796 research outputs found

    Polymer-azobenzene complexes: from supramolecular concepts to efficient photoresponsive polymers

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    Linear and nonlinear optical properties of azobenzene-containing polymers give rise to a range of exciting optical phenomena due to the unique response of the azobenzene chromophores to light fields. The light-induced motions of the azobenzene molecules can be used to inscribe large and stable in-plane anisotropy, nonlinear optical response, and surface-relief structures into the material system, showing great potential for various photonics applications. This thesis deals with a common drawback often encountered in amorphous azobenzene-containing polymers: when the chromophores are dissolved in the polymer matrix, they tend to form aggregates even at moderate doping levels, which is generally detrimental to the optical response of the system. Aggregation can be suppressed by covalently attaching the chromophores to the polymer backbone, which improves the optical performance but requires a laborious organic synthesis process for each polymer-chromophore combination. We have addressed this issue by using supramolecular concepts: instead of covalent functionalization we use spontaneous non-covalent interactions to attach the chromophores to the polymer backbone to form polymer-azobenzene complexes. In the thesis we systematically explore the connection between the aggregation of strongly dipolar chromophores and the photoresponse of the material system. In particular, we show that the aggregation can be suppressed by properly choosing the polymer matrix. Moreover, by using phenol-pyridine hydrogen bonding to attach the chromophores to the polymer backbone, the chromophore content can be increased up to the point where each polymer repeat unit is occupied, yielding photoresponsive polymers with (i) high and stable photoinduced anisotropy and (ii) efficient formation of photoinduced surface-relief gratings. Hydrogen bonding makes a difference, and due to the generality of the supramolecular concepts, we anticipate that the proposed method provides a pathway to enhancing a wide range of optical phenomena where chromophore aggregation or phase separation is a limiting factor for the system performance

    Improving the quality of english teaching through constructivist learning design (A Classroom Action Research in SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun)

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    ARRI KURNIAWAN. Improving the Quality of English Teaching through Constructivist Learning Design: A Collaborative Action Research in SMK Gamaliel I Madiun. Thesis. Surakarta. English Education Department, Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, 2008. The objective of this research is to examine whether or not CLD can improve the quality of English teaching. Besides, this research is designed to study the effectiveness of constructivist learning design to improve the quality of English teaching and learning, and the consequences when constructivist learning design is applied. The research was carried out at SMK Gamaliel I Madiun, East Java, from January to July 2008 (employing collaborative action research). The subject of the research is a teacher who teaches at 2 MA of SMK Gamaliel I Madiun. The data were obtained from several techniques including test, collaborative observations, interview, questionnaires, and document analysis. To analyze the quantitative data, the researcher applied descriptive statistics, comprising the following dimensions: highest and the lowest scores, and means. To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher applied constant comparative method as suggested by Glasser. The findings reveal that the application of CLD in improving the quality of English teaching is successful viewed from some dimensions: First, the improvement of students’ motivation and participation increases. Second, the application of CLD improves the teacher’s professional competence. Third, CLD establishes students’ thinking skills. CLD improves social communication among students and teacher and fifth, it improves students’ English competence. The research findings of this study imply that CLD is very important in improving the quality of English teaching. Therefore, it is recommended that: first, the teacher should understand the curriculum by making good preparation of the lesson, material preparation, suitable method, suitable evaluation, and a conducive learning environment. Second, the institution should send the teachers to join in workshop, seminar, and training to upgrade the teachers’ competence. The discussion of new curriculum and its implementation should be maximized in order the understanding of curriculum will be increased. Third, the recommendation is for the students. The students should have motivation to study English. The ability of English competence is a must in globalization era. If they do not provide themselves with English competence, they will be left behind and get difficulty to compete in hard competition. Fourth, the next recommendation is for other researchers who want to apply CLD in other classrooms. Changing the traditional classroom into constructivist classroom will not happen overnight. It is a progressive process that requires doing and reflecting, more doing and reflecting, and then more doing and reflectin

    Komitmen Ibu Generasi Y Dengan Anak Usia Prasekolah Dalam Menjalankan Peran Ganda

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    AbstractA career woman indirectly is committed to work and to taking responsibility for the family. This situation is not easy for career women with pre-school-aged children because children demand attention. This research describes the double-role commitment of Y-generation mothers with preschool-aged children in Semarang. This descriptive research took the population of career mothers with preschool-aged children. The researchers applied simple random sampling and found 87 respondents. The data collection  technique uses a scale. Then, the researchers analyzed the data univariately. The result showed that the double role commitments were high: both the commitment to the jobs and the child nurturing. From the aspects of the double role commitment, the researchers found the most observable commitment role was a strong belief toward the role commitment. Therefore, the targeted objectives would improve the career of mothers with preschool-aged children to be committed to the double roles. In particular, this reseach contributes to Y-generation mothers with preschool-aged children that to be able to commit to their double-roles, it is necessary to start with a goal to be achievedKeywords: Commitment; Y-generation; double role; preschool-aged childrenAbstrakKetika seorang perempuan bekerja, secara tidak langsung telah menentukan komitmen, bahwa selain bekerja juga dituntut untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap keluarga. Kondisi ini tidak mudah bagi ibu bekerja yang mempunyai  anak usia prasekolah, karena adanya tuntutan perhatian yang besar terhadap anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran komitmen ibu generasi Y dengan anak usia prasekolah di Kota Semarang dalam menjalankan peran gandanya.  Metode penelitian studi deskriptif dengan populasi penelitian ibu generasi Y dengan anak prasekolah. Teknik pengambilan sampel melalui simple random sampling  dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 87 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen peran ganda responden termasuk kategori tinggi, baik komitmen terhadap pekerjaan maupun terhadap pengasuhan anak. Adapun jika dilihat dari aspek komitmen peran ganda, nampak bahwa aspek komitmen peran yang paling menonjol adalah kepercayaan yang kuat terhadap tujuan komitmen peran. Dengan demikian adanya tujuan yang akan dicapai akan menguatkan ibu bekerja dengan anak prasekolah untuk berkomitmen terhadap peran gandanya. Secara khusus penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi kepada ibu bekerja generasi Y dengan anak usia prasekolah bahwa untuk mampu berkomitmen terhadap  peran gandanya, perlu diawali dengan adanya tujuan yang akan dicapai.Kata kunci: Komitmen; generasi Y; peran ganda; anak usia prasekola

    Estate Planning Through Marital Deduction Equalization Clauses

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    The F5 Criterion revised

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    The purpose of this work is to generalize part of the theory behind Faugere's "F5" algorithm. This is one of the fastest known algorithms to compute a Groebner basis of a polynomial ideal I generated by polynomials f_{1},...,f_{m}. A major reason for this is what Faugere called the algorithm's "new" criterion, and we call "the F5 criterion"; it provides a sufficient condition for a set of polynomials G to be a Groebner basis. However, the F5 algorithm is difficult to grasp, and there are unresolved questions regarding its termination. This paper introduces some new concepts that place the criterion in a more general setting: S-Groebner bases and primitive S-irreducible polynomials. We use these to propose a new, simple algorithm based on a revised F5 criterion. The new concepts also enable us to remove various restrictions, such as proving termination without the requirement that f_{1},...,f_{m} be a regular sequence.Comment: Originally submitted by Arri in 2009, with material added by Perry since 2010. The 2016 editions correct typographical issues not caught in previous editions bring the theory of the body into conformity with the published version of the pape

    The F5 Criterion Revised

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    The purpose of this work is to generalize part of the theory behind Faugere\u27s F5 algorithm. This is one of the fastest known algorithms to compute a Gröbner basis of a polynomial ideal I generated by polynomials f1,…,fm. A major reason for this is what Faugere called the algorithm\u27s new criterion, and we call the F5 criterion : it provides a sufficient condition for a set of polynomialsGto be a Gröbner basis. However. the F5 algorithm is difficult to grasp, and there are unresolved questions regarding its termination. This paper introduces some new concepts that place the criterion in a more general setting:S-Gröbner bases and primitive S-irreducible polynomials. We use these to propose a new, simple algorithm based on a revised F5 criterion. The new concepts also enable us to remove various restrictions, such as proving termination without the requirement that f1,…,fm be a regular sequence. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    Hyperactivity is a disorder experienced by children which is characterized by aggressive behavior, inability to calm down, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, difficulty concentrating, and likes to seek attention from other people." Hyperactive children must be treated as soon as possible to avoid problems around them. Examples of hyperactivity are often disturbing other friends, not wanting to be controlled, often leaving their seats during class, and often not completing the tasks they have done. Apart from that, hyperactive children include: having a high temper, often hurting other people, often leaving their seats during class, and being spoiled. These behaviors are caused by home or family environmental factors. Objectives (1) behavior of hyperactive children, (2) factors that cause hyperactive children, (3) efforts to overcome hyperactive children. Education, as a vital means of developing human resources, is a need that cannot be separated from human life in making the nation's life intelligent and forming skilled people. Schools as education providers have a responsibility to develop students' potential to become people of faith and piety and able to develop their knowledge. However, it can be found in elementary schools that there are students who have hyperactive behavior which tends to make it difficult for teachers to deal with them. Therefore, teachers are tasked with providing guidance to students who have hyperactive behavior, because these students' hyperactive behavior can certainly have an impact on disrupting the success of educational activities in the classroom. Method This article uses a literature review research method with reference sources from 15 previous research journals. Review: Journal search results found 15 journals that met the criteria for hyperactive children determined by researchers. Most of the research found used a cross sectional study design, but several studies also used case control and cohort study designs. Several different results were found in each study, but they still showed similarities, namely that there were still the same perceptions about hyperactive behavior in each study


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    Hyperactivity is a disorder experienced by children which is characterized by aggressive behavior, inability to calm down, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, difficulty concentrating, and likes to seek attention from other people." Hyperactive children must be treated as soon as possible to avoid problems around them. Examples of hyperactivity are often disturbing other friends, not wanting to be controlled, often leaving their seats during class, and often not completing the tasks they have done. Apart from that, hyperactive children include: having a high temper, often hurting other people, often leaving their seats during class, and being spoiled. These behaviors are caused by home or family environmental factors. Objectives (1) behavior of hyperactive children, (2) factors that cause hyperactive children, (3) efforts to overcome hyperactive children. Education, as a vital means of developing human resources, is a need that cannot be separated from human life in making the nation's life intelligent and forming skilled people. Schools as education providers have a responsibility to develop students' potential to become people of faith and piety and able to develop their knowledge. However, it can be found in elementary schools that there are students who have hyperactive behavior which tends to make it difficult for teachers to deal with them. Therefore, teachers are tasked with providing guidance to students who have hyperactive behavior, because these students' hyperactive behavior can certainly have an impact on disrupting the success of educational activities in the classroom. Method This article uses a literature review research method with reference sources from 15 previous research journals. Review: Journal search results found 15 journals that met the criteria for hyperactive children determined by researchers. Most of the research found used a cross sectional study design, but several studies also used case control and cohort study designs. Several different results were found in each study, but they still showed similarities, namely that there were still the same perceptions about hyperactive behavior in each study

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemantau Kedatangan Tamu Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)

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    Salah satu penggunaan teknologi internet of things (IoT) adalah pada sistem pemantauan jarak jauh, misalnya sistem pemantau keadaan rumah. Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol sistem IoT adalah aplikasi pesan. Aplikasi pesan merupakan aplikasi yang banyak digunakan karena kemampuannya untuk menyampaikan informasi dengan cepat dan luas. Informasi yang disampaikan sangat beragam baik berupa tulisan, gambar, maupun video. Pada penelitian ini, sistem pemantau kedatangan tamu berbasis IoT dirancang dengan menghubungkan infrared sensor dengan ESP32-CAM. Infrared sensor digunakan sebagai pengganti tombol bel untuk mengurangi kontak secara langsung di masa pandemi COVID-19. ESP32-CAM digunakan sebagai mikrokontroler yang menghubungkan semua perangkat. Kelebihan dari ESP32-CAM adalah memiliki Wi-Fi, bluetooth, modul secure digital (SD) card, serta kamera yang langsung tertanam pada board. Infrared sensor dan ESP32-CAM saling terhubung dengan buzzer, relay, solenoid door lock serta power supply. Untuk mengoperasikan alat, digunakan sebuah aplikasi pesan Telegram dengan memanfaatkan bot yang dimiliki Telegram. Bot Telegram dapat diakses dengan sebuah ID bot dan bot token yang dibuat menggunakan BotFather. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infrared sensor dapat mendeteksi dan bekerja dengan baik sebagai tombol bel tanpa sentuh dalam jangkauan 0.5-3 cm. Kamera ESP32-CAM dapat mengambil gambar dengan kualitas baik dan pengujian pada chat bot berjalan dengan baik. Buzzer, relay, dan solenoid door lock dapat bekerja sesuai dengan perintah pada chat bot Telegram serta seluruh perintah telah diujicoba dan memberikan informasi dalam bentuk chating berupa teks dan gambar. Sistem ini memungkinkan pemilik rumah dapat melihat dan memantau tamu melalui smartphone secara real-time.Kata kunci: Iot, Telegram, ESP32-CAM, infrared sensor, solenoid door loc

    Pengembangan Modul Dukungan Suami untuk Mencapai Keseimbangan Kerja-Keluarga

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    This study is a development using Borg and Gall model. It aims to compile module on husband support to achieve work-family balance for working mothers. The researcher involved 15 respondents for initial data collection, 30 respondents for the small group trial, and 4 judgment experts  (family psychology, industrial psychology, Himpaudi research and development, and media). For the big group, there were 50 respondents involved. Data were collected using open and closed questioners and self-assessment scale. Data collected, both qualitative and quantitative, were then analyzed descriptively. Research results show that 1). The result of module validation shows that the layout and concept of the module is categorized as good with slight revision. However, this module is suitable for the training on husband support to achieve work-family balance. 2). The implementation of the module in both small and big group shows that the participants have shown improvement in their understanding and perception of husband support. This shows that husband support module compiled effectively can increase participants’ skill and understanding in achieving work-family balance.
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