20 research outputs found

    Inteligencia emocional y conducta agresiva en la niñez y adolescencia – revisión de investigaciones

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    Svrha je ovog rada dati pregled istraživanja razvoja emocionalne inteligencije (EI) i agresivnosti u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, kao i studija koje su se bavile odnosom ovih dvaju konstrukata u toj dobi. Već sam pregled podataka o razvoju upućuje na moguće poveznice u razvojnim putanjama emocionalnih sposobnosti i agresivnosti. No istraživanja povezanosti varijabli emocionalnog doživljavanja i procesiranja emocija s različitim aspektima agresivnosti prilično su rijetka. Većina rezultata postojećih istraživanja upućuje na povezanost između ovih dvaju konstrukata, ali problem u donošenju jasnih zaključaka velike su razlike u konceptualizacijama, primijenjenim mjerama, uzorcima i metodama. U budućim je istraživanjima važno usmjeriti se na ispitivanje specifičnih veza između svake razine EI, užih sposobnosti koje pripadaju pojedinim razinama i različitih oblika agresivnosti. Osim toga, važno je ispitati mogućnosti utjecaja na svaku od specifičnih sposobnosti s obzirom na njihove razvojne putanje i važnost za agresivno ponašanje u pojedinoj točki razvoja. Položaj varijabli EI unutar konstelacije mnogih drugih korelata agresivnog ponašanja u različitim razvojnim razdobljima također je bitan problem potencijalnih istraživanja. Primjena bi rezultata takvih istraživanja u kreiranju programa prevencije agresivnog ponašanja povećala njihovu efikasnost, ali i omogućila valjaniju procjenu učinka primijenjenih tretmana.The purpose of this work was to review research about the development of emotional intelligence (EI) and aggressiveness during childhood and adolescence as well as to review studies that looked into the relationship between these constructs during that life frame. The review of the literature points to a possible association between developmental paths of emotional intelligence and aggression, although the research on the relationship between emotional experience and emotion processing variables with different aspects of aggressiveness are quite rare. The majority of existing research indicates a significant correlation between these two constructs, but differences in conceptualizations, applied measures, patterns and methods, make it difficult to draw clear conclusions. The future research needs to be focused on the investigation of relationships between individual levels of EI, narrow abilities associated with it, and different forms of aggression. In addition, it is important to examine the possibility to influence each EI capability bearing in mind its developmental paths and its importance for aggressive behaviour at a particular point of development. The position of EI variables within the constellation of various correlates of aggressive behaviour at different points of development is also an important task of future research. The results of such studies would increase the efficiency of violence prevention programs, and allow for better assessment of the effectiveness of treatments for aggression.El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una revisión de investigaciones hechas sobre el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional (IE) y la agresividad en la niñez y adolescencia, tanto como de los estudios que han tratado el tema de la relación entre estos dos constructos a esa edad. Ya la mera revisión de datos sobre el desarrollo indica posibles conexiones en los caminos de desarrollo de las capacidades emocionales y la agresividad. Pero, las investigaciones sobre la conexión entre las variables de la experiencia emocional y el procesamiento de las emociones con diferentes aspectos de la agresividad son bastante raras. La mayoría de los resultados existentes indicar la conexión entre estos dos constructos, pero el problema que impide llegar a las conclusiones claras está causado por las grandes diferencias en las conceptualizaciones, mediadas implementadas, muestras y métodos. En las futuras investigaciones es importante enfocarse en la investigación de enlaces específicos entre cada uno de los niveles de IE, capacidades relacionadas con ellos y diferentes formas de agresividad. Además, es importante examinar las posibilidades de influir en cada una de las capacidades específicas dependiendo de su camino de desarrollo, tanto como su importancia en cuanto a la conducta agresiva en cada uno de los puntos de desarrollo. La posición de las variables de IE dentro de la constelación de muchos otros correlatos de la conducta agresiva en diferentes etapas de desarrollo también figura como problema importante de posibles investigaciones. Aplicar los resultados de ese tipo de investigaciones para crear un programa de prevención de la conducta agresiva aumentaría su efectividad, pero también posibilitaría una valuación más válida del efecto de los tratamientos aplicados

    On the Development of Emotional Intelligence: Two-Wave Study on Early Adolescents

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    This study focuses on the developmental changes in emotional intelligence (EI) abilities during early adolescence. During class hours, 561 students in the first wave (Mage = 12.32, SDage = 1.22, 54.5% of boys) and 369 students in the second wave (M = 13.40; SD = 0.98, 52.3% of boys) completed Perception of Affective Content in Art Test, Analysis of Emotions Test, Emotion Management Test and rated their peers’ EI at two waves, 18 months apart. They also completed a Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale within the first wave. Students’ EI was also rated by their home room teacher and one teacher who completed Teacher Ratings of EI Questionnaire specifically designed for this study. Results showed that girls and older students scored higher on EI tests and peers’ ratings. Oldest students achieved the lowest scores on teacher ratings. The longitudinal analysis confirmed positive changes between the first and the second wave. Results of both the crosssectional and two waves analysis revealed significant effects of gender and general cognitive ability, measured with vocabulary test, on EI measures

    Emocionalna inteligencija i agresivno ponašanje u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji – Pregled istraživanja

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    Svrha je ovog rada dati pregled istraživanja razvoja emocionalne inteligencije (EI) i agresivnosti u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, kao i studija koje su se bavile odnosom ovih dvaju konstrukata u toj dobi. Već sam pregled podataka o razvoju upućuje na moguće poveznice u razvojnim putanjama emocionalnih sposobnosti i agresivnosti. No istraživanja povezanosti varijabli emocionalnog doživljavanja i procesiranja emocija s različitim aspektima agresivnosti prilično su rijetka. Većina rezultata postojećih istraživanja upućuje na povezanost između ovih dvaju konstrukata, ali problem u donošenju jasnih zaključaka velike su razlike u konceptualizacijama, primijenjenim mjerama, uzorcima i metodama. U budućim je istraživanjima važno usmjeriti se na ispitivanje specifičnih veza između svake razine EI, užih sposobnosti koje pripadaju pojedinim razinama i različitih oblika agresivnosti. Osim toga, važno je ispitati mogućnosti utjecaja na svaku od specifičnih sposobnosti s obzirom na njihove razvojne putanje i važnost za agresivno ponašanje u pojedinoj točki razvoja. Položaj varijabli EI unutar konstelacije mnogih drugih korelata agresivnog ponašanja u različitim razvojnim razdobljima također je bitan problem potencijalnih istraživanja. Primjena bi rezultata takvih istraživanja u kreiranju programa prevencije agresivnog ponašanja povećala njihovu efikasnost, ali i omogućila valjaniju procjenu učinka primijenjenih tretmana

    Developing the Abilities of Emotional Intelligence – Do We Know Enough?

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    Pretpostavlja se da sposobnosti emocionalne inteligencije s dobi napreduju i da je moguće poticati njihov razvoj, no vrlo je malo istraživanja koja se bave tim aspektom emocionalne inteligencije. Istraživanja razvoja u kontekstu modela sposobnosti emocionalne inteligencije kod djece, prema našim saznanjima, nema, a istraživanja na adolescentima upućuju na napredak u emocionalnoj inteligenciji, ali i na potrebu dodatnih istraživanja koja bi razjasnila tijek i korelate razvoja. Na uzorcima odraslih dobivene su značajne, ali u određenoj mjeri kontradiktorne razlike među kohortama koje sugeriraju da iskustvo doprinosi napretku u sposobnostima, ali i da starije kohorte imaju niže rezultate. Razvoj emocionalnih sposobnosti istraživan je i izvan konteksta emocionalne inteligencije, te se u ovom radu daje pregled tih istraživanja. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja koja bi omogućila stvaranje cjelovite slike razvoja sposobnosti emocionalne inteligencije, što bi imalo mnoge korisne praktične implikacije.It is assumed that the abilities of emotional intelligence (EI) improve with age and that it is possible to facilitate their development. However, there is very little research dealing with that aspect of EI. According to our knowledge, there are no developmental studies in the context of the EI abilities model in children, and research on adolescents indicates progress in EI, but also the need for additional research that would clarify the course and correlates of development. In adult samples, significant but somewhat contradictory differences between cohorts were obtained, suggesting that experience contributes to progress in abilities and that older cohorts have lower scores. The development of emotional abilities has been researched outside the context of EI, and this paper provides an overview of these studies. Additional research is needed that would allow us to form a comprehensive image of the development of EI abilities, which would have many useful practical implications

    Emocionalna inteligencija i agresivno ponašanje u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji – Pregled istraživanja

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    Svrha je ovog rada dati pregled istraživanja razvoja emocionalne inteligencije (EI) i agresivnosti u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, kao i studija koje su se bavile odnosom ovih dvaju konstrukata u toj dobi. Već sam pregled podataka o razvoju upućuje na moguće poveznice u razvojnim putanjama emocionalnih sposobnosti i agresivnosti. No istraživanja povezanosti varijabli emocionalnog doživljavanja i procesiranja emocija s različitim aspektima agresivnosti prilično su rijetka. Većina rezultata postojećih istraživanja upućuje na povezanost između ovih dvaju konstrukata, ali problem u donošenju jasnih zaključaka velike su razlike u konceptualizacijama, primijenjenim mjerama, uzorcima i metodama. U budućim je istraživanjima važno usmjeriti se na ispitivanje specifičnih veza između svake razine EI, užih sposobnosti koje pripadaju pojedinim razinama i različitih oblika agresivnosti. Osim toga, važno je ispitati mogućnosti utjecaja na svaku od specifičnih sposobnosti s obzirom na njihove razvojne putanje i važnost za agresivno ponašanje u pojedinoj točki razvoja. Položaj varijabli EI unutar konstelacije mnogih drugih korelata agresivnog ponašanja u različitim razvojnim razdobljima također je bitan problem potencijalnih istraživanja. Primjena bi rezultata takvih istraživanja u kreiranju programa prevencije agresivnog ponašanja povećala njihovu efikasnost, ali i omogućila valjaniju procjenu učinka primijenjenih tretmana

    Schülerwahrnehmung: Wie verhält sich der Lieblingslehrer

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    Students’ emotions regarding their teachers are an important aspect of the learning process in school. Positive relationship between students and teachers facilitate students’ motivation for their tasks. There are no research on the characteristics of teachers who are liked by their students, although the aim of this study was to examine some characteristics (the way of teaching, communication and perceived personality) of students’ favorite teachers in primary and secondary school. One thousand one hundred and thirty-five students participated the study. They assessed 40 statements on favorite teacher’s personality, teaching style and the way of communication with students. The results indicate that the favorite teacher for all students is the one who checks their prior knowledge and explains new concepts, with whom students collaborate well and who is a good organizer that follows their work. Student’s perception of the favorite teacher’s main characteristics depends on the age and gender of the student. Younger students gave higher assessment for almost all variables compared to older students. Interaction between gender and age has shown to be statistically significant too.Emocije učenika u prema njihovim učiteljima važan su aspekt procesa učenja u školi. Pozitivan odnos između učenika i nastavnika povećava motivaciju učenika za obavljanje zadataka. Nema istraživanja o karakteristikama nastavnika koji su omiljeni učenicima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati neke od karakteristika (način učenja, komunikacija, osobnost) omiljenih nastavnika učenika u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1035 učenika. Procijenili su 40 izjava o osobnosti omiljenog nastavnika, načinu učenja i načinu komunikacije s učenicima. Rezultati pokazuju da je omiljeni učitelj onaj koji provjerava njihovo prethodno znanje i objašnjava nove pojmove, onaj s kojim učenici surađuju i koji je dobar organizator te prati njihov rad. Učenikova percepcija omiljenoga učitelja ovisi o dobi i spolu učenika. Za razliku od starijih učenika mlađi su dali veće ocjene za skoro sve ispitane varijable. Interakcija između spola i dobi također se pokazala statistički značajnom.Die Emotionen der Schüler gegenüber ihren Lehrern sind ein wichtiger Aspekt des Lernprozesses in der Schule. Das positiveVerhältnis zwischen Schülern und Lehrern erhöht die Schülermotivation bei der Aufgabenerfüllung. Es gibt keine Studie über die Eigenschaften von Lehrern, die bei den Schülern beliebt sind. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, einige der Merkmale (Lernarten, Kommunikation, Persönlichkeit) der Lieblingslehrer von Grund- und Mittelschülern zu untersuchen. Die Studie umfasste 1035 Schüler. Es wurden 40 Aussagen über die Persönlichkeit eines Lieblingslehrers und die Lern- und Kommunikationsarten mit den Schülern gewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schüler den Lieblingslehrer als denjenigen wahrnehmen, der ihr Vorwissen überprüft und die neuen Begriffe erklärt, mit denen die Schüler gut mitarbeiten und der ein guter Organisator ist und ihre Arbeit verfolgt. Die Schülerwahrnehmung des Lieblingslehrers hängt vom Alter und Geschlecht des Schülers ab. Im Gegensatz zu älteren Schülern gaben die jüngeren Schüler höhere Bewertungen für fast alle getesteten Variablen. Die Interaktion zwischen Geschlecht und Alter erwies sich ebenfalls als statistisch signifikant

    Begünstigt gemeinsame körperliche Betätigung von Müttern und Kindern deren Lebensqualität?

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    The aim of this research was to explore some patterns of physical activity (PA) in the mother-preschool child dyads, as well as contribution of different aspects of physical and sedentary activities to preschool children’s quality of life (QoL). The participants were mothers who have at least one preschool child (N = 202) and their average age was M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21). Mothers fulfilled research questionnaire for themselves and their preschool children. The questionnaires contained some children/mothers demographic variables, measures of different joint mother/child physical/sedentary activities (indoor physical activities, outdoor physical activities, joint sedentary activities, and solitary sedentary activities) and child’s quality of life. There were N = 202 children in the sample (46% boys and 54% girls). Mothers reported that 59% of them spent physically active time with their children on workdays and 78% on weekends. Employed mothers and mothers of older children spent less joint physically active time with a child. Furthermore, it was found that 32% of children regularly participated in some form of physically active behaviour. Mothers estimated their child’s quality of life as very good in average M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558). Gender, outdoor physical activities and joint sedentary activities were significantly positive predictors of child’s quality of life.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati prakticiraju li majke i djeca fizičke aktivnosti tijekom zajedničkog vremena te utječu li neke osobine djeteta, majke i obitelji na količinu vremena provedenog u nekoj fizičkoj aktivnosti. Nadalje, provjeravano je doprinose li zajedničke aktivnosti majke i djeteta (sjedilačke / fizičke) kvaliteti djetetova života. Sudionice su bile majke koje imaju barem jedno predškolsko dijete (N = 202), prosječne dobi M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21). Ispitane su demografske varijable majke i djeteta, mjere različitih zajedničkih aktivnosti majke i djeteta (fizička aktivnost u kući, fizička aktivnost na otvorenom, zajedničke “sjedilačke” aktivnosti, samostalne “sjedilačke” aktivnosti djeteta) i djetetova kvaliteta života. Ukupan uzorak sastojao se od 46% dječaka i 54% djevojčica. Ukupno je 59% majki izjavilo kako zajedničko vrijeme provedeno s djetetom tijekom tjedna uključuje neki oblik fizičke aktivnosti, a tijekom vikenda taj je postotak i veći (78%). Zaposlene majke i majke starije djece provode manje fizički aktivnog vremena sa svojom djecom. Nadalje, 32% djece regularno sudjeluje u nekim oblicima fizičke aktivnosti. Kvalitetu života vlastite djece majke su procijenile vrlo dobrom M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558), a spol, količina fizičke aktivnosti na otvorenom i količina zajedničkih sjedilačkih aktivnosti bili su značajni prediktori djetetove kvalitete života.Betätigen sich Mütter und Kinder während der Zeit, die sie gemeinsam verbringen, körperlich? Bestimmen bestimmte Eigenschaften des Kindes, der Mutter oder der Familie wie viel Zeit miteinander verbracht wird? Begünstigen gemeinsame Aktivitäten von Mutter und Kind (sitzend/körperlich) die Lebensqualität des Kindes? Mit den genannten Fragen beschäftigt sich unsere Untersuchung. Die Teilnehmerinnen waren Mütter, die wenigstens ein Vorschulkind haben (N = 202), wobei das Durchschnittsalter M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21) beträgt. Untersucht wurden folgende Variablen: demographische Angaben von Mutter und Kind, Messungen verschiedener, gemeinsamer Aktivitäten (körperliche Betätigung im Haus, körperliche Betätigung im Freien, „sitzende“ Beschäftigungen, selbstständige, sitzende Beschäftigungen des Kindes) sowie die Lebensqualität des Kindes. Befragt wurden 46% Jungen und 54% Mädchen. Insgesamt 59% Prozent der Mütter erklärten, dass die unter der Woche verbrachte Zeit mit dem Kind eine körperliche Tätigkeit einschließt; am Wochenende liegt dieser Prozentsatz sogar höher (78%). Berufstätige Mütter und Mütter älterer Kinder sind mit ihren Kindern weniger körperlich aktiv. Die Untersuchung ergab außerdem, dass 32% Prozent der Kinder sich regelmäßig auf irgendeine Weise körperlich betätigen. Die Lebensqualität ihrer Kinder schätzten die Mütter als gut ein M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558), während das Geschlecht, die Dauer der körperlichen Tätigkeit im Freien und der Anteil gemeinsamer, sitzender Beschäftigungen wichtige Prädiktoren für die Lebensqualität der Kinder waren

    Emotional Intelligence in Early Adolescence: Correlates of Emotion Management Abilities and the Prediction of School Achievement

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    Rad se bavi spolnim i dobnim razlikama u sposobnostima emocionalne inteligencije (EI) tijekom rane adolescencije te odnosima mjera različitih razina EI i pokazatelja adaptivnoga ponašanja. Na uzorku od 133 učenika viših razreda osnovne škole primijenjena su tri testa emocionalne inteligencije, upitnici empatije i samopoštovanja te su prikupljeni podaci o školskim ocjenama sudionika. Dobivene su niske do umjereno visoke korelacije među primijenjenim mjerama EI. Rezultati na Upitniku empatije značajno su povezani samo s rezultatima u Testu upravljanja emocijama. Multivarijatnom analizom varijance potvrđene su spolne, ali ne i dobne razlike u prostoru primijenjenih varijabli EI, pri čemu djevojčice postižu više rezultate na mjerama ispitanih razina emocionalne inteligencije. Hijerarhijskim regresijskim postupcima potvrđen je značajan aditivni doprinos Testa analize emocija u objašnjenju varijance Testa upravljanja emocijama, kao i značajna uloga ovih testova u objašnjenju varijance školskog uspjeha učenika.The paper deals with age and gender differences in emotional intelligence (EI) during early adolescence and examines relationships among different branches of EI and measures of adaptive behavior. Three EI tests, as well as empathy and self-esteem questionnaires were applied in a sample of 133 higher-grade elementary school students. Students' school grades were also collected. Low to moderate correlations were found among EI measures. Empathy scores significantly correlated only with the Emotion Management Test scores. Multivariate analysis of variance showed gender differences in the set of EI variables with girls scoring higher on the examined branches of EI. Neither age nor gender by age interaction effects were proved by MANOVA. Hierarchical regression procedures proved an incremental contribution of the Emotional Analysis Test in explaining the variability of Emotion Management Test scores, and a significant role of these two tests in explaining students' school achievement

    Emotional Intelligence and Marital Quality: Dyadic Data on Croatian Sample

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    The aim of this study was to examine if emotional intelligence (EI) measured by tests and selfreports contributes to the explanation of self and partner’s assessments of marital quality. Ninety eight married heterosexual couples participated. Each partner completed for itself measures of EI, quality of marriage, personality inventory and some socio-demographics. Models showed that socio-demographics, personality traits, and EI measure explained between 21% and 27% of own and partner’s quality of marriage, with 5% – 7% of specific contribution of EI measures to quality of marriage. Among EI measures, ability to regulate one’s own and others’ emotions was significant predictor of own and partner’s quality of marriage, while self-reported measure of regulation and managing of emotions significantly predicted own quality of marriage. Other significant predictors were extraversion for both own and partner’s quality of marriage, and agreeableness, length of acquaintance before marriage and cohabitation for partner’s quality of marriage only