247 research outputs found


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    Clamming is a type of nature-based leisure activities involving harvesting clams from tidal flats. Clamming activity has been seen since the 19th century in Japan. Recently, not a few clamming areas have been closed temporarily because of decline in the population of main harvest. To address the key challenge, clams are artificially spread in several clamming areas to supply a demand for participants. Spreading clams has become a main part of management of clamming but there was little information about economic and ecological effects of current clam spreading. In this thesis, I aimed to evaluate validity of current clam resource management (mainly spreading clams) from two perspectives: accepting harvest pressure and sustaining satisfaction level of clamming participants. I chose Funabashi Sanbanze seaside park as a study site where the manager spreads imported clams at their clamming area and monitors the weight of harvest of participants. First, to evaluate the clam resource abundance in the clamming area, I collected data with four methods: interviewing to the manager, measuring the size of clams, conducting quadrat survey, and asking the amount of harvest of each clamming participant with their status data by questionnaire. The total amount of harvest in one clamming season in 2016-2018 were estimated to be 56-73 individuals m-2, that are higher than native clam population density in this study. This result indicates that native clam population is not capable of accepting harvesting pressure in the clamming area. In addition, the daily total amount of harvest was significantly and strongly correlated to the daily total number of participants. Moreover, I analyzed on factors affecting harvest amount of clamming participants through a multi regression analysis and the factors were estimated to be the number of group members, age of participants, type of the group, and time length spent in the area. Second, to examine the relationship between harvest and satisfaction and loyalty of clamming participants, I conducted questionnaire survey to evaluate the amount of their harvest and quality of the clamming experience including three types of partial satisfaction and two types of loyalty to the area. The amount of harvest positively influenced satisfaction toward harvest significantly, and the satisfaction positively influenced two types of loyalty significantly. However, the satisfaction toward enjoying the activity influenced loyalty stronger than the satisfaction toward harvest. Additionally, fee system may affect to the connection among harvest and satisfaction and loyalty. The factors that significantly affected loyalty of participants were motivation, residential area, time length spent in the clamming area, past experience of other leisure activity, and population density of participants in the area. In conclusion, spreading clam is essential to maintain the clamming area in Funabashi Sanbanze seaside park, in terms of accepting current harvesting pressure and sustaining satisfaction and loyalty level. At present, the manager offers enough of clam resource for participants for each opening day. In addition, enjoyment of the activity may supplement the deficiency of harvest to sustain loyalty level under the fee system of Funabashi Sanbanze seaside park. Furthermore, the factors which affect harvest and satisfaction of each clamming participants were detected, which is novelty of this research as little was studied on the topic.首都大学東京, 2019-03-25, 修士(観光科学)首都大学東

    Efficient DNA Fingerprinting Based on the Targeted Sequencing of Active Retrotransposon Insertion Sites Using a Bench-Top High-Throughput Sequencing Platform

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    In many crop species, DNA fingerprinting is required for the precise identification of cultivars to protect the rights of breeders. Many families of retrotransposons have multiple copies throughout the eukaryotic genome and their integrated copies are inherited genetically. Thus, their insertion polymorphisms among cultivars are useful for DNA fingerprinting. In this study, we conducted a DNA fingerprinting based on the insertion polymorphisms of active retrotransposon families (Rtsp-1 and LIb) in sweet potato. Using 38 cultivars, we identified 2024 insertion sites in the two families with an Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform. Of these insertion sites, 91.4% appeared to be polymorphic among the cultivars and 376 cultivar-specific insertion sites were identified, which were converted directly into cultivar-specific sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using these insertion sites, which corresponded well with known pedigree information, thereby indicating their suitability for genetic diversity studies. Thus, the genome-wide comparative analysis of active retrotransposon insertion sites using the bench-top MiSeq sequencing platform is highly effective for DNA fingerprinting without any requirement for whole genome sequence information. This approach may facilitate the development of practical polymerase chain reaction-based cultivar diagnostic system and could also be applied to the determination of genetic relationships

    Development of emotional understanding, intentional interpretation and response behavior in junior high school students : Multiple emotionally charged and ambiguous scenes

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    One of the most common reasons behind violent behavior among Junior high school students is the undeveloped ability to understand one's own emotions and the undeveloped ability to interpret the intentions of others' actions. The purpose of this study is to examine these abilities. As a method, junior high school students were asked to write freely on a questionnaire describing their understanding of mixed emotions and ambiguous situations. The results obtained were as follows: (1) The percentage of 3rd graders who responded with positive emotions was higher than that of other grades. The percentage of 2nd graders who responded with negative emotions was higher than that of all the other grades. (2) Regarding the interpretation of the intentions of the other party's actions, a higher percentage of 2nd graders gave hostile answers compared to the other grades. (3) The percentage of 3rd graders who interpreted the actions as coincidental was higher than that of the other grades. As for the response behavior, the percentage of those who responded with aggressive responses decreased as the grade increased, and the percentage of those who responded with non-aggressive responses increased. It is necessary to understand the characteristics of each grade level and to consider how to respond to violent behavior

    An examination for undergraduate students of an improvement program effect to parental readiness.

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    In this study, parental readiness is defined as the ability to play a role as a member of a society that supports child rearing that develops throughout life, regardless of male or female. We examined the relationship between parental readiness and knowledge of infant development, the Temporal Perspective Experience Scale, and the Multidimensional Empathy Scale in college students (Study I). The results showed that there was a correlation between the two. Among the university students who cooperated in Study I, the program was administered to three male university students who cooperated in a program to improve parental readiness (Study II). As a result, it was found from their impressions that their awareness of child-rearing had changed by participating in the program

    An Exploration of Learning Processes for “Reading” and “Understanding” the Chinese Classics : Through the Analysis of an Expert Thinking in Kazuto Tominaga’s “Progressing of Literary Language that Uses ‘Hu’ up to Tao Yuanming”

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    どうすれば高校生は漢文を読めるように,そして,理解できるようになるのだろうか。また,そのために教師はどのような指導をすればよいのだろうか。この問いに対する1つの答えを得るために,研究論文の構成・構造の分析や関連専門科学の基礎概念・基礎理論による読解を通して研究論文の作成過程を導き出し,学習者の学習過程への変換を試みる。対象の研究論文は,富永一登「『孤』を用いた文学言語の展開―陶淵明に至るまで―」(『未名』22号, 2004)である。結果,研究者の学習過程を7段階で示し,各過程における具体的な思考法を整理することができた。これを踏まえて,高校生が自ら漢文を「読む」「理解する」ことができるよう導くための教材開発のあり方を提案している。中でも鍵となるのは,学習者はもちろん,教師が作品に「興味を持つ」ことである。これまで実践されてきた漢文の授業をふり返ると,表面的な読み取りにとどまり,本文を深く読むという段階にまで進んでいないのが実情であった。本稿では,従来の漢文学習の抱える課題を克服する1つのヒントを見出した。How do high school students become proficient readers of the Chinese classics? And what kind of teaching methods could make students be such proficient readers? In order to resolve these questions, this study aimed to grasp the thinking process in an expert’s research paper as for eliciting a model of learning process for students through an analysis of the structure of the research paper and examining basic concepts and theory in the related field. The target research article was Kazuto Tominaga’s “Progressing of Literary Language that Uses ‘Hu’ up to Tao Yuanming”(published in Wei Ming, 22, 2004). The expert’s learning processes were organized in to 7 stages, and his thinking methods at each stage were described concretely. Based on this, the current article suggested how teaching materials should be developed so that high school students can attain “reading” and “understanding” of the Chinese classics. The key is for the teacher as well as the learners to “become interested” in the literary work they read. Looking back at the teaching practices of the Chinese classics in schools to date, students’ learning often stopped at the surface level understanding without progressing to the level that called for a deeper understanding of the text. The current study suggests one strategy to overcome the challenges of teaching the existing Chinese classic studies, and to make a breakthrough to develop students into proficient readers of Chinese classics, for ensuring their rich language life


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    An approach for elucidating dermal fibroblast dedifferentiation in amphibian limb regeneration

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    Urodele amphibians, Pleurodeles waltl and Ambystoma mexicanum, have organ-level regeneration capability, such as limb regeneration. Multipotent cells are induced by an endogenous mechanism in amphibian limb regeneration. It is well known that dermal fibroblasts receive regenerative signals and turn into multipotent cells, called blastema cells. However, the induction mechanism of the blastema cells from matured dermal cells was unknown. We previously found that BMP2, FGF2, and FGF8 (B2FF) could play sufficient roles in blastema induction in urodele amphibians. Here, we show that B2FF treatment can induce dermis-derived cells that can participate in multiple cell lineage in limb regeneration. We first established a newt dermis-derived cell line and confirmed that B2FF treatment on the newt cells provided plasticity in cellular differentiation in limb regeneration. To clarify the factors that can provide the plasticity in differentiation, we performed the interspecies comparative analysis between newt cells and mouse cells and found the Pde4b gene was upregulated by B2FF treatment only in the newt cells. Blocking PDE4B signaling by a chemical PDE4 inhibitor suppressed dermis-to-cartilage transformation and the mosaic knockout animals showed consistent results. Our results are a valuable insight into how dermal fibroblasts acquire multipotency during the early phase of limb regeneration via an endogenous program in amphibian limb regeneration

    Studi Sistem Akustik Pada Gereja Katolik Santa Maria Tak Bercela Surabaya

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    The church is a building that has an image of God\u27s glory so that through space design elements, sacred atmosphere can formone through acoustics. The church has an unique acoustic because the church has two activities, namely speech and music. Santa Maria Tak Bercela Catholic Church Surabaya adjacent to Santa Clara School Surabaya, which at certain hours of the atmosphere will be very crowded church. With the help of Sound Level Meter, the background noise is known and the power of the sound source at this church. Reverberation time is calculated by manually sabine and computerize using program Autodeks Ecotect Analysis 2011. Having in mindthe results of the calculation of reverberation time in the field was 0.79-0.88 seconds, the church should be optimized with the goal of achieving the optimum reverberation time is 1. 4 seconds and the sound proofing leaks, by using materials such as insulation yumen board, glasswoll, acrylic, curtains, glass in sealant, rubber on the doors and closing the door hole