47 research outputs found

    El estudio de la asociaci贸n gen茅tica dentro del modelo psicobiol贸gico de personalidad de Zuckerman

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    Following Zuckerman's psychobiological personality model, a series of genetic association hypotheses between some polymorphisms of Serotonin, Testosterone, Dopamine, MAO-A and COMT, and three temperamental traits (Impulsive Unsocialized Sensation Seeking, Neuroticism, and Extroversion-Sociability) were tested. In order to surpass previous limitations of this kind of studies: 1) the measurement of the phenotype was improved by using eight personality scales, and 2) some statistical analyses were conducted to test conjointly the effects of the considered polymorphisms. 252 participants from two samples (147 male inmates, and 105 male healthy volunteers) were analyzed. A tendency in the theoretical expected direction is reported when several polymorphisms are considered conjointly. The discussion section recommends applying more integrative frameworks to explore the complex paths from genetics to behavior.Partiendo del modelo de personalidad psicobiol贸gico de Zuckerman se planean una serie de hip贸tesis de la asociaci贸n gen茅tica de diferentes polimorfismos de la serotonina, testosterona, dopamina, MAO-A y COMT, y tres rasgos temperamentales (B煤squeda impulsiva de sensaciones no socializada, Neuroticismo y Extroversi贸n-sociabilidad). Para superar limitaciones anteriores de este tipo de estudios: 1) la medida fenot铆pica se mejor贸 usando ocho escalas para medir los constructos de personalidad, y 2) algunos an谩lisis estad铆sticos fueron usados para estudiar conjuntamente los efectos de los polimorfismos. La muestra analizada se compuso de 252 participantes de dos muestras de hombres, una de 147 presos y otra de 105 voluntarios sanos. Los resultados informan que cuando se consideran conjuntamente todos los polimorfismos estu-diados se observa una tendencia en la direcci贸n de las hip贸tesis formuladas. La secci贸n de la discusi贸n recomienda aplicar variables m谩s integradoras para explorar los caminos complejos de las gen茅ticas a la conducta

    Factores de riesgo psicol贸gico en el s铆ndrome metab贸lico: reexplorando la conexi贸n

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    This study re-explores the relationship between metabolic syndrome (MetS), according to IDF and NCEP criteria, and personality and psychopathological variables. We studied trait anger, type A behavior, type D personality, alexithymia, Zuckerman鈥檚 personality dimensions, anxiety, somatization, depression, and hostility. The sample was 410 males (Mage = 52.54, SD = 10.43). A cross-sectional design was used with self-report data from questionnaires and biological measures. Participants completed the type D scale (DS14), the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2), the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the shortened cross-cultural Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ-50-CC). The results show that subjects with IDF/NCEP criteria have significantly high scores in anxiety/negative affect, aggression-hostility, trait anger, alexithymia, negative affect, somatization, depression, and anxiety, but not in type A. No differences were found between both MetS criteria. High scores in somatization, difficulty in describing feelings, impulsive sensation seeking, and low scores in activity predict a small, but significant, part of the variance of systolic pressure, HDC cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, and waist circumference. This study provides certain evidence for an association between MetS and psychological variables, including psychopathological symptoms, according to IDF and NCEP criteria.El estudio reexplora la relaci贸n entre el s铆ndrome metab贸lico (MetS), de acuerdo con los criterios IDF y el NCEP, y variables de personalidad y psicopatol贸gicas. Estudiamos el rasgo de ira, comportamiento tipo A, personalidad tipo D, alexitimia, dimensiones de personalidad de Zuckerman, ansiedad, somatizaci贸n, depresi贸n y hostilidad. La muestra fue de 410 hombres (Medad = 52,54; DE = 10,43). Se utiliz贸 un dise帽o transversal con datos de autoinformes de cuestionarios y medidas biol贸gicas. Los participantes completaron la escala de tipo D (DS14), la Encuesta de Actividad de Jenkins (JAS), la Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto (TAS-20), el Inventario de Expresi贸n de Ira de Rasgo Estado-2 (STAXI-2), el Inventario Breve de S铆ntomas (BSI) y el Cuestionario de Personalidad Zuckerman-Kuhlman intercultural acortado (ZKPQ-50-CC). Los resultados muestran que los sujetos con criterios IDF/NCEP tienen puntuaciones significativamente altas en ansiedad/efecto negativo, agresividad- hostilidad, rasgo de ira, alexitimia, efecto negativo, somatizaci贸n, depresi贸n y ansiedad, pero no en el tipo A. No se encontraron diferencias entre ambos criterios de MetS. Las puntuaciones altas en la somatizaci贸n, dificultad para describir los sentimientos, b煤squeda de sensaciones impulsivas y puntuaciones bajas en la actividad predicen una parte peque帽a, pero significativa, de la varianza de la presi贸n sist贸lica, el colesterol HDC, los triglic茅ridos, la glucosa y la circunferencia de la cintura. El presente estudio proporciona cierta evidencia para una asociaci贸n entre MetS y variables psicol贸gicas, incluyendo s铆ntomas psicopatol贸gicos, de acuerdo con los criterios de las IDF y el NCEP

    High convergent validity among the Five Factor Model, PID-5-SF and PiCD

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    In the last ten years, two instruments (the PID-5 [Personality Inventory for DSM-5] and the PiCD [Personality Inventory for ICD-11]) have been developed to measure the dimensional approach to personality disorders (PDs). Several studies have analysed the relationships between both instruments and the Five Factor Model (FFM), although the PiCD has received less attention than the PID-5, given its more recent publication. For instance, the PiCD has never been related to the NEO-PI-R. The aims of the present paper were to explore the convergent validity of the NEO-PI-R, a short version of the PID-5 (PID-5-SF), and the PiCD; to compare these dimensional approaches as for their ability to predict categorical PDs measured through the screening questionnaire of the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE); and to explore the nature of two controversial pathological domains: Psychoticism (from the PID-5-SF) and Anankastia (from the PiCD). One thousand five hundred sixty-five people from the Spanish general population completed the NEO-PI-R, PID-5-SF and PiCD. Seven hundred fifty-eight also filled out the IPDE. Results show a high convergent validity of the FFM, the PID-5-SF and the PiCD. Especially relevant from a clinical perspective is the great convergence between the two measures of dimensional PDs. In light of the results, the personality correlates of Psychoticism are reconsidered, and the location of Anankastia as the opposite pole of Disinhibition instead of as a separate domain, suggested by previous authors, is supported. The advantages of a dimensional approach to PDs and the practical implications for their assessment are discusse

    Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ) and Cloninger鈥檚 Temperament and Character Inventory Revised (TCI-R): a comparative study

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    The version posted must contain the text This is the accepted version of the following article: [full citation], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article]The aim of this study was to compare the psychometric properties (normal distribution values, reliabilities and factor structure) of the ZuckermanKuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ) and the Temperament and Character Inventory revised (TCI-R). The total sample consisted of 482 subjects (53.1% men and 46.9% women) from diverse age. Results showed somewhat better psychometric properties, like reliability and facet-factor structure, for the ZKA-PQ than the TCI-R. The expected five-factor facet structure of the ZKA-PQ was clear found. However, the seven-factor structure of TCI-R was not clear and it did not show a clear distinction between Temperament and Character factors. When ZKA-PQ and TCI-R variables are analyzed together, the ZKA-PQ factors are related to the Character as well as the Temperament factors. In some cases they represent the opposite poles of ZKA-PQ factors; for example, Neuroticism versus Self-Directiveness and Aggression versus Cooperativeness. Some are directly and highly related to ZKA-PQ factors; for example, Sensation Seeking and Novelty Seeking, Extraversion and Reward Dependence, Neuroticism and Harm Avoidance, and Activity and Persistence.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PSI2008-00924/PSIC)

    Factor invariance of the Humor Styles Questionnaire and its relationship with the HEXACO personality model in a Spanish community sample

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    The cross-cultural factor invariance of the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) structure, and its relationships with the HEXACO personality model were analyzed in a large Spanish community sample. The effect of age, gender, and social position on the observed relationships was also investigated. The four-factor structure of the HSQ was largely invariant compared to the original one. Males and younger participants score higher on all four domains of the HSQ, but no relevant effect of social position is observed. The HEXACO-60 dimensions and facets predicted between 17% and 32% of the HSQ domains. Results and discussion broadly support that the HEXACO personality model can be used as an adequate personality framework for the research and understanding of humor styles

    Relaciones entre las Escalas de Personalidad Karolinska y los nuevos factores y facetas del Cuestionario de Personalidad de Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja

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    Psychobiological models of personality are of great use in clinical and research settings given their potential to construct working hypotheses on biological and behavioural correlates, as well as to predict vulnerability to mental disorders. Two personality models are rooted in this psychobiological tradition: Zuckerman's Alternative Five Factors and the Karolinska Personality Scales (KSP). A new instrument (ZKA-PQ) has been recently developed by Aluja, Kuhlman & Zuckerman (2010) to measure the Alternative Five Factors. The ZKA-PQ incorporates four new facets by each trait. This article analyses areas of overlap and differences between the ZKA-PQ and Karolinska Personality Scales. The total sample comprised 584 subjects (294 men and 290 women). The results suggest that sensation seeking (ZKA-PQ) is mainly associated with monotony avoidance (KSP), neuroticism (ZKA-PQ) with anxiety scales, aggressiveness (ZKA-PQ) with every KSP aggression scale, and extroversion (ZKA-PQ) with the detachment scale (KSP). The discussion mainly centres on the information provided by the ZKA-PQ facets beyond basic personality traits, since in certain cases they qualify these general patterns, adding relevant information on the nature of the ZKA-PQ and Karolinska scales.Los modelos psicobiol贸gicos de personalidad tienen gran mayor utilidad en entornos cl铆nicos y de investigaci贸n, dado su mayor potencial para desarrollar hip贸tesis de trabajo sobre los correlatos biol贸gicos y conductuales, as铆 como para predecir la vulnerabilidad a los trastornos mentales. Dos modelos de personalidad tienen sus ra铆ces en la tradici贸n psicobiol贸gica: El modelo de los cinco factores alternativo de Marvin Zuckerman y el que fundamenta las escalas de personalidad Karolinska (KSP). Un nuevo instrumento (ZKA-PQ) se ha desarrollado recientemente por Aluja, Kuhlman y Zuckerman (2010) para medir los cinco factores alternativos. El ZKA-PQ incorpora cuatro nuevas facetas en cada rasgo. Los solapamientos y las divergencias entre el ZKA-PQ y las escalas Karolinska de Personalidad se analizan en el presente estudio. La muestra total comprende 584 sujetos (294 varones y 290 mujeres). Los resultados sugieren que b煤squeda de sensaciones (ZKA-PQ) se relaciona principalmente con la evitaci贸n de la monoton铆a (KSP), el neuroticismo (ZKA-PQ) con las escalas de ansiedad, la agresividad (ZKA-PQ) con las escalas agresi贸n del KSP, y extroversi贸n (ZKA-PQ) con la escala de separaci贸n (KSP). La discusi贸n se centra principalmente en la informaci贸n proporcionada por las facetas ZKA-PQ m谩s all谩 de los rasgos b谩sicos de la personalidad, ya que estas clarifican en ciertos casos los patrones generales, a帽adiendo algo de informaci贸n relevante acerca de la naturaleza del ZKA-PQ y de las escalas Karolinska

    Indicadores de calidad de la producci贸n en la Web of Science de diez profesores del 谩rea de personalidad, evaluaci贸n y tratamiento psicol贸gico: aportaciones adicionales al estudio de Olivas-脕vila y Musi-Lechuga

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    Web of Science production quality indicators of ten professors" at the Area of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment: Additional contributions to Olivas-脕vila y Musi-Lechuga study. Rankings of scientifi c productivity are increasingly relevant both from an individual and a collective perspective. Therefore, making sure they are based on reliable and exhaustive information is really important. This study clearly shows that available rankings change dramatically when internationally acknowledged bibliometric indices are considered. Data from the 10 Professors belonging to the Personality, Assessment, and Psychological Treatment" Department considered in the recent analysis by Olivas-脕vila y Musi-Lechuga (Psicothema 2010. Vol. 22, n潞 4, pp. 909-916) are revisited here for illustrative purposes

    Differentiating Abnormal, Normal, and Ideal Personality Profiles in Multidimensional Spaces

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    Current dimensional taxonomies of personality disorder (PD) establish that intense traits do not suffice to diagnose a disorder, and additional constructs reflecting dysfunction are required. However, traits appear able to predict maladaptation by themselves, which might avoid duplications and simplify diagnosis. On the other hand, if trait-based diagnoses are feasible, it is the whole personality profile that should be considered, rather than individual traits. This takes us into multidimensional spaces, which have their own particular - but poorly understood - logic. The present study examines how profile-level differences between normal and disordered subjects can be used for diagnosis. The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) were administered to a community and a clinical sample each (total n = 1,925 and 3,543 respectively). Intense traits proved to be common in the general population, so empirically-based thresholds are indispensable not to take as abnormal what is at most unideal. Profile-level parameters such as Euclidean and Mahalanobis distances outperformed individual traits in predicting mental problems and equaled the performance of published measures of dysfunction or severity. Personality profiles can play a more central role in identifying disorders than is currently acknowledged, provided that adequate metrics are used