386 research outputs found

    Pioneers of the ice age models: a brief history from Agassiz to Milankovitch

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    It is now widely accepted that astronomical factors trigger the emergence of glacial and interglacial periods. However, nearly two centuries ago, the overall situation was not as apparent as it is today. In this article, I briefly discuss the astronomical model of ice ages put forward in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This period was indeed anni mirabiles for scientists to understand the ice age phenomenon. Agassiz, Adhémar and Croll laid the foundation stones for understanding the dynamics of ice ages. But it was Milankovitch who combined empirical geology with mathematical astronomy. Specifically, he identified the shortcomings of the preceding ice age models and modified his model accordingly. In what follows, I review earlier approaches to the ice age problem and show how they failed to meet their objectives. Next, I show how Milankovitch's model managed to capture all sufficient astronomical elements. The final sections focus on Milutin Milankovitch's successful approach, including his accomplishment of tackling the problem mathematically

    PTPN22 gene polymorphism in Takayasu's arteritis

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    Objective. Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a chronic, rare granulomatous panarteritis of unknown aetiology involving mainly the aorta and its major branches. In this study, genetic susceptibility to TA has been investigated by screening the functional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of PTPN22 gene encoding the lymphoid-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase. Methods. Totally, 181 patients with TA and 177 healthy controls are genotyped by PCR-RFLP method for the SNP rs2476601 (A/G) of PTPN22 gene. Polymorphic region was amplified by PCR and digested with Xcm I enzyme. Results. Detected frequencies of heterozygous genotype (AG) were 5.1% (9/177) in control group and 3.8% (7/181) in TA group (P = 0.61, odds ratio: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.3, 2.0). No association with angiographic type, vascular involvement or prognosis of TA was observed either. Conclusion. The distribution of PTPN22 polymorphism did not reveal any association with TA in Turkey. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved

    The Moderating Role of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship between Servant Leadership and Turnover Intention

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    One of the aims of this study is to determine how the servant leadership will affect turnover intention and job satisfaction in tourism sector. Another aim is to discover whether job satisfaction has an indirect effect on the relationship between servant leadership and turnover intention. The data used in this study is gathered through survey in November 2016, from 191 participants employed in accommodation facilities in Belek-Antalya. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of the scales used in the survey are calculated and they are proved to be rather reliable for this sample. The results of regression analyses show that there is a positive relationship between servant leadership and job satisfaction however there is a negative relationship between servant leadership and turnover intention. There is a negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention and there is a partial moderating role of job satisfaction on the relationship between servant leadership and turnover intention


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    Amaç: Akut ve perfore appandisit tedavisi laparoskopik olarak da yapılabilmektedir. Laparoskopik appendektomi (LA) tarif edildiğinden bu yana birçok modifikasyona uğramış, trokarların yeri pubik bölgeye yaklaştırılmış, çapları küçültülmüş ve sayıları azaltılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla geliştirilen "laparoskopi yardımlı" appendektomide, göbek içinden yerleştirilen tek trokarla, appendiks karın dışına alınmakta ve appendektomi karın dışında gerçekleşmektedir. Literatürden farklı olarak, göbek içinden yerleştirilen tek bir trokar ile karın içinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz LA tekniğini ve serimizin sonuçlarını sunmak istiyoruz. Gereç ve yöntem: Nisan 2005-Aralık 2005 tarihleri arasında 18 hastaya (10 erkek 8 kız) tek trokar ile karın içinde laparoskopik appendektomi uygulandı. Genel anestezi altında, 5 mm'lik 2 çalışma kanalı olan 11 mm'lik bir trokar Hasson tekniği ile göbek içinden yerleştirildikten sonra karın içine CO2 verildi. Çalışma kanallarının birinden yerleştirilen 5 mm'lik optik ile karın içi görüntülenirken diğer kanaldan 5 mm'lik bir atravmatik doku tutucuyla appendiks çevre dokulardan ayrıldı. Appendiks sağ alt kadrandan perkutan olarak periton içine girilen büyük iğneli bir dikiş materyeli ile mezosundan geçilerek karın duvarına asıldı. Bir çengel koter veya damar bağlayıcı ile mezo ayrıldıktan sonra, appendiks kökü 2-0 polyglactin ile, karın dışında oluşturulup karın içine ilerletilen bir balıkçı düğümü ile bağlandı. Appendektomi sonrası appendiks, trokarın içine alınarak trokarla birlikte karın dışına alındı. Bulgular: Tüm hastalarda LA tek trokar ile karın içinde tamamlandı. Ameliyat sırasında ve sonrasında bir komplikasyon ile karşılaşılmadı. Ameliyat süresi ortalama 35 dakika idi. Tüm hastalar ameliyat sonrası birinci günlerinde sorunsuz ve kozmetik sonuçlarından memnun bir şekilde taburcu edildiler. Sonuç: Tek trokar ile karın içinde yapılan LA, güvenilir, hızlı ve kozmetik sonuçları mükemmel bir yöntemdir. Objective: Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is becomming popular for the treatment of acute and perforated appendicitis. Since LA has been described, it has been modified various times, as the trocar places have been moved closed to the pubic region, the diameter sizes and the number of the trocars have been reduced. For this reason, "laparoscopy assisted" appendectomy has been developed. In this procedure, appendix is exteriorized through a single umblical trocar and the dissection of the mesoappendix and appendectomy are completed extracorporeally. Different from the literature, herein we present a new approach, one trocar intracorporeal laparoscopic appendectomy and its results. Material and method: During April 2005 -December 2005, 18 patients (10 M, 8 F) had undergone one trocar intracorporeal laparoscopic appendectomy. Under general anesthesia, an 11 mm trocar with two 5 mm working channels was inserted through the umblicus and CO2 was insufflated. While the abdomen was visiualized with a scope placed through one of the working channels, from the other channel, appendix was grasped and dissected from the surrounding tissues. With a suture percutaneously inserted from right lower quadrant into the peritoneal cavity, appendix was pulled towards the abdominal wall by passing the suture through the mesoappendix. After mesenteric dissection with hook cautery or vessel ligator, the base was ligated with 2-0 polyglactin using a fisherman knot. After appendectomy, the appendix was withdrawn into the trocar and extracted from the abdomen together with the trocar. Results: All LA were completed with a single trocar. There was no peroperative and postoperative complication encountered. Average duration of the procedure was 35 minutes. All patients were discharged from the hospital on their postoperative first days, contented with their cosmetic results. Conclusion: One trocar intracorporeal laparoscopic appendectomy is a safe and fast method with excellent cosmetic results


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    Present of micropollutants in aquatic environments has become an alarming environmental problem for both living creatures and environment. Micropollutants, also called as emerging contaminants arise from natural substances and increasing variety of anthropogenic events. Micropollutants consist of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, steroid hormones, industrial chemicals, pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and other recently seen compounds. These emerging contaminants are commonly found in very low concentration in different water bodies ranging from a few ng/L to several μg/L.     Many existing Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) in all over the world are not especially designed for removing micropollutants. Low concentration and diversity of micropollutants complicate the dedection and analysis procedures during the treatment processes. Furthermore, entering micropollutants to the WWTPs continuously and stable structure of many micropollutants make difficult to eliminate these emerging compounds sufficiently. Therefore, many micropollutants of unknown concentration pass to aquatic environment from WWTPs. The occurence of micropollutants with a significant levels in aquatic environments disrupt the aquatic ecosystems with a number of adverse effects including short-term and long-term toxicity such as endocrine disrupting effects. Besides the known negative effects of micropollutants there are great number of micropollutants whose effects on living organisms are still unknown. As a result, removing these compounds is of a great importance both to protect environmental ecosystem and human health. Considering that the conventional methods are insufficient for removing the micropollutants other alternative treatment methods including coagulation–flocculation, activated carbon adsorption (powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon), advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), membrane processes and membrane bioreactor can be applied for better removal.In this study, alternative treatments methods and removal efficiencies of each treatment methods on different micropollutants were investigated and all alternative treatment methods were compared between each other in terms of micropollutant removal rates


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    Amaç: Hemorajik şok, dolaşımdaki kan volümünün azalması ile meydana gelir.Vücuttaki tüm organlarda doku hipoperfüzyonuna ve hipoksisine sebep olur. Uzamışiskemi sonrası organların kan dolaşımında en önemli fonksiyon bozukluğu,reperfüzyon başladığında kapiller kan akımındaki azalmadır ve kapiller no-reflow olarakadlandırılır.Hemorajik şokta amaç sadece zamanında hacmi yerine koymak değil, organlardakiiskemi reperfüzyon (İ/R) sonrası no-reflow fenomenini engellemeye yönelik olmalıdır.Reperfüzyon amacıyla kullanılan sıvıların organlarda no-reflow fenomenini engellemeyeyönelik etkinliklerini belirlemek amacıyla çalışma planlanmıştır.Yöntem: Bu çalışmada hemorajik şok oluşturulan ratlara (ortalama arteriyel basıncı40 mmHg\'ye azalıncaya kadar kontrollü kanatılarak) 60 dk sonra grup 2 (n=5) de %0,9 NaCl sıvısı, grup 3 (n=5) de jelatin sıvısı, grup 4 (n=5) de hidroksi etil nişasta(hydroxyethyl starch, 130 kD) sıvısı ve grup 5 (n=5) de dekstran 40 sıvısı ileresüsitasyon yapıldı. Grup 1 (n=3) kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı ve tüm gruplarınçeşitli organlarında (karaciğer, akciğer, böbrek, beyin, bağırsak ve kalp) resüsitasyondan60 dakika sonra çini mürekkebi ile perfüze olan kapiller sayıları histopatolojikinceleme ile belirlendi.Bulgular: Kalp, akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsak ve beyin dokularında HES 130 kD vedekstran 40 resüsitasyonunda perfüze olan kapiller sayısının, %0,9 NaCl ve jelatinresüsitasyonuna göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı fazla olduğu saptandı.Sonuç: Çini mürekkebi perfüzyon yöntemi kullanarak hemorajik şokta İ/R sonrasıno-reflow fenomenini, kalp, akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsak ve beyin dokularında jelatin ve%0,9 NaCl sıvısının engellemediği, HES 130 kD\'nin ve dekstran 40 sıvılarının ise noreflowfenomenini engellediği saptandı.Objective: Hemorrhagic shock is caused by a decrease in the circulating bloodvolume. It causes hypoperfusion and hypoxia of the tissues in all organs of the body.The principal functional impairment in circulation of these organs is reduction ofcapillary blood flow at establishment of reperfusion and it is called the "no-reflowphenomenon".The objective of treatment in hemorrhagic shock should not solely be institution ofvolume on time but to prevent no-reflow phenomenon after ischemia-reperfusion(I/R) of the organs. This study was planned to investigate the efficiency of several Method: In this study, rats were resuscitated with saline in group 2 (n=5), gelatinesolution in group 3 (n=5), hydroxyethyl starch, 130 kD (HES 130 kD) in group 4(n=5) and dextran 40 in group 5 (n=5) after formation of hemorrhagic shock(controlled bleeding till a mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg is reached). Group 1(n=3) constituted the control group. The number of ink perfused capillaries werecounted hystopathologically in the organs (liver, lungs, kidney, brain, colon andheart) in all groups 60 minutes following resuscitationin. Indian drawing ink wasused for this purpose.Results: In comparison with the saline and gelatine groups, capillary perfusion in theheart, lung, liver, colon and brain tissues were found to be significantly improved inHES 130 kD and dextran 40 groups.Conclusions: It was concluded that using the ink perfusion method, the no-reflowphenomenon was not prevented with saline and gelatine resuscitation in the heart,lung, liver, colon and brain tissues following IR in hemorrhagic shock, while noreflowphenomenon was prevented with HES 130 kD and dextran 40 resuscitation


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    Amaç: Kasık fıtığı çocukluk çağının en sık cerrahi hastalığıdır. Genel çocuk populasyonunda %3 (%0,8-%4,4) civarında görülmektedir. Processus vajinalis (PV), peritonun iç kasık halkasından kasık kanalının içine doğru ilerlemesiyle gestasyonun 3. ayında gelişmekte ve doğumdan birkaç ay sonra distalden proksimale doğru kapanmaktadır. PV %20 oranında hayat boyu belirti vermeden açık kalırken %3 oranında semptomatik hale gelerek kasık fıtığı olarak kendini gösterir. Herhangi bir nedenle laparoskopi yapılan hastalarda açık processus vaginalis (APV) insidansını Goldstein testi, laparoskopik gözlem ve APV derinlik ölçümü yöntemlerini kullanarak araştırmak amacı ile prospektif bir çalışma planlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2000'den Mayıs 2004'e kadar kasık fıtığı onarımı dışındaki nedenlerle laparoskopi yapılan 68 hasta (49 erkek, 19 kız) çalışmaya dahil edildi. CO2 insufilasyonu sonrası kasık bölgelerinde krepitasyon alınıp alınmadığına (Goldstein testi) ve bu sırada optik ile iç halka ağzında hava kabarcığı oluşup oluşmadığına bakıldı. Daha sonra optik ile iç halka açıklığı değerlendirildi. İç halka açık görülen hastaların patent processus vaginalislerinin uzunlukları bir sonda ile ölçüldü. Uzunluğu 1,5 cm ve üzerinde ölçülenler APV olarak kabul edildi ve bu hastalara ebeveynlerden aydınlatılmış onam alındıktan sonra inguinal eksplorasyon yapıldı. Bulgular: 68 hastanın 4'ünde (%5,7) Goldstein testi pozitifken, bir tanesinde laparoskopik olarak APV saptanmadı. Goldstein testi negatif olan 64 hastanın 1 tanesinde ise APV uzunluğu 1,5 cm'den uzun ölçüldü. Kasık kanalları eksplore edilen hastaların hepsinde APV saptandı. Goldstein testinin spesifitesi ve sensitivitesi sırasıyla %98,4 ve %75 ve laparoskopik gözlem ve PV uzunluğunun ölçülmesininki ise %100 ve %100 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Kasık fıtığı onarımı sırasında pnömoperitonyum oluşturularak karşı tarafın Goldstein testi ile değerlendirilmesi yardımcı bir yöntemdir. Laparoskopi imkanı bulunmayan çocuk cerrahisi kliniklerinde kullanılabilir. Ancak tek taraflı fıtıklarda karşı taraf PV laparoskopik olarak değerlendirildiğinde ve derinliği ölçüldüğünde çok daha güvenilir sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Spesifitesi %100 ve sensitivitesi %100 olan bu yöntem, patent PV saptanmasında tercih edilecek yöntem olmalıdır. Patent PV varlığı bu hastalarda muhakkak fıtık gelişeceği anlamına gelmemekle birlikte, patent PV'in belirlenmesi ve bağlanması %10 oranında olan olası bir herni gelişimini engelleyerek %0'a indirecektir. Ayrıca kasık fıtığı dışında herhangi bir karın içi patolojisi için yapılan laparoskopide bu tetkikin yapılıp, gerektiğinde kesenin ayni seansta onarımı ise hastayı ortalama % 3 sıklıkta gözlenen herni için ayrı bir seansta yapılacak girişimden kurtaracaktır. Objective: A prospective study was planned to evaluate the incidence of patent processus vaginalis in patients who had undergone laparoscopy for intraabdominal pathologies other than inguinal hernia repair, by Goldstein test, direct visualization by laparoscopy and probing the patent processus vaginalis Material and method: During January 2000-May 2004, 68 patients (49 M, 19 F) who had undergone laparoscopy for pathologies other than inguinal hernia repair were included in the study. After insufflation of CO2, regions were palpated for crepitation (Goldstein test). With the scope, patency of the inguinal the internal ring is evaluated by direct vision and bubble formation during palpation. Than the depth of the processus vaginalis was measured with a scaled probe. Processus vaginalis deeper than 1.5 cm were accepted as patent and inguinal hernia repair was performed. Results: While Goldstein test was pozitive in 4 of the 68 patients, the laparoscopic findings did not support patent processus vaginalis in 1. Among the Goldstein test negative 64 patients, in one patient the depth of the processus vaginalis was found deeper than 1.5 cm. Processus vaginalis was found in all the patients who underwent inguinal exploration. The specifity and sensitivity of the Goldstein test was found 98.4% and 75% respectively while the laparoscopy with probing was found 100 % both. Conclusion: Although presence of patent processus vaginalis does not mean that an inguinal hernia will develop, identification and ligation of patent processus vaginalis will prevent a possible inguinal hernia development

    The impact of pretreatment with simvastatin on kidney tissue of rats with acute sepsis

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    It has been reported that changes in cytokine levels affect mitochondrial functions, levels of hypoxia-inducible factor α (HIF-1α), and tissue damage during sepsis. We aimed to investigate the effects of simvastatin pretreatment on mitochondrial enzyme activities, and on levels of ghrelin, HIF-1α, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in kidney tissue during sepsis. Rats were separated into four groups, namely, control, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) (20 mg/kg), simvastatin (20 mg/kg), and simvastatin + LPS. We measured the levels of mitochondrial enzyme activities and TBARS in the kidney using spectrophotometry. The histological structure of the kidney sections was examined after staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), IL-10, HIF-1α, and ghrelin immunoreactivity were examined using proper antibodies. In tissue, TNF-α (p  0.05). Ghrelin immunoreactivity was lower in the LPS group (p  0.05). We observed that pretreatment of simvastatin caused favorable changes on ghrelin and TBARS levels in rats with sepsis