212 research outputs found

    Valor percibido por el empleado en la organización moderna (caso empresa de telecomunicaciones de Pereira S.A. E.S.P.).

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    El principal propósito de este artículo es destacar como en tiempos actuales donde las organizaciones son cambiantes y deben evolucionar en cada uno de sus procesos, la forma de compensación a los empleados también debe ser eficaz, con la oportunidad de ser evidenciada en el aumento del Valor Percibido por el Empleado (VPE), este indicador compara de manera objetiva 8 variables importantes en la compensación para los trabajadores y su convergencia en los resultados grupales

    Valor percibido por el empleado en la organización moderna (caso empresa de telecomunicaciones de Pereira S.A. E.S.P.).

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    El principal propósito de este artículo es destacar como en tiempos actuales donde las organizaciones son cambiantes y deben evolucionar en cada uno de sus procesos, la forma de compensación a los empleados también debe ser eficaz, con la oportunidad de ser evidenciada en el aumento del Valor Percibido por el Empleado (VPE), este indicador compara de manera objetiva 8 variables importantes en la compensación para los trabajadores y su convergencia en los resultados grupales

    Mannose receptor may be involved in small ruminant lentivirus pathogenesis

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    Thirty-one sheep naturally infected with small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) of known genotype (A or B), and clinically affected with neurological disease, pneumonia or arthritis were used to analyse mannose receptor (MR) expression (transcript levels) and proviral load in virus target tissues (lung, mammary gland, CNS and carpal joints). Control sheep were SRLV-seropositive asymptomatic (n = 3), seronegative (n = 3) or with chronic listeriosis, pseudotuberculosis or parasitic cysts (n = 1 in each case). MR expression and proviral load increased with the severity of lesions in most analyzed organs of the SRLV infected sheep and was detected in the affected tissue involved in the corresponding clinical disease (CNS, lung and carpal joint in neurological disease, pneumonia and arthritis animal groups, respectively). The increased MR expression appeared to be SRLV specific and may have a role in lentiviral pathogenesis.Funded by grants from CICYT AGL2010-22341-C04-01 and Gobierno de Navarra IIQ14064.RI1. We acknowledge the Public University of Navarra and CSIC for fellowships and the JAE-contract (HC and RR)

    A comparison of the First View of GPM with Ground Radar and NWCSAF CRPh over Continental Spain

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    Póster presentado en NWCSAF 2015 Users Workshop. 24-26 de febrero de 2015, MadridThe first, preliminary, data from the Global Precipitation Measurement Core Satellite illustrate the potential of this spacecraft for science and societal applications. Here we show a glimpse on the first overpasses over Spain. The DPR measurements and the GMI estimates area qualitatively compared with Ground Radar (GR) measurements from the National Radar Network of Spain (PPI); with EUMESAT NWCSAF Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Physical Properties (CRPh, based on VIS and IR: day-only product); and with Meteosat imagery (HRV and 10.8 mm IR channels from MSG). Notwithstanding the provisional character of the data and all the applicable caveats and isclaimers, both the GPM radar and the radiometer provide precipitation estimates that are remarkably close to ground radar observations. This is specially noticeable for the GMI, as the estimates used here come from the original, day-1 database. Also CRPh product shows a good behavior in all cases. The adequacy of using GPM data to calibrate/validate the NWCSAF CRPh product is being studied

    Coinfections and differential diagnosis in immunocompetent patients with uveitis of infectious origin

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    Background: Making a definite diagnosis of infectious uveitis is a challenging task because many other infectious, and non-infectious uveitis, may have similar non-specific symptoms and overlapping clinical appearances. Co-infections in immunocompetent patients are not frequently proved with traditional serologic-diagnostic tools. Methods: Descriptive transversal study, in a Uveitis Service of an Ophthalmology Reference Center, in Bogotá, Colombia, from July 2014 to February 2016. Aqueous humor (AH) and/or vitreous fluid, blood and serum samples were collected from consecutive patients suspected of having infectious uveitis. The diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) was confirmed by the Goldmann-Witmer coefficient (GWC) and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Differential diagnosis by PCR in AH was done for viral origin such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2), Varicella zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Results: In 66 Colombian patients with uveitis of presumed infectious origin: 22 (33.3%) were confirmed as OT, 16 (24.2%) as undetermined OT, five (7.5%) as co-infections and 23 (34.8%) as other uveitis. Toxoplasma coinfection with M. tuberculosis was identified in one case by PCR and in four cases with HSV by GWC. The initial clinical diagnosis changed, after laboratory examination, in 21 cases (31.8%). Conclusions: Clinical diagnosis can be changed by laboratory examination in a significant proportion of cases of uveitis. Diagnosis of OT should combine the use of PCR and GWC to reach the maximum of confirmation of cases. The use of multiple laboratory methods is necessary to identify co-infections and viral infections that can mimic OT in immunocompetent patients. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Eco dólar

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    Actualmente en nuestro país la principal moneda que se negocia es el dólar americano, seguido del euro, ambas se transaccionan por medio del sistema financiero y el mercado paralelo de divisas. Es así como, en los últimos años, se ha evidenciado el aumento en la demanda de dólares y de la expansión del mercado de casas de cambio online. Sin embargo, la especulación y los fines de lucro de estas casas de cambio inflan el tipo de cambio incrementando el costo para los usuarios. Por ello, al utilizar nuestra plataforma, se eliminan los intermediarios con fines de lucro, y el cambio se transa entre dos individuos al monto más cercano al valor oferta y demanda. De esta manera, se logra generar ahorro al usuario, especialmente en operaciones de volúmenes altos. Hoy en día muchas empresas se han visto en la necesidad de mejorar su estrategia de negocio a través de nuevas tecnologías móviles de un sitio web o uso de aplicaciones móviles que esto último es el que más se está dando. Por tal motivo, nuestro objetivo de innovar con este aplicativo se enfoca en asegurar el mejor intercambio (compra/ venta) de los usuarios generando el ahorro al negociar un tipo de cambio más atractivo. Para tal fin aprovecharemos las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TICS), especialmente, las tecnologías digitales móviles que nos permitirán captar de manera accesible a nuestro público objetivo cuya finalidad es que puedan tener una buena interacción con el aplicativo y que su uso sea sencillo.Currently in our country the main currency that is traded is the US dollar, followed by the euro, both are traded through the financial system and the parallel foreign exchange market. Thus, in recent years, there has been an increase in the demand for dollars and the expansion of the online exchange market. However, speculation and the profit motives of these exchange houses inflate the exchange rate, increasing the cost for users. Therefore, when using our platform, intermediaries for profit are eliminated, and the change is traded between two individuals at the amount closest to the offer and demand value. In this way, it is possible to generate savings for the user, especially in high-volume operations. Today many companies have seen the need to improve their business strategy through new mobile technologies of a website or use of mobile applications, the latter being the most common. For this reason, our goal of innovating with this application focuses on ensuring the best exchange (purchase/sale) for users, generating savings by negotiating a more attractive exchange rate. To this end, we will take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), especially mobile digital technologies that will allow us to capture our target audience in an accessible way, whose purpose is that they can have a good interaction with the application and that its use is simple.Trabajo de investigació

    Disminución de la debilidad muscular adquirida en UCI con la implementación de un protocolo multi-componente. Ensayo clínico cuasi-experimental.

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    Introduction. Intensive care unit-acquired weakness (DAUCI) is a frequent complication that affects the prognosis of critical illness during hospitalization and at hospital discharge. Objectives. To determine if a multi-component protocol of early active mobilization, adequate pain control, non-sedation, non-pharmacologic delirium prevention, cognitive stimulation and family support, reduce ICU-acquired weakness at ICU discharge. Materials and methods. Non-randomized clinical trial in two mixed intensive care units from a high complexity hospital of patients over 14 years of age with Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (VM) > 48 hours. Intervention: multicomponent protocol during intensive care hospitalization vs usual care. Results. 82 patients in the intervention group and 106 in the control group were analyzed. Muscle weakness adquired in the ICU at ICU discharge was less frequent in the intervention group (41.3% vs 78.9%, p<0.00001); the mobility score at ICU (IMS) discharge was better in the intervention group (median 3.5 vs 2, p<0.0138). There were not a statistically significant difference neither invasive mechanical ventilation free-days at day 28 nor mortality (18 vs 15 days, p<0.49 and 18.2 vs 27.3%, p<0.167). Conclusion. A multicomponent protocol of early active mobilization significantly reduces ICU-acquired muscle weakness at ICU discharge.Introducción. La debilidad adquirida en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (DAUCI) es una complicación frecuente en pacientes con enfermedades críticas que puede tener un impacto negativo en su pronóstico tanto a corto, como largo término. Objetivos. Evaluar si la utilización de un protocolo multi-componente que incluye movilidad activa temprana, manejo efectivo del dolor, reducción de la sedación, medidas no farmacológicas para prevenir el delirium, estimulación cognitiva y apoyo familiar, puede disminuir la incidencia de (DAUCI) al egreso de UCI. Materiales y métodos. Ensayo clínico no aleatorizado en dos unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) mixtas de un hospital de tercer nivel. Los participantes fueron pacientes mayores de 14 años con VM por más de 48 horas. Intervención: protocolo multi-componente. Control: cuidado usual o estándar. Resultados. Ingresaron 188 pacientes al estudio, 82 al grupo deintervención y 106 al grupo control. La tasa de DAUCI al egreso de UCI fue significativamente menor en el grupo de intervención (41.3% vs 78.9%, p<0.00001). La mediana del puntaje de movilidad al alta de la UCI fue mayor en el grupo de intervención (3.5 vs 2, p<0.0138). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las medianas de días libres de VM ni de UCI al día 28, tampoco en la tasa de mortalidad general al egreso del hospital (18 vs 15 días, p<0.49; 18.2% vs 27.3%, p<0.167). Conclusiones. Un protocolo multi-componente que incluía movilidad activa temprana tuvo un impacto significativo en la reducción de la DAUCI al egreso de UCI en comparación con el cuidado estándar