99 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y estabilidad de un gel antienvejecimiento con extracto hidroalcohólico de Salvia SP.

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    Introduction: The incessant search for products from nature to apply in the search for treatment, cure or even the well-being associated with the aesthetics itself, has strongly collaborated to deepen the area of study and knowledge, so as to meet the demands of the world population. Objectives: This work aimed at the development and evaluation of the stability of two gels formulations (carbopol and methylcellulose) from the incorporation of the essential oils of the species S. officinalis and S. elegans and their hydroalcoholic extract. Methods: Physicochemical stability, organoleptic gel tests, eye irritability test (HET-CAM test) and Clevenger hydrodistillation were performed to determine the oil yield and to use them as a natural preservative in the gels. Results: As significant results we have: In light cycle tests there was only a color change after 15 days. In freeze / thaw tests there was a change in carbopol gel for S. officinalis in appearance and for S. elegans in pH and appearance, whereas in methylcellulose gel in S. elegans there was only change in pH. The accelerated stability test showed alteration for both gels, in the samples containing carbopol gel there was color change and evaporation of part of the gel, while in methylcellulose the complete dehydration. Conclusions: The samples of the gels with hydroalcoholic extract of S. elegans and S. officinalis in concentrations of 5%, 2.5% and 1.25% obtained good stability according to the tests to which they were submit.Introdução: A busca incessante de produtos vindo da natureza para aplicar na procura do tratamento, cura ou até mesmo o bem-estar associado à própria estética, tem colaborado fortemente para aprofundar a área de estudo e conhecimento em cosméticos, para assim poder atender às exigências da população mundial. Objetivos: Este trabalho visou o desenvolvimento e avaliação da estabilidade de formulações de dois géis (carbopol e metilcelulose) a partir da incorporação dos óleos essenciais das espécies S. officinalis e S. elegans e o extrato hidroalcoólico das mesmas sendo este último, utilizado como princípio ativo. Métodos: Realizaram-se testes de estabilidade físico-química, organoléptica dos géis, teste de irritabilidade ocular (teste HET-CAM) e hidrodestilação em Clevenger para assim recolher o rendimento dos óleos e utilizá-los também como conservante natural nos géis. Resultados: Como resultados significativos obtiveram-se: testes de ciclo de luz houve apenas a alteração da cor após 15 dias. Nos testes de congelamento/descongelamento houve mudança no gel de carbopol para S. officinalis no aspecto e para S. elegans no valor de pH e aspecto, no gel de metilcelulose em S. elegans houve apenas alteração no valor de pH. O teste de estabilidade acelerada houve alteração para os dois géis, nas amostras contendo o gel de carbopol houve mudança de coloração e desidratação parcial do gel, no de metilcelulose ocorreu a completa desidratação. Conclusões: As amostras dos géis com extrato hidroalcoólico de S. elegans e S. officinalis nas concentrações de 5%, 2,5% e 1,25% obtiveram boa estabilidade de acordo com os testes a que foram submetidos.Introducción: La búsqueda incesante de productos de la naturaleza para aplicar en la búsqueda de tratamiento, cura o incluso el bienestar asociado con la estética en sí, ha colaborado fuertemente para profundizar el área de estudio y conocimiento, a fin de satisfacer las demandas de la población mundial. Objetivos: Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo el desarrollo y evaluación de la estabilidad de dos formulaciones de geles (carbopol y metilcelulosa) a partir de la incorporación de los aceites esenciales de las especies S. officinalis y S. elegans y su extracto hidroalcohólico. Métodos: La estabilidad fisicoquímica, las pruebas de gel organoléptico, la prueba de irritabilidad ocular (prueba HET-CAM) y la hidrodestilación de Clevenger se realizaron para recolectar el rendimiento de aceite y también para usarlos como conservantes naturales en los geles. Resultados: Como resultados significativos tenemos: En las pruebas de ciclo de luz solo hubo un cambio de color después de 15 días. En las pruebas de congelación / descongelación hubo un cambio en la apariencia del gel de carbopol para S. officinalis y para S. elegans en pH y apariencia, mientras que en el gel de metilcelulosa en S. elegans solo hubo cambio en el pH. La prueba de estabilidad acelerada mostró alteración para ambos geles, en las muestras que contenían gel de carbopol hubo cambio de color y evaporación de parte del gel, mientras que en la metilcelulosa la deshidratación completa. Conclusiones: Las muestras de los geles con extracto hidroalcohólico de S. elegans y S. officinalis en concentraciones de 5%, 2.5% y 1.25% obtuvieron buena estabilidad de acuerdo con las pruebas a las que fueron sometidos.The authors would like to thank the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and the ERDF under the PT2020 Program for financial support to CIMO UID/AGR/00690/2019info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of Hydralcoholic extracts of Salvia officinalis and Salvia elegans in cosmetic formulations

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    Salvia Officinalis and Salvia elegans are shrubs belonging to the genus Salvia, family of the Lamiaceae, easily found in the Mediterranean region, Mexico and Guatemala respectively. In addition to traditional medicine, S. officinalis is of great importance to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. (Cuvelier et al., 1996; Martins et al., 1998 in Povh & Ono, 2008), whereas S. elegans is known in cooking as a preservative or flavoring (Pereira et al., 2014). Natural products have increased, discovering new therapeutic indications, meeting the demands of the world population taking into account their quality and safety. In this study, the focus is on phenolic compounds as an active ingredient in an anti-age formulation. Carbopol and methylcellulose-based gel was prepared together with Salvia officinalis and Salvia elegans hydroalcoholic extract as their active principle by performing physical-chemical, organoleptic gel stability tests and performing the eye irritability test (HET-CAM), beyond performing hydrodistillation at Clevenger. The essential oil was extracted by steam entrainment, yielding after 3 hours. The hydroalcoholic principle gels were prepared at three different concentrations, 1.25; 2.5 and 5%, and then tests were performed to evaluate the stability of the product obtained as: light cycles, freeze / thaw cycles, centrifugation and vortexing, pH determination, microbiological analysis and HET-CAM test. According to the results, the pH test showed changes for the two plants containing their gels but never exceeding the ideal limits for the skin, even when exposed to the light cycle, only the color that was changed after 15 days, in the different concentrations. In freezing / thawing tests for Salvia officinalis the methylcellulose gel did not change, the carbopol gel did change the appearance but small changes are acceptable as the samples are subjected to extreme heat (45 ° C) and cold temperatures. (-20 ° C). For Salvia elegans there was a change in appearance and pH, which was also changed in the methylcellulose gel. All pH changes do not lead to considerer the gel as inappropriate. In microbiological tests the oils have a moderate effect, while in the other tests there were no changes. Centrifugation and vortex tests were performed for both gels using both plants with only hydroalcoholic extract at different concentrations and there was no change. All gels had an alcoholic odor during the tests. It can be concluded that carbopol and methylcellulose gel do not appear to have any detrimental effects when used in this cosmetic product, even when used in conjunction with plant essential oil and can therefore be used as an anti-aging formulation. However, the development of more tests is extremely important as toxicity tests, but stability tests already have promising results.The authors thank the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT, Portugal) and the ERDF under the PT2020 Program for their financial support to CIMO UID/AGR/0069012019info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of Hydralcoholic extracts of Salvia officinalis and Salvia elegans in cosmetic formulations

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    Salvia Officinalis and Salvia elegans are shrubs belonging to the genus Salvia, family of the Lamiaceae, easily found in the Mediterranean region, Mexico and Guatemala respectively. In addition to traditional medicine, S. officinalis is of great importance to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. (Cuvelier et al., 1996; Martins et al., 1998 in Povh & Ono, 2008), whereas S. elegans is known in cooking as a preservative or flavoring (Pereira et al., 2014). Natural products have increased, discovering new therapeutic indications, meeting the demands of the world population taking into account their quality and safety. In this study, the focus is on phenolic compounds as an active ingredient in an anti-age formulation. Carbopol and methylcellulose-based gel was prepared together with Salvia officinalis and Salvia elegans hydroalcoholic extract as their active principle by performing physical-chemical, organoleptic gel stability tests and performing the eye irritability test (HET-CAM), beyond performing hydrodistillation at Clevenger. The essential oil was extracted by steam entrainment, yielding after 3 hours. The hydroalcoholic principle gels were prepared at three different concentrations, 1.25; 2.5 and 5%, and then tests were performed to evaluate the stability of the product obtained as: light cycles, freeze / thaw cycles, centrifugation and vortexing, pH determination, microbiological analysis and HET-CAM test. According to the results, the pH test showed changes for the two plants containing their gels but never exceeding the ideal limits for the skin, even when exposed to the light cycle, only the color that was changed after 15 days, in the different concentrations. In freezing / thawing tests for Salvia officinalis the methylcellulose gel did not change, the carbopol gel did change the appearance but small changes are acceptable as the samples are subjected to extreme heat (45 ° C) and cold temperatures. (-20 ° C). For Salvia elegans there was a change in appearance and pH, which was also changed in the methylcellulose gel. All pH changes do not lead to considerer the gel as inappropriate. In microbiological tests the oils have a moderate effect, while in the other tests there were no changes. Centrifugation and vortex tests were performed for both gels using both plants with only hydroalcoholic extract at different concentrations and there was no change. All gels had an alcoholic odor during the tests. It can be concluded that carbopol and methylcellulose gel do not appear to have any detrimental effects when used in this cosmetic product, even when used in conjunction with plant essential oil and can therefore be used as an anti-aging formulation. However, the development of more tests is extremely important as toxicity tests, but stability tests already have promising results.The authors thank the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT, Portugal) and the ERDF under the PT2020 Program for their financial support to CIMO (UID /AGR /00690/2019)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enamel subsurface caries-like lesions induced in human teeth by different solutions : a TMR analysis

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    This study assessed the effectiveness of models for developing subsurface caries lesions in vitro and verified mineral changes by transverse microradiography (TMR). Enamel blocks from permanent (n=5) and deciduous teeth (n=5) were submitted to lesion induction by immersion in demineralizing solutions during 96 h, followed by pH cycles of demineralization (de) and remineralization (re) for 10 days. Two de-/re solutions were tested. Demineralizing solution “A” was composed by 2.2 mM CaCl2, 2.2 mM KH2PO4, 0.05 M acetic acid, with pH 4.4 adjusted by 1 M KOH. Demineralizing solution “B” was composed by 2.2 mM CaCl2, 2.2 mM NaH2PO4, 0.05 M acetic acid and 0.25 ppmF, with pH 4.5 adjusted by 1M KOH. Solution “A” produced cavitated lesions in permanent teeth, whereas solution “B” led to subsurface lesions in deciduous teeth. Solution “B” was then tested in enamel blocks from permanent teeth (n=5) and subsurface lesions were obtained, so that solution “B” was employed for both substrates, and the blocks were treated with slurries of a fluoride dentifrice (1450 ppm F, as NaF, n=5) or a fluoride-free dentifrice (n=5). Solution “B” produced subsurface lesions in permanent and primary teeth of an average (±SD) depth of 88.4μm (±14.3) and 89.3μm (±15.8), respectively. TMR analysis demonstrated that lesions treated with fluoride-free dentifrice had significantly greater mineral loss. This study concluded that solution “B” developed subsurface lesions after pH cycling, and that mineral changes were successfully assessed by TMR.Este estudo avaliou a efetividade de modelos para o desenvolvimento de lesões de cárie subsuperficiais in vitro e verificou alterações minerais por microradiografia transversal (TMR). Blocos de esmalte de dentes permanentes (n = 5) e decíduos (n = 5) foram submetidos à indução de lesão por imersão em soluções desmineralizadoras durante 96h, seguido de ciclos de pH de desmineralização e remineralização por 10 dias. Duas soluções des-/re foram testadas. A solução desmineralizadora “A” foi composta por 2,2 mM de CaCl2, 2,2 mM de KH2PO4, 0,05 M de ácido acético, com pH de 4,4 ajustado por 1 M de KOH. A solução desmineralizadora “B” foi composta por 2,2 mM de CaCl2, 2,2 mM de NaH2PO4, 0,05 M de ácido acético e 0,25 ppmF, com pH de 4,5 ajustado por 1 M de KOH. A solução “A” produziu lesões cavitadas em dentes permanentes, enquanto a solução “B” apresentou lesões subsuperficiais em dentes decíduos. Portanto, a solução “B” foi posteriormente usada em blocos de esmalte de dentes permanentes (n = 5) e lesões subsuperficiais foram obtidas. Portanto, a solução “B” foi empregada para ambos os substratos, sendo metade deles tratada com dentifrício fluoretado e a outra metade com dentifrício livre de flúor. A solução “B” produziu lesões subsuperficiais de cárie com profundidade de 88.4μm (14.3) em dentes permanentes e com 89.3 μm (15.8) em dentes decíduos e TMR demonstrou que lesões tratadas com dentifrício sem flúor tiveram maior perda mineral. Este estudo concluiu que a solução “B” desenvolveu lesões subsuperficiais após o ciclo de pH e as alterações minerais foram avaliadas com sucesso por TMR

    Desenvolvimento e análise de estabilidade de um gel anti-idade com extracto hidroalcoólico de Salvia officinalis

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    O desenvolvimento de cosméticos com produtos naturais aumentou, mas há que considerar sua eficácia. Os testes de estabilidade pretendem avaliar dados da qualidade do produto quando exposto a variáveis:temperatura, luz, etc. São dados importantes para definir prazos de validade, segurança, atendendo à norma ISO22716. Salvia officinalis pertence à família Lamiaceae, é uma planta com propriedades medicinais, como, anti-inflamatória. Objetivos:Formulação de gel de carbopol anti-idade com extratos de Salvia officinalis como princípio ativo e conservante. Métodos:Extraiu-se o óleo essencial por arrastamento de vapor, obteve-se o rendimento. Preparou-se o gel com extrato hidroalcoólico nas concentrações:1,25;2,5 e 5%. Testes para avaliar o produto:ciclos de luz, ciclos de congelamento/descongelamento, centrifugação e vórtex, temperatura, determinação do pH, análises microbiológicas e teste HET-CAM. Resultados:O pH mostrou alterações, mas nos limites adequados à pele. O gel com extrato apresentou coloração verde que se intensificou com o aumento da concentração. No ciclo de congelamento/descongelamento, o aspecto não apresentou alterações. No ciclo de luz, a formulação perdeu parte da cor verde, devido à luz. Os outros ensaios não tiveram alterações. Ensaios microbiológicos mostraram que os óleos essenciais têm um efeito moderado, nestas concentrações. Em HET-CAM, apresentaram resultado negativo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of isolation technique on the survival of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations in primary molars : a 9-months randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: To compare the survival of occlusal and occlusal-proximal restorations performed with resinmodified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) in deciduous molars using rubber dam and cotton rolls isolation. Material and Methods: Ninety-two patients were included and 200 deciduous molars with cavitated occlusal or occlusoproximal dentin caries lesions were randomized into two groups: cotton rolls (n = 100) and rubber dam (n = 100) and RMGIC restorations were placed. At baseline and in the follow-up visit, presence, severity and activity of caries lesions were registered. Two independent, blinded examiners evaluated the treated teeth clinically using the USPHS criteria and radiographically after 9 months. Descriptive analysis, survival curve (log-rank test) and Cox regression were performed to assess risk factors related to failure. Results: Out of the 179 teeth (92 cotton rolls group and 87 rubber dam group) evaluated at 9-month follow-up period. No lesion progression was observed radiographically. The overall treatment success rate was 85.47% (83.47% for cotton rolls and 87.35 rubber dam group). No significant difference between isolation methods was observed in the log-rank test (p = 0.16). Cox regression showed no risk factors related to failure. Conclusion: No difference was found in the survival of occlusal and occlusalproximal restorations performed with RMGIC in deciduous molars using a rubber dam and cotton rolls isolation after a 9-month follow-up period

    Cooking Workshops Increase the Sensory Acceptability of Watercress-Added Products Among Children

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the knowledge, consumption and acceptance of children in relation to vegetables, especially the watercress, their participation in the preparation of meals and the degree of food neophobia of this public. Also, evaluate the effect of cooking workshops on the acceptability of watercress-added food products among children, in addition to analyzing the products physico-chemical composition. Twenty-three school-age children answered questionnaires and participated in cooking workshops for the preparation and sensory evaluation of cookie and cheese bread, added of watercress. The products were also evaluated in relation to the physico-chemical composition. Most children had low knowledge of vegetables and low acceptance of watercress. In general, the participation of children in the cooking workshops increased the products acceptability. The products presented a good nutritional profile and can be offered to school-age children, since they contain a better nutrient content than those traded without the addition of vegetables, especially for the contents of minerals and fibers. It was concluded that school-age children have low knowledge and acceptability of vegetables, among them the watercress. Cooking workshop is an effective educational strategy to improve the acceptability of food products added of watercress by this public. In addition, these products have a good nutritional profile, which promotes the supply of healthier foods, contributing to the reduction of the risk of future chronic non-communicable diseases

    Intervenção extensionista: consumo de alimentos mais saudáveis para crianças

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    The present work had the objective of promoting the consumption of healthier food by children of school age. For this, alfajores were made with addition of different contents of jabuticaba pulp flour (JPF), in order to evaluate its sensorial acceptability. In addition, determination was made of the physico-chemical compositions of the standard formulation and the one that contained the highest JPF content and had sensory acceptance similar to that of the standard product. The following formulations of alfajores were produced: standard (F1, 0% JPF), and with addition of 20% (F2), 34% (F3), 48% (F4), and 62% (F5) of JPF. A total of 65 untrained testers, of both genders and aged between 7 and 10 years, participated in the sensory evaluation. For the attributes of appearance, aroma, and color, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) between the formulations. For flavor, higher grades were observed for F1, F2, and F3 (p0,05) entre las formulaciones. Para el sabor, se observaron mayores notas en H1, H2 y H3 (p0,05) entre as formulações. Já para o sabor foram observadas maiores notas em F1, F2 e F3 (p<0,05), em relação à F4 e F5. Maiores notas para F1 e F2, comparadas à F4 e F5 e para F1, F2 e F3 em relação à F4 e F5 foram verificadas para a textura. Na avaliação da aceitação global e da intenção de compra, houve maior aceitabilidade (p<0,05) para F1 em relação à F4 e F5 e para F2 e F3 comparadas à F5. Maiores teores de cinzas, carboidratos e fibras (p<0,05) e menores de umidade, proteínas e lipídios foram constatados em F3 comparada à F1. Conclui-se que um nível de adição de até 34% de FJ em alfajores foi bem aceito pelos consumidores infantis, obtendo-se aceitação sensorial semelhante ao produto padrão e com boas expectativas de comercialização.

    Intervenção extensionista: consumo de alimentos mais saudáveis para crianças

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    The present work had the objective of promoting the consumption of healthier food by children of school age. For this, alfajores were made with addition of different contents of jabuticaba pulp flour (JPF), in order to evaluate its sensorial acceptability. In addition, determination was made of the physico-chemical compositions of the standard formulation and the one that contained the highest JPF content and had sensory acceptance similar to that of the standard product. The following formulations of alfajores were produced: standard (F1, 0% JPF), and with addition of 20% (F2), 34% (F3), 48% (F4), and 62% (F5) of JPF. A total of 65 untrained testers, of both genders and aged between 7 and 10 years, participated in the sensory evaluation. For the attributes of appearance, aroma, and color, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) between the formulations. For flavor, higher grades were observed for F1, F2, and F3 (p0,05) entre las formulaciones. Para el sabor, se observaron mayores notas en H1, H2 y H3 (p0,05) entre as formulações. Já para o sabor foram observadas maiores notas em F1, F2 e F3 (p<0,05), em relação à F4 e F5. Maiores notas para F1 e F2, comparadas à F4 e F5 e para F1, F2 e F3 em relação à F4 e F5 foram verificadas para a textura. Na avaliação da aceitação global e da intenção de compra, houve maior aceitabilidade (p<0,05) para F1 em relação à F4 e F5 e para F2 e F3 comparadas à F5. Maiores teores de cinzas, carboidratos e fibras (p<0,05) e menores de umidade, proteínas e lipídios foram constatados em F3 comparada à F1. Conclui-se que um nível de adição de até 34% de FJ em alfajores foi bem aceito pelos consumidores infantis, obtendo-se aceitação sensorial semelhante ao produto padrão e com boas expectativas de comercialização.