68 research outputs found

    Compatibility of convergence algorithms for autonomous mobile robots

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    We investigate autonomous mobile robots in the Euclidean plane. A robot has a function called target function to decide the destination from the robots' positions, and operates in Look-Compute-Move cycles, i.e., identifies the robots' positions, computes the destination by the target function, and then moves there. Robots may have different target functions. Let Φ\Phi and Π\Pi be a set of target functions and a problem, respectively. If the robots whose target functions are chosen from Φ\Phi always solve Π\Pi, we say that Φ\Phi is compatible with respect to Π\Pi. If Φ\Phi is compatible with respect to Π\Pi, every target function ϕΦ\phi \in \Phi is an algorithm for Π\Pi (in the conventional sense). Note that even if both ϕ\phi and ϕ\phi' are algorithms for Π\Pi, {ϕ,ϕ}\{ \phi, \phi' \} may not be compatible with respect to Π\Pi. From the view point of compatibility, we investigate the convergence, the fault tolerant (n,fn,f)-convergence (FC(ff)), the fault tolerant (n,fn,f)-convergence to ff points (FC(ff)-PO), the fault tolerant (n,fn,f)-convergence to a convex ff-gon (FC(ff)-CP), and the gathering problems, assuming crash failures. As a result, we see that these problems are classified into three groups: The convergence, the FC(1), the FC(1)-PO, and the FC(ff)-CP compose the first group: Every set of target functions which always shrink the convex hull of a configuration is compatible. The second group is composed of the gathering and the FC(ff)-PO for f2f \geq 2: No set of target functions which always shrink the convex hull of a configuration is compatible. The third group, the FC(ff) for f2f \geq 2, is placed in between. Thus, the FC(1) and the FC(2), the FC(1)-PO and the FC(2)-PO, and the FC(2) and the FC(2)-PO are respectively in different groups, despite that the FC(1) and the FC(1)-PO are in the first group

    Minimum algorithm sizes for self-stabilizing gathering and related problems of autonomous mobile robots

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    We investigate a swarm of autonomous mobile robots in the Euclidean plane. A robot has a function called {\em target function} to determine the destination point from the robots' positions. All robots in the swarm conventionally take the same target function, but there is apparent limitation in problem-solving ability. We allow the robots to take different target functions. The number of different target functions necessary and sufficient to solve a problem Π\Pi is called the {\em minimum algorithm size} (MAS) for Π\Pi. We establish the MASs for solving the gathering and related problems from {\bf any} initial configuration, i.e., in a {\bf self-stabilizing} manner. We show, for example, for 1cn1 \leq c \leq n, there is a problem Πc\Pi_c such that the MAS for the Πc\Pi_c is cc, where nn is the size of swarm. The MAS for the gathering problem is 2, and the MAS for the fault tolerant gathering problem is 3, when 1f(<n)1 \leq f (< n) robots may crash, but the MAS for the problem of gathering all robot (including faulty ones) at a point is not solvable (even if all robots have distinct target functions), as long as a robot may crash

    Experimental Evaluation of Approximation and Heuristic Algorithms for Maximum Distance-Bounded Subgraph Problems

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    In this paper, we consider two distance-based relaxed variants of the maximum clique problem (Max Clique), named Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club for positive integers d. Max 1-Clique and Max 1-Club cannot be efficiently approximated within a factor of n1−ε for any real ε>0 unless P=NP , since they are identical to Max Clique (Håstad in Acta Math 182(1):105–142, 1999; Zuckerman in Theory Comput 3:103–128, 2007). In addition, it is NP -hard to approximate Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club to within a factor of n1/2−ε for any fixed integer d≥2 and any real ε>0 (Asahiro et al. in Approximating maximum diameter-bounded subgraphs. In: Proc of LATIN 2010, Springer, pp 615–626, 2010; Asahiro et al. in Optimal approximation algorithms for maximum distance-bounded subgraph problems. In: Proc of COCOA, Springer, pp 586–600, 2015). As for approximability of Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club, a polynomial-time algorithm, called ReFindStar d, that achieves an optimal approximation ratio of O(n1/2) for Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club was designed for any integer d≥2 in Asahiro et al. (2015, Algorithmica 80(6):1834–1856, 2018). Moreover, a simpler algorithm, called ByFindStar d, was proposed and it was shown in Asahiro et al. (2010, 2018) that although the approximation ratio of ByFindStar d is much worse for any odd d≥3, its time complexity is better than ReFindStar d. In this paper, we implement those approximation algorithms and evaluate their quality empirically for random graphs. The experimental results show that (1) ReFindStar d can find larger d-clubs (d-cliques) than ByFindStar d for odd d, (2) the size of d-clubs (d-cliques) output by ByFindStar d is the same as ones by ReFindStar d for even d, and (3) ByFindStar d can find the same size of d-clubs (d-cliques) much faster than ReFindStar d. Furthermore, we propose and implement two new heuristics, Hclub d for Maxd-Club and Hclique d for Maxd-Clique. Then, we present the experimental evaluation of the solution size of ReFindStar d, Hclub d, Hclique d and previously known heuristic algorithms for random graphs and Erdős collaboration graphs

    NP-hardness of the sorting buffer problem on the uniform metric

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    AbstractAn instance of the sorting buffer problem (SBP) consists of a sequence of requests for service, each of which is specified by a point in a metric space, and a sorting buffer which can store up to a limited number of requests and rearrange them. To serve a request, the server needs to visit the point where serving a request p following the service to a request q requires the cost corresponding to the distance d(p,q) between p and q. The objective of SBP is to serve all input requests in a way that minimizes the total distance traveled by the server by reordering the input sequence. In this paper, we focus our attention to the uniform metric, i.e., the distance d(p,q)=1 if p≠q, d(p,q)=0 otherwise, and present the first NP-hardness proof for SBP on the uniform metric

    How to collect balls moving in the Euclidean plane

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    AbstractIn this paper, we study how to collect n balls moving with a fixed constant velocity in the Euclidean plane by k robots moving on straight track-lines through the origin. Since all the balls might not be caught by robots, differently from Moving-target TSP, we consider the following 3 problems in various situations: (i) deciding if k robots can collect all n balls; (ii) maximizing the number of the balls collected by k robots; (iii) minimizing the number of the robots to collect all n balls. The situations considered in this paper contain the cases in which track-lines are given (or not), and track-lines are identical (or not). For all problems and situations, we provide polynomial time algorithms or proofs of intractability, which clarify the tractability–intractability frontier in the ball collecting problems in the Euclidean plane

    Graph orientation with splits

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    The Minimum Maximum Outdegree Problem (MMO) is to assign a direction to every edge in an input undirected, edge-weighted graph so that the maximum weighted outdegree taken over all vertices becomes as small as possible. In this paper, we introduce a new variant of MMO called the p-Split Minimum Maximum Outdegree Problem (p-Split-MMO) in which one is allowed to perform a sequence of p split operations on the vertices before orienting the edges, for some specified non-negative integer p, and study its computational complexity

    Approximation Algorithms for the Longest Run Subsequence Problem

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    We study the approximability of the Longest Run Subsequence problem (LRS for short). For a string S = s_1 ? s_n over an alphabet ?, a run of a symbol ? ? ? in S is a maximal substring of consecutive occurrences of ?. A run subsequence S\u27 of S is a sequence in which every symbol ? ? ? occurs in at most one run. Given a string S, the goal of LRS is to find a longest run subsequence S^* of S such that the length |S^*| is maximized over all the run subsequences of S. It is known that LRS is APX-hard even if each symbol has at most two occurrences in the input string, and that LRS admits a polynomial-time k-approximation algorithm if the number of occurrences of every symbol in the input string is bounded by k. In this paper, we design a polynomial-time (k+1)/2-approximation algorithm for LRS under the k-occurrence constraint on input strings. For the case k = 2, we further improve the approximation ratio from 3/2 to 4/3

    Approximation algorithms for the graph orientation minimizing the maximum weighted outdegree

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    Given a simple, undirected graph G=(V,E) and a weight function w:E→ℤ+, we consider the problem of orienting all edges in E so that the maximum weighted outdegree among all vertices is minimized. It has previously been shown that the unweighted version of the problem is solvable in polynomial time while the weighted version is (weakly) NP-hard. In this paper, we strengthen these results as follows: (1) We prove that the weighted version is strongly NP-hard even if all edge weights belong to the set {1,k}, where k is any fixed integer greater than or equal to 2, and that there exists no pseudo-polynomial time approximation algorithm for this problem whose approximation ratio is smaller than (1+1/k) unless P = NP; (2) we present a new polynomial-time algorithm that approximates the general version of the problem within a ratio of (2−1/k), where k is the maximum weight of an edge in G; (3) we show how to approximate the special case in which all edge weights belong to {1,k} within a ratio of 3/2 for k=2 (note that this matches the inapproximability bound above), and (2−2/(k+1)) for any k≥3, respectively, in polynomial time

    Exact algorithms for the repetition-bounded longest common subsequence problem

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    In this paper, we study exact, exponential-time algorithms for a variant of the classic Longest Common Subsequence problem called the Repetition-Bounded Longest Common Subsequence problem (or RBLCS, for short): Let an alphabet S be a finite set of symbols and an occurrence constraint Cocc be a function Cocc: S → N, assigning an upper bound on the number of occurrences of each symbol in S. Given two sequences X and Y over the alphabet S and an occurrence constraint Cocc, the goal of RBLCS is to find a longest common subsequence of X and Y such that each symbol s ∈ S appears at most Cocc(s) times in the obtained subsequence. The special case where Cocc(s) = 1 for every symbol s ∈ S is known as the Repetition-Free Longest Common Subsequence problem (RFLCS) and has been studied previously; e.g., in [1], Adi et al. presented a simple (exponential-time) exact algorithm for RFLCS. However, they did not analyze its time complexity in detail, and to the best of our knowledge, there are no previous results on the running times of any exact algorithms for this problem. Without loss of generality, we will assume that |X| ≤ |Y | and |X| = n. In this paper, we first propose a simpler algorithm for RFLCS based on the strategy used in [1] and show explicitly that its running time is O(1.44225n). Next, we provide a dynamic programming (DP) based algorithm for RBLCS and prove that its running time is O(1.44225n) for any occurrence constraint Cocc, and even less in certain special cases. In particular, for RFLCS, our DP-based algorithm runs in O(1.41422n) time, which is faster than the previous one. Furthermore, we prove NP-hardness and APX-hardness results for RBLCS on restricted instances


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    1 はじめに 2 メタ戦略 3 並列化 4 並列メタ戦略の見積もり 5 実装と実験結果 6 おわりに工学分野を始めとする様々な分野において現れる問題の多くは現実的な時間で最適解を求めることが難しいとされるNP困難のクラスに属しており、このため最適解ではないまでも比較的良い解を高速に求めることができるメタ戦略の研究が近年盛んに行なわれている。逐次アルゴリズムを計算機クラスタ上で並列化する際、十分な並列度を保つような実装が求められるが、メタ戦略はその動作が複雑であるため、一般に逐次メタ戦略の並列化には対象となるメタ戦略の動作の詳細までの把握が必要とされる。本稿では対象とするメタ戦略の動作の詳細を知ることなく高性能な並列メタ戦略を設計することのできる、メタ戦略並列化手法を提案する。本手法はメタ戦略に対する特徴付といくつかの簡単な予備実験の結果解析に基づいており、有名なNP困難問題の一つである一般化割当問題に対する実装例では、公開されているベンチマーク問題への最良解を更新するなど、十分な性能を持つことが確認された