72 research outputs found


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    So far, the usefulness of linguistics has not been felt directly, unlike the usefulness of other sciences, engineering, or medicine. However, in line with the increasing complexity of the problems faced by society, it turns out that there is a growing demand to involve the results of studies in linguistics. One of them is to study language data whose results are used for forensic purposes. As a field of linguistics that is linked to upholding justice, forensic linguistics simply provides signs that can reveal the truth that will lead to justice. However, the contribution of forensic linguistics is not to make justice, but rather to provide material for obtaining justice. With a focus on studies in forensic linguistics, this paper presents at least three main points. Firstly, it shows the boundaries of studies carried out in forensic linguistics and the analytical methods commonly used in forensic studies. Secondly, it presents a number of studies of forensic linguistics in Indonesia. Thirdly, it describes several cases the writer has been involved in as a linguist witness and his involvement in language competence training for investigators in the police

    Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan Atasjembatan Rangka Baja A-60 M di Kabupaten Supiori Provinsi Papua

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    Isolasi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan sarana transportasi adalah kendala utama pembangunan sosial ekonomi di sebagian besar daerah. Beberapa daerah luas dan berpenduduk tidak terjangkau oleh jalan dan hasil bumi biasanya diangkut dengan tenaga manusia. Kekurangan sarana komunikasi menjadi penghalang penyebaran gagasan dan teknologi baru, membatasi akses ke pasar dan sektor pelayanan umum, menghambat produksi serta meningkatkan kesulitan memperoleh masukan untuk produksi dan kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan harga wajar. Disisi lain tingkat kebutuhan akan jembatan dengan struktur terbuat dari baja telah sejak jaman dahulu digunakan sebagai bangunan infrastruktur bahkan dalam dekade akhir masih digunakan. Sehingga penilaian kapasitas jembatan dalam menerima beban lalu lintas modern menjadi sangat penting. Dalam perencanaan jembatan tahapan yang dimulai dari penentuan beban yang bekerja, standar desain utama yang akan digunakan dan struktur rangka/gelagar yang akan digunakan berikut perkerasan pada lantai jembatan adalah untuk mencapai desain jembatan yang efisien sesuai dengan Peruntukannya. Metode perencanaan menggunakan Program SAP 2000 V.11. Jembatan dirancang untuk umur rencana 50 tahun dengan kemampuan menahan beban gandar sebesar 225 kN, mampu menahan beban mati sebesar 1562,58 kN dan mampu menahan beban hidup sebesar 811,89 kN. Sistem jembatan dibuat knock down dan terbuat dari rangka baja solusi jitu mengingat keterbatasan sumber daya alam yang ada dan jembatan rangka baja ini mudah dalam perawatannya. Key words : Perencanaan, Rangka Baja, Struktur, Jembatan, Program

    Indonesian speech act realisation in face-threatening situations

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    While clarity and explicitness in responding to a request are highly desirable, there are conventionally indirect strategies people use when responding. This indirectness cannot be deemed as always indicating impoliteness as different people have different strategies in giving a response; it is determined by the cultural norms and values in which they are brought up. In this paper, we will look at the strategies Indonesians use when responding to a request at times when their circumstances pressure them to make refusals. The study reported here found that apart from giving refusals, in which indirect refusal strategies are preferred, in situations where the ranking of imposition of a request is high, they tend to accept the request. It appears that their strategies of responding are closely related to their strong willingness to maintain the (existing) harmony between them and their interlocutors


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    “Bahasa bisa dipakai untuk menyembunyikan pikiran”- sebuah pernyataan yang menarik untuk dikaji lebih jauh. Hal tersebut terutama dirasa sangat relevan dilakukan di dunia penegakan hukum. Dalam konteks ini kajian linguistik, khususnya Linguistik Forensik, berpotensi berkontribusi terhadap upaya pencarian dan pengungkapan informasi sahih tentang suatu kasus pelanggaran hukum melalui serangkaian langkah sistematis analisis data bahasa (corpus) yang relevan. Diharapkan, dengan mengoptimalkan pengkajian berbagai moda yang ada, bahasa salah satunya, kualitas penegakan hukum meningkat dan keadilan bisa lebih terkawal untuk ditegakkan. Saat ini ditemukan sejumlah fenomena menarik yang terjadi di dunia penegakan hukum, khususnya di Unit Reskrim di wilayah hukum Polda Jabar sekaitan dengan penyidikan tindak pidana berbarang bukti data kebahasaan seperti: (1) maraknya modus kejahatan dan tindak pidana baru yang berbarang bukti data kebahasaan dan (2) penyidik mengalami kesulitan ketika menyusun kasus posisi perkara pidana penghinaan, pencemaran nama baik, fitnah, dan pemalsuan sebab kriteria terpenuhinya unsur pidana ini, secara kebahasaan, tidak diatur dalam pasal 310, 311, dan 335 KUHAP serta Pasal 27 ayat 3 UU ITE sebagai sumber hukum yang mengatur tindak perkara pidana ini. Kondisi seperti itu menuntut pendekatan dan aplikasi ilmu pengetahuan modern (dalam hal ini linguistik forensik) yang secara aksiologis mampu menguraikan perkara pidana berbarang bukti data kebahasaan secara tuntas. Untuk itu, Program Studi Linguistik SPs UPI bekerjasama dengan organisasi profesi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI) dan Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra (FPBS) UPI kembali menggelar Seminar Tahunan Linguistik (SETALI) yang ke-4 dengan mengambil tema Linguistik Forensik untuk Keadilan. Kegiatan tersebut diarahkan untuk menyediakan ruang bagi para peminat kajian bahasa yang akan mendiseminasikan pemikiran dan temuan terkait dengan hasil penelitiannya. Ada 3 kegiatan utama dalam acara SETALI kali ini: Pra-SETALI Senin dan Selasa, 30 - 31 Mei 2016, berbentuk workshop dengan tema Analisis Bahasa dari Sudut Pandang Analisis Forensik, SETALI Rabu dan Kamis, 01- 02 Juni 2016, dengan tema Linguistik Forensik untuk Keadilan, dan Pasca-SETALI Juma‟at, 03 Juni 2016, berbentuk Public Lecture untuk para peneliti, pengamat, pengajar, dan mahasiswa bahasa dengan tema Towards Clearer Jury Instruction. Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, kami mengucapkan terimaksih kepada berbagai fihak, khususnya kepada Anda semua para peserta SETALI. Tanpa dukungan, kehadiran dan partisipasi Anda dan izin Yang Mahakuasa, tidak akan ada SETALI. Akhirul kalam, selamat berdiskusi dan berbagi ilmu serta pengalaman. Bumi Siliwangi, 27 Juni 2016 Penanggung Jawab, Dr. Dadang Sudana, M.A

    Electricity cost saving comparison due to tariff change and ice thermal storage (ITS) usage based on a hybrid centrifugal-ITS system for buildings : A university district cooling perspective

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    In this paper, the case study of a district cooling system of a university located in a South East Asia region (lat: 01°29′; long: 110°20′E) is presented. In general, the university has high peak ambient temperature of around 32–35 °C coupled with high humidity of about 85% during afternoon period. The total electricity charge for the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Campus is very high amounting to more than $314,911 per month. In this paper, a few district cooling schemes are investigated to provide “what-if analysis” and in order to minimize the overall electricity charges. Few scenarios designed for the application of centrifugal with and without ice-thermal storage (ITS) systems on the buildings were investigated. It was found that, due to the local tariff status, marginally saving can be achieved in the range of 0.08–3.13% if a new tariff is adopted; and a total of further saving of 1.26–2.43% if ITS is operated. This marginally saving is mainly due to the local tariff conditions and lower local temperature range (ΔT) which are less favorable as compared with those reported in the literature elsewhere

    A bibliometric study of industry 4.0 in construction industry Using Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) as a key marker

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    This study examines how Industry 4.0 has been discussed in the construction industry and construction management (CM) research over the past four years using Oesterreich and Teuteberg’s (2016) article as a key marker. The techniques adopted in this paper were Bibliometric analysis. Citation, co-citation, and co-occurrence analyses were applied to the articles published between 2016-2019 in the WoS database. This study concluded that most CM research themes had been impacted by Industry 4.0. Also, CM scholars, journal editors, and decision-makers have expressed significant interest in Industry 4.0. Finally, this research has focused on research themes that have been less examined by scholars and have identified areas for future research on how CM literature may benefit from Industry 4.0. Twenty-one main research themes were identified, a co-occurrence network was constructed and examined. The results indicate that there are a sufficient number of references to Industry 4.0 in the themes of management, smart factory, and digitisation. On the other hand, other themes have received less scholarly attention, such as performance, simulation, and supply chain management. Those less explored themes possibly require additional studies

    A method of identifying critical road segment: a case study of peninsular Malaysia road network

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    The resiliency of transportation infrastructures has been a major concern for the continuity of road services. In order to assess these issues, road network analysis is crucial to investigate the functioning of the existing road network and pinpoint each critical road segment. This enables early preparation for road operators and planners to focus on the road segment user most dependent on of which will be impacted most in case of disruption. This paper aims to introduce a method integrating different network analyses using a combination of three measures namely road segment length, betweenness centrality, and road density to identify critical road segments. The result shows the relationship between the different modes proposed with respect to the topological data implemented and concluded as the critical value of each road segment. This paper also includes the application of the methodology in a national scale region of Peninsular Malaysia road network

    Diabetic foot care practice and its associated factors among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending primary health clinics in Kuantan, Malaysia: a cross sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION: One of the most important and debilitating complication of diabetes mellitus is foot problem such as ulcers, infections and amputations. However, these complications are preventable by simple intervention such as regular foot care practice. This study aims to assess the foot care practice and its associated factors among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending primary health clinics in Kuantan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at four primary health clinics in Kuantan involving 450 study participants who were selected by using universal sampling method. Level of awareness and practice toward diabetic foot care was assessed using validated self-administered questionnaire. Multiple logistic regressions were performed to identify factors associated with poor foot care practice among the respondents. RESULTS: About 59.6% of respondents had poor foot care practice and 50.9% had poor awareness level. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified that, increasing age (OR 0.97, 95% CI: 0.955-0.993) and good awareness towards foot problem (OR 0.43, 95%CI: 0.289-0.643) were less likely to have poor foot care practice. However, Malay ethnicity (OR 1.81, 95% CI: 1.002-3.271) and obesity (OR 1.9, 95% CI: 1.225-2.976) were associated with poor foot care practice after controlling other variables. CONCLUSION: Majority of the respondents had poor foot care practice and poor awareness. Respondents who are older and have better awareness are less likely to have poor foot care practice. Diabetic patients who are Malays and/or obese are predicted to have poor diabetic foot practice and hence must be prioritized for a sustainable patient education and compliance towards foot care practice at primary care level

    Carbon footprint of construction using industrialised building system

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    Industrialised Building System (IBS) is more sustainable to the environment as compared to the conventional construction methods. However, the construction industry in Malaysia has low acceptance towards IBS due to the resistance to change and also lack of awareness towards sustainability development. Therefore, it is important to study the amount carbon footprint produced by IBS during its manufacturing and construction stage, and also the amount of carbon footprint produced by one meter square of gross floor area of IBS construction using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to ease future research through the comparison of the carbon footprint of IBS with the conventional building system. As a result, a case study on a residential type of construction in the vicinity of Johor Bahru, Malaysia was carried out to obtain the necessary data and result. From the data analysis, the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) for a residential type IBS construction based on the raw materials and resources involved to manufacture and construct IBS components is 0.127 tonnes fossil CO2Eq per meter square. Raw material that contributed to the most amount of carbon footprint is Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), followed by steel bars, autoclaved aerated blocks and diesel. The LCA data acquired will be very useful in implementing IBS in the residential type construction. As a result, the awareness towards sustainable construction using IBS can be improved