7,653 research outputs found

    Mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirror design: tolerance and influence of technological constraints

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    High polarization selective Si/SiO2 mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirrors with large bandwidth adapted to VCSEL integration are compared. These mirrors have been automatically designed for operation at \lambda = 2.3 μ\mum by an optimization algorithm which maximizes a specially defined quality factor. Several technological constraints in relation with the grating manufacturing process have been imposed within the optimization algorithm and their impact on the optical properties of the mirror have been evaluated. Furthermore, through the tolerance computation of the different dimensions of the structure, the robustness with respect to fabrication errors has been tested. Finally, it appears that the increase of the optical performances of the mirror imposes a less tolerant design with severer technological constraints resulting in a more stringent control of the manufacturing process.Comment: The final publication is available at http://iopscience.iop.org/2040-8986/13/12/125502

    Conformational Mechanics of Polymer Adsorption Transitions at Attractive Substrates

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    Conformational phases of a semiflexible off-lattice homopolymer model near an attractive substrate are investigated by means of multicanonical computer simulations. In our polymer-substrate model, nonbonded pairs of monomers as well as monomers and the substrate interact via attractive van der Waals forces. To characterize conformational phases of this hybrid system, we analyze thermal fluctuations of energetic and structural quantities, as well as adequate docking parameters. Introducing a solvent parameter related to the strength of the surface attraction, we construct and discuss the solubility-temperature phase diagram. Apart from the main phases of adsorbed and desorbed conformations, we identify several other phase transitions such as the freezing transition between energy-dominated crystalline low-temperature structures and globular entropy-dominated conformations.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Rhyolite generation prior to a Yellowstone supereruption: insights from the Island Park-Mount Jackson rhyolite series

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    The Yellowstone volcanic field is one of the largest and best-studied centres of rhyolitic volcanism on Earth, yet it still contains little-studied periods of activity. Such an example is the Island Park–Mount Jackson series, which erupted between the Mesa Falls and Lava Creek caldera-forming events as a series of rhyolitic domes and lavas. Here we present the first detailed characterisation of these lavas and use our findings to provide a framework for rhyolite generation in Yellowstone between 1·3 and 0·6 Ma, as well as to assess whether magmatic evolution hints at a forthcoming super-eruption. These porphyritic (15–40% crystals) lavas contain mostly sanidine and quartz with lesser amounts of plagioclase (consistent with equilibrium magmatic modelling via rhyolite-MELTS) and a complex assemblage of mafic minerals. Mineral compositions vary significantly between crystals in each unit, with larger ranges than expected from a single homogeneous population in equilibrium with its host melt. Oxygen isotopes in quartz and sanidine indicate slight depletions (δ18Omagma of 5·0–6·1‰), suggesting some contribution by localised remelting of hydrothermally altered material in the area of the previous Mesa Falls Tuff-related caldera collapse. The preservation of variable O isotopic compositions in quartz requires crystal entrainment less than a few thousand years prior to eruption. Late entrainment of rhyolitic material is supported by the occurrence of subtly older sanidines dated by single-grain 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. The eruption ages of the lavas show discrete clusters illustrating that extended quiescence (>100 kyr) in magmatic activity may be a recurring feature in Yellowstone volcanism. Ubiquitous crystal aggregates, dominated by plagioclase, pyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides, are interpreted as cumulates co-erupted with their extracted liquid. Identical crystal aggregates are found in both normal-δ18O and low-δ18O rocks from Yellowstone, indicating that common petrogenetic processes characterise both volcanic suites, including the late-stage extraction of melt from an incrementally built upper crustal mush zone

    La santé en Suisse : le point sur les maladies chroniques : rapport national sur la santé 2015

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    Le vieillissement de la population va de pair avec une progression constante des maladies chroniques dans notre société. Les modes de vie modernes favorisent l'apparition de ces maladies, notamment par le tabagisme, par le manque d'activité physique et par une alimentation déséquilibrée. Les maladies chroniques somatiques sont aujourd'hui dans la ligne de mire des responsables de la politique de la santé. Elles constituent, avec les maladies chroniques psychiques, dont les conséquences sont multiples, un défi de taille pour notre système de santé et un problème majeur de santé publique. La prise en charge des maladies chroniques requiert une bonne coordination du système de santé. La Confédération et les cantons y travaillent activement en s'engageant par exemple dans le domaine du personnel de santé et de l'organisation des structures de soins. Confédération et cantons contribuent à faire en sorte que les maladies chroniques psychiques ou somatiques deviennent moins fréquentes ou soient traitées suffisamment tôt. Tels sont les objectifs des politiques de promotion de la santé et de prévention des maladies, dont l'importance ira croissant à l'avenir. Le présent rapport national sur la santé donne une vue d'ensemble de la santé dans la population suisse; il met en lumière certains aspects importants des maladies chroniques dans notre pays. Puisse-t-il donner des impulsions nouvelles et aider les acteurs du système suisse de santé à maîtriser ensemble les défis liés à ces maladies

    Economic inequalities in burden of illness, diagnosis and treatment of five long-term conditions in England: panel study

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    We compared the distribution by wealth of self-reported illness burden (estimated from validated scales, biomarker and reported symptoms) for angina, cataract, depression, diabetes and osteoarthritis, with the distribution of self-reported medical diagnosis and treatment. We aimed to determine if the greater illness burden borne by poorer participants was matched by appropriately higher levels of diagnosis and treatment

    Evaluation of a multidisciplinary Tier 3 weight management service for adults with morbid obesity, or obesity and comorbidities, based in primary care

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    A multidisciplinary Tier 3 weight management service in primary care recruited patients with a body mass index ≥40 kg·m−2, or 30 kg·m−2 with obesity-related co-morbidity to a 1-year programme. A cohort of 230 participants was recruited and evaluated using the National Obesity Observatory Standard Evaluation Framework. The primary outcome was weight loss of at least 5% of baseline weight at 12 months. Diet was assessed using the two-item food frequency questionnaire, activity using the General Practice Physical Activity questionnaire and quality of life using the EuroQol-5D-5L questionnaire. A focus group explored the participants' experiences. Baseline mean weight was 124.4 kg and mean body mass index was 44.1 kg·m−2. A total of 102 participants achieved 5% weight loss at 12 months. The mean weight loss was 10.2 kg among the 117 participants who completed the 12-month programme. Baseline observation carried forward analysis gave a mean weight loss of 5.9 kg at 12 months. Fruit and vegetable intake, activity level and quality of life all improved. The dropout rate was 14.3% at 6 months and 45.1% at 1 year. Focus group participants described high levels of satisfaction. It was possible to deliver a Tier 3 weight management service for obese patients with complex co-morbidity in a primary care setting with a full multidisciplinary team, which obtained good health outcomes compared with existing services

    Bankrupting terrorism: the role of US anti-terrorism litigation in the prevention of terrorism and other hybrid threats: a legal assessment and outlook

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    Global terrorist networks are dependent on receiving financial support from a variety of sources, including individuals, charities and corporations. Also known as terrorist financing, the potential of terrorism finance to resemble a global threat has been recognised and also its closeness to other international crimes such as money laundering and organized crime. As a result, possible responses have to constitute co-ordinated, multi-lateral and multi faceted actions under the umbrella of a wide range of international stakeholders such as the United Nations Security Council and the Financial Action Task Force. Combating terrorism requires a ‘holistic’ approach which allows for a mix of possible responses. Besides “kinetic” security operations (such as targeted killings) and the adoption of criminal prosecution measures another possible response could be the use of US styled transnational civil litigation by victims of terrorism against both, terrorist groups and their sponsors. Corporations, both profit and non profit, such as banks and other legal entities, as well as individuals, are often complicit in international terrorism in a role of aiders and abettors by providing financial assistance to the perpetrators (cf. UN Al-Qaida Sanctions List: The List established and maintained by the 1267 Committee with respect to individuals, groups, undertakings and other entities associated with Al-Qaida). Such collusion in acts of terrorism gains additional importance against the background of so called “Hybrid Threats”, NATO’s new concept of identifying and countering new threats arising from multi-level threat scenarios. This article discusses the potential impact of US terrorism lawsuits for the global fight against terrorism