1,539 research outputs found

    The Resilience Within: Perspectives from Adults Supporting Foster Children

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    The goal of this qualitative multicase study was to obtain a better understanding of resiliency in placement stable foster children through interviews with significant supportive adults. Case studies were centered on six foster children associated with a child welfare agency in a Rocky Mountain region. Children ranged in age from 5 to 15 years old and lived in foster-to-adopt placements. Information was gathered from the foster parent(s) and the social worker of each child, with a total of 7 foster parents and 4 social workers interviewed. Both within-case and cross-case analyses were conducted using a phenomenological approach to identify common themes and patterns of resilience, protective factors, and how system interactions contributed or acted as barriers to a successful placement. The main characteristics of resilience in stable placement foster children included the reduction of problematic behaviors, an increase in positive and prosocial behaviors, and the development of relationships with others. Specifically, the relationship between the foster child and the foster parent appeared to influence the child’s expression of resiliency as they provided the protective factors of a consistent and supportive home environment and a consistent dedication of care with the end goal of adoption. The supportive adults in the study helped to strengthen protective factors and provide a nurturing environment to reduce the effects of stress and adverse experiences of these children in foster care. Therefore, resilient adults or resilient systems may influence the development of resiliency in the foster children with which they interact

    Regulation of the RNA/DNA helicase Sen1 by proteasome-mediated degradation

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    Sen1 est une hélicase ARN/ADN impliquée dans la protection du génome de la levure en résolvant les hybrides ARN/ADN et dans la terminaison de la transcription de courts ARN non codants. Malgré la demande cellulaire généralisée pour l'action Sen1, son abondance cellulaire est très faible, ce qui suggère que des mécanismes régulent les niveaux de protéine Sen1 dans la cellule. Nous avons confirmé que Sen1 est dégradé via une voie dépendante du protéasome. Ce mécanisme dépend de l’activité catalytique de Glc7, une protéine phosphatase dont il a été précédemment démontré qu’elle déphosphoryle Sen1 in vitro et qu’elle interagit avec Sen1 via un motif RVxF selon des expériences à deux hybrides. Notre hypothèse de travail est que Glc7 contrôle les niveaux de protéine Sen1 via la déphosphorylation d'un phospho-dégron. Fait intéressant, un site potentiel dans la région N-terminale de Sen1 (sérine 863) qui peut fonctionner comme un phospho-dégron a été identifié dans une analyse à l'échelle du protéome de la co-occurrence de phosphorylation et d'ubiquitylation. Afin d'identifier les sites de phosphorylation Sen1 qui sont enrichis en l'absence de Glc7, nous avons réalisé une immunoprécipitation de Sen1 suivie d'une spectrométrie de masse. Cette analyse a identifié un site de phosphorylation dans Sen1 à la sérine 1505 qui pourrait agir comme un site de dégron potentiel. A noter que ce site, a également été signalé dans les études antérieures phosphoprotéomiques sur la levure. De plus, l'interaction entre Sen1 et Glc7 et l’importance du motif RVxF (par la mutation du résidu F2003) pour cette interaction ont été confirmée par co-immunoprécipitation. De manière surprenante, la prévention de cette interaction n'affecte pas la stabilité de Sen1 ou la croissance cellulaire. Dans l'ensemble, nous avons identifié un petit groupe de sites de phosphorylation Sen1 avec une pertinence biologique potentielle. Nos résultats confirment également que la mutation du motif RVxF de Sen1 altère l'interaction avec Glc7 in vivo. Ces données approfondissent notre compréhension de la régulation de la protéine Sen1 par Glc7 dans les cellules de levure qui peuvent fournir des indices sur le rôle de la sénataxine, orthologue humaine, dans les troubles neurodégénératifs.Sen1 is an RNA/DNA helicase involved in protecting the yeast genome by resolving RNA/DNA hybrids and in the transcription termination of short non-coding RNAs. Despite the widespread cellular demand for Sen1 action, its cellular abundance is very low, suggesting that mechanisms regulate Sen1 protein levels in the cell. We have confirmed that Sen1 is degraded via a proteasome-dependent pathway. This mechanism depends on the catalytic activity of Glc7, a protein phosphatase that was previously shown to dephosphorylate Sen1 in vitro, and to interact with Sen1 through an ‘RVxF’ motif. Our working hypothesis is that Glc7 controls Sen1 protein levels via dephosphorylation of a phospho-degron. Interestingly, a potential site in the N-terminal region of Sen1 (serine 863) that may work as a phospho-degron has been identified in a proteome-wide analysis of phosphorylation and ubiquitylation cross-talk. In order to identify Sen1 phosphorylation sites enriched in the absence of Glc7, we conducted immunoprecipitation of Sen1 followed by mass spectrometry. This analysis identified one phosphorylation site within Sen1 at serine 1505 that could act as a potential degron site. Note that this site has also been reported in previous phosphoproteomic studies on yeast. Furthermore, the interaction between Sen1 and Glc7 and the importance of the RVxF motif (by mutation of residue F2003) for this interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Surprisingly, prevention of this interaction does not affect the stability of Sen1 or cell growth. Overall, we have identified a small group of Sen1 phosphorylation sites with potential biological relevance. Our findings also confirm that mutating the RVxF motif of Sen1 impairs the interaction with Glc7 in vivo. These data further our understanding of Sen1 protein regulation by Glc7 in yeast cells that may provide clues to the role of senataxin, human orthologue, in neurodegenerative disorders

    Preharvest Salmonella Risk Contamination and the Control Strategies

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    Salmonella is present in most food production environments and can enter the food supply at any stage of food production from farm to fork. Control strategies for Salmonella include preharvest and postharvest aspects. Preharvest approach is very important because as a result of large-scale production, many animals could be infected with Salmonella serotypes during the primary production, causing human salmonellosis by consuming meat, milk, and eggs or foods containing ingredients of animal origin. The first step for prevention approaches is to determinate the source of infection; Salmonella serovars should be founded, and control strategies must be executed. Infection sources include vertical transmission, feed, pest (rodents and insects), wild birds, water, humans, manure, transportation coops, tractors or vehicles, and farm environment. Preventive and control strategies involve many factors, including hygiene, biosecurity procedures, animal feed surveillance, litter, manure and carcasses disposed, cleaning and disinfection programs, food interventions, diagnostic, and vaccination

    Experimental Study of Two-phase Seperators for Vapor Compression Systems in Household Appliances

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    Two-phase separation offers an increase in refrigeration system efficiency with the added benefit of using a passive component. Although, a large amount research has been established in the refrigeration field for high mass flux systems, there is still ample opportunity to expand this application and knowledge in the refrigeration home appliances sector which require lower mass flux. The objective of this study was to evaluate the design of liquid-vapor gravity separators for low mass flux systems (1.5 – 3.5 lbm/ft^2hr). In the experimental method, the independent parameters varied were: Inlet Quality, Inlet Pressure, Inlet Mass Flow, Top Branch Flow Ratio and Separator Geometry. The dependent parameter was determined as, x_2, the Outlet Vapor Branch Quality. The two separator geometries which were designed, fabricated, and tested varied in aspect ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the height to the body diameter of the separator. The aspect ratio of the first geometry was 10, and it consisted of a tall separator height (4.125 in) with a narrow separator body diameter (0.423 in). The second geometry had an aspect ratio of 2, and it consisted of a short separator height (1.75 in) with a wide separator body diameter (0.742 in). The separator body was made of clear PVC tubing material in order visualize the flow conditions at different operating points. The results of the study showed that both geometries perform similarly. At low and high liquid Reynolds number, the flows characteristically show no significant vapor shearing and no vapor exiting through the liquid branch, as long as a liquid build-up was visually present in the separator; this indicates that vapor phase momentum is not high enough to penetrate through the high bulk viscosity of the liquid phase. Therefore, evaluating the vapor quality through the vapor branch was explicitly carried out by assuming the vapor quality through the liquid branch as 0. Thus, the results indicate that the primary factor to influence separation in this study was the balance maintained between the inlet quality and top branch flow ratio. Overall, separation was not highly sensitive to the rest of the factors in the tested ranges applicable to small scale refrigeration appliances. When inlet quality was greater than top branch flow ratio, no clear liquid-vapor interface was present and the mixture entering the separator was characteristic of misty flow, thus no liquid buildup was found within the separator.  However when the inlet quality was less than the top branch flow ratio, the liquid-vapor interface was visible and a liquid build-up was observed within the separator vessel

    The impact of non-standard work arrangements and communication climate on organisational and team identification and work-related outcomes amongst millennial in Chile and the UK

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    Previous research has found inconsistent results about the impact of work-status (permanent vs fixed term vs causal work) on attitudinal and behavioural outcomes. This study explored this topic from a social identity perspective and examines the effect of communication climate, organisational and team identification on job-affective well-being, organisational commitment and intentions to recommend. In Study 1, 631 professionals working in Chile completed our survey. In Study 2, which was pre-registered, 520 professionals from the UK completed the same survey. In both studies we conducted multi-group path analyses comparing among employees with three work-statuses: permanent (n1=369, n2=438), fixed-term (n1=129, n2=53), and casual workers (n1=131, n2=34). We found work-status influenced the relationship between organisational and team identification with job-affective well-being, but not with organisational citizenship behaviour or intentions to recommend. Across all groups, communication climate was an important predictor for identification measures, job-affective well-being and intention to recommend. These findings offer an understanding of the dynamics of social identification in the workplace that are related to work-status in the context of two different countries; Chile, a country that is characterised by high rates of fixed-term and casual job agreement and the UK with comparatively less non-standard work-arrangements

    Differences at the Extremes? Gender, National Contexts, and Math Performance in Latin America

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    Studies of gender disparities in STEM performance have generally focused on average differences. However, the extremes could also be important because disparities at the top may shape stratification in access to STEM careers, while disparities at the bottom can shape stratification in dropout. This paper investigates determinants of gender disparities in math across the performance distribution in Latin American countries, where there is a persistent boys’ advantage in STEM performance. Findings reveal disparate national patterns in gender gaps across the performance distribution. Further, while certain national characteristics are linked to gender gaps at the low- and middle-ranges of the performance distribution, female representation in education is the only characteristic associated with a reduced gender gap at the top level

    Diseño e Implementación de un sistema de medición de volumen basado en un sensor ultrasónico con monitoreo y control desde un smartphone

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    La domótica realiza la automatización de manera integral de las instalaciones, específicamente eléctricas de casas habitación y edificios. La domótica comenzó a desarrollarse en los años 70, cuando aparecieron los primeros dispositivos automáticos usados en edificios.. Años posteriores surgió el interés por crear la “casa ideal”. Es por eso que se desea implementar un programa para monitorear la cantidad de agua en un tanque o tinaco por medio de un Smartphone; primero para usar la tecnología que encamina a la “casa ideal” y por otro lado debido a que con la escases de agua que se tiene hoy en día, se deben tomar medidas para evitar el desperdicio y hacer un mejor uso del rendimiento de este vital líquido. Se dará a conocer algunos trabajos relacionados a la domótica como lo menciona (Álvarez, 2013) que hace referencia a un sensor PING que detecta objetos mediante la emisión de una ráfaga ultrasónica y luego escucha el eco que regresa para, de esta forma, medir la distancia en la que se encuentra, otro ejemplo lo describe (Huerta, et. al, 2010) que obtiene el volumen de líquidos utilizando el sensor de ultrasonido, o como lo describe (Lozano et. al, 2009) donde hay un sistema de lectura automática de medidores de consumo de agua con tecnología Bluetooth. Esta tesis se estructura de la siguiente manera: Primero se presenta el planteamiento del problema. Posteriormente damos una breve explicación de los conceptos que giran entorno de la domótica así como otros conceptos base como microcontroladores, tipos de sensores, etc. los trabajos relacionados a nuestra solución. Se explica la metodología que se ha seguido para el desarrollo del proyecto. Se muestran algunos ejemplos; para finalmente exponer las conclusiones y trabajos futuros.La presente tesis desarrollada consiste en el diseño e implementación de un sistema de control y monitoreo del nivel de agua de un contenedor por medio de dispositivos móviles, utilizando el protocolo de comunicación inalámbrica Bluetooth. El monitoreo se realiza mediante un sensor ultrasónico conectado a un Bluetooth que se enlaza al Smartphone para enviar la información, se presentan los resultados obtenidos por el sistema construido

    Actividad procoagulante del factor tisular plaquetario en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo II

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    Tesis (Tecnólogo Médico, mención bioanálisis clínico, inmunohematología y banco de sangre)La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por el déficit en la secreción y/o función de la insulina, hormona encargada de regular la glicemia. Personas que presentan esta enfermedad poseen un mayor riesgo de sufrir eventos cardiovasculares con un índice de mortalidad de un 80%. Estos poseen diversos factores que afectaran al estado protrombótico, como alteración en la función plaquetaria, daño endotelial, y aumento de mediadores de inflamación y aumento del Factor Tisular (FT) plasmático. El aumento de FT circulante se ha relacionado con un aumento del estado protrombotico, sin embargo, se desconoce si el aumento de la cantidad de este, se asocia a un aumento en su función. Las plaquetas poseen FT y su activación sería crucial en el proceso protrombótico, por tanto se propuso determinar si en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo II (DM2) la actividad pro coagulante dependiente de FT (APC-FT) en plaquetas está aumentada. Se estudiaron 15 pacientes con DM2 y 15 controles sanos, pareados por sexo y edad. A los que se les determinó la APC-FT en plaquetas lavadas por generación de Factor X activado y generación de trombina por test calibrado en plasma rico en plaquetas activadas con agonistas plaquetarios. Además se realizaron estudios de función plaquetaria, marcadores plasmáticos de activación de la coagulación, inflamación, daño endotelial y estrés oxidativo. 11 No se obtuvo diferencia significativa en función plaquetaria, generación de trombina, marcadores de inflamación o estrés oxidativo ni en la actividad pro coagulante dependiente de FT plaquetario, entre el grupo en estudio y el grupo control. Sin embargo, la medición de P-selectina por citometría de flujo mostró un aumento estadísticamente significativo en DM2 que en controles, denotando una activación plaquetaria in vivo. La ausencia de diferencias con respecto a controles puede ser explicada a que los pacientes DM2 seleccionados en este estudio, además del uso de hipoglicemiantes e insulina, se encontraban utilizando estatinas, las cuales disminuyen tanto los parámetros de inflamación como de APC-FT en plaquetas

    Plan de estrategias para reducción de estrés laboral intervención en una empresa de ventas

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    The next work is about the control of levels of stress in a sales Company. This project talks about the causes and impact of the job stress and how this it affects business development. This project uses the experimental method with a control and experimental group. In the experimental group use strategies to get a better stress level like: rational thinks, focusing, adequate sleep, business dealings, adequate eat, and relaxing exorcises. Both groups measured by OIT-OMS test. After the intervention of experimental group the results presents that P>0, 05, it shows that it does not exist a significant difference so the stress levels did not reduce.El siguiente trabajo trata sobre el manejo de los niveles de estrés en una empresa de ventas. Este proyecto habla sobre las causas y consecuencias del estrés laboral y como afectan al desarrollo empresarial. El proyecto usó el método cuasi experimental con un grupo de control y un grupo experimental. En el experimental se intervino con estrategias para mejorar los niveles de estrés como: pensamiento racional, focusing, dormir y comer adecuadamente, manejos empresariales y ejercicios de relajación. Ambos grupos se midieron por la prueba OIT-OMS. Tras la intervención del grupo experimental presenta resultados P > 0.05 mostrando que estadísticamente no existe una diferencia y por tanto no se redujeron los niveles de estrés