1,205 research outputs found

    A large dynamic range radiation-tolerant analog memory in a quarter- micron CMOS technology

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    An analog memory prototype containing 8*128 cells has been designed in a commercial quarter-micron CMOS process. The aim of this work is to investigate the possibility of designing large dynamic range mixed-mode switched capacitor circuits for high-energy physics (HEP) applications in deep submicron CMOS technologies. Special layout techniques have been used to make the circuit radiation tolerant. The memory cells employ gate-oxide capacitors for storage, permitting a very high density. A voltage write-voltage read architecture has been chosen to minimize the sensitivity to absolute capacitor values. The measured input voltage range is 2.3 V (the power supply voltage V/sub DD/ is equal to 2.5 V), with a linearity of almost 8 bits over 2 V. The dynamic range is more than 11 bits. The pedestal variation is +or-0.5 mV peak-to-peak. The noise measured, which is dominated by the noise of the measurement setup, is around 0.8 mV rms. The characteristics of the memory have been measured before irradiation and after 100 kGy (SiO/sub 2/), and they do not degrade after irradiation. (15 refs)

    System Design of the ATLAS Absolute Luminosity Monitor

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    The ATLAS absolute luminosity monitor is composed of 8 roman pots symmetrically located in the LHC tunnel. Each pot contains 23 multi anode photomultiplier tubes, and each one of those is fitted with a front-end assembly called PMF. A PMF provides the high voltage biasing of the tube, the frontend readout chip and the readout logic in a very compact arrangement. The 25 PMFs contained in one roman pot are connected to a motherboard used as an interface to the backend electronics. The system allows to configure the front-end electronics from the ATLAS detector control system and to transmit the luminosity data over Slink

    A transimpedance amplifier using a novel current mode feedback loop

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    We present a transimpedance amplifier stage based on a novel current mode feedback topology. This circuit employs NMOS and PMOS transistors exclusively and requires neither capacitor for stabilizing the transimpedance loop nor resistor for the transresistance feedback and transistor loading. This amplifier circuit is fully compatible with submicron digital CMOS processes. The active feedback network consists of two grounded-gate MOS devices which split the output current in both the feedback and output branches. The transresistance and the phase margin are adjustable through external DC signals. The measured rise time of the impulse response of the amplifier implemented in an industrial 0,7µm CMOS process is 18 ns for a transresistance of 180 k and 30 ns for a transresistance of 560 k. The measured Equivalent Noise Charge (ENC) is 800 rms e¯ for an input capacitance of 20 pF with the transresistance adjusted to 560 k

    CARIOCA: a fast binary front-end implemented in 0.25μ0.25\mu CMOS using a Novel current-mode technique for the LHCb muon detector

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    The CARIOCA front-end is an amplifier discriminator chip, using 0.25mm CMOS technology, developed with a very fast and low noise preamplifier. This prototype was designed to have input impedance below 10W. Measurements showed a peaking time of 14ns and noise of 450e- at zero input capacitance, with a noise slope of 37.4 e-/pF. The sensitivity of 8mV/fC remains almost unchanged up to a detector capacitance of 120pF

    SCTA - A Rad-Hard BiCMOS Analogue Readout ASIC for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker

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    Two prototype chips for the analogue readout of silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) have been designed and manufactured, in 32 channels and 128 channel versions, using the radiation hard BiCMOS DMILL process. The SCTA chip comprises three basic blocks: front-end amplifier, analogue pipeline and output multiplexer. The front-end circuit is a fast transresistance amplifier followed by an integrator, providing fast shaping with a peaking time of 25 ns, and an output buffer. The front end output values are sampled at 40 MHz rate and stored in a 112-cell deep analogue pipeline. The delay between the write pointer and trigger pointer is tunable between 2 ms and 2.5 ms. The chip has been tested successfully and subsequently irradiated up to 10 Mrad. Full functionality of all blocks of the chip has been achieved at a clock frequency of 40 MHz both before and after irradiation. Noise figures of ENC = 720 e- + 33 e-/pF before irradiation and 840 e- + 33 e-/pF after irradiation have been obtained