129 research outputs found

    Perceptions and Prospects: Technology-Enabled Teacher Education in the Digital Age

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    The integration of technology into education has led to significant transformations in teacher education programs. This study examines the perceptions of learners regarding technology-enabled teacher education programs. It explores the experiences and viewpoints of a diverse group of teacher education students, ranging from pre-service teachers to experienced educators pursuing advanced qualifications. The study reveals that learners generally perceive technology-enabled teacher education programs positively, highlighting advantages such as increased accessibility, flexibility, engagement, and personalization. However, they also acknowledge challenges related to technical issues and the digital divide. These findings emphasize the importance of ongoing research and development in technology integration within teacher education to better prepare educators for the digital age classroom

    Effect of Fe on the Martensitic Transition, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties in Ni-Mn-In Melt-spun Ribbons

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    The effect of Fe on the martensitic transitions, magnetic and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni47Mn40-xFexIn13 ribbons (x = 1, 2, 3 and 5) has been investigated. All the ribbon compositions under study have shown the presence of austenite phase at room temperature. The variation of martensitic transition with the increase in Fe-content is non-monotonic. The thermal hysteresis of the martensitic transition increased with the increase in Fe-content. The martensitic transitions shifted to lower temperatures in the presence of high magnetic fields. A maximum magnetic entropy change (∆SM) of 50 Jkg-1K-1 has been achieved in the Ni47Mn38Fe2In13 (x = 1) ribbon at 282 K for an applied field of 5 T

    Kirurgisk behandling av degenerative meniskskader

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    Degenerativ meniskskade er en vanlig skade i befolkningen. Flere og flere opplever plager av dette ettersom befolkningen blir stadig eldre. De siste årene har det blitt publisert flere studier som tyder på at effekten av kirurgi ikke er statistisk signifikant i forhold til konservativ behandling, verken når det kommer til smerter eller funksjon. ”Rapport om dagkirurgi i Norge 2011-2013” viser at meniskoperasjoner er ulikt fordelt blant befolkningen i Norge. Enkelte deler av landet utfører fire ganger flere inngrep per 100 000 innbyggere enn andre boområder. Målsetningen med oppgaven vår er derfor å redusere antall unødvendige meniskoperasjoner. En systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse fra 2014 danner kunnskapsgrunnlaget for oppgaven vår. Denne studien inkluderer syv enkeltstudier, deriblant et enkeltstudium der man sammenlignet kirurgi med såkalt sham-kirurgi. Resultatene viste en bedring i funksjon etter 6 måneder, men det var ingen bedring etter 12 måneder. Det var ingen bedring i smerter verken på kort eller lang sikt. En undersøkelse av dagens praksis ved fire sykehus i ulike deler av Norge viser til dels ulik framgangsmåte mtp. vurdering av pasientene og indikasjoner for kirurgi. Ved tre av sykehusene mangler det skriftlige retningslinjer for vurdering. Vi foreslår derfor å utarbeide nasjonale skriftlige retningslinjer som et tiltak for å redusere antall operasjoner. Dette arbeidet bør ledes av en bredt sammensatt ekspertgruppe med mandat fra Helsedirektoratet. Vi ønsker også at fastlegene får tilgang til standardisert informasjon til hjelp ved spørsmål om videre henvisning. I tillegg ser vi for oss at helsemyndighetene også styrer dette via økonomiske incentiver. For å måle effekten av tiltakene våre vil vi blant annet telle antall operasjoner pr 100 000 innbyggere, telle antall henvisninger fra fastlegene og forsøke å måle den økonomiske effekten av tiltakene. Siden det ikke finnes overordnede retningslinjer for behandling av degenerative meniskskader har vi valgt å dele implementering av tiltakene våre i to: Den første delen beskriver hvordan vi ser for oss å organisere dette på overordnet nivå, mens del to beskriver hvordan vi ser for oss at tiltakene kan implementeres i et klinisk mikrosystem. Vi har valgt å bruke PDSA-sirkelen som et verktøy for implementering av tiltakene. Målet om å redusere antall operasjoner krever etablering av nasjonale retningslinjer og andre tiltak på nasjonalt og lokalt nivå. Vi har gjennom denne oppgaven forsøkt å lage en plan for endring av dagens praksis til en mer restriktiv tilnærming

    Preparation of 3D spherical Ni/Al LDHs with significantly enhanced electrochemical performance as a superior cathode material for Ni/MH batteries.

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    Nickel-based hydroxides with excellent electrochemical performance have been considered as cathode materials for Ni/MH batteries. In this paper, a Ni/Al layered double hydroxides (Ni/Al LDHs) material with three-dimensional (3D) spherical structure is synthesized by a facile stable dual complexation-precipitation method. SEM images show that the obtained Ni/Al LDHs possess 3D spherical structure composed of nanosheets. XRD and CV tests indicate that doping of Al increases the distance between Ni-Al layers, greatly improving the specific capacity of the obtained materials. The electrochemical tests show that the specific capacity of the obtained material with 18% Al is up to 383.4 mAh g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1. In addition, when the current density is further increased to 10 and 20 A g-1, the specific capacity of this material still maintains 345.0 mAh g-1 and 307.9 mAh g-1, respectively, which implies that this cathode material can provide remarkable power densities. Moreover, the material composed of Ni/Al LDHs keeps 97.6% initial capacity after 5000 cycles at a current density of 10 A g-1, showing an excellent cycling stability and durability

    Symmetry, spin and orbital character of a van-Hove singularity in proximity to a Lifshitz transition in Sr4_4Ru3_3O10_{10}

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    The physics of strongly correlated electron materials is often governed by Van Hove singularities (VHss) in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. The divergence of the density of states generated by the VHss can promote electron-electron interactions and the emergence of new phases such as superconductivity, ferromagnetism, metamagnetism, nematicity and density wave orders. The shape and intensity of this divergence depends sensitively on the order and symmetry of the VHs, and hence a detailed understanding of the low-energy electronic structure is essential to understand the role of VHss in emergent phases. A family of materials with a large diversity of emergent phases that can be related to VHss close to the Fermi energy is the Ruddlesden-Popper series of the strontium ruthenates. Here we study the low-energy electronic structure at the surface of ferromagnetic Sr4_4Ru3_3O10_{10} by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at millikelvin temperatures. We identify multiple VHss close to the Fermi energy and establish their spin character. Using quasiparticle interference we extract the orbital character and symmetry of the VHs closest to the Fermi energy, enabling us to identify a new mechanism for a field-induced Lifshitz transition facilitated by spin-orbit coupling as the origin of the metamagnetic behaviour in Sr4_4Ru3_3O10_{10}.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures and supplementary materia

    A green and template-free synthesis process of superior carbon material with ellipsoidal structure as enhanced material for supercapacitors.

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    Metal Organic Frameworks or related carbon materials are the ideal materials for supercapacitors due to their high surface area and unique porous structure. Here, we propose a new green and recyclable synthesis method of porous carbon. Aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)₃) and trimesic acid (BTC) are employed as raw materials to obtain aluminium trimesic (denoted as Al-BTC) via their covalent reaction. Then, the porous carbon is obtained through carbonization and dissolving process to remove the aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃). Al(OH)₃ is recovered by the Bayer method for the next batch. The SEM images show that the porous carbon has rugby-like morphology with the same of 400 nm wide and 1000 nm long which indicates the porous carbon with c/a ratio of 2.5 providing the largest specific volume surface area. The sample offers 306.4 F gˉ¹at 1 A gˉ¹, and it can retain 72.2% even at the current density of 50 A gˉ¹. In addition, the porous carbon provides excellent durability of 50,000 cycles at 50 A gˉ¹ with only 5.05% decline of capacitance. Moreover, the porous carbon has an ultrafast charge acceptance, and only 4.4 s is required for one single process, which is promising for application in electric vehicles

    Spin-orbit coupling induced Van Hove singularity in proximity to a Lifshitz transition in Sr4Ru3O10

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    Funding: CAM, MN and PW gratefully acknowledge funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through EP/R031924/1 and EP/S005005/1, IB through the International Max Planck Research School for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials and LCR from a fellowship from the Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851. RA, RF and AV thank the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 964398 (SUPERGATE).Van Hove singularities (VHss) in the vicinity of the Fermi energy often play a dramatic role in the physics of strongly correlated electron materials. The divergence of the density of states generated by VHss can trigger the emergence of new phases such as superconductivity, ferromagnetism, metamagnetism, and density wave orders. A detailed understanding of the electronic structure of these VHss is therefore essential for an accurate description of such instabilities. Here, we study the low-energy electronic structure of the trilayer strontium ruthenate Sr4Ru3O10, identifying a rich hierarchy of VHss using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and millikelvin scanning tunneling microscopy. Comparison of k-resolved electron spectroscopy and quasiparticle interference allows us to determine the structure of the VHss and demonstrate the crucial role of spin-orbit coupling in shaping them. We use this to develop a minimal model from which we identify a new mechanism for driving a field-induced Lifshitz transition in ferromagnetic metals.Peer reviewe

    Study on current collector and electrolyte design/electrochemical behaviour of an in-plane lignin derived laser scribed graphene for microsupercapacitor application

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    Current collectors and electrolyte pairs are frequently overlooked in the development of supercapacitors. In electrode design and sealed packaging, the mechanical and chemical properties of the electrolyte must be retained while maintaining the integrity of microelectrodes and current collectors of the microsupercapacitors. In this research, the physical and electrochemical response of copper (Cu) and 316 stainless steel current collector (SS) for lignin-derived laser scribed graphene (L-LSG) microsupercapacitor with K2SO4 (K+) and H2SO4 (H+) as an electrolyte medium was studied. XPS results confirmed a passivation layer on a copper electrode before and after the electrochemical reaction involving H2SO4 as the electrolyte medium of the highly porous L-LSG structure with six pairs of microelectrodes and graphene current collectors. Analysis of the CV and GCD curves shows that the SS/K+ pair is the most suited for an L-LSG microsupercapacitor, with an areal capacitance and energy density of 22.22 mFcm−2 and 0.00153 mWhcm−2, respectively at 0.08 mAcm−2

    Recent progress on nanostructured 4 v cathode materials for Li-ion batteries for mobile electronics

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    Mobile electronics have developed so rapidly that battery technology has hardly been able to keep pace. The increasing desire for lighter and thinner Li-ion batteries with higher capacities is a continuing and constant goal for in research. Achieving higher energy densities, which is mainly dependent on cathode materials, has become a critical issue in the development of new Li-ion batteries. In this review, we will outline the progress on nanostructured 4 V cathode materials of Li-ion batteries for mobile electronics, covering LiCoO2, LiNixCoyMn1-x-yO 2, LiMn2O4, LiNi0.5Mn 1.5O4 and Li-rich layered oxide materials. We aim to provide some scientific insights into the development of superior cathode materials by discussing the advantages of nanostructure, surface-coating, and other key properties.open2