1,081 research outputs found

    How advertising affects quality perception of public service television? A comparison of two surveys in Spain (2008 and 2012)

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    This paper aims at providing new insights about audiences’ opinions concerning the role of advertising and its relation with the perceived quality of TV channels. It analyses Spanish audience's perception of quality of public service broadcasters TVE1 and La 2 before and after the advertising withdrawal in 2010. The goal is identifying if the advertising removal is perceived as an improvement of the quality of TVE. The first conclusion is that a vast majority of the viewers find the channels more attractive now without any advertising than before having it. In addition, gender and age are not significant variables in order to affect this opinion. But the audience educational level does impact their perception: those less educated have a significantly better opinion about the advertising withdrawal than others who are more educated. Both national public service channels (TVE1 and La 2) have improved significantly their quality perception when comparing 2008 and 2012 surveys. They are the only two channels within the Spanish market to obtain a better quality assessment. In fact, all channels tend to maintain or reduce their quality perception in the 2008–2012 time period

    Mating system in a natural population of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum., by microsatellite markers.

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    The aim of this research was to study the mating system of a natural population of Theobroma grandiflorum (cupuassu) from Nova Ipixuna, Pará state, using microsatellite markers. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were analyzed in eight families, each represented by 10 six-month old seedlings derived from open-pollinated pods. The estimation for the multilocus outcrossing rate (tm=1.0)andindividualoutcrossingrate(tm= 1.0) and individual outcrossing rate (t= 1.0) for this population suggests that T. grandiflorum may be a perfect outbreeding (allogamous) species. Likewise, for the studied population the estimate for single locus outcrossing rate (ts)waselevated(0.946),butlowerthants) was elevated (0.946), but lower than tm, confirming the likely outcrossing character of the species and suggesting the occurrence of 5.4% biparental inbreeding rate (tmtm-ts). The estimation of genetic divergence (FST)betweenallelicfrequenciesinovulesandpollenrevealedadeviationfromrandommatingin75FST) between allelic frequencies in ovules and pollen revealed a deviation from random mating in 75% of the evaluated loci. Likewise, the estimate of correlation of paternity (rp= 0.930) and the mean coefficient of co-ancestrality within families ($?xy= 0.501) indicated that the outcrossings were predominantly correlated, and the offspring were full-sibs. These results suggested that for this particular population of T. grandiflorum, the sampling strategy for genetic conservation and breeding should adopt specific models for families derived from correlated outcrossing (full-sibs) and not the ones usually adopted in classic outcrossing species breeding programs (half-sibs)

    Traumatic rupture of the tricuspid valve

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    Traumatic rupture of the tricuspid valve is a rare and difficult entity to diagnose as it usually courses asymptomatic; therefore, clinical suspicion is key to identify it. We report the case of a 48-year-old male patient who was admitted due to closed thoracic trauma after falling from 4 meters high. The echocardioscopy performed in the Emergency Room was normal. The patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit due to pulmonary contusion and multiple rib fractures. Lab tests revealed elevation of myocardial necrosis markers, and ECG showed RBBB. A new echocardiography, performed 48 hours later to rule out complications secondary to myocardial contusion, targeted the tricuspid valve with papillary muscle rupture and eversion of the anterior leaflet causing massive tricuspid regurgitation (TR) (opacifying the right atrium; Doppler triangular flow did not allow pulmonary pressure measurement; there was systolic inversion in suprahepatic vein flow, paradoxical septal motion associated with volume overload), slightly enlarged right chambers with preserved right ventricular systolic function, and mild pericardial effusion. ... La rotura traumática de la válvula tricúspide es una entidad infrecuente y difícil de diagnosticar, ya que habitualmente cursa de forma asintomática, lo que hace fundamental la sospecha clínica para poder identificarla. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 48 años que ingresa por traumatismo torácico cerrado tras precipitarse desde 4 metros de altura. Se realizó ecocardioscopia en urgencias que fue normal. El paciente ingresó en la unidad de cuidados intensivos por contusión pulmonar y múltiples fracturas costales. En la analítica presentó elevación de marcadores de necrosis miocárdica y en ECG BRDHH, por lo que a las 48 h se realizó un nuevo ecocardiograma para descartar complicaciones secundarias a la contusión miocárdica; en este se observó la válvula tricúspide con rotura del músculo papilar y eversión del velo anterior, lo que produce insuficiencia tricuspídea (IT) masiva (opacifica toda la aurícula derecha; el flujo Doppler triangular no permite estimar la presión pulmonar; inversión sistólica del flujo en las venas suprahepáticas, movimiento paradójico del septo en relación con sobrecarga de volumen), cavidades derechas ligeramente dilatadas con función sistólica VD conservada y derrame pericárdico ligero. El paciente presentó una evolución tórpida con volet costal complicado con fracaso multiorgánico, por lo que, dada la ausencia de signos de insuficiencia cardíaca derecha, se decidió demorar la cirugía cardíaca. A los 6 meses, se realizó la reparación de la válvula tricúspide mediante anuloplastia, neocuerda a velo anterior y plicatura al nivel de la comisura entre el velo septal y el anterior. Posteriormente, el paciente presentó buena evolución clínica y ecocardiográfica con IT grado II/IV y normalización de la dilatación de cavidades derechas

    La calidad de la oferta televisiva en el mercado español: Las percepciones del público

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    El mercado de la televisión en España ha multiplicado su oferta de contenidos audiovisuales en los últimos años. El objeto de la investigación es la relación entre este hecho y la percepción de calidad de los servicios televisivos recibidos por parte del público. La metodología aplicada incluye una encuesta de ámbito nacional. Los resultados confirman que el nivel de consumo o la abundancia de oferta no se corresponden con un alto índice de satisfacción del público; que la percepción de calidad es menor entre las personas de mayor nivel educativo; que las cadenas generalistas no presentan de diferencias significativas en la valoración por parte de la audiencia; y, finalmente, que buena parte del público muestra preocupación con los contenidos televisivos y sus efectos en la sociedad

    Impacte econòmic de la figitalització i la convergéncia en el sector audiovisual a Espanya

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    In this article, we will analyse the effects of digitalisation and convergence, both in the world of television and in the evolution of business models for firms in this sector. We will also refer to the convergence of business and technology in new intermediaries in the audiovisual market. Later on we will describe the public’s increasingly important role and, finally, we will examine the possible scenarios for Spain’s audiovisual sector in the second decade of this century

    Cork Core Sandwich Plates for Blast Protection

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Armour and Protection SystemsA numerical model is developed and validated to analyse the performance of aluminium skin and agglomerated cork core sandwich plates subjected to blast loads. Two numerical approaches are used and thoroughly compared to generate the blast loading: an Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian approach and the Load Blast Enhanced method. Both of the models are validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental observations. A detailed analysis of the sandwich behaviour is done for both approaches showing small differences regarding the mechanical response of the sandwich structure. The results obtained from the numerical models uncover the specific energy absorption mechanisms happening within the sandwich plate components. A new core topology is proposed, based on these results, which maximises the energy absorption capacity of the plate, keeping the areal density unchanged. A wavy agglomerated cork core is proposed and the effects of different geometrical parameters on the energy absorption are thoroughly analysed and discussed. The proposed optimised plate configuration shows an increase in the total absorbed energy of close to 40% relative to a reference case with the same areal density. The adopted optimisation methodology can be applied to alternative configurations to increase the performance of sandwich structures under blast events.This research was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España grant number DPI2017-85073-R, and Universidad Carlos III of Madrid grant numbers 2013/00413/003 and 2014/00006/002. And the travel expenses were funded by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid grant number Programa propio de investigación-Convocatoria 2014 movilidad

    Flora y vegetación serpentinícola ibérica: Sierras de Alpujata y de la Robla (Málaga, España)

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    Se ha estudiado la flora y vegetación de dos de los afloramientos perido¬títicos del sur de la Península Ibérica, que incluyen la Sierra de Alpujata (71 Km2) y La Robla (7 Km2) en la provincia de Málaga. La flora serpentinícola muestra características diferentes del resto de la flora que vive sobre suelos zonales, debido a las limitaciones causadas por la composición de los suelos serpentínicos. Los resultados muestran una presencia elevada de serpentinófitos (18 de un total de 27) de los cuales 13 son ser¬pentinófitos estrictos aunque ninguno es exclusivo de las sierras estudiadas. En cuanto a la vegetación, casi todas las asociaciones y comunidades son endémicas de sustratos serpentínicos. Se describe una subasociación nueva y se reivindican, invierten y corrigen nombres de sintaxones. El paisaje vegetal está dominado por matorrales edafoxerófilos (Staehelino-Ulicion baetici), formaciones climácicas de pinos (Pinus pinaster) y coscojas (Quercus coccifera) (Pino-Juniperion phoeniceae), comunidades edafohigrófilas de sau¬cedas (Salicion pedicellatae) y juncales (Molinio-Holoschoenion). La Sierra de Alpujata es el tercer afloramiento del sur de la Península en cuanto a riqueza en vegetación ser¬pentinícola, por detrás solo de Sierra Bermeja y Sierra de las Nieves peridotítica (Sierra Parda). La presencia de especies endémicas y protegidas junto a sus hábitats incluidos en la Directiva 92/43CEE hacen de la Sierra de Alpujata una candidata a ser declarada como LIC (Lugar de Inetrés Comunitario). Este trabajo podría ser de gran valor para el seguimiento de la restauración y regeneración de la Sierra de Alpujata tras el incendio sufrido en el verano de 2012.Iberian serpentine flora and vegetation: Alpujata and La Robla mountains (Malaga, Spain). The flora and vegetation of two peridotite outcrops in the south of the Iberian Peninsula have been studied: Sierra de Alpujata (71 Km2) and La Robla (7 Km2) in the province of Malaga. Serpentine flora and vegetation show different characteris¬tics from the rest of the flora that lives on zonal soils, due to the limitations caused by the serpentine soil composition. The results show a high presence of serpentinophytes (18 out of 27) of which 13 are obligate serpentinophytes although none is exclusive from the studied outcrops. In terms of vegetation, almost all associations and com¬munities are endemic to serpentine substrates. A new subassociation is described and some syntaxa names are claimed, reversed or corrected. The landscape is dominated by xerophytic shrublands (Staehelino-Ulicion baetici), climax communities of pine (Pinus pinaster) and shrub oaks (Quercus coccifera) (Pino-Juniperion phoeniceae) and ripar¬ian forests (Salicion pedicellatae) mixed with higrophytic grasslands on wet soils and streams (Molinio-Holoschoenion). Sierra de Alpujata is the third outcrop of the south of the Iberian Peninsula regarding serpentine vegetation richness, after Sierra Bermeja and Sierra de las Nieves (peridotites of Sierra Parda). The presence of endemic and protected species together with their habitats included in the 92/43/EU Directive may drive Sierra de Alpujata to be a candidate to obtain the declaration of SCI (Site of Comunitarian Interest). This work could be of great value to monitor the restoration and regeneration of Sierra de Alpujata after the fire in the summer of 2012

    Concepto y Taxonomía de la Industria de la Comunicación

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    La industria de la comunicación comprende el conjunto de empresas que participan en el mercado de las ideas ofertando algunos contenidos (informativos, persuasivos o de entretenimiento) demandados por variados públicos (audiencia, anunciantes o instituciones) utilizando ciertos medios tecnológicos (impresos, audiovisuales o multimedia). El estudio científico de los aspectos económicos y empresariales de los medios de comunicación tiene en España una historia no superior a los cincuenta años, mientras que otros países como Estados Unidos o Alemania cuentan con más tradición. Sin embargo, las propuestas de clasificación de los sectores de la industria han sido variadas y heterogéneas en todos los casos. Esta investigación pretende aportar un sistema de clasificación a partir del cual se puedan definir los sectores y mercados de la comunicación de un modo integrado tanto en el ámbito académico como en el empresarial y regulatorio

    High-velocity ice impact damage quantification in composite laminates using a frequency domain-based correlation approach

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    This paper investigates the feasibility of using a novel domain-based correlation approach derived from the complex frequency domain assurance criterion (CFDAC) for the detection and quantification of impact damage in composite laminates. The CFDAC is essentially a complex-valued two-dimensional indicator of the covariance between two sets of frequency response functions for each pair of spectral lines corresponding to vibration-response of pristine and damage states. The study focuses on damage induced by high-velocity ice impacts on carbon fiber laminated plates. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology correctly identifies the level of induced damage via a user-independent scalar damage indicator. Therefore, this approach has potential use as a damage indicator, which could be adapted as a structural assessment non-destructive method. This research aims to contribute to the further development of functional, autonomous, and reliable structural health monitoring systems for composite structures based on spectral-domain indices.This research was done with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the projects IPT-2011-1765-920000 and DPI2013-41094-R. The authors are very grateful to Joan Fernández for constructive suggestions