35 research outputs found

    Understanding optically stimulated charge movement in quartz and feldspar using time-resolved measurements

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    The bleaching limits of IRSL signals at various stimulation temperatures and their potential inference of the pre-burial light exposure duration

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    Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) techniques are being increasingly used for dating sedimentary feldspars in the middle to late Quaternary. By employing several subsequent stimulations at increasing temperatures, a series of post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) signals with different characteristics (stability and bleachability) can be obtained for an individual sample. It has been experimentally demonstrated that higher-temperature pIRIR signals are more stable, but they tend to exhibit larger residual doses up to few tens of Gy, potentially causing severe age overestimation in young samples. In this study we conducted comprehensive bleaching experiments of IRSL and pIRIR signals using a loess sample from China, and demonstrated that non-bleachable components in the IR (and possibly pIRIR) signals do exist. The level of such non-bleachable signal shows clearly positive correlation with preheat/stimulation temperature, which further supports the notion that lower temperature pIRIR are advantageous to date young samples and sediments especially from difficult-to-bleach environments. These results display a potential in constrain the pre-burial light exposure history of sediment utilizing multiple feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) signals. For the studied loess sample, we infer that prior to its last burial, the sample has received an equivalent of >264 h exposure to the SOL2 simulator (more than 2,000 h of natural daylight)

    Violet stimulated luminescence: geo- or thermochronometer?

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    The method of quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is widely used, but generally limited to the past ~0.1 million years (Ma) due to early saturation of the desired signal. Violet stimulated luminescence (VSL) of quartz has previously been shown as a promising alternative, with a dose saturation level ~20 times higher compared to that of OSL, excellent thermal stability on the 1011 year time scale, and agreement between VSL and OSL ages up to ~0.3 Ma. Here we explore the usability of the VSL signal to date older quartz samples from palaeosols, whose ages are bracketed by KeAr ages and palaeomagnetic data of the interbedded basalts, emplaced between 1.6 and 0.7 Ma. VSL ages from three palaeosols largely underestimate the independent ages of their overlying basalts. This can be explained either by a low-temperature thermal anomaly resetting the VSL signal in nature, and/or by an insufficient measurement protocol, unable to correctly translate the natural signal into the equivalent laboratory dose

    Quantitative analysis of time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence in feldspars

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    Time-resolved infrared-stimulated luminescence (TR-IRSL) from feldspar samples is of importance in the field of luminescence dating, since it provides information on the luminescence mechanism in these materials. In this paper we present new analytical equations which can be used to analyze TR-IRSL signals, both during and after short infrared stimulation pulses. The equations are developed using a recently proposed kinetic model, which describes localized electronic recombination via tunneling between trapped electrons and recombination centers in luminescent materials. Recombination is assumed to take place from the excited state of the trapped electron to the nearest-neighbor center within a random distribution of luminescence recombination centers. Different possibilities are examined within the model, depending on the relative importance of electron de-excitation and recombination. The equations are applied to experimental TR-IRSL data of natural feldspars, and good agreement is found between experimental and modeling results

    OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar from the KTB borehole, Germany

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    The reconstruction of thermal histories of rocks (thermochronometry) is a fundamental tool both in Earth science and in geological exploration. However, few methods are currently capable of resolving the low-temperature thermal evolution of the upper ∼2 km of the Earth's crust. Here we introduce a new thermochronometer based on the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) from feldspar, and validate the extrapolation of its response to artificial radiation and heat in the laboratory to natural environmental conditions. Specifically, we present a new detailed Na-feldspar IRSL thermochronology from a well-documented thermally-stable crustal environment at the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB). There, the natural luminescence of Na-feldspar extracted from twelve borehole samples (0.1–2.3 km depth, corresponding to 10–70 °C) can be either (i) predicted within uncertainties from the current geothermal gradient, or (ii) inverted into a geothermal palaeogradient of 29±2 °C km−1, integrating natural thermal conditions over the last ∼65 ka. The demonstrated ability to invert a depth–luminescence dataset into a meaningful geothermal palaeogradient opens new venues for reconstructing recent ambient temperatures of the shallow crust (200 °C Ma−1 range). Although Na-feldspar IRSL is prone to field saturation in colder or slower environments, the method's primary relevance appears to be for borehole and tunnel studies, where it may offer remarkably recent (<0.3 Ma) information on the thermal structure and history of hydrothermal fields, nuclear waste repositories and hydrocarbon reservoirs

    Spread-out Bragg peak FLASH: quantifying normal tissue toxicity in a murine model

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    ObjectiveA favorable effect of ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) radiation on normal tissue-sparing has been indicated in several preclinical studies. In these studies, the adverse effects of radiation damage were reduced without compromising tumor control. Most studies of proton FLASH investigate these effects within the entrance of a proton beam. However, the real advantage of proton therapy lies in the Spread-out Bragg Peak (SOBP), which allows for giving a high dose to a target with a limited dose to healthy tissue at the entrance of the beam. Therefore, a clinically relevant investigation of the FLASH effect would be of healthy tissues within a SOBP. Our study quantified the tissue-sparing effect of FLASH radiation on acute and late toxicity within an SOBP in a murine model.Material/MethodsRadiation-induced damage was assessed for acute and late toxicity in the same mice following irradiation with FLASH (Field dose rate of 60 Gy/s) or conventional (CONV, 0.34 Gy/s) dose rates. The right hindleg of unanesthetized female CDF1 mice was irradiated with single-fraction doses between 19.9-49.7 Gy for CONV and 30.4-65.9 Gy for FLASH with 5-8 mice per dose. The leg was placed in the middle of a 5 cm SOBP generated from a mono-energetic beam using a 2D range modulator. Acute skin toxicity quantified by hair loss, moist desquamation and toe separation was monitored daily within 29 days post-treatment. Late toxicity of fibrotic development measured by leg extendibility was monitored biweekly until 30 weeks post-treatment.ResultsComparison of acute skin toxicity following radiation indicated a tissue-sparing effect of FLASH compared to conventional single-fraction radiation with a mean protection ratio of 1.40 (1.35-1.46). Fibrotic development similarly indicated normal tissue sparing with a 1.18 (1.17-1.18) protection ratio. The acute skin toxicity tissue sparing was similar to data from entrance-beam irradiations of Sørensen et al. (4).ConclusionFull dose-response curves for acute and late toxicity after CONV and FLASH radiation were obtained. Radiation within the SOBP retains the normal-tissue-sparing effect of FLASH with a dose-modifying factor of 40% for acute skin damage and 18% for fibrotic development

    Dose recovery and residual dose of quartz ESR signals using modern sediments : Implications for single aliquot ESR dating

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    Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating is a promising method for dating sedimentary quartz beyond a million years. Here we investigate the use of modern quartz samples with well bleached optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals to study the bleachability of the ESR signals, and to further check the applicability of the ESR single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol. The residual doses from five samples using both the Al- and Ti-centres were in general found to be large and, especially for the Al-centre, with a large variability. Although it is known that the Ti-centre is fully bleachable in nature, a subtraction of the residual dose using a modern analogue should be considered. Dose recovery tests were performed by using the single aliquot regenerative and added dose (SARA) method, and the dose recovery ratio (measured-to-added dose ratio) was obtained from the slope of the added vs. measured dose plot. The dose recovery ratio from the Ti-centre was satisfactory for all five samples indicating the validity of the proposed ESR SAR protocol. However, only one sample yielded a SARA plot for the Al-centre. This could be explained by the decrease in sensitivity caused by the annealing step in the SAR protocol and/or to the erroneous subtraction of the intensity of the peroxy centre, which overlaps with the Al-centre

    Time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence of the blue and yellow-green emissions – Insights into charge recombination in chemically and structurally different alkali feldspars

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    Time-resolved luminescence measurements can be used to explore luminescence processes in minerals and the defects involved. It has also been applied to feldspars and knowledge has been gained regarding potential crystal defects associated with luminescence productions in these minerals, but also regarding processes governing electron-hole recombination leading to luminescence emission.Here we present time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals measured for a range of mineralogically well characterised single crystal alkali feldspars. We explore time-resolved luminescence for the blue (∼410 nm) and the yellow-green emission (∼550 nm) in response to different irradiation doses and by comparing different IRSL signals. Firstly, we explore whether the lifetimes measured represent excited state or recombination lifetimes. Secondly, we investigate sample-dependent changes in blue and yellow-green time-resolved signals and link those to physical properties of the samples.Our results show that the timescales on which the blue and the yellow-green emission occur differ significantly, with the blue signal on the μs-scale, and the yellow-green emission on the ms-scale. We do not observe any dependence of the time-resolved signal on signal integration, dose given or IRSL signal measured. However, inter-sample variability is shown for both emissions. In the blue we only observe small differences in decay time scale between single-phase feldspars and perthites, however larger differences are measured between samples that were artificially disordered compared to ordered feldspars. Longer lifetimes observed for disordered feldspars are suggested to be linked to either changes in the recombination centre or to increased band-tail states transport due to an increase in the width or density of the sub-conduction band-tail states. The data indicates the potential of using time-resolved IRSL of the blue emission to get an indication of the state of order of a feldspar. For the yellow-green emission slow signal decays are observed for single-phase feldspars, likely indicating a spin-forbidden transition. Interestingly, similar lifetimes were observed for K- and Na-feldspar end members