598 research outputs found

    Petrophysical and rock physics analyses for characterization of complex sands in deepwater Niger delta, Nigeria

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    Characterization of complex sand reservoirs in deepwater of Niger Delta was carried out through petrophysical and rock physics evaluation of well log data from three wells. Petrophysical analysis to determine clay volume, porosity, lithologies and hydrocarbon saturation were made. Rock physics was studied in velocity-porosity plane to analyze the influence of depositional and diagenetic features on the reservoirs. Cross-plots of different elastic parameters, using linear regression and cluster analysis, were generated for lithologic and fluid fill identification and to differentiate between the hydrocarbon bearing sands, brine sands and shale. Variance attribute was extracted on seismic time slice in order to image the complex sand distribution in the area. Three reservoirs of turbidite origin were identified within the upper fan to lower fan area. Petrophysical results revealed gas bearing reservoir units with less than 20% shale volume and porosity of 25-31%. Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) cross-plots for the reservoirs show gas saturated data cloud and trend. Ratio-Difference (R-D) cluster analysis of elastic rock properties shows a distinct trend and data cloud that represents lithofacies units and fluid fills. The study concludes that the reservoirs simulated contact cement and friable models with properties that ranged from highly porous, well sorted and poorly consolidated sand to fairly sorted and highly cemented sands. The results provide a model that increases the possibility of finding reservoir sand, while mitigating the risk involved in finding hydrocarbons

    Petrophysical and rock physics analyses for characterization of complex sands in deepwater Niger delta, Nigeria

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    Characterization of complex sand reservoirs in deepwater of Niger Delta was carried out through petrophysical and rock physics evaluation of well log data from three wells. Petrophysical analysis to determine clay volume, porosity, lithologies and hydrocarbon saturation were made. Rock physics was studied in velocity-porosity plane to analyze the influence of depositional and diagenetic features on the reservoirs. Cross-plots of different elastic parameters, using linear regression and cluster analysis, were generated for lithologic and fluid fill identification and to differentiate between the hydrocarbon bearing sands, brine sands and shale. Variance attribute was extracted on seismic time slice in order to image the complex sand distribution in the area. Three reservoirs of turbidite origin were identified within the upper fan to lower fan area. Petrophysical results revealed gas bearing reservoir units with less than 20% shale volume and porosity of 25-31%. Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) cross-plots for the reservoirs show gas saturated data cloud and trend. Ratio-Difference (R-D) cluster analysis of elastic rock properties shows a distinct trend and data cloud that represents lithofacies units and fluid fills. The study concludes that the reservoirs simulated contact cement and friable models with properties that ranged from highly porous, well sorted and poorly consolidated sand to fairly sorted and highly cemented sands. The results provide a model that increases the possibility of finding reservoir sand, while mitigating the risk involved in finding hydrocarbons


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    The outbreak of civil war in Liberia in 1990 put pressure on the stability of the West African sub-region. An in an attempt to manage the crisis and curtail the contagious effect of the war, Nigeria embarked of a peace making process which led to the establishment of the Economic Community of West African Monitoring Group, ECOMOG. Apart from this, Nigeria contributed more than 10,000 troops to the ECOMOG mission and gave other financial and material support to the war torn country. A refugee camp was also established for Liberian refugee in Oru, a suburb of Ijebu-Ode, in Ijebu North Local Government area of Ogun State in South-Western Nigeria. This paper examines among others the role of Nigeria in the Liberian peace process. Drawing from its findings, the paper argues that Nigeria’s involvement in the Liberian peace process was motivated primarily by the need for the ruling military junta in Nigeria to attract external credibility. This however, was achieved at a very great cost in terms of human and material resources


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    The outbreak of civil war in Liberia in 1990 put pressure on the stability of the West African sub-region. An in an attempt to manage the crisis and curtail the contagious effect of the war, Nigeria embarked of a peace making process which led to the establishment of the Economic Community of West African Monitoring Group, ECOMOG. Apart from this, Nigeria contributed more than 10,000 troops to the ECOMOG mission and gave other financial and material support to the war torn country. A refugee camp was also established for Liberian refugee in Oru, a suburb of Ijebu-Ode, in Ijebu North Local Government area of Ogun State in South-Western Nigeria. This paper examines among others the role of Nigeria in the Liberian peace process. Drawing from its findings, the paper argues that Nigeria’s involvement in the Liberian peace process was motivated primarily by the need for the ruling military junta in Nigeria to attract external credibility. This however, was achieved at a very great cost in terms of human and material resources

    Slaves in Agricultural Development of Ibadan, 1835-1893

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    Nations are generally endowed with the natural resources which are exploited for the physical and human development of such a geographical entity. Such natural resources may include fertile land and deposits of all kinds of liquid and solid natural resources. The Ibadan of our period may not have paraded the latter, but the former was available and very fertile. In other words, the pre-colonial Ibadan advertised fertile land that was suitable for the production of both cash and subsistence crops to feed the town. Ibadan also has advantage of abundant human resources that could be mobilised at the shortest notice. These were mainly the producer slaves and they produced more than seventy percent of labour that was required on the farms. Agriculture thus became one of the mainstays of the economy of Ibadan. The focus of this article therefore, is to underscore the indispensable role the producer slaves played in tilling the land to produce food in large quantities both from the small and large farms, which were in most cases owned by the civil and military chiefs

    Assessment of body composition, smoking and alcohol as risk factors to hypertension among adults in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is a group of disorders/diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including heart attack and stroke that is responsible for many deaths around the world. Objective: The general objective of this study was to assess body composition, smoking and alcohol as risk factors to hypertension among adults in Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. Methods: Four wards were randomly selected from each of the three local government areas in the city of Abeokuta, Ogun State. Convenient sampling method was used to recruit 300 voluntary respondents into the study. A semi structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on socio-demographic, socio-economic characteristics, modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors of non-communicable chronic diseases and the dietary habits of the respondents. Blood pressure and anthropometric measurement of respondents were taken using standard procedures. Results: The results indicated that majority of the respondents were within the age ranges of 41-50 years (32%). Using the American Heart Association (AHA) blood pressure classification, 40.3% had normal blood pressure, 30.7% were pre-hypertensive while 29.0% had hypertension. More than half of the respondents (55.3%) were overweight while 17.0% were obese, 6.1 % were current smokers and 21% were current alcohol drinkers. Blood pressure had a positive correlation with tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking, body mass index and waist-hip-ratio, these associations were significant at p<0.05. Tobacco smoking contributed significantly to hypertension in this study (R2=0.114, F=38.342, p= 0.000). Conclusion: Findings of the study showed a high prevalence of hypertension, overweight and obesity, alcohol intake and smoking were significantly associated with hypertension

    Pengaruh Metode Question Student Have Berbantuan Media Animasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Kelas VIII SMP

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    The research aim to determine the effect of Question Student Have method aided media animation on student learning outcomes in material motion of plants at 2nd grade SMPN 20 Pontianak. The research design was quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. This research used intact group sampling technique. Research sampel consisted of two classes which were class VIIIF as experimental class and class VIIIE as the control class. Instruments were used multiple choice tests amounted to 20 items. The average of student learning outcomes at the experimental class was 15.34, while in the control class was 14.25. Result of the U Mann-Whitney test with α=5% means there was difference on student learning outcomes was taught using Question Student Have method aided media animation and using lecture with discussion method aided media powerpoint. Effect Size value obtained 0.44 and included in the moderate category and had effect 17% on student learning outcomes