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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) bertujuan memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar mengenal serta menghayati seluk beluk lembaga pendidikan dengan segenap permasalahannya. Baik yang berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran maupun kegiatan administrasi pendidikan. Melalui PPL mahasiswa dapat menerapkan disiplin ilmu yang diperoleh di kampus untuk diterapkan ke dalam lingkungan pendidikan, baik formal maupun non formal. PPL juga berfungsi sebagai salah satu cara melatih mental mahasiswa di dalam dan di luar kelas. Selain itu, PPL dapat menambah pengalaman dan wawasan dalam proses KBM, agar nantinya mahasiswa mempunyai bekal untuk terjun kedalam dunia pendidikan sebagai tenaga pendidik. Kegiatan PPL ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Juli – 17 September 2014. Ada dua kegiatan yang dilaksanakan yaitu, pertama kegiatan praktik mengajar yang dimulai dengan pengajaran mikro, bimbingan dengan guru pembimbing, observasi kelas, pembekalan, pembuatan persiapan mengajar sampai pada tahap pelaksanaan yang meliputi praktik mengajar terbimbing, praktik mengajar mandiri, evaluasi dan penilaian. Sedangkan mata pelajaran yang diampu oleh praktikan adalah Instalasi Penerangan Listrik: Kebutuhan penerangan listrik, dengan alokasi waktu setiap minggu sebanyak 8 jam untuk dua hari dalam satu minggu. Mata pelajaran ini dijadwalkan pada hari senin dan kamis, mahasiswa dituntut untuk mengajar setidaknya minimal delapan kali pertemuan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan PPL ini adalah pengalaman nyata baik dalam bentuk pengalaman mengajar maupun pengalaman dalam mengenali dan mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang timbul di lingkungan sekolah. Secara keseluruhan program kerja PPL terlaksana dengan baik, meskipun masih ada kekurangan. Harapnnya, semua pengalaman ini semoga dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon tenaga pendidik dan dapat dijadikan bekal dalam pengabdian diri di masyarakat di masa yang akan datan

    Dieter Dengler’s Anxiety in Werner Herzog Rescue Dawn movie (2006): psychoanalytic Approach

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    This study is aimed to show anxiety in Rescue Dawn movie by using Psychoanalytic perspective. It is done by establishing two objectives: the first is analyzing the movie based on its structural elements and the second is analyzing the movie based on the Psychoanalytic Perspective. This research is qualitative research. Type of data of the study is text and image taken from two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source is the Rescue Dawn movie directed by Werner Herzog released in 2006. While the secondary data sources are other materials taken from books, journals, and internet related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The study comes to the following conclusions. First, based on the structural analysis of each elements, it shows that the character and characterization, casting, plot, setting, point of view, theme, mise en scene, cinematography, sound, and editing are related to each other and form a unity. Second, based on the Psychoanalytic analysis, awareness of the meaning of life leads to meaningful action in human’s life


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    Budaya organisasi memiliki peran yang sangat strategis dalam pembinaan sumber daya manusia Indonesia dalam menghadapi masa tinggal landas, karena budaya organisasi menyangkut masalah prilaku orang-orang yang bekerja di suatu organisasi tersebut. Budaya organisasi umumnya mempengaruhi prilaku anggota organisasi sehingga dapat menciptakan suatu kebersamaan, baik dalam <*ikap maupun perilaku anggota organisasi dalam mencapai keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan I Kir Bandung sebagai suatu organisasi atau lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan tenaga kependidika.^ berharap memiliki suatu budaya organisasi yang dapat mempengaruhi secara positif kinerja dari anggotanya khususnya dosen sebagai ^alah satu civitas akademikanya. Berdasarkan pemikiran ini, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti apa dan bagaimana pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap kualitas kinerja dosen FPTK IKIP Banuung. Sesuai dengan maksud penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengungkap gambaran karakti $tik utama budaya organisasi, gambaran kualitas kinerja dosen dan hubungan pengaruh antara budaya organisasi dengan kualitas kinerja dosen FPTK IKIP Bandung, maka metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Adapun yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen FPTK IKIP Bandung. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, mengenai variabel yang sedang diteliti varcu variabel budaya organisasi dan variabel kualitas kinerja dosen FPTK IKIP Bandung. Sedangkan analisis datanya dilakukan melalui analisis univariate dan analisis bi/ariate. Analisis uni- variate dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan estimasi (deskripsi) tentang masing-masing varaibel, sedangkan analisis bivariate dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap signifikansi kualitas hubungan atau korelasi dua variabel. Hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang berarti dan positif antara budaya organisasi dengan kualitas kinerja dosen FPTK IKIP Bandung sebesar rs = 0,4316 dengan faktor penentu sebesar 18,63%, artinya kualitas kinerja dosen FPTK IKIP Bandung ditentukan sebesar 18,63% oleh budaya organisasinya atau sebaliknya. Gambaran karaktristik budaya organisasi FPTK IKIP Bandung menunjukan bahwa budaya organisasi FPTK IKIP Bandung ada dalam kategori tinggi


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    Banyaknya angka kematian yang disebabkan karena diare, dan banyaknya penderita diare yang berkunjung di rumah sakit atau puskesmas mendorong dilakukannya penelitian tentang gambaran pemilihan obat. Penelitian sebelumnya kebanyakan hanya membahas tentang pemilihan obat gastroenteritis akut, sehingga penelitian ini dikembangkan bukan hanya membahas tentang pola pemilihan obat saja tetapi outcome terapi guna untuk melihat keberhasilan terapi dilihat dari data administratif berupa cara keluar, kondisi keluar dan keadaan keluar di instalasi rawat inap rumah sakit umum daerah (RSUD) Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Januari -Desember tahun 2008. Jenis penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan cara pengumpulan data secara retrospektif. Data yang diambil didapatkan 96 kasus pasien pediatri penderita gastroenteritis akut di instalasi rawat inap rumah sakit umum daerah (RSUD) Dr. Moewardi Surakarta bulan Januari -Desember tahun 2008 yang memenuhi syarat inklusi yaitu pediatri, terdiagnosis gastroenteritis akut, dan data rekam medis lengkap Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasien diberi obat jenis elektrolit (D1/4s) sebanyak 43,75%, Probiotik, lactobe 62,50%. Pemberian analgetik antipiretik berupa parasetamol sebanyak 43,75%. Jenis antibiotik yang diterima adalah cotrimaxazole sebanyak 35,29%. Penggunaan bentuk sedian peroral berupa puyer sebanyak 26,39%. Cara keluar dan kondisi keluar pada pasien pediatri 89,58% pulang dengan izin dokter dengan kondisi sembuh, 8,33% dengan cara pulang paksa dan 2,08% meninggal


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    Tata letak merupakan satu keputusan penting yang menentukan efisiensi sebuah operasi dalam jangka panjang. Tata letak gudang adalah sebuah desain yang mencoba meminimalkan biaya total dengan mencari kombinasi yang terbaik antara luas ruang dan penanganan bahan. Tujuan tata letak gudang adalah untuk menemukan titik optimal diantara biaya penanganan bahan dan biaya-biaya yang berkaitan dengan luas ruang dalam gudang. PT Bina Usaha Pratama merupakan satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pendistribusian produk-produk Unilever untuk wilayah Banda Aceh dan sekitarnya. Perusahaan memiliki tiga aktifitas utaman, yaitu penerimaan, penyimpanan, dan pendistribusian. Untuk menunjang ketiga aktifitas tersebut, perusahaan memiliki gudang penyimpanan produk. Permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini adalah tidak adanya suatu rangcangan tata letak yang baik untuk menyimpan dan menyusun produk-produk tersebut. Akibatnya diperlukan waktu yang lebih lama dalam proses material handling (ada waktu untuk mencari) dan juga terjadi penumpukan produk yang berlebihan. Dedicated storage (fixed slot storage), menggunakan tempat penyimpanan yang tetap untuk tiap barang yang disimpan. PT Bina Usaha Pratama memilki 27 blok penyimpanan dengan luas 938,46 m2, yang akan di tempati oleh 81.170 kardus pada tiap bulannya. Dengan adanya perancangan teradap tata letak gudang penyimpanan, diharapkan produk yang akan disimpan dapat menempati lokasi yang tetap untuk memudahkan operator dalam menyimpan dan mengambil produk. Sehingga aliran produk menjadi lancar, serta pemakaian area penyimpanan menjadi lebih optimal. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa nilai throughput sebesar 5.276 kali, sedangkan slot yang diperlukan untuk penyimpanan produk adalah sebesar 886,7246 m2. Terdapat dua blok yang digunakan sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan produk yang cacat kemasan

    Hubungan Antara Kedisiplinan Belajar dan Kepercayaan Diri dengan Optimisme Masa Depan Pada Siswa Program Percepatan Belajar

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    Pada dasarnya setiap orang mempunyai pengharapan akan bagaimana nanti perkembangan atas dirinya dimasa mendatang. Harapan tersebut merupakan suatu perubahan yang lebih baik pada dirinya dari keadaan sekarang. Dalam menuju suatu harapan yang lebih baik dimasa yang akan datang, individu tidak akan dapat terlepas dari hambatan-hambatan yang akan menghalanginya. Untuk itu individu harus dapat menghalau hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Keyakinan untuk mencapai tujuan hidup yang berkekuatan serta menganggap kegagalan sebagai suatu hal yang dapat diperbaiki, dimana individu yang optimis selalu menerima kenyataan dan berusaha mencapai hasil yang maksimal dengan penuh ketekunan. Optimisme masa depan pada siswa program percepatan belajar dapat ditinjau melalui kedisiplinan belajar dan kepercayaan. Kedisiplinan yang baik dengan didukung oleh kepercayaan diri yang baik pula akan sangat membantu subjek di dalam menyerap pengetahuan yang diterimanya, sehingga siswa dalam program percepatan belajar akan berpandangan positif dan optimis akan keberhasilan masa depannya Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara kedisiplinan belajar dan kepercayaan diri dengan optimisme masa depan pada siswa program percepatan belajar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswasiswi SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta dan SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta kelas Program percepatan belajar, sedangkan sampelnya yaitu kelas XI program percepatan belajar SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 26 siswa dan SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 19 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive non random sampling, yaitu tidak semua anggota populasi mempunyai peluang atau kesempatan yang sama untuk dipilih sebagai sampel. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu skala kedisiplinan belajar, skala kepercayaan diri, dan skala optimisme masa depan. Analisis datanya menggunakan Seri Program Statistik (SPS-2000), Program Analisis Regresi. hasilnya bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara kedisiplinan belajar dan kepercayaan diri dengan optimisme masa depan pada siswa program percepatan belajar yang ditunjukkan hasil Koefisien R = 0,0687, F regresi sebesar 18,762 dengan P = 0,000 (p < 0,01). Peranan atau sumbangan efektif kedisiplinan belajar terhadap optimisme masa depan sebesar 38,646%, sedangkan peranan atau sumbangan efektif kepercayaan diri terhadap optimisme masa depan sebesar 8,540%. Sumbangan efektif keseluruhan sebesar 47,250% ditunjukkan oleh koefisien determinan (R 2 ) sebesar 0,473, berdasarkan data diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kedisiplinan belajar dan kepercayaan diri dengan optimisme masa depan pada siswa program percepatan belajar. Kata kunci : Kedisiplinan Belajar, Kepercayaan Diri, Optimisme Masa Depa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh kinerja lingkungan dan pengungkapan sustainability reportterhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan manufaktur dan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2010-2014. Kinerja lingkungan dalam penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan peringkat PROPER dan pengungkapan Sustainability report diukur berdasarkan Indikator Global Reporting Initiative Index (GRI Index). Sedangkan nilai perusahaan diproksikan dengan rasio Tobins Q. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu telaah dokumentasi karena data berupa data sekunder. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik purposive samplingyaitu perusahaan manufaktur dan pertambangan yang mengikuti PROPER dan melaporkan Sustainability Report. Metode analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda. Hasil uji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja lingkungan berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan dan pengungkapan sustainability report berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan. Selain itu, kinerja lingkungan dan pengungkapan sustainability report secara simultan juga berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan.;--- This research aimed to know the effect of environmental performance and sustainability report disclosure on company values in manufacturing and mining companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2010-2014. The environmental performance in this study was measured by PROPER and the disclosure Sustainability Indicators report was measured based on the Global Reporting Initiative Index (GRI Index). Meanwhile, the values of the company was proxied by the ratio if Tobins X. The research method applied in this study was descriptive and verificative methods. Since the data was in the form of secondary data, the technique for thedata collection was through examining the documentations. In this study, the samples were taken by purposive sampling technique in which the manufacturing and mining companies followed the PROPER and reported the Sustainability Report. The data analytical method used in this study was multiple regressions. Then, the results of the hypothetical experiments in this study showed that either the environmental performance or the disclosure of the sustainability report put positive effects towards the company values. In addition, the environmental performance and sustainability report simultaneously also have positive effects towards the company values

    Terms of Address Used by Students of English Courses in Kampong Inggris Pare – Kediri

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    Terms of Address Used by Students of English Courses in Kampong Inggris Pare &ndash; Kediri Arief Rakhman English Literature Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Surabaya [email protected] Slamet Setiawan English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Surabaya [email protected] Abstract This study investigates the terms of address used by the students of english courses in Kampong Inggris Pare-Kediri. The students use various address terms which are considered as polite terms, familiar terms, and terms which show great intimacy. Unfortunately, the terms which are used to show great intimacy as considered as a terms which are less polite. It is because the terms do not refer to their real name but, the terms refer to animal or another thing. Besides, the addressee sometimes feel angry when the terms are used both in formal and informal condition. To be able to answer the research questions, this study uses the theory by Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268-269), Kartomiharjo in Arini (2008: 17), Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 260-261), Dunkling (1990: 11), and Stockwell (2002: 23). This study uses descriptive qualitative method. To get data, this study uses observation and intervies as data collection technique. This study found the common address terms used by the students of english courses in Kampong Inggris Pare &ndash; Kediri are first name (FN), last name (LN), titles, title + first name (TFN), title + last name (TLN), , kinship term, nickname or pet name, and endearment term. The social factors which influence the term choice are sex, familiarity, status, age, relationship and situation (formal and informal). The addressees&rsquo; assumptions about the address terms are considered as polite, familiar and, terms which are used to show great intimacy. Unfortunately, the nicknames or pet name which they use, such as Tombro, Gendut, Siung, Totok, etc, are considered as impolite terms or pronouns. It is because the terms do not have appropriate reference, in which the terms which should refer to animal or another thing refer to person. Keywords: Address Terms, Sociolinguistics Relations, Politeness in Address Terms, Power and Solidarity&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; INTRODUCTION As human being, we need to communicate with the other people. To do this, we need a tool which is called language. When we communicate with the other people, we involve address terms to call our interlocutors. According to Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268-269), address terms contain &lsquo;first name, last name, title alone, multiple names, nickname or pet name, kinship terms and zero name.&rsquo; Holmes (2001: 224) stated that in using those kinds of terms, it depends on the relationship between the participants. In using address terms, the addressor can use different address terms for an addressee. The usage of those address terms are influenced by some factors. One of the factors is the relationship and intimacy between the addressor and the addressee as has been explained above. Other factors which influence the usage of the address terms are situations; formal and informal, status and age. Various intimate address terms are found in Kampong Inggris Pare. Kampong Inggris Pare is regency which is placed in Kadiri, Eas Java. Based on survey in 2012, Pare has around 128 English Courses in two villages, Tulungrejo and Palem. Because of those, this area is famous with a name of Kampoeng Inggris. In this area, there are various intimate address terms which are used by the students of English courses in addressing each other which are unique and interesting based on intimacy. For example, a student who names &ldquo;Nanang&rdquo; is called &ldquo;Tombro&rdquo; by his roommate. In this case, the address term used to address Nanang does not refer to his real name. It instead refers to kind of animal which is similar to gold fish. Another example is a student who names &ldquo;Cahya&rdquo;. He is called &ldquo;Gendut&rdquo; by his roommate and some of his friends who are closed to him. In this case, they use &ldquo;Gendut&rdquo; to address Cahya because Cahya is fat. Gendut is a word of Javanese which has meaning &ldquo;Fat&rdquo; in English. Based on those two examples above, the phenomenon which occurs in Kampong Inggris Pare shows that the address terms used by students for mockery do not have appropriate reference. Besides, it is also indicated as a way which is less polite to address someone. It can be seen in (Dunkling, 1990: 11) statement below. One feature which begins to emerge from the examples of abusive terms (bitch, chick, cow) so far quoted is that human being are frequently compared to animals. This can be certainly considered as unfriendly terms of address. &nbsp; For this reason, this study is conducted to reveal what the addressee fells when the addressor uses the address terms and what possible factors which influence the usage of the address terms used by the students of English course in Kampong Inggris Pare. While, the reason why this study chooses the students of Kampong Inggris Pare as the source of data is because the students come from various cities, but they study together, stay in boarding house together or dormitory together and, live in Kampong Inggris Pare together. For those reasons, they have a great intimacy and make varieties of intimate address terms which are unique and interesting.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the problem above, this study reaches three research questions. They are, what common address terms used by the students of English Courses in Kampong Inggris Pare, what factors possibly influence the students in choosing the address terms, and what the addressors&rsquo; and addressees&rsquo; assumption about the address terms is. The project had four related research goals to be addressed following the importance of the research described in above section, namely; to describe the common address terms which are used by the students of English Courses in Kampoeng Inggris Pare, to reveal the factors possible influence the students in choosing the address terms, to know the addressors&rsquo; and addressees&rsquo; assumption about the address terms. This study uses some theories related to the research questions. Address terms in this study refer to words used to address someone which are related to power and solidarity concept of Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 260-261) and then analyzed by Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268-269) in their research which consists of First Name (FN), TFN/LN, Titles (T), Last Name (LN), multiple names, nickname or pet name, and kinship term. While, there are 9 social factors which influence the choice in determining address terms in this study, which are explained by Kartomiharjo (in Arini, 2008: 17). They are Situation (formal and informal situation), Ethnics, Kinship, Familiarity, Status, Age, Sex, Marital, Place of Origin. Then, there are some polite (V) and familiar terms (T) used to address someone which is governed by the dimension of power and solidarity in this study, which are explained by Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 260-261). Finally politeness in address terms is illustrated by Dunkling (1990: 11) and Stockwell (2002: 23). This study shows the descriptions of address terms used by students of English courses in Kampoeng Inggris Pare. Studying and understanding about address terms will lead to an understanding of politeness in addressing someone in a community. Through this study, the reader will learn knowledge about address terms which is polite and rude. It is expected to be able to provide better understanding about address terms as one of sociolinguistics materials. Moreover, this study contributes a good understanding about the factors that are possibly influence the choice of address terms, especially in Kampoeng Inggris Pare. The most important thing is this study shows whether the address terms used by the students of English courses in Kampong Inggris Pare are considered as polite terms or less polite terms. RESEARCH METHOD This study uses the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative is the most appropriate method for this study. It is because this study reveals a phenomenon which occurs among the society, particularly among the students of English courses who stay in an area which is called Kampong Inggris Pare. The data of the descriptive qualitative is not in number but tends to interpret a subject or phenomenon in form of words or sentences. Litosseliti (2010: 52) states that qualitative research is concerned with structure and patterns, and how something is. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Descriptive method is used to search problems which occur in society. This method tries to reveal a phenomenon comprehensively and based on file collection. Whitney in (Arini, 2008: 26) explains that descriptive method is a fact search using an appropriate interpretation. The data of this study are in form of utterances and sentences which are noted during observation and interview. The source of data is the utterances produced by the students of English courses in Kampong Inggris Pare which contained the address terms, social factors which influence the term choice, the addressee&rsquo;s assumption about the address terms, and other utterances which are related to them. In the process of collecting data, the researcher uses two data collection techniques. They are observation and interview. In order to be able to answer research question no. 1 about the common address terms used by the students in Kampoeng Inggris &ndash; Pare, this study uses observation as data collection technique. Meanwhile, this study also uses interview to obtain the detailed data. The interview is conducted in order to get more varieties about the address terms, and be able to answer research questions no. 2 and 3 about the factors which influence the students in choosing the address terms and the addressors&rsquo; and addressees&rsquo; assumption about the address terms. After the data has been collected, this study analyzes the data. This study uses data analysis technique by Miles and Huberman (1994: 10) which mention three steps in analysing qualitative data. They are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. RESULT AND DISCUSSION This study found that the address term used by the students of English courses in Kampong Inggris Pare include first name (FN) like &lsquo;Erwin, Yoga&rsquo;, last name (LN) like &lsquo;Salwa, Sari&rsquo;, titles, title + first name (TFN) like &lsquo;Ms. Uswatun&rsquo;, title + last name (TLN) like &lsquo;Mrs. Dhani&rsquo;, kinship term &lsquo;bro&rsquo;, nickname or pet name &lsquo;Tombro, Gendut, Monyet&rsquo;, and endearment term &lsquo;honey, babe&rsquo; which every term is influenced by certain factor. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The factors which influence the students of English courses in Kampong Inggris Pare in choosing the address terms are sex, familiarity, status, age, relationship, and situation (formal and informal). Different sex must use different terms of address. For example the students use the term &lsquo;Mr&rsquo; to address male and &lsquo;Ms&rsquo; to address female. The terms &lsquo;Mr and Ms&rsquo; are also used by the students to address their friends who they have just acquainted. While TFN and TLN &lsquo;Ms. Uswatun and Mrs. Dhani&rsquo; are used to address some students who are older and have higher status. The other factor which influences the students in choosing the address term is situation. In formal condition the students may use first name (FN), last name (LN) or TFN and TLN, but in informal situation they may use kinship terms, endearment terms or nickname or pet name. The use of those three kinds of address terms are also influenced by relationship, particularly greater intimacy. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The students of English courses in Kampong Inggris Pare use three kinds of address terms which are considered as polite, familiar terms, and the terms which show great intimacy. The polite terms used by the students include title alone, TFN, and TLN. While, the familiar terms used include FN and LN. At last, the terms which show great intimacy include kinship term, nicknames or pet names, and endearment terms. Familiar Terms The students use FN and LN because some students are familiar with their first names and some others are familiar with their last names. For example two students named Erwin Jatmiko and Yoga Ferian are called Erwin and Yoga by their friends. They admitted there are some other friends who also named Yoga, so that the name becomes familiar. According to Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268-269) FN shows equality and familiarity. Equality means we have similarity in status and age. For example people who work together have same positions and age. They are required to use FN. While familiarity means we know someone&rsquo;s background or knowledge of someone whom we know. It can be our close friend. Based on The study by Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 260-261) which explained about the distinction between tu-vous (T/V) which governed by two aspects called power and solidarity. FN and LN which are used by the students are considered as T form or familiar forms which are governed by social distance. Based on those three explanations above, it can be concluded that factor which influence the students in using FN and LN is similar to the factors which influence addressors in using FN by Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268-269). If the students use FN and LN because some of their first names of last names are familiar, addressors use FN because the addressors and the addressee have familiar or known their background one another and have same position and age. Both FN and LN are considered as T form or familiar forms which are governed by social distance. Polite Terms&nbsp; The polite terms used by the students include titles, TFN, and TLN. Titles (Mr. and Ms) are the polite term used to express their distant or loaf relationship. For example, when they want to address their friends whom they have just acquainted, they prefer to use Mr. for male and Ms. for female. According to Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268), addressing by titles like Sir, Madam, Mr. /Ms. is the least intimate term of address. When the relationship between the addressors and the addressee is not intimate or they do not know each other they use this kind of address term. This shows that distant relationship becomes a factor which influences the addressor to choose these terms. According to Kartomihardjo in Arini (2008: 17), relationship between the addressor and the addressee becomes one of social factors which influence the addressors to determine the terms of address. Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 260-261) explained that people who don&rsquo;t know each other tend to use vous (V) in addressing each other. This indicates the social distance between the participants. The use of vous (V) can change to tu (T) when their relationships become closer or more intimate. Besides, the students also used TFN and TLN as polite terms. Those kinds of address terms are the polite terms used to show respect and politeness to their friends who are older and have higher status. For example some students address their friend Ms. Uswatun and Mrs. Dhani. The students said that because Ms.Uswatun and Mrs. Dhani were older and had higher status than they did. The terms indicate inequality in status and age. According to Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268), TLN/FN indicates that the addressee has higher status than the addressor. The students use V to address Ms.Uswatun or Mrs.Dhani, and receive T. This indicates that both of the students have power, which those two students who have higher status use T to address the lower status, but they receive V. Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 261) explained that power is usually indicated in the form of social status. A person who has a higher status in society may call someone of lower status by his first name only, but he/she receives title + last name (TLN). This indicates that someone of lower status call a person who has a higher status with TLN to show his respect or inequality in status or power.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The terms which show great intimacy The terms used by the students to show great intimacy includes kinship term (bro), nicknames or pet names (Tombro, Gendut, Paijo, etc), and endearment terms (honey and babe). According to Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006: 268-269), kinship system and pet name are used to show the greater intimacy between the participants. When a John Smith&rsquo;s mother calls him with nickname (Johnny), or pet name (honey) and she receives kinship term (mom). It signs that his mother indicates the greater intimacy to him. From those explanations, it can be seen that the intimate relationship becomes the factor which influences the addressor to use those three kinds of address terms. The greater intimacy between the students makes them produce various nicknames such as Tombro, Gendut, Paijo, etc. When a student calls his friend with pet name (Tombro), he receives nickname (Gendut). The students assumed that these kinds of address terms are considered as less polite terms of address, but they still use it for mockery. Besides, the addressees are frequently angry or not feeling comfortable when they are addressed with those terms. According to Dunkling (1990: 11) it is generally true to say that insulting terms or vocative expressions (you bloody fool, you old cow, you bitch, etc) are more likely to be unfriendly than friendly, although they can be turned into covert endearments if said in a particular way in a particular context. Another reason for considering that the nicknames or pet name used by the students as less polite terms, It is because the terms do not have appropriate reference, in which the term which should refer to animal (Tombro) or part of body (Siung) refer to person. A problem which emerges from what occurs in the phenomenon is that human being is considered with animal. Dunkling (1990: 11) stated that&nbsp; One feature which begins to emerge from the examples of abusive terms (bitch, chick, cow) so far quoted is that human being are frequently compared to animals. This can be certainly considered as unfriendly terms of address. In summary, the address terms used by the students are grouped into two. They are polite pronoun or vous (V), and the terms which show familiarity and intimacy or known as tu (T). The (V) forms used by the students include titles, TFN, and TLN. The (T) forms which show familiarity include FN, LN, while kinship term, nicknames or pet names, and endearment terms are to show great intimacy. Unfortunately, the nicknames or pet name which they use are considered as less polite terms. It is because the terms do not have appropriate reference, in which the terms which should refer to another thing or animal refer to person. CONCLUSSION This study found that the common address terms used by the students of English courses in Kampong Inggris Pare &ndash; Kediri are first name (FN), last name (LN), titles, title + first name (TFN), title + last name (TLN), kinship term, nickname or pet name, and endearment term. Those kinds of address terms are closed to the study by Brown and Ford in Wardaugh (2006:268-269) in their pattern about address terms are titles (T), First Name (FN), Last Name (LN), TFN/LN, Multiple Names, Nickname or pet name, Kinship term, and zero name (q). The social factors which influence the students in determining the terms of address are sex, familiarity, status, age, relationship and situation (formal and informal). Those factors are closest to the study by Kartomiharjo (in Arini, 2008: 17), which mention 9 social factors in determining the choice of address terms. They are Situation (formal and informal situation), Ethnics, Kinship, Familiarity, Status, Age, Sex, Marital, and Place of Origin. The address terms used by the students are grouped into two. They are the address terms which are considered as polite pronoun or vous (V), and the terms which show familiarity and intimacy or known as tu (T). The polite terms used by the students include title alone, TFN, and TLN. While, the familiar terms used include FN and LN. At last, the terms which show great intimacy include kinship term, nicknames or pet names, and endearment terms. It is supported through the study by Brown and Gilman in Wardaugh (2006: 260-261) who explained that tu (T) form is the &lsquo;familiar&rsquo; form which is used to show familiarity and intimacy between the participants. While vous (V) form is the &lsquo;polite&rsquo; form which is used to show politeness and respect to someone older, has higher status, and distant relationship. Unfortunately, the nicknames or pet name which they use such as Tombro, Gendut, Siung, Totok, etc, are considered as less polite terms or pronouns. It is because the terms do not have appropriate reference, in which the terms which should refer to another thing or animal refer to person. Dunkling (1990: 11) stated that&nbsp; One feature which begins to emerge from the examples of abusive terms (bitch, chick, cow) so far quoted is that human being are frequently compared to animals. This can be certainly considered as unfriendly terms of address. In a certain condition, sometimes the addressee feels angry when the terms are used both

    Pengaruh Iklan dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Brand Hammerstout di Kota Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Iklan dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada pengguna Hammerstout di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan melibatkan partisipasi dari 100 responden yang ditentukan dengan teknik Non-probability sampling. Kriteria responden yang ditetapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah individu yang pernah melakukan pembelian produk Hammerstout. Data diolah menggunakan software smartPLS 3.0 yang merupakan model persamaan dari Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Produk berpengaruh rendah dan Iklan berpengaruh besar terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen. Dapat dikatakan bahwa Iklan cenderung berkontribusi lebih besar dibanding Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen

    Islamic Local Awakening: Study of Muhammadiyah Renewal as The Rise of Islamic Education Identity in South Sumatera

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    The purpose of this study is to construct the dynamics of Muhammadiyah education in South Sumatera which is undergoing a phase called the local awakening. Such conditions occur after social, political and religious relations have struggled during the development of Muhammadiyah education there, which also helped encourage the renewal of overall Islamic education in South Sumatera. This study is a qualitative study with a social history approach. Data in the form of historical facts related to this research are collected through library and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the construction of Muhammadiyah education as an identity for Islamic education in South Sumatera actually happened due to factors of Islamic renewal which occurred intensively in rural areas (periphery) that experienced a process of negotiation and integration in the social community. So that the renewal of Islam carried out by the modernist movement there actually appeared in rural areas not in urban areas as happened in other regions in Indonesia.  
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