13,000 research outputs found

    Teaching English Vocabulary for Young Learners Using Electronic Word Gueesing Game

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    Teaching English in this Pandemic period requires an interesting method and teaching Vocabulary using Educational games for young learners becomes interesting. This study aims to describe the application of electronic word guessing game, students' vocabulary mastery, and achievement motivation after the implementation of educational games. Researchers collect research data through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The results showed that: the benefits of implementing electronic word guessing game were: Making the learning process fun; it activates students to engage; it integrates pronunciation and meaning; it helps students to memorize vocabulary. This research was also conducted to find out the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after electronic word guessing game implementation. The result of the pre-test and post-test show that the students’ mean score on the pre-test was 6.00 and it improved to 7.50 on the post-test. While the problems are: the need for adequate facilities and some technical obstacles that occur during its implementation. And most of the students are very interested in learning vocabulary using electronic word guessing game.


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    The purpose of this research is to Introduce the ELSA Speak Application as media to improve students' pronunciation skills. English Language Speech Assistant is an acronym for ELSA. English Language Speech Assistant can be downloaded for free from AppStore or Google Play. complete with various features to improve the pronunciation and speaking of students with American accents by training them with various exercises to pronounce words/phrases/sentences correctly. Corresponding to the microphone icon that the learner can use directly to speak as the audio has been listened to.This research is an Action Research that aims to Improve students’ pronunciation skills using ELSA Speak Application. This research discusses how ELSA Speak Application as learning media can improve students’ pronunciation skills. The data were collected through a test of pronunciation and Interviews in Classroom action research. The researcher made three cycles and gave a score for each cycle. In the first cycle, the students’ Average score is 70 points, the second cycle is 75 points and the last cycle is 80 points. ELSA Speak application helps students pronounce a variety of words more easily and comprehensively. The results showed that the use of the ELSA Speak Application has provided convenience and benefits for students in improving their English Pronunciation skills by using the ELSA Speak application

    Analisis Kecemasan Siswa Sekolah Dasar Terhadap Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui suatu data berupa kecemasan siswa-siswi SD negeri 111 Pekanbaru. Yang mana data tersebut diperoleh dari hasil angket yang dibagikan oleh peneliti. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas Vyang berjumlah 32 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian mengenai minat belajar matematika pada proses pembelajaran dengan cara pengumpulan data melalui koesioner (angket), wawancara dari guru dan siswa, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwasannya tingkat kecemasan siswa-siswi sangat tinggi saat ada pembelajaran matematika


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    This study is aimed to analyze the structure shifts in grammatical complexity and voice change in Clive Staples Lewis’ series novel of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and its translation in Bahasa Indonesia by Donna Widjajanto The Chronicles of Narnia: Sang Singa, sang Penyihir, dan Lemari. This study happens in bilingual translation which includes English text as the source language and Bahasa Indonesia text as the target language. This research uses qualitative descriptive with quantitative data. The data are used to support the qualitative analysis. In the process of this research, the writer followed the procedures: 1) read the English version as the ST and its Bahasa Indonesia version as the TT, 2) write all sentences which happen structure shifts from the ST and the TT in the data sheet, 3) classify and analyze the data into grammatical complexity and voice change, and 4) classify each grammatical complexity and voice change data of structure shifts into meaning equivalence. The research shows that there are many data which bring about structure shifts in the two versions of the novel. The most frequency of structure shifts are in grammatical complexity change which happens 76 cases from the total number of 103 data. The occurrences of voice change are 16 cases. There are 11 data which bring about grammatical complexity change and voice change all together. Then, the data which are collected are analyzed into meaning equivalence. The meaning equivalence is categorized into equivalent (complete, increased, and decreased) and non- equivalent (different). There are 54 data of complete, 7 data of increased, 27 data of decreased, and 15 data of different meaning. There are some factors which influence this structure shifts: culture, religion and background of knowledge of the translator. These factors affected the qualities of the texts textually and contextually

    The Analysis of Premium Strategy and Vehicle Claims in Increasing Revenues of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Tangerang

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    This research conducted  to determine the premium strategy and insurance claims at PT. Asuransi Sinar Mas Branch of Tangerang period 2005-2015 using SWOT analysis method. Through SWOT analysis can be known the premium strategy that can be applied by the company, This research used the qualitative and quantitative study Methods (combined method). Overall research results show that the SWOT analysis to increase the premium can be seen through the target premium set during one year that has reached the target by way of marketing mix, cooperate with some leasing, the company issued a car insurance product no claim money back, and with the tariff change from OJK where its motor vehicle line rises so that the premium goes bigger, as well as the number of new vehicle types out so that it becomes the stimulus for the customers to change the vehicle and usually insured. While the claim strategy used to suppress the number of claims that is with the acceptance control that is from the year 2005-2010 amounted to 9.51% decreased to 8.35% starting in 2011-2015 in the hope of increasing the underwriting incom

    Upaya Pemerintah Thailand Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan Malaysia Pada Tahun 2020-2022

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    Tourism is a large industry in the country of Thailand, with globalization which also contributes to the development of its industry in international markets, tourism is also a driving force for the country's economy which can involve all of its people. This study aims to determine the efforts made by the Thai government to increase national and international tourism. The method used is qualitative and aims to describe, explain, explain, describe, and answer in detail the problems to be studied. Public Diplomacy that researchers use to analyze using Daily Communications, Strategic Communications and Development of Long Term Relationship with the results of their research is the Tourism Authority of Thailand focusing their efforts to bring in more Malaysian tourists by using Public Diplomacy which focuses on spreading existing tourism promotions in Thailand with many events organized by the Thai government both in Malaysia and in Malaysia


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    Kebijakan pemerintah dalam mendorong praktik moderat beragama di masyarakat Indonesia memiliki dampak penting bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan beragama di Indonesia. Namun, pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut menghadapi berbagai tantangan, seperti perbedaan pandangan dan pemahaman agama, keterbatasan sumber daya, dan resistensi kelompok tertentu. Untuk mengatasi tantangan tersebut, pemerintah dapat meningkatkan dialog antar kelompok agama, melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembuatan kebijakan, mengalokasikan sumber daya yang cukup, dan meningkatkan akses pendidikan agama moderat. Peran aktif masyarakat juga sangat penting dalam mendorong praktik moderat beragama di lingkungan mereka sendiri


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    Program PPL Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang dilaksanakan pada semester khusus 2014 memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa UNY untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bidang pendidikan. SD Negeri Golo merupakan salah satu sekolah yang ditunjuk oleh pihak UNY untuk menjadi lokasi PPL pada tahun 2014. Tujuan dari progran PPL adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang manajerial dan pembelajaran di sekolah; memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan profesionalismenya dalam bidang keguruan atau pendidikan; memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengenal, belajar, dan memahami seluk-beluk sekolah dengan segala permasalahannya; serta memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimiliki dalam proses pembelajaran. Program PPL ini meliputi pelaksanaan praktik mengajar terbimbing sebanyak 8 kali yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 11 Agustus 2014 sampai dengan 21 Agustus 2014 dan praktik mengajar mandiri sebanyak 1 kali yang dilaksanakan tanggal 22 Agustus 2014. Serta dilaksanakan ujian praktik mengajar dua kali mengajar yang dilaksanakantanggal 26 dan 27 Agustus 2014. Praktik mengajar terbimbing, praktik mengajar mandiri, dan ujian ini meliputi pembuatan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, persiapan media, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu, tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Tahapan persiapan PPL meliputi tahap observasi sekolah, penyusunan program, dan pengajuan proposal. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi praktik mengajar terbimbing, madiri, dan ujian. Tahap evaluasi sebagai refleksi keberhasilan program yang telah dilaksanakan. Padapelaksanaan PPL di SD Negeri Golo berjalan dengan baik. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi, akan tetapi dengan kerjasama yang solid antar mahasiswa PPL sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Dukungan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak sekolah sendiri sangat membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan PPL di sekolah tersebut


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasir Jember dan kerikil Pandaan beserta pengaruhnya pada beton mutu tinggi yang direncanakan. Kebutuhan penggunaan beton sebagai salah satu bagian dari sektor konstruksi menuntut adanya peningkatan kekuatan beton sebagai salah satu faktor utama yang diharapkan pada  kemajuan teknologi beton saat ini. Jember yang berada di wilayah Gunung Semeru dan pantai Selatan memiliki potensi melimpah berupa material agregat halus pasir besi dan kota Pandaan yang juga menjadi salah satu kota yang terkenal memiliki potensi alam berupa kerikil merupakan alasan mengapa dipilihnya material dari dua daerah ini untuk dijadikan sebagai campuran beton mutu tinggi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik agregat pasir Jember dan kerikil Pandaan. Karakteristik tersebut meliputi berat jenis, analisa ayakan, berat volume, kadar lumpur, dan keausan pada kerikil. Agregat yang dipilih untuk direncanakan menjadi beton mutu tinggi juga agregat pasir jember dan kerikil pandaan dengan rencana mutu 40MPa, 45Mpa, dan 50MPa. Benda uji yang digunakan adalah silinder (15 cm x 30cm) berjumlah 33 benda uji, tiap mutu beton 11 benda uji, serta perencanaan Mix Design menggunakan metode DOE pada Conmixer V1.0 Vista. Penelitian ini juga dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik terhadap kuat tekan, kuat tarik (split cylinder), dan modulus elastisitas pada beton mutu tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  dari beberapa pengujian karakteristik (berat jenis, analisa ayakan, berat volume, kadar lumpur, dan keausan) terhadap kuat tekan, modulus elastisitas dan kuat tarik belah beton mutu tinggi mencapai nilai tegangan  yang direncanakan namun belum memenuhi syarat regangan. Tegangan rata-rata yang direncanakan 40 MPa mencapai 43,13 MPa, tegangan yang direncanakan 45 MPa mencapai 47,86 MPa, dan yang direncanakan 50 MPa mencapai 52,65 MPa Kata Kunci: Beton Mutu Tinggi, Pasir Jember, Kerikil Pandaan, Karakteristik, Kuat Tekan, Kuat Tarik, dan Modulus Elastisitas  The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of Jember’s sand and Pandaan’s gravel  influence on high quality concrete that is planned. The used of concrete as a part of contruction has raised the needs of betterment upon quality and strength of concrete in technology of concrete nowadays. Jember which is located in the region of Mount Semeru and South coast has the potential abundance of material in the form of fine aggregate and sand iron Pandaan city is also one of the famous city has the potential of nature in the form of gravel is the reason why choosing the material from these two areas to be used as a quality concrete mix high. This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of aggregate sand and gravel Pandaan Jember. These characteristics include density, sieve analysis, heavy volume, levels of mud, and wear and tear on the gravel. Aggregate planned to be selected for high strength concrete also muddy sand and gravel aggregate Pandaan with quality plan 40MPa, 45MPa, and 50MPa. Specimens used were cylindrical (15 cm x 30cm) totaling 33 test specimens, each specimen quality concrete 11, as well as the planning of Mix Design using the DOE method Conmixer V1.0 Vista. This study was also conducted to determine the effect of the characteristics of the compressive strength, tensile strength (split cylinder), and modulus of elasticity of high strength concrete. The results showed that the testing of several characteristics (specific gravity, sieve analysis, heavy volume, the levels of sludge, wear and tear) on the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of high strength concrete sides reached a voltage value that is planned but not yet eligible strain. Average voltage reaches the planned 40 MPa 43.13 MPa, 45 MPa planned voltage reaches 47.86 MPa and 50 MPa achieve the planned 52.65 Mpa. Keywords: High Quality Concrete, Jember Sand, Gravel Pandaan, Characteristics, Compressive Strenght, Tensile Strenght, and Modulus of Elasticit


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    This research  is motivated by the use of learning media which only focuses on the use of text books in the delivery of learning materials, and the use of technology as a learning medium in learning activities is still rarely used. The purpose of the research was to develop a scientific based Articulate Storyline 3 media in integrated learning in the third grade of elementary school. The type of research used is research an development (R&D) research or development research. The model used in this study is the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model has five stages in its development, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results of this study stated that the use of scientific based Articulate Storyline 3 learning media obtained a valid category with the results of material validation 83.95%, media validation 76.6% and language validation 82%. the result of the practicality test are stated to be very practical. This is obtained from the teacher response questionnaire and the student response questionnaire for class III SD Negeri 02 Jambak Lubuk Sikaping attitude where the results obtained are 88.6% student response questionnaires. Thus, the scientific based Articulate Storyline 3 learning media in integrated thematic learning in grade III elementary school is declared valid and very practical.This research  is motivated by the use of learning media which only focuses on the use of textbooks in the delivery of learning materials, and the use of technology as a learning medium in learning activities is still rarely used. The purpose of the research was to develop a scientific based Articulate Storyline 3 media in integrated learning in the third grade of elementary school.The type of research used is research an development (R&D) research or development research. The model used in this study is the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model has five stages in its development, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.The results of this study stated that the use of scientific based Articulate Storyline 3 learning media obtained a valid category with the results of material validation 83.95%, media validation 76.6% and language validation 82%. the result of the practicality test are stated to be very practical. This is obtained from the teacher response questionnaire and the student response questionnaire for class III SD Negeri 02 Jambak Lubuk Sikaping attitude where the results obtained are 88.6% student response questionnaires. Thus, the scientific based Articulate Storyline 3 learning media in integrated thematic learning in grade III elementary school is declared valid and very practical
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