543 research outputs found

    Metadata for the energy performance certificates of buildings in smart cities

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    SusCity is a MIT Portugal project that falls within the scope of smart cities. One of its tasks aims to research and develop metadata artefacts to be used in the scope of a Linked Open Data platform. In this article, we report the process and results associated with the development of the following metadata artefacts: an application profile, a metadata schema and four controlled vocabularies. The application field is the energy certification of buildings. For the development of the application profile, we inspired ourselves in the Me4MAP method although we did not use it thoroughly. The creation of the metadata schema and controlled vocabularies involved the use of Wikidata, so all new terms (RDFS classes and properties and SKOS concepts) are related to Wikidata terms. The results include the application profile, the metadata schema and the controlled vocabularies. The application profile has 13 properties, four of which are new. The controlled vocabulary on measures for energy performance has 22 new terms spread over four levels. The remaining controlled vocabularies just hold a few terms each. All the artefacts are open to the community for use and reuse.(FCT/MITP-TB/CS/0026/2013)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relações entre fases de carreira e a percepção de insegurança e empregabilidade dos trabalhadores

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    Esta investigação tem como objectivo compreender que efeito a idade enquanto factor cronológico, elemento subjectivo, experiência profissional, fase da vida e fases de carreira têm na percepção de insegurança e empregabilidade dos trabalhadores. Vamos também apurar que efeito a percepção dos trabalhadores de insegurança tem ao nível organizacional e ao nível individual. Foi criado um questionário para este estudo, ao qual participaram 217 inquiridos, com uma média de idades de 38,54 (sd=11,44), a distribuição quanto ao género é próxima da equitativa, ao nível ocupacional 35% são executantes, seguidos dos quadros administrativos 27%. Os resultados demonstraram que a percepção de insegurança é construída com base na interpretação da realidade organizacional e do mercado de trabalho, enquanto a empregabilidade é uma variável centrada nos aspectos intrínsecos dos trabalhadores, como traços de personalidade, locus de controlo e grau de escolaridade. Os dados demonstraram que são os trabalhadores mais velhos e que se encontram em fases de carreira de declínio e à mais anos numa organização que são os percepcionam em maior escala o sentimento de insegurança relativamente ao seu trabalho e diminuição da percepção de empregabilidade. O impacto na organização da percepção de insegurança existe ao nível da diminuição do commitment afectivo e diminuição das atitudes de aprendizagem. Com estes resultados pretende-se melhorar o entendimento da realidade da insegurança e empregabilidade, dando ferramentas à gestão de recursos humanos para potenciar os seus recursos e diminuir o impacto negativo no trabalhador e na organização deste fenómeno.This research aims to understand what effect has the chronological age as a factor, the subjective element, work experience, life stage and career stages, in the perception of insecurity and employability of workers. We will also determine what effects the perception of insecurity among workers at an organizational level and individual level. A survey was created for this study, which involved 217 respondents, with an average age of 38.54 (sd = 11.44), the distribution by gender is fairly close to, the occupational level 35% are executants, followed by administrative staff 27%. The results showed that the perception of insecurity is built based on the interpretation of organizational reality and the labor market, while employability is a variable focus more on the intrinsic aspects of workers, such as personality traits, locus of control and education. The statistics showed that older workers who are in career stages of decline and more years in an organization are those who perceive a larger scale in the sense of insecurity regarding their work and decreases the perception of employability. The impact on the organization's perception of insecurity at the level of emotional commitment, decreased learning attitudes. With these results it is intended to improve understanding of the reality of insecurity and employability, providing tools to human resource management to influence its resources and reduce the negative impact on workers and organizations

    In situ enabling approaches for tissue regeneration: Current challenges and new developments

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    This work was supported by National Funds from the FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through the projects UID/Multi/50016/2019, UID/Multi/04044/2019, and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-31146, a post-doctoral fellowship to SB-S (SFRH/BPD/116024/2016), the European Union through PT2020 and Centro2020 (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000014 and POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024533), the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012 (Biotherapies – Structured Programme on Bioengineering Therapies for Infectious Diseases and Tissue Regeneration) funded by the NORTE2020 program, and the Interreg V-A POCTEP Program through FEDER funds from the European Union (0245_IBEROS_1_E).In situ tissue regeneration can be defined as the implantation of tissue-specific biomaterials (by itself or in combination with cells and/or biomolecules) at the tissue defect, taking advantage of the surrounding microenvironment as a natural bioreactor. Up to now, the structures used were based on particles or gels. However, with the technological progress, the materials’ manipulation and processing has become possible, mimicking the damaged tissue directly at the defect site. This paper presents a comprehensive review of current and advanced in situ strategies for tissue regeneration. Recent advances to put in practice the in situ regeneration concept have been mainly focused on bioinks and bioprinting techniques rather than the combination of different technologies to make the real in situ regeneration. The limitation of conventional approaches (e.g., stem cell recruitment) and their poor ability to mimic native tissue are discussed. Moreover, the way of advanced strategies such as 3D/4D bioprinting and hybrid approaches may contribute to overcome the limitations of conventional strategies are highlighted. Finally, the future trends and main research challenges of in situ enabling approaches are discussed considering in vitro and in vivo evidence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fucoidans: exploring its neuroprotective mechanisms and therapeutic applications in brain disorders

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    Background: Marine-derived natural products have been attracting attention from both the food and pharmaceutical sectors due to their promising therapeutic attributes. Algae and their biomolecules are examples of marine-derived products for ongoing research endeavors. Fucoidan, an algae-derived polysaccharide, has emerged as a recent biomolecule related to a diverse array of beneficial properties, with particular emphasis on its neuroprotective activities. Scope and approach: This review intended to understand the neuroprotective properties of Fucoidan and its impact on brain disorders. Fucoidan has risen to prominence as one of the most promising neuroprotective agents obtained from macroalgae, with in vitro and in vivo studies proving its efficiency. Nevertheless, the extant literature underscores the imperative for further clinical trials to substantiate its therapeutic prowess. The neuroprotective effect of fucoidan is related to oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, neuroinflammation, apoptosis, as well as the interaction between gut-brain-microbiota. Key findings and conclusions: Despite having numerous health benefits being approved by regulatory entities, fucoidan products consumption, and use by industry still needs to be explored. Henceforth, there is a need to search for an efficient method for the successful commercialization of fucoidan, focusing on its suitable dosage for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications, but it is also necessary to have clinical studies proving its efficacy in brain disorders. Therefore, this biomolecule has the potential to be exploited by researchers, investors and consumers. In this way, fucoidan could contribute to the promotion and improvement of society’s quality of life concerning specific brain pathologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polyphenols: a promising avenue in therapeutic solutions for wound care

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    In chronic wounds, the regeneration process is compromised, which brings complexity to the therapeutic approaches that need to be adopted, while representing an enormous loss in the patients’ quality of life with consequent economical costs. Chronic wounds are highly prone to infection, which can ultimately lead to septicemia and morbidity. Classic therapies are increasing antibiotic resistance, which is becoming a critical problem beyond complex wounds. Therefore, it is essential to study new antimicrobial polymeric systems and compounds that can be effective alternatives to reduce infection, even at lower concentrations. The biological potential of polyphenols allows them to be an efficient alternative to commercial antibiotics, responding to the need to find new options for chronic wound care. Nonetheless, phenolic compounds may have some drawbacks when targeting wound applications, such as low stability and consequent decreased biological performance at the wound site. To overcome these limitations, polymeric-based systems have been developed as carriers of polyphenols for wound healing, improving its stability, controlling the release kinetics, and therefore increasing the performance and effectiveness. This review aims to highlight possible smart and bio-based wound dressings, providing an overview of the biological potential of polyphenolic agents as natural antimicrobial agents and strategies to stabilize and deliver them in the treatment of complex wounds. Polymer-based particulate systems are highlighted here due to their impact as carriers to increase polyphenols bioavailability at the wound site in different types of formulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Croton argyrophyllus Kunth and Croton heliotropiifolius Kunth: phytochemical characterization and bioactive properties

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    Croton heliotropiifolius Kunth and Croton argyrophyllus Kunth are endemic plant species from northeastern Brazil widely used in folk medicine and scarcely studied. In this context, the essential oils (EO's) and methanolic extracts (leaves and stalk) of both species were chemically characterized, and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities were assessed. The chemical characterization of the EO's identified sixty components,being the major ones in C. argyrophyllus bicyclogermacrene (14.0%), β-pinene (8.9%) and spathulenol (8.7%), and in C. heliotropiifolius limonene (16.9%), α-pinene (13.3%) and caryophyllene (12.1%). Essential oils and methanolic extracts from leaves of C. argyrophyllus possess greater antioxidant potential, which could be related to the high levels of total phenols and flavonols. The antimicrobial activity of C. argyrophyllus essential oil proven to be more efficient than chloramphenicol (30 μg mL−1), with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 25 μL mL−1 against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 10 μL mL−1 against B. cereus. Leaf extracts presented high activity against yeasts (MIC = 50 mg mL−1) being C. heliotropiifolius effective against Candida albicans and C. parapsilosis, while C. argyrophyllus was effective against C. glabrata. Overall results showed that these plant species are potential sources of phytochemicals with interest in the fields of both pharmacology (e.g., antimicrobial) and human health (e.g., antioxidant). Furthermore, in the socio-economic aspect, these results can improve and disseminate the cultivation of these species, inducing improvements in the rural populations.This work was financially supported by CNPQ/CsF and CAPES and UID/AGR/00690/2013 – CIMO funded by FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional through COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) – and by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal. The authors are also grateful to UFRB Herbarium for the help with the plant species identification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Barro de Café

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    O design de produto pela sua natureza, deve manter-se atento aos problemas do mundo. Um dos temas que tem ganho maior destaque na última década é o desperdício industrial, pelas questões ambientais. Seria urgente repensar como o design poderia intervir neste contexto, procurando uma forma de aliar a pertinência de criação de produtos por meio da utilização de desperdícios. Este projeto surgiu da vontade de criar um novo material, utilizando subprodutos da indústria alimentar. Foram investigados diferentes resíduos destacando-se as borras de café, um material orgânico, excedente da indústria alimentar, do canal HORECA, disponível em abundância. Dos testes realizados verificou-se a possibilidade de adicionar esta matéria-orgânica a pastas cerâmicas, criando um material com características peculiares, nomeadamente a leveza e a porosidade. Estas mesmas particularidades geraram a ideia de explorar objetos que relacionem o material com a água. O desenvolvimento deste projeto compreendeu duas fases. Primeiro, procedeu-se a um conjunto de ensaios laboratoriais com variados materiais cerâmicos e diferentes quantidades de matéria orgânica, visando obter uma pasta mais eficaz, considerando as variáveis peso, resistência, absorção, plasticidade e sustentabilidade. Realizaram-se testes de processos de produção, manuais e industriais, como a modelagem manual, através de técnicas tradicionais, prensagem hidráulica e fabrico aditivo. Numa segunda fase, foram desenhados e produzidos protótipos que potencializassem os benefícios do material, abrangendo novos produtos e funcionalidades. Este projeto deixa como legado a importância da valorização de subprodutos visando uma nova forma de reconhecer as suas potencialidades, e, ao mesmo tempo, permitindo novas aplicações do material
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