31 research outputs found

    IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Melalui Peningkatan Panen Pedet dan Produksi Kompos Berkualitas Pada Kelompok Ternak Sapi Potong

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    Beef Cattle have a role as saving for farmers to continue their business, although not profitable based on business analysis. Therefore, the right strategy is needed according to the problems of both the culture and the resources of farmers. The community service activity was conducted in a beef cattle farmer groups as cattle breeding for calf production, namely, are Mergo Andini Makmur and Sumber Ayu in Sleman Regency. The beef cattle productivity in the two groups is not good, S/C is more than twice, even up to four times, postpartum estrus is more than one year, and calving interval is more than 2 years. The beef cattle farmer groups have already diversified their business, which is the processing of manure and waste product of cattle, but not yet optimal. Community service is carried out to improve reproductive performance of cattle through the providing of a superior bull for bull stimulation, counseling, assistance in the prevention of worm infections, and demonstrations of compost and feed quality production. The first stage is preparation, including consolidation with the member farmer groups, followed by the socialization of the activity program. The next stage of implementation, by conducting reproductive and breeding management counseling, cattle health management, feed processing and management, and compost production. The result of the implementation of a bull stimulation for one month is based on the emergence of estrus (more than 50%) following by a conception rate (33.33%) of the cows population, and the level of participatory farmers. The demonstration of the fermented straw feed and compost is also implemented as a supporting activity

    The Effect of Different Agroecological Zones on Body Weight Change, Litter Size, and Profitability of Bligon Goats in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to identify the differences in agroecological zones on changes in body weight, litter size, and profitability of Bligon goats in Bantul District, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study involved 56 farmers consisting of 11 farmers in coastal areas (zone IV), 21 farmers in the lowlands (zone IV), and 24 farmers in hilly areas (zones I, II, and III). This study also used 120 does of Bligon goats consisting of 40 goats from each area. The farmers and Bligon goats were selected by purposive sampling technique in different agroecological zones classified based on the slope of the land. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the agroecological zones as a treatment factor. This study used a survey method. Data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using one-way ANOVA at the 5% level. The results showed that the body weight of Bligon goats from the beginning of kidding to three months or at the weaning period did not have a significant difference, and the litter size was also not significantly different. Profitability analysis using Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio) and Return on Investment (ROI) showed that farmers in coastal agroecological zones have higher profitability than those in lowland and hilly agroecological zones with a net cash flow of IDR 1,219,000, 00, R/C Ratio of 1.43, and ROI of 44.26. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that changes in body weight and litter size of Bligon goats in different agroecological zones are the same. Based on the profitability analysis, all farmers in different agroecological zones benefit from raising Bligon goats, but the highest profitability is found in farmers in the coastal agroecological zon

    Study of Pasture Productivity for Semi-Intensive Cattle System during Dry Season in the South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the characteristics and productivity of pasture for semi-intensive cattle system in South Konawe Regency during dry season. The study was conducted in August-September 2019 as dry season based on the weather condition and was determine by Department of Statistics Center of South Konawe Regency. A total of 55 selected smallholder farmers in two areas in South Konawe Regency, namely West Ranomento (30) and Konda (25) Districts. Data were obtained by interview to find out the farmers profile and pasture characteristics. Production was measured by forage sampling (1x1m) to calculate annual production. Samples were proximately analyzed to calculate dry matter production and the carrying capacity. Data were analyzed descriptively and statistically with an independent sample t-test. The botanical composition in both locations was highly dominated (>90%) by field grasses. The grassland ownership was not different between two areas. Grassland ownership at West Ranomento and Konda were 0.78±0.14 and 0.21±0.04 Ha/farmer, respectively. The pasture production between West Ranomento (2.27±0.10 ton/ha) and Konda District (1.76±0.05 ton/ha) was significantly different (p<0.05),. Pasture production and carrying capacity indicated that conditions in West Ranomento were significantly higher (p<0.05) compared to Konda District. The fresh forages production was 10.98±2.26 vs. 2.17±0.51 ton/year, forages that can be consumed was 3.30±0.67 vs. 3.30±0.67ton/year, dry matter production was 0.72±0.15 vs. 0.18±0.04 ton/year and carrying capacity was 0.22±0.04 vs. 0.05±0.01 AU/year respectively. It was concluded that the pasture productivity at the study area during dry season was very low based on productivity and carrying capacity

    Conceptual Framework for Assessing Sustainability of Swamp Buffalo Production Systems

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    Swamp Buffalo farming plays an important role in farmers' livelihood and in satisfying red meat demand in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The extensive (wetland) swamp buffalo production system (SPS) and the extensive and semi-intensive dryland system (DPS) are two production systems. The production systems have high complexity and require the integrated sustainability assessment approach to measure the contribution level of sustainability indicators. This study aimed to demonstrate the conceptual framework for analyzing the sustainability of buffalo production systems in South Kalimantan. The buffalo production systems in South Kalimantan were analyzed using the comprehensive assessment framework from September-December 2021. A literature review and discussion with experts, followed by a focus group discussion to perform a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted. The complex problem identifies and defines the relevant Economic, Ecological, and Societal (EES) issues, and inclusive identification and analysis of relevant stakeholders were described. Issues identified during the process were translated into relevant indicators in the EES sustainability dimensions then indicators possible for EES issues were proposed. Situation analysis in this study described and identified swamp buffalo in South Kalimantan, which is currently experiencing a population decline. The gross margin and growth and reproduction performances of the buffaloes were selected for economic benefit in both systems. Total land use and soil fertility were the possible indicators in the dimension of environment relevant for DPS, while swamp sedimentation and water pollution were considered important environmental indicators in SPS. Feed availability was measured in both systems. Social dimension indicators in both systems were focused on keeping management, the function of buffalo for livelihood, time allocation to keep buffalo, characteristics of livelihood, and possible land use conflicts

    Weight Changes in Bali Cattle During Lactation at Different Seasons in the Cattle-Oil Palm Production System

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    The season impacts livestock productivity and cattle kept in grazing production systems in tropical conditions. This research aims to determine the effect of season on the weight changes of Bali cows and calves on oil palm plantations. This research used 20 Bali cattle kept semi-intensively in oil palm plantation areas without feed supplementation in 2016–2018. Cows and calves were weighed at calving and every month until weaning (150 days). Season grouping was based on calving time: dry season (DS) May–October and rainy season (RS) November–April. Data were analyzed by independent T-test statistics using the SPSS 20.0 application. The results of observations showed that cows' body weight decreased gradually until the fourth month of lactation in both seasons. Cows' weight changes were only significantly different in the second month, in which cows at DS were better than RS (P&lt;0.05). The pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG) of calves each month was not significantly different between the two seasons, and they could reach a body weight of 60.60 kg (RS) and 61.47 kg (DS) at weaning. Season differences do not impact weight changes in the Bali cows and calves in the cattle-oil palm plantation production system

    Farmers' Characteristics Associations with the Knowledge for Sheep Estrus Detection in Batur Village, Banjarnegara, Indonesia

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    The accuracy of the estrus detection was important in sheep breeding management. This study aimed to determine the correlation between the farmers’ characteristics and the knowledge on estrus detection of their sheep. The data were collected by interviewing 33 farmers, who have raised sheep with a breeding system for at least two years of experience in Batur Village, Banjarnegara, Indonesia. The farmers’ knowledge for estrus detection was divided into three-level, namely low, medium, and high levels. The results showed that the farmers’ knowledge for estrus detection was 51.5%, 27.3%, and 21.2% on the low, medium, and high levels, respectively. There was a significant relationship between formal education, informal education, number of sheep, the sheepfold position, stay duration in the sheepfold, and the ram ownership for mating toward knowledge of estrus detection level. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between farmer characteristics in Batur Village and the ability to detect estrus in ewes, which is dominated at low levels, so it is necessary to increase farmers' knowledge regarding estrus detection

    Teknologi Tepat Guna pada Induk Kambing Melalui Penerapan Breeding Center Dan Flushing di Sentra Peternakan Rakyat Kebon Wulangreh, Desa Karangdukuh, Klaten

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    Goat farms in Karangdukuh are still traditionally maintained in the yard of the house and grazed in the fields. The scale of ownership and the spread of the farm location make estrous detection so difficult, the absence of superior buck leads to a genetic quality degradation. The concept of breeding center is the provision of superior buck and mating house in one location. To support the increase of the does performance need for improvement of feed during in the breeding center, namely flushing. The partners of community engagement are farmers at Sentra Peternak Rakyat Kebon Wulangreh in Karangdukuh, Jogonalan, Klaten. It was done from April to October 2017. Activities began with socialization, followed by community learning and then was done the empowerment of farmers for built a breeding center was consisting of mating house, pasture, arteis well and electrical installation. The breeding center concept was applied after complete. Breeding center is a simple solution for estrous detecting and limitation of superior buck, more controlled does health, improvement for genetic quality and performance, so that kids crop can be increases and finally impact on the farmer prosperity. Enggagement activities already done on target and get very postive responses. Farmers have doing together to build a breeding center area and have been used. They are able to make flushing and will be continued independently

    Body Size of Aceh Cattle in Smallholder Farm Level and in Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Indrapuri Aceh

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    The study aimed to identify the body size differences of Aceh Cattle maintained in smallholder farm level and Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTU HPT)  Indrapuri  Aceh.  The research  was  conducted  in  North Aceh  Regency  for  smallholder  farm  level  and  at  BPTU  HPT Indrapuri from December 2016 until January 2017. Data were collected  by  measurements  of  70  head  Aceh  Cattle,  35  head from  the  smallholder  farmers  and  35  head  from  BPTU HPT Indrapuri  respectively.  Aceh  cattle  were  categorized  by  age and sex as young male and female (aged 1.5 until 3 years) and adult male and female (aged above 3 years). The data of body size are body length, chest girth, and shoulder height, the data were analyzed  using  a  T-test.  The  results  showed  that  young male  Aceh  Cattle  maintained  in  the  BPTU  HPT  Indrapuri Aceh was significantly (P&lt;0.05) having higher shoulder height (101.95±2.08  vs  92.76±5.11  cm)  and  higher  chest  girth (124.60±5.48  vs  115.40±6.93  cm),  whereas,  in  females,  the shoulder  height  was  also  significantly  higher  (P&lt;0.05).  On adult Aceh Cattle, female Aceh Cattle that were maintained on smallholder farms was significantly (P&lt;0.05) had a longer body size (107.41±3.82 vs 100.50±1.31 cm), but lower shoulder height (95.28±4.26  vs  101.33±2.79  cm)  compared  to  Aceh  Cattle  in BPTU HPT Indrapuri Aceh. It was concluded that Aceh cattle maintained in BPTU HPT Indrapuri Aceh had better body size than  those  maintained  on  smallholder  farms,  especially  in young males and female

    Pre-Weaning Growth of Bali Calf from Cows that Kept Semi-Intensive in Palm Oil Plantations

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    The success of the cattle-oil palm plantations integration can be measured from several production parameters, one of which is the quality of calves produced. This study aim to determine the growth of pre-weaned calves of cows that was kept in oil palm plantations. The research was conducted using 20 calves produced from 20 cows and 1 bull that were kept semi-intensive in Rokan Hulu oil palm plantation, Riau. The colony was grazed in oil palm plantation area from 08.00 to 17.00 without additional feeding. The forages in the plantation contain dry matter 22.29%, crude protein 10.67%, crude fiber 36.85%, and total digestible nutrients 54.37%. Cows and calves were measurment at birth and every month until weaning (5 month old), including body weight (BW. The results showed that the average BW of cows after partus and at weaning were 250.17 ± 24.27 and 240.39 ± 21.82 kg, respectively. The BW of the calf from birth, 1st, 2nd, 3nd, 4nd, and 5nd month old were 15.08 ± 4.12, 25.86 ± 3.49, 33.58 ± 6.96, 44.42 ± 8.56, 53.89 ± 10.59, and 62.41 ± 14.07 kg, respectively. The body frame of calves at birth was body length 42.59 ± 3.96, shoulder height 57.76 ± 4.31, hip heigth 58.52 ± 5.25, and chest size 58.35 ± 5.89 and reached 65.71 ± 4.64, 84.64 ± 6.41, 85.59 ± 6.20, and 95.82 ± 7.47 cm, respectively at weaning. Bali calf growth produced in oil palm plantations integration with semi-intensive system is good enough


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    The study was designed to identify the influence of weight and body size on the achievement of puberty age of Ongole crossbred heifers in Triandhini Rejo cattle group, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. The observation had been done on 36 heads of heifer from October 2012 until October 2013. When heifers showed first signs of estrous, the data of age, weight and body size ware collected. The heifers were weighed and measured then be grouped based on its puberty age, which predicted according to the turn of cattles incisors (Id, I1, and I2). The data of puberty age were calculated and analyzed descriptively, while the body weight and the body size of the heifers were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA test. Result of this study showed that the age of Ongole crossbred heifers puberty achieved on the three different age levels, which ware Id (1.5 years), I1 (2 years) and I2 (3 years), with the percentages were 41.67%, 33.33% and 25%. The average of body weights during onset of puberty on the puberty age of Id, I1, and I2 were 212.23±35.18 kg, 232.46±34.99 kg, and 202.72±20.27 kg. The highest average of body length, witheres height, hip height, chest width, girth of chest and head width wer