1,179 research outputs found

    Tratamiento del contenido histórico y de la expresión escrita en textos para estudiantes extranjeros de Educación Obligatoria en España

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    The aim of this paper is to conclude on the state of the art in terms of research, materials and needs in the teaching of written expression through the contents of Spanish History in Spain. The starting hypothesis is that there are no suitable materials for the academic and social inclusion of foreign students in our educational system. On this basis, a systematic review of the literature on the subject and of the materials offered by the main publishers in Spain has been carried out. As a working tool, a rubric was developed for the analysis of the materials, and an account was given of the treatment of History content and written expression activities in the selected textbooks. The reference documentation for the teaching of languages and History has been reviewed transversally. The results show the scarcity, or almost absence, of materials specifically developed for non-native learners, the lack of research on issues related to L1 didactics for these children, and the need to establish a European reference framework for history similar to those existing for language teaching and learning.Este trabajo tiene como objetivos concluir sobre el estado de la cuestión en cuanto a investigación, materiales y necesidades de la didáctica de la expresión escrita a través de los contenidos de Historia de España. La hipótesis de partida es que no existen materiales adecuados para la inclusión académica y social para el alumnado extranjero escolarizado en nuestro sistema educativo. A partir de esto se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el asunto y de los materiales ofertados por las principales editoriales de nuestro país. Como instrumento de trabajo, se ha elaborado una rúbrica para el análisis de los materiales y se ha dado cuenta del tratamiento de los contenidos de Historia y de las actividades de expresión escrita en los manuales seleccionados. Transversalmente se ha revisado la documentación referencial para la didáctica de las lenguas y de la Historia. Los resultados muestran la escasez, casi ausencia de materiales específicamente elaborados para los estudiantes no nativos, la falta de investigaciones sobre las cuestiones relacionadas con la didáctica de las L1 para esos niños y la necesidad de establecer un marco de referencia europeo para la historia similar a los existentes para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas

    The path-variance problem on tree networks

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    Extensive facility location models on graphs deal with the location of a special type of subgraphs such as paths, trees or cycles and can be considered as extensions of classical point location models. Variance is one of the measures applied in models in which some equality requirement is imposed. In this paper the problem of locating a minimum variance path in a tree network is addressed, and an O(n2 log n) time algorithm is proposed.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BFM2000-1052-C02-0

    Effects of Cyclodextrin Type on Vitamin C, Antioxidant Activity, and Sensory Attributes of a Mandarin Juice Enriched with Pomegranate and Goji Berries

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    The effects of the addition of cyclodextrins (CDs), β-CD, or HP-β-CD (1%), on the protection of antioxidant compounds of mandarin juices enriched with pomegranate extract and goji berries juice, was studied. Juices were prepared and after their thermal treatment (98 ◦C, 30 s) they were stored at 4 ◦C during 75 d. Vitamin C content, CIE L∗a∗b∗ color, antioxidant capacity, retinol equivalents, and sensory properties were studied. Losses on vitamin C were higher (6%) for juices with β-CD than juices with HP-β-CD. Retinol equivalents degradation was lower (3.4%) in juices with HP-β-cyclodextrins than in those treated with β-CD. Lower losses were observed for the instrumental and sensory color intensity in juices with HP-β-CD addition. Finally, the antioxidant capacity was also higher in juices treated with HP-β-CD. Finally, the overall sensory quality of juices with HP-β-CD was the best one after 30 d of cold storage. Even though β-CD addition did not cause any improvement compared with control juice (without CD addition), the benefits of adding HP-β-CD to this particular juice were shown in almost all parameters under study.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    A Review on Intelligent Monitoring and Activity Interpretation

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    Lessons from the First Wave of COVID-19. What Security Measures Do Women and Men Require from the Hotel Industry to Protect against the Pandemic?

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    The tourism sector in general and the hotel sector in particular face the challenge of managing appropriate security measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. In this sense, it is useful to know which measures are most demanded by the clientele. This research, through non-parametric statistics tests, concluded that women are more demanding than men in relation to the security measures to be taken in hotels. More specifically, this research concludes that women are more demanding than men in relation to a set of measures including ensuring good hygiene conditions, the use of disinfectants, the existence of health and information checks, adapting the establishment to WHO recommendations, obtaining quality certification, measuring temperature, the need to provide information on protocols and measures, and the elimination of physical contact between people. This, as a practical application, makes it possible to know more accurately about the safety requirements of sex-segmented customers in the face of future health crises, allowing tourist managers to offer safer destinations and the hotel sector better health conditions for their clients

    Evaluating long-latency auditory evoked potentials in the diagnosis of cortical hearing loss in children

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    In centrally related hearing loss, there is no apparent damage in the auditory system, but the patient is unable to hear sounds. In patients with cortical hearing loss (and in the absence of communication deficit, either total or partial, as in agnosia or aphasia), some attention-related or language-based disorders may lead to a wrong diagnosis of hearing impairment. The authors present two patients (8 and 11 years old) with no anatomical damage to the ear, the absence of neurological damage or trauma, but immature cortical auditory evoked potentials. Both patients presented a clinical history of multiple diagnoses over several years. Because the most visible symptom was moderate hearing loss, the patients were recurrently referred to audiological testing, with no improvement. This report describes the use of long-latency evoked potentials to determine cases of cortical hearing loss, where hearing impairment is a consequence of underdevelopment at the central nervous systemEspaña, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FFI2010-1820

    Standardizing Process-Data Exploitation by Means of a Process-Instance Metamodel

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    The analysis of data produced by the enterprises during pro cesses execution is key to know how these processes are working and how they can be improved. These data may be consumed to make different types of analysis, for example, data could be used as input for process dis covery, decision-making and even process querying tools. However, each type of analysis needs data in different formats because they use different techniques and tackle the problem from a different point of view. Fortu nately, if we look at the data exploitation problem from a higher level of abstraction perspective, we can realize that all the points of view share a common ground: the business process model and its instantiation are in the kernel of all of them. In this paper, we propose the use of a Busi ness Process Instance Metamodel, which serves as a common interface to make independent the applications producing business process data from those applications that consume and exploit it. A tool has been implemented as a proof of concept to facilitate the matching between data from different data sources and the metamodel.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-RMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2016-75394-

    Education, medicine and architectural practices for the ‘transhumanist subject’ of the 21st century

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    This paper evaluates the parameters of what has been called ‘posthumanism’ or ‘transhumanism’ from the idea of the biographic subject of the 20th century. The human/transhuman subject of the 21st century is addressed from three of its essential axes: first, education, which is understood in a global and holistic sense that affects all the aspects of a person. It is also a perspective that gives access to the other two variables tackled in this paper: health and space. Secondly, medicine: through an analysis of the renaissance and increasing demand of the medical humanities and through cross –biographical and structural– and multidisciplinary (ethics, philosophy, history, arts, psychology, etc.) references, a model for reflection is proposed, facing the imminent perspectives of change that will soon reach the regulated training in the field of health sciences. And finally, space. Contemporary architecture is part of a liquid culture in which everything is constantly redesigned: from infrastructures, installations, new materials, interfaces, networks, etc., to the very data from which they are nourished. In their interscalarity, all of them have a major impact on our bodies and subjectivities, producing complex urban organisms, landscapes and anthropic territories that are constantly modifying the face of the planet and its precarious environmental, political and social balance. It is thus necessary to rethink the conditions of contemporary design processes so that citizens get openly, consciously and actively involved.This research has benefited from the University of Alicante Research Project GRE 16-05: Children and Youth Literature on the Internet (LIJ 2.0). Analysis of Applications and Reading Social Networks

    The effectiveness of the project-based learning (PrjBL) approach in undergraduate accounting education

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    Desde la década de los 90 organismos profesionales de contabilidad como la American Accounting Association (AAA) o la International Financial Accounting Committe (IFAC) vienen demandando la necesidad de usar metodologías de participación activa en la formación universitaria de la contabilidad que faciliten el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades profesionales. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la eficacia de ABPrj en la formación universitaria en asignaturas de Contabilidad Superior. El constructo de eficacia se ha formado por la utilidad para el aprendizaje de la materia y el desarrollo de competencias demandadas por la profesión y la mejora del rendimiento. El instrumento de medida es el cuestionario CEMPA (Cuestionario de efectividad del uso de metodologías de participación activa), que mide la percepción de eficacia de las metodologías de participación activa en el desarrollo de competencias técnicas y no técnicas (competencias) y análisis de rendimientos. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que los alumnos implicados en ABPrj perciben su utilidad para el aprendizaje y para el desarrollo de competencias demandadas para la profesión contable. Obtienen mejores rendimientos. Adicionalmente, se observa que la eficacia del ABPrj está relacionada con el tipo de materia; es más eficaz en asignaturas con un perfil creativo y abierto en su interpretación que aquellas más normativas. El estudio presenta limitaciones de carácter interno como externo, basadas en poco reconocimiento del tiempo invertido y la exigencia de prueba final igual para todos los alumnos.Since the 1990s, professional accounting bodies such as the American Accounting Association (AAA) and the International Financial Accounting Committee (IFAC) have insisted on the necessary use of active participation techniques in undergraduate accounting education to facilitate the development of professional skills and abilities. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effectiveness of project-based learning (PrjBL) in university education in Advanced Accounting courses. The construct of effectiveness was created for its usefulness to learn the subject, develop skills desired in the profession, and improve achievement. The CEMPA questionnaire (Questionnaire Measuring the Effectiveness of Active Participation Techniques, Cuestionario de efectividad del uso de metodologías de Participación Activa) is a tool measuring the perceived effectiveness of active participation techniques in the development of technical and non-technical skills and analysing achievement. The results confirm that students involved in PrjBL perceive it as useful for learning and developing skills desired in the accounting profession. Students perform better. Additionally, it appears that PrjBL effectiveness is related to the type of subject; it is more effective in courses with a creative profile open to interpretation than it is in more prescriptive courses. This study has internal and external limitations based on the limited recognition of the time spent and the requirement of a final test identical for all students