171 research outputs found

    Against Hayek

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    Presents a critical analysis of Hayek in the light of modern computability and economic computability theory.Hayek, Computability, Socialism

    Computadores y democracia económica

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    El colapso del socialismo anteriormente existente obedeció a causas integradas en su mecanismo económico, que no son inherentes a todos los socialismos posibles. El artículo muestra que la teoría económica marxista, junto con la informática, proporciona el fundamento para adelantar un programa económico socialista viable y que el desarrollo de la informática y de Internet hace posible la planificación económica. Además, argumenta que el movimiento socialista nunca desarrolló un programa constitucional correcto y que la tecnología moderna abre nuevas oportunidades para la democracia. Por último, revisa los argumentos austriacos contra la posibilidad del cálculo socialista a la luz de la nueva capacidad informática y de las limitaciones del Protocolo de Kyoto

    Sampling design for compliance monitoring of surface water quality: A case study in a Polder area

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    International agreements such as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) ask for efficient sampling methods for monitoring natural resources. In this paper a general methodology for designing efficient, statistically sound monitoring schemes is described. An important decision is the choice between a design-based and a model-based method, implying the choice between probability (random) sampling and purposive sampling. For mapping purposes, model-based methods are more appropriate, whereas to obtain valid results for the universe as a whole, such as in testing water quality standards against legal standards, we generally prefer a design-based method. Four basic sampling patterns in space-time universe are described: static, synchronous, static-synchronous, and rotational. A case study is carried out for monitoring the quality of surface water at two farms in western Netherlands, wherein a synchronous sampling design is applied, with stratified simple random sampling in both space and time. To reduce laboratory costs the aliquots taken at the locations of a given sampling round are bulked to form a composite. To test the spatiotemporal mean N-total concentration during the summer half-year against the MAR standard with a power of 80% at a concentration 15% below the MAR standard and with a confidence of 95%, six to nine sampling rounds are needed with 50 to 75 locations per sampling round. For P-total the required number of sampling rounds differs strongly between the two farms, but is for both farms much larger than for N-total

    Values Law Values Metric

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    An investigation into the metric space generated by commodity exchange. Shows that this is an non-Euclidean space. Provides empirical data comparing labour and electricity as the possible supports for this metric space.Labour theory of value, metric spaces

    Computadores y democracia económica

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    The collapse of previously existing socialism was due to causes embedded in its economic mechanism, which are not inherent in all possible socialisms. The article argues that Marxist economic theory, in conjunction with information technology, provides the basis on which a viable socialist economic program can be advanced, and that the development of computer technology and the Internet makes economic planning possible. In addition, it argues that the socialist movement has never developed a correct constitutional program, and that modern technology opens up opportunities for democracy. Finally, it reviews the Austrian arguments against the possibility of socialist calculation in the light of modern computational capacity and the constraints of the Kyoto Protocol.socialist planning, economic calculation, environmental constraints

    The Empirics of the Labour Theory of Value: Reply to Nitzan and Bichler

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    empirical verification and Marxist theory labour theory of value spurious correlationThe labor theory of value, originated in the classics and reformulated by Marx, has found support in numerous empirical works during the last thirty years. In many economies, sectors in monetary terms are highly correlated with them in terms of labor values. In his book Capital as Power (2009), and in a subsequent discussion online, Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler argue that such results are invalid because the calculations do not use labor value variables but two monetary variables are correlated. Nitzan and Bichler also argue that are spurious correlations by the presence of a third variable. This article refutes both critics and consequently reinforces the empirical support for the theory of labor value. [For the original exchange, see: "Testing the Labour Theory of Value: An Exchange" here: http://bnarchives.yorku.ca/308/

    The enactment of setting policy in secondary school physical education

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    © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The micro-level enactment of educational policy has received little attention in the physical education [PE] literature, particularly as it relates to setting policy. This study employs enactment theory to provide original insights into the ways in which setting policy was enacted by PE teachers in three mixed-gender secondary schools in England. The work of Stephen Ball and colleagues is used to examine the distinct and combined influence of the situated, material, professional and external dimensions of context on setting policy and practices in PE in these three schools. Data were generated through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 15 PE teachers who were responsible for delivering the Year 9 PE curriculum. Our findings highlight notable variation in the ways in which setting policy was translated and enacted in PE in these three schools and the multiple factors shaping decisions about groupings and, in turn, teaching and learning for students in different sets. This study also provides novel findings regarding the dynamic interplay between the external dimensions of context (i.e. neoliberal policy making and pressures and supports from the local education authority [LEA] and the school inspectorate) and the internal dimensions of context (i.e. school-based traditions, school demographics, and support and resourcing for PE) in policy enactment. Attention is drawn to equity issues inherent in, and arising from, the varied enactment of setting policy in PE. The paper concludes by arguing for greater scholarly engagement with policy enactment, grouping strategies and constructions of ability in PE

    El aspecto empírico de la teoría del valor: respuesta a Nitzan y Bichler

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    empirical verification and Marxist theory labour theory of value spurious correlationLa teoría del valor trabajo, originada en los clásicos y reformulada por Marx, ha encontrado apoyo empírico en numerosos trabajos en los últimos treinta años. En diversas economías los sectores en términos monetarios están altamente correlacionados con los mismos en términos de valor trabajo. En su libro Capital as Power (2009), y en una subsecuente discusión en línea, Jonathan Nitzan y Shimshon Bichler afirman que tales resultados son inválidos porque los cálculos no obtienen resultados en valor trabajo, sino que se han correlacionado dos variables monetarias. También arguyen Nitzan y Bichler que las correlaciones son espurias por la presencia de una tercera variable. En este artículo se refutan ambas críticas y, consecuentemente, se refuerza el soporte empírico a la teoría del valor trabajo. [For the original exchange, see: "Testing the Labour Theory of Value: An Exchange" here: http://bnarchives.yorku.ca/308/

    The Empirics of the Labour Theory of Value: Reply to Nitzan and Bichler

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    The labor theory of value, originated in the classics and reformulated by Marx, has found support in numerous empirical works during the last thirty years. In many economies, sectors in monetary terms are highly correlated with them in terms of labor values. In his book Capital as Power (2009), and in a subsequent discussion online, Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler argue that such results are invalid because the calculations do not use labor value variables but two monetary variables are correlated. Nitzan and Bichler also argue that are spurious correlations by the presence of a third variable. This article refutes both critics and consequently reinforces the empirical support for the theory of labor value. [For the original exchange, see: "Testing the Labour Theory of Value: An Exchange" here: http://bnarchives.yorku.ca/308/