92 research outputs found

    The Normal of Peristalistic Waves in Vitro in the Small Intestine of Local Rabbits

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    Local male rabbits aged 4 months, 1.0 to 1.5 kg body weight and healthy adaptation in individual cages with food and water ad libitum. All of rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups: groups I (K-1) and II (K-2) eachof 4 head / group. All of rabbits fasted for 12 hours, and anesthetized with urethane 1.55 g/ kg bw in a 25% solution intraperitoneally. Each rabbit dissected, segments of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) weretaken each 1.5 cm for the measured peristaltic wave. The K-1 group of rabbits were measured peristaltic wave using Physiograph and the K-2 with Kymograph. Physiograph or Kymograf operated after the specified time of 1 second and the impression of speed 10 mm/detik paper on the sensitivity of 0.1 and the sensitivity of the amplifier 50. During the calibration operation is often performed. Data obtained by the peristaltic waves (frequency and amplitude of contractions) small intestine for 5 minutes were analyzed by t test. The results of measurements of intestinal peristalsis by using Physiograph or Kymograf showed that the frequency and amplitude of peristaltic contractions of the proximal part is higher and more caudal direction tends to go down. Therefore it was concluded that the normal peristaltic waves of the small intestine to more caudal were getting less and less interm of the frequency and amplitude of peristaltic contractions

    The Normal of Peristalistic Waves In Vitro In The Small Intestine of Local Rabbits

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    local male rabbits aged 4 months, 1.0 to 1.5 kg body weight and healthy adaptation in individual cages with food and water ad libitum. All of rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups: groups I (K-1) and II (K-2) eachof 4 head / group. All of rabbits fasted for 12 hours, and anesthetized with urethane 1.55 g/ kg bw in a 25% solution intraperitoneally. Each rabbit dissected, segments of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) weretaken each 1.5 cm for the measured peristaltic wave. The K-1 group of rabbits were measured peristaltic wave using Physiograph and the K-2 with Kymograph. Physiograph or Kymograf operated after the specified time of 1 second and the impression of speed 10 mm/detik paper on the sensitivity of 0.1 and the sensitivity of the amplifier 50. During the calibration operation is often performed. Data obtained by the peristaltic waves (frequency and amplitude of contractions) small intestine for 5 minutes were analyzed by t test. The results of measurements of intestinal peristalsis by using Physiograph or Kymograf showed that the frequency and amplitude of peristaltic contractions of the proximal part is higher and more caudal direction tends to go down. Therefore it was concluded that the normal peristaltic waves of the small intestine to more caudal were getting less and less interm of the frequency and amplitude of peristaltic contractions.Keywords: rabbits,small intestine, peristaltic, physiograph, kymograp


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    Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB merupakan indikator untuk melihat derajat kesehatan dan menilai tingkat kemampuan penyelenggaraan pelayanan suatu negara. AKI di Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2016 sebesar 91/100.000 KH dan AKB tahun 2016 sebesar 23,60/1.000 KH (Dinkes Jatim, 2016). Terdapat dua faktor kematian ibu yaitu faktor langsung dan tidak langsung, sedangkan pada bayi baru lahir adalah asfiksia dan BBLR. Laporan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk memberikan asuhan kebidanan Continuity Of Care dengan menggunakan manajemen kebidanan. Desain LTA ini menggunakan Continuity Of Care. Bertempat di PMB Mei Kurniawati Surabaya dan rumah pasien di Jl.Sawah pulo SR gang V. penatalaksanaan dimulai tanggal 05 Juli 2018 sampai 24 Juli 2018. Subjeknya yaitu Ny.F yang diberi pendampingan dari hamil sampai dengan KB. Hasil asuhan kebidanan pada kunjungan kehamilan menunjukan pemeriksaan dalam batas normal tetapi memiliki kadar hemoglobin kurang dari batas normal pada ibu hamil, ketika bersalin tidak ada kesenjangan. Masa nifas pemenuhan nutrisi belum seimbang, bayi tidak ada kesenjangan, dalam konseling KB ibu ingin menggunakan KB suntik 3 bulan. Simpulan laporan tugas akhir ini adalah asuhan pada Ny.F berlangsung secara fisiologis. Oleh karena itu diharapkan klien dapat menerapkan anjuran bidan

    Gelombang Peristaltik Normal In Vitro pada Usus Halus Kelinci Lokal

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    This study aims to determine the normal peristaltic waves in the small intestine in vitro local rabbits. Eight local male rabbits aged 4 months, 1.0 to 1.5 kg body weight and healthy adaptation in individual cages with food and water ad libitum. All of rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups: groups I (K-1) and II (K-2) each of 4 head / group. All of rabbits fasted for 12 hours, and llnesthetized with urethane 1.55 g/ kg bw in a 25% solution intraperitoneally. Each rabbit dissected, segments of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) were taken each 1.5 cm for the measured peristaltic wave. The K-1 group of rabbits were measured peristaltic wave using Physiograph and the K-2 with Kymograph. Physiograph or Kymograf operated after the specified time of 1 second and the impression of speed 10mmldetik paper on the sensitivity of 0.1 and the sensitivity of the amplifier 50. During the calibration operation is often performed. Data obtained by the peristaltic waves (frequency and amplitude of contractions) small intestine for 5 minutes were analyzed by t test. The results of measurements of intestinal peristalsis by using Physiograph or Kymograf showed that the frequency and amplitude of peristaltic contractions of the proximal part is higher and more caudal direction tends to go down.. Therefore it was concluded that the normal peristaltic waves of the small intestine to more caudal were getting less and less interm of the frequency and amplitude of peristaltic contractions

    Gambaran Fisiologis Kadar Kolesistokinin Tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) Jantan Umur 1 Bulan

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    Peran fisiologis kolesistokinin (CCK) adalah pengendalian fungsi gastrointestinal. Kolesistokinin akan disekresikan oleh sel endokrin usus sebagai respons terhadap makan yang kekurangan atau kelebihan lipid dan protein. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran fisiologis kadar kolesistokinin tikus Wistar umur 1 bulan. Dua puluh ekor tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) jantan, umur 1 bulan, diadaptasikan selama 7 hari dalam kandang individu dengan pakan AD II dan minum air ad libitum. Kemudian dilakukan penimbangan berat badan dan pengambilan darah lewat vena orbitalis untuk pengukuran kadar CCK plasma, kadar glukosa darah, dan kadar kolesterol darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berat badan rata-rata tikus adalah 54,6+3,36 gram, kadar kolesistokinin 259,61+104,60 pg/mL, kadar glukosa darah 125,35+20,36 mg/dL dan kadar kolesterol 74,5+14,73 mg/dL. Setelah dianalisis korelasi disimpulkan bahwa pada tikus jantan normal umur 1 bulan kadar CCK plasma tidak berkorelasi dengan kadar glukosa darah dan kadar kolesterol darah


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    This study aims to determine the influence of Eimeria magna (E. magna) on the physiological condition of local rabbits. Twelve of local coccidiosis free, male rabbits aged 4 months, 1.0 to 1.5 kg body weight, were used as experiment animals. The rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups (K-O, K- I, and K-2), each group consisted of4 rabbits. Each rabbit of group K-l and K-2 was infected orally with 4xlOs/ rabbit and 28x10s/ ofE. magna oocysts, respectively. The rabbits of the group K-O were used as a control. The measurement of body temperature, feed consumed weighing and counting the number of eliminated Eimeria were carried out in feces and monitoring of clinical symptoms was done every day for I I days. On day-O, 5, and 10 the body weight were measured and blood for routine blood tests (number of erythrocytes, leucocytes, hemoglobin level, the value of packed cell volume (PCY), total levels of plasma protein (TPP), and differential leucocyte (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes) was collected. The results showed that rabbits infected with 28xlOs oocyst exhibit in physiological conditions more effectively than those of the group infected with 4xlOs/ oocyst.. The higher the number oocyst E . magna administered, the higher the body temperature, the amount oocyst eliminated in feces, and the number eosinophils


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Eimeria magna (E. magna) terhadap kondisi fisiologik kelinci lokal. Sebanyak 12 ekor kelinci lokal jantan umur 4 bulan dengan berat badan 1,0-1,5 kg dan bebas koksidiosis digunakan sebagai kelinci percobaan dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok (K-O,K-I, dan K-2) secara acak, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 4 ekor. Kelinci kelompok K-Osebagai kontrol (tidak diinfeksi hanya diberi 1,0ml akuades/ekor peroral), kelompok K-l dan K-2 masing-masing diinfeksi 4xl0s oosista E. magna/ekor peroral,dan 28x1OSoosista E. magna/ekor peroral. Pengukuran suhu tubuh, penimbangan berat pakaQ.'yangdikonsqrnsi,penghitungan jumlah Eimeria yang dieliminasi dalam fesesnya dan pemantauan gejala klinis dilakukan setiap hari selama 11 hari. Pada hari ke-O,5, dan 10 dilakukan penimbangan berat badan dan pengambilan darah untuk pemeriksaan darah rutin (jumlah eritrosit, leukosit, kadar hemoglobin, nilai packed cell volume (PCY), kadar total protein plasma (TPP), dan diferensial leukosit (neutrofil, eosinofil, basofil, monosit dan limfosit). Kesimpulan : kelompok kelinci yang diinfeksi 28xIOSoosista E. magna lebih efektif menunjukan perubahan kondisi fisiologik dibanding dengan kelompok kelinci yang diinfeksi 4xlOs oosista E. magna (K-l). Semakin tinggi jumlah oosista E. magna yang diberikan, semakin tinggi suhu tubuh, jumlah oosista yang dieleminasi dalam feses, danjumlah eosinofilnyaKata kunci: Kelinci jantan lokal, Eimeria magna, perubahan fisiolog

    The Hematological and Blood Chemical Parameters of the Female Fat Tail Sheep Raised with Fermented Complete Feed Management

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    The study aimed at evaluating the hematological and chemical parameters of the blood of female fat tail sheep raised with fermented complete feed (CF) management. It used 40 adult female fat tail sheep age 24-36 months and body weight in 30-35 kg and 3-4 of body condition score, which was raised in the individual stall with fermented complete feed (CF) management. Samples of blood were drawn once from the jugular vein before feeding in the morning. The results of hematological parameters were RBC (12.11±2.18 x106/µL), hemoglobin (12.40±1.96 g/dL), hematocrit  (36.49±5.47%), MCV (30.46±3.38  fL), MCH (10.30±0.75 pg), MCHC (34.00±1.86 g/dL), eosinophils (3.15±7.70%), neutrophils (7.13±14.90%), lymphocytes (11.93±23.85%), and monocytes (0.30±0.88%). The results of chemical parameters were sodium (147.58±3.75 mmol/L), chloride (106.51±3.12 mmol/L), magnesium (3.66±1.38 mg/dL), albumin (3.36±0.31 g/dL) and glucose (40.28±9.12 mg/dL). The results of hematological and chemical parameters in the study could be the reference in monitoring the health of the adult female fat tail sheep raised with the fermented complete feed (CF) management

    The Adaptation of Small Intestine Nitregic Myenteric Neurons on Rats (Rattus norvegicus) to High Fat Diet

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    High fat diet can result in the loss of nitrergic neurons in the myenteric plexus. The study aimed at finding out the effect of high fat diet on the adaptation of nitrergic nerve of rat intestine. It used 15 male rats (Rattus norvegicus) of a month of age with mean body weight of 53.73 gr. The rats were adapted for 7 days to individual cages with ad libitum feeding. After random adaptation, all of the rats were assigned to 3 groups of five rats, namely K-7, K-10, and K-13 groups. Feed and drinking water were given ad libitum. The treatment of the high fat diet lasted for 7 weeks. After the treatment, all of the rats were fasted for 12 hours and then killed. Subsequently, small intestine segments (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) were taken. The intestinal segments were prepared by using NADPH-d histopathological technique to determine the morphometric changes of nitrergic myenteric neurons. During the treatment the rats were weighed every week and at the end of the study orbitalis vein blood measurement was carried out to see its glucose, cholesterol and cholecystokinin (CCK) plasma levels. The data of body weight, glucose, cholesterol, CCK levels, the total number of the nippergenic myenteric segments of the small intestine were statistically analyzed using Anova. The results of the study showed that the treatment of 7% to 13% fat diets for 7 weeks did not indicate any weight gain and any increase in cholescystokinin level, and any decrease in glucose level. However, it indicated significant increase in cholesterol level. The treatment of 10% and13% fat diets increased the total number of neurons in the jejunum and the ileum. Thus, it was concluded that the treatments of the high-fat diet of the rats (K-7, K-10, and K-13) for 7 weeks had significant effect on the adaptation of the neurons of the jejunum and the ileum

    Refeeding Postmolting Method to Improve Weekly Production Performance of Rejected Laying Hens with Low Mortality

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    This research aimed to investigate the influence of gradually feeding rejected laying hens after molting on the performance of production. This research used 6,000 rejected laying hens of 80 weeks old in Subur Farm. Molting method was a modification method by reducing the feed gradually. At the beginning of this research, the feed was given 120 g/laying hens/day and it would be reduced by 10 g/laying hens/day until it reach 50 g/laying hens/day. In the next phase, all chickens fasted for seven days then the chicken was given 10 g/laying hens on the first day. The feed was increased 10 g/laying hens every two days up to 120 g/laying hens/day. Data Collection of Feed conversion ratio (FCR), mortality rate, amount of feed, and egg production were taken at the start of re-feeding. The results showed that during the period of molting until refeeding, mortality was 3.6%, an increase in egg production was seen since week 1, peak of production was 78% at week 9 with FCR 2.3.  The results of statistical analysis showed significant differences (P<0.05) on the percentage of egg production between time periods after the treatment of feed reduction. As the conclusion, molting followed by refeeding in rejected laying hen influences weekly production performance by extending peak production period, optimal FCR and daily egg production