, body mass added 5.7%, fat percent added 2.4%, and fitness added 1.2%. Existing adult equations had low correlations with observed MHR in children and adolescents (r = -0.03-0.34). CONCLUSIONS: A new equation to predict MHR in children and adolescents was developed, but was found to have low predictive ability, a finding similar to adult equations applied to children. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Considering the narrow range of MHR in youth, we propose using 197 b·min as the mean MHR in children and adolescents, with 180 b·min the minimal threshold value (-2 standard deviations)

    The pulsating hot subdwarf Balloon 090100001: results of the 2005 multisite campaign

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    We present the results of a multisite photometric campaign on the pulsating sdB star Balloon 090100001. The star is one of the two known hybrid hot subdwarfs with both long- and short-period oscillations. The campaign involved eight telescopes with three obtaining UBVR data, four B-band data, and one Stromgren uvby photometry. The campaign covered 48 nights, providing a temporal resolution of 0.36microHz with a detection threshold of about 0.2mmag in B-filter data. Balloon 090100001 has the richest pulsation spectrum of any known pulsating subdwarf B star and our analysis detected 114 frequencies including 97 independent and 17 combination ones. The strongest mode (f_1) in the 2.8mHz region is most likely radial while the remaining ones in this region form two nearly symmetric multiplets: a triplet and quintuplet, attributed to rotationally split \ell=1 and 2 modes, respectively. We find clear increases of splitting in both multiplets between the 2004 and 2005 observing campaigns, amounting to 15% on average. The observed splittings imply that the rotational rate in Bal09 depends on stellar latitude and is the fastest on the equator. We use a small grid of models to constrain the main mode (f_1), which most likely represents the radial fundamental pulsation. The groups of p-mode frequencies appear to lie in the vicinity of consecutive radial overtones, up to the third one. Despite the large number of g-mode frequencies observed, we failed to identify them, most likely because of the disruption of asymptotic behaviour by mode trapping. The observed frequencies were not, however, fully exploited in terms of seismic analysis which should be done in the future with a larger grid of reliable evolutionary models of hot subdwarfs.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA