928 research outputs found

    Defining financial risks and market trends through predictive data analysis

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    This project focuses on Dublin short term rental market opportunities, by developing pricing and rate occupancy prediction models based on machine learning approaches to identify patterns that may impact or aid users in making smarter and cost-effective decisions. The concept of this research is to show the financial feasibility of data services, as well as how data science can improve business and operational efficiency

    Caracterización de la calidad de vida en adultos mayores con tratamiento de hemodiálisis en el Instituto del Riñon Inridi San Martín.

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    PdfEl caracterizar la calidad de vida en adultos mayores con tratamiento de hemodiálisis requirió investigar dos aspectos fundamentales, primero la terapia hemodialítica, que reciben tres veces por semana, cuatro horas cada vez conectados a una máquina, en una Unidad de Salud; y el segundo su vida cotidiana, principalmente, desde su hogar; en esto, quienes cumplieron un rol fundamental fueron los familiares, pues ellos, colaboraron para que los pacientes sigan las recomendaciones médicas y tuvieran las condiciones de vida, necesarias para su bienestar, pero, muy a pesar de eso, los adultos mayores, tanto por aspectos físicos, emocionales, motivacionales y sociales, no aprovecharon esa oportunidad.Para lograr nuestro objetivo, trabajamos con una investigación positivista, con un diseño no experimental, de tipo transversal descriptivo, esto nos permitió entender la vida cotidiana de los pacientes, sin modificar su entorno; el enfoque que se utilizó fue el cuantitativo, que nos permitió examinar los datos de manera numérica brindándonos información pertinente.Finalmente, el adulto mayor puede ser descrito como una persona con relaciones interpersonales no bien percibidas, se desmotivan fácilmente, son dependientes y exigentes; la capacidad para la ejecución de actividades cotidianas está disminuida y determinada por lo que los familiares le permiten o no realizar, por tanto, en su mayoría, son personas que viven sedentariamente; estos pacientes deben aprender a vivir con su realidad objetiva, a disfrutar de su entorno y a motivarse a seguir adelante.Characterizing the quality of life in older adults with hemodialysis required to investigate two aspects, first the hemodialysis therapy, receiving three times a week, four hours each time connected to a machine in a Health Unit; and the second their daily lives mainly from home; in this, who played a key role were the family, because they collaborated for patients to follow medical advice and have the living conditions necessary for their welfare, but in spite of that, the elderly, therefore physical, emotional, motivational and social aspects, not seize that opportunity.To achieve our goal, we work with a positivist research, with a non-experimental design, descriptive transversal, this allowed us to understand the daily life of patients, without modifying their environment; The approach used was quantitative, which allowed us to examine the data numerically giving us relevant information.Finally, the elderly can be described as a person not well perceived relationships, discourage easily, they are dependent and demanding; the capacity to perform daily activities is impaired and determined by what the family or not let you perform therefore mostly are people living sedentarily; these patients should learn to live with their objective reality, to enjoy their environment and motivated to keep going

    Estrategia de Fortalecimiento Organizativo y Comunicacional en Radio Policía Nacional – Pasto 89.5 FM

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    El presente trabajo de grado es una investigación – acción se centra en la vital relación entre los medios de comunicación, específicamente la radio, y las comunidades, explorando el caso de Radio Policía Nacional - Pasto 89.5 FM. Con 25 años de compromiso, esta emisora institucional y comunitaria de la Policía Nacional de Colombia se erige como un modelo de organización social participativa. La investigación aborda el papel de la radio en el fortalecimiento de la comunicación transformadora, destacando su contribución al desarrollo social y comunitario. Se analizan las estrategias de la emisora, incluyendo programas educativos y de participación ciudadana, subrayando la importancia de la educomunicacion. Se propone una estrategia comunicacional transformadora para fortalecer la relación con la comunidad, la identidad institucional de la Policía Nacional y promover la cultura de la legalidad y la convivencia pacífica. El informe concluye con la presentación de estrategias específicas de fortalecimiento organizativo y comunicacional, buscando potenciar el impacto positivo de Radio Policía Nacional - Pasto en la comunidad y contribuir al desarrollo social de manera sostenible. Palabras clave: Comunicación, ciudadanía, desarrollo social, impacto social, identidad institucional.The present thesis is action research that focuses on the vital relationship between media, specifically radio, and communities, exploring the case of Radio Policía Nacional - Pasto 89.5 FM. With 25 years of commitment, this institutional and community radio station of the National Police of Colombia stands as a model of participatory social organization. The research addresses the role of radio in strengthening transformative communication, emphasizing its contribution to social and community development. The station's strategies are analyzed, including educational programs and citizen participation, highlighting the importance of educommunication. A transformative communication strategy is proposed to strengthen the relationship with the community, the institutional identity of the National Police, and promote a culture of legality and peaceful coexistence. The report concludes with the presentation of specific organizational and communication strengthening strategies, aiming to enhance the positive impact of Radio Policía Nacional - Pasto on the community and contribute to sustainable social development. Keywords: Communication, citizenship, social development, social impact

    Modeling the Acceptance and Use of Telecenters in Brazil

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    This article describes the modeling of factors that affect the adoption and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Telecenters context. For such, some conceptual dimensions are used, such as a potential demand model (PDM), which aims at characterizing processes that determine the technological acceptance, and an acceptance dynamics model (ADM). Together, PDM and ADM constitute a simulation combined model based on agents that allow the analysis of the effect of different aspects related to Telecenters and the users’s individual profile, according to the target audience behavior. This modeling approach intends to constitute an analysis tool that is able to help formulate digital inclusion public policies.This article describes the modeling of factors that affect the adoption and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Telecenters context. For such, some conceptual dimensions are used, such as a potential demand model (PDM), which aims at characterizing processes that determine the technological acceptance, and an acceptance dynamics model (ADM). Together, PDM and ADM constitute a simulation combined model based on agents that allow the analysis of the effect of different aspects related to Telecenters and the users’s individual profile, according to the target audience behavior. This modeling approach intends to constitute an analysis tool that is able to help formulate digital inclusion public policies.This article describes the modeling of factors that affect the adoption and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Telecenters context. For such, some conceptual dimensions are used, such as a potential demand model (PDM), which aims at characterizing processes that determine the technological acceptance, and an acceptance dynamics model (ADM). Together, PDM and ADM constitute a simulation combined model based on agents that allow the analysis of the effect of different aspects related to Telecenters and the users’s individual profile, according to the target audience behavior. This modeling approach intends to constitute an analysis tool that is able to help formulate digital inclusion public policies

    Níveis séricos pré-operatórios de CA 72-4, CEA, CA 19-9 e Alfa-fetoproteína em pacientes com câncer gástrico

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    INTRODUCTION: The clinical importance of preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was prospectively evaluated in 44 patients with gastric cancer. METHOD: The serum tumor marker levels were determined by commercial radioimmunoassay kits. Positivity for CA 72-4 (>;4 U/mL), CEA (>;5 ng/mL), CA 19-9 (>;37 U/mL), and AFP (>;10 ng/mL) were correlated according to the stage, histology, and lymph node metastasis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: CA 72-4 showed a higher positivity rate for gastric cancer (47.7%) than CEA (25%), CA 19-9 (25%), and AFP (0%). The combination of CA 72-4 with CEA and CA 19-9 increased the sensitivity to 61.4%. The positivity rates of CA 72-4 in patients at stages I and II (initial disease) and in patients at stages III and IV (advanced disease) were 9% and 60.6%, respectively (P ;4 U/ml), CEA (>;5 ng/ml), CA 19-9 (>;37 U/ml) e AFP (>;10 ng/ml), foi correlacionada com o estágio da doença, a histologia do tumor e comprometimento de linfonodo. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: O marcador CA 72-4 apresentou maior positividade para o câncer gástrico (47,7%) que CEA (25%), CA 19-9 (25%) e AFP (0%). A associação de CA 72-4, CEA e CA 19-9 aumentou a sensibilidade para 61,4%. A positividade do CA 72-4 nos pacientes com estágios I e II (Doença Inicial) e nos pacientes com estágios III e IV (Doença Avançada) foi de 9 e 60,6%, respectivamente (

    Signals from the government : policy disagreement and the transmission of fiscal shocks

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    We investigate the effects of fiscal policy communication on the propagation of government spending shocks. To this aim, we propose a new index measuring the coordination effects of policy communication on private agents׳ expectations. This index is based on the disagreement amongst US professional forecasters about future government spending. The underlying intuition is that a clear fiscal policy communication can coalesce expectations, reducing disagreement. Results indicate that, in times of low disagreement, the output response to fiscal spending innovations is positive and large, mainly due to private investment response. Conversely, periods of elevated disagreement are characterised by muted output response

    Evento Extremo de Chuva no Rio de Janeiro: Análise Sinótica, Previsão Numérica e Comparação com Eventos Anteriores

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X16236The purpose of this study is to analyze the synoptic pattern and to verify the skill of numerical models (ETA15km, BRAMS20km and GFS) for intense rainfall event in the coastal of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states, Baixada Fluminense and the Mountain Region of Rio de Janeiro in march 17-18, 2013. In some places the rainfall in 24 hours exceeded 100 mm, reaching maximum of 424.5 mm in Petropolis. An objective tool was used for obtaining synoptic patterns occurred in the past similar to the extreme event studied. Heavy precipitation was caused by the presence of a cold front associated with intense low levels circulation, contributing for moisture advection from Atlantic Ocean toward the continent. The regional numerical models satisfactorily predicted the heavy rainfall episode. However, the intensity and location of heavy rainfall is still a challenge for numerical modeling.O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise sinótica e verificar a destreza de modelos numéricos operacionais (ETA15km, BRAMS20km e GFS) para um caso de chuva intensa em parte do litoral de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro, Baixada Fluminense e Região Serrana do Rio de Janeiro entre os dias 17 e 18/03/2013. Em algumas localidades a precipitação acumulada em 24 horas excedeu 100 mm, com máximo de 424,5 na cidade de Petrópolis. Foi usada uma ferramenta para a obtenção de padrões sinóticos ocorridos no passado semelhante ao evento extremo analisado. As fortes chuvas foram ocasionadas pela presença de uma frente fria associada aos ventos mais intensos em baixos níveis, favorecendo a advecção de umidade do oceano para o continente. Os modelos numéricos regionais representaram de forma qualitativamente adequada a chuva intensa na região atingida. Porém, a intensidade e a localização das chuvas intensas ainda é um desafio para a modelagem numérica