40 research outputs found

    Pesticide Residues Impact on Drinking Water and Farmers Using Environmental Health Risk Assessment Study (EHRA)

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    Public health problems and decreased environmental health can be caused by pesticides because they are dangerous toxic substances. Pesticides have had a risky impact on farmers in Jonggol village. Assessing the risk of pesticide exposure to drinking water sources in agricultural areas in Jonggol village in 2022 is the aim of this study. The research used the Environmental Health Risk Assessment study. Conducting interviews with questionnaires, measuring pesticides in drinking water sources, and observing are part of the research data collection. The results of research conducted at 3 points only found pesticides at the first point, namely in the well water in Kampung Kujang with a value above the standard of 0.0855 mg/l the location is only 2 m from the agriculture. In the next two points, namely well water in Karni village and river water in Bengkok village, no pesticides were detected and the distance from the agriculture was 20 m. Most of the water from wells in agricultural areas is consumed by farmers for drinking. The calculation result was 0.00246 mg/kg/day for non-carcinogenic intake values (real-time) and 0.001056 mg/kg/day for carcinogenic intake values (real-time). The results showed there was no non-carcinogenic risk with RQ value of ≤ 1 with a value of characteristics of non-carcinogenic risk was 0.246. The conclusion is that both in real-time and in a lifetime, farmers in Jonggol village are already at risk. The risk of health problems for farmers can be reduced by the importance of protecting farmers by carrying out risk management

    Hubungan Kondisi Rumah dan Kepadatan Lalat di Sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah

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    Background: People who live in a poor condition of house or in a bad environment quality can attract flies to thrive and transmit disease. In the protection against disease, the house should have safe and clean facilities and being prevented from vector that has role in transmitting the disease, such as housefly. Residential area in Cipayung village, especially around final waste disposal (TPA) Cipayung, Depok with a radius of 200 meters from the landfill of  final waste disposal has the potential to become perching place of housefly, because of flight range of housefly can reach around 200-1000 meters. Method: This research is done by a cross sectional study design that aims to determine relation between house condition with the density of housefly. Results: The results showed that there was no significant relation between house criteria with housefly density inside house with p-value 0.659 (OR 0.7; 95% CI: 0.136 to 3.920), however there is a significant relation between house criteria with housefly density outside house, house with unhealthy house criteria has risk 4.2 times higher houseflies density rather than house with healthy house criteria p-value 0.011, (OR 4.273; 95% CI: 1.414 -12.909). Conclusion: Housefly control can be executed through making healthy housing and environmental

    Risiko Kesehatan Pajanan Benzena, Toluena dan Xylena Petugas Pintu Tol

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    Efek negatif dari polusi udara terhadap kesehatan manusia banyak diteliti termasuk polusi akibat sistem transportasi. Emisi kendaraan bermotor menghasilkan Benzena, Toluena dan Xylena (BTX) yang merupakan bahan kimia yang bersifat karsinogenik dan petugas pintu tol merupakan kelompok berisiko terpajan BTX. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan BTX pada petugas pintu tol. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan pendekatan Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) dan faktor-faktor antropometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada pintu tol rata-rata konsentrasi (mean+SD) benzena sebesar 0,00167+0,000056 mg/m3, toluena sebesar 0,00124+0.000049 mg/m3 dan xylena sebesar 0,00147+0,000063 mg/m3 sedangkan pada kantor administrasi konsentrasi tidak terdeteksi oleh alat (Method Detection Limit). Rata-rata risiko non karsinogenik (RQ) BTX pada petugas pintu tol lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan rata-rata RQ BTX petugas administrasi. Risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik dan karsinogenik belum menunjukkan adanya risiko kesehatan yang signifikan. Upaya pencegahan berupa pengelolaan manajemen risiko untuk pengendalian risiko bahan berbahaya di lingkungan perlu ditingkatkan. Kata Kunci: Pintu Tol, Benzena, Toulena, Xylena The researches of BTX (Benzene, Toluene and Xylene) related to the health impacts have been done and published in any publications. One of the risk groups is toll gate's workers who have been exposed every day with BTX. The design of this study is cross-sectional with Environmental Health Risk Analysis to determine the magnitude of health risks of BTX on the toll gate. The results showed at the toll workers's respondents have benzene concentration 0.00167+0.000056 mg/m3, toluene 0.00124+0.000049 mg/m3 and xylene 0.00147+0,000063 mg/m3 respectively, while in the administrative office's respondents, BTX was undetectable (Minimum Detection Limit). The average RQ of toll gate respondents was significantly higher than administrative office's respondents. In conclusion, the risk of all workers have the RQ ≤ 1. Non carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks to all toll gate's workers recently have not shown any risk yet. Nevertheless, risk management system should be developed and improved

    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Pajanan Inhalasi Debu Particulate Matter 2.5 pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kota Depok Tahun 2018

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    Particulate Matter2.5 merupakan polutan yang menjadi perhatian karena sifatnya yang unik. Dengan ukuran kurang dari 25 mikron, polutan ini dapat masuk hingga alveoli. Terdiri dari berbagai bahan dan mampu ditempeli oleh polutan kimia toksik, toksisitas PM2.5 belum dapat ditentukan secara pasti. Salah satu sumber PM2.5 yang penting yaitu jalan raya. Populasi yang dekat dengan sumber pajanan akan memiliki potensi bahaya, salah satu tempat dengan populasi yang padat yaitu sekolah. Sekolah yang dekat dengan jalan raya dapat menjadi tempat terpajannya siswa dengan PM2.5. Siswa merupakan kelompok rentan yang menghirup lebih banyak konsentrasi polutan dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa, diperlukan suatu analisis risiko kesehatan pajanan PM2.5 pada siswa sekolah. Asupan harian PM2.5 siswa berada pada rentang 7.30×10-5-14.4×10-4 mg/kg/hari, perhitungan risiko non karsinogenik bernilai dari 0.02-0.36 rentang ini berada dibawah nilai 1 sehingga dapat dikatakan aman.Kata Kunci: Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan, Particulate Matter 2.5, Sekolah Seha

    Karakteristik Risiko Kesehatan Non Karsinogen pada Remaja Siswa Akibat Pajanan Inhalasi Debu Particulate Matter

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    Peningkatan kendaraan transportasi menyebabkan pencemaran udara.PM2,5 polutan utama memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kesehatan non karsinogen. Kondisi cekungan Bandung menyebabkan polutan terperangkap karena penyebaran polutan terhambat. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis risiko kesehatan pada remaja siswa SMPN 16 Bandung akibat pajanan inhalasi PM2,5 di lingkungan sekolah. Desain studi Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL). Pengukuran konsentrasi PM2,5 dilakukan pada 10 titik menggunakan Haz Dust EPAM 5000. Sampel siswa kelas VIII sebanyak 66 siswa yang dipilih secara acak. Rata-rata konsentrasi PM2,5 sebesar (29,34 µg/m3), masih di bawah nilai baku mutu menurut PP Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 (65 µg/Nm3). Adanya peningkatan Intake realtime, 3 tahun dan 12 tahun secara berturut-turut 7.53x10-5, 1.25x10-4, 5.02x10-4mg/kg/hari. Intake PM2,5 tinggi pada siswa dengan berat badan rendah dibandingkan dengan siswa dengan berat badan yang besar. Estimasi risiko kesehatan dinyatakan sebagai risk quotient(RQ) yang dihitung dari rata-rata intake pajanan PM2,5 terhadap siswa dan dosis referensi (RfC),RQ>1 menunjukkan risiko perlu dikendalikan. Hasil analisis dengan durasi pajanan realtime, 3 tahun, dan 12 tahun menunjukkan batas aman terhadap pajanan PM2,5 (RQ < 1). Secara keseluruhan siswa kelas VIII tidak berisiko terhadap pajanan inhlasi PM2,5 di Lingkungan sekolah

    School indoor air quality and health risk on the junior high schools students in Depok, Indonesia

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    Introduction: School environment represents an important microenvironment for students who spend 6-8 hours in classrooms. Indoor air quality is linked to several respiratory diseases in the school age group. This research aims to study indoor air quality of schools at different environmental characteristic and assess its health risks to students. Methods: This research measured air quality (PM2.5, PM10, CO2, and HCHO) in three junior high schools and followed by health risk assessment. Results: This research found that the mean or median level of indoor PM2.5 and PM10 in all three schools exceeded the standard value with health risks (HQ> 1) for PM2.5 in all three schools and PM10 in two schools. Whereas carbon dioxide and formaldehyde concentrations were still safe and did not inflict health risks (HQ < 1). The scenario for managing the health risk of PM2.5 and PM10 exposure was to control the exposure at a safe threshold of PM2.5 0.035 mg/m3; 0.043 mg/m3 and PM10 0.144 mg/m3 for most of the population at normal school time. Conclusion: It was concluded that the level of indoor particulate matters indicates poor indoor air quality in all three schools at different environmental characteristic and inflicts health risk on students so that the health risk management is required


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    ABSTRACT &nbsp; Bengkulu Province is the fourth-lowest province in Indonesia for sanitation facilities and drinking water availability. The difference in socioeconomic conditions and very low access to sanitation in Bengkulu Province poses a major challenge to ensuring water and sanitation services for all, so as to attempt to control a large number of infectious diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of sanitation and drinking water between urban and rural areas in Bengkulu Province. Data analyzed were Village Potential data (PODES) in 2018 and the sample were 148 villages. Research results show that sanitation facilities and the availability of clean water in urban areas are better than in rural areas. In rural areas the majority of sewage is unsanitary or without latrines/open defecation, garbage disposal is carried out by dumping it into the pit of natural soil or being burnt, the sewage is still open, the water source is still a dug well as a source of clean water. In conclusion, there are still gaps in terms of access to sanitation in rural areas and urban safe drinking water. An evaluation is needed to increase community access to sanitation in rural areas and drinking water in cities. &nbsp; Keywords: Saniation, drinking water, urban areas, rural areas &nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRAK &nbsp; Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan salah satu provinsi dengan sarana sanitasi dan ketersediaan air minum ke empat terendah di Indonesia. Perbedaan kondisi sosial ekonomi dan akses sanitasi yang sangat rendah di Provinsi Bengkulu menimbulkan tantangan besar untuk memastikan layanan air dan sanitasi bagi semua, sehingga membantu mengendalikan sejumlah besar penyakit menular. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran sanitasi dan air minum antara wilayah perkotaan dan perdesaan di Provinsi Bengkulu. Data yang dianalisis adalah data Potensi Desa (PODES) tahun 2018 dengan unit analisis desa. Jumlah sampel sebesar 148 desa di daerah perkotaan dan perdesaan di Provinsi Bengkulu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sarana sanitasi dan ketersediaan air bersih di wilayah perkotaan lebih baik daripada di wilayah perdesaan.&nbsp; Di wilayah perdesaan mayoritas pembuangan tinja tidak saniter atau tanpa jamban/buang air besar sembarangan, pembuangan sampah dilakukan sdengan membuang ke dalam lubang tanah atau dibakar, saluran pembuangan air limbah masih terbuka, dan sumber air adalah&nbsp; sumur gali sebagai sumber air bersih. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih terdapat kesenjangan dalam hal akses sanitasi dan air minum antara di perdesaan dan &nbsp;perkotaan. Perlu adanya evaluasi peningkatan akses masyarakat terhadap sanitasi di pedesaan dan air minum di perkotaan. &nbsp; Kata kunci: Sanitasi, air minum, perkotaan, pedesaa

    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Pajanan Pm10 pada Pekerja Industri Readymix PT. X Plant Kebon Nanas Jakarta Timur

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    Pajanan agen risiko kesehatan dari lingkungan kerja berdampak pada timbulnya risiko penyakit akibat kerja sehingga pekerja menjadi tidak produktif. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengestimasi risiko kesehatan dari pajanan agen risiko berupa PM10 dari lingkungan kerja, sebuah penelitian analisis risiko telah dilakukan pada 70 orang pekerja industri readymix PT. X Plant Kebon Nanas. Risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan PM10 dihitung dengan membandingkan asupan PM10 dengan dosis referensi. Konsentrasi PM10 diukur pada 6 titik dengan konsentrasi rata-ratayaitu 0,289 mg/m3.Perhitungan risiko yang diterima saat ini (realtime) terdapat 21,4% pekerja yang berada dalam kategori berisiko. Hasil estimasi risiko yang diterima seumur hidup (lifetime) hanya 2 orang pekerja yang dalam kategori tidak berisiko. Manajemen risiko yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menurunkan konsentrasi menjadi 0,08 mg/m3. Dengan konsentrasi tersebut pekerja diestimasikan aman bekerja selama 11 jam per hari dan 362 hari per tahun

    The Implementation of Telepharmacy in Bangka Belitung Islands Province

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    Telepharmacy is a telemedicine health service in the pharmaceutical sector that uses telecommunications to assist patients located far away during the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, professional organizations are responsible for continuously providing information to pharmacists, ensuring they stay updated with the latest developments in the field. Mobile applications have emerged as the primary medium through which information can be accessed. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the implementation of telepharmacy in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province using observational research with a qualitative approach. The participants comprised a total of 11 individuals and the technique employed was purposive sampling. Subsequently, the collected data were subjected to analysis using the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the utilization of telepharmacy commenced within Bangka Belitung Islands Province and the community pharmacy service implemented the concept in the form of Drug Information Services, drug consultation or patient counseling, and prescription services through e-prescribing. Additionally, field observations highlighted the presence of services such as home delivery of medicines, patient education, and online non-cash payments. The implementation of telepharmacy within hospitals remains absent, despite the widespread adoption of digital services facilitated by the SIMRAS application. Pharmacists also ensured the administrative compliance of their colleagues through the utilization of the SIAP application. The preliminary stages of the implementation commenced in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.