36,003 research outputs found

    Errances révolutionnaires. Entretien avec H.

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    H. Je vais parler d’abord de la révolution en général, je vais résumer ça. La révolution au bled, ça a commencé par un mec qui a brûlé, son nom c’est Bouazizi, ça a commencé à Sidi Bouzid, on a vu des manifs, puis le mec, il est mort à cause de ça. Et du coup, Ben Ali a pris la parole pour expliquer ce qui s’est passé au bled, et je sais pas quoi, il a pris la parole au peuple tunisien, et cette parole, elle était contre lui-même, il a dit « maintenant ça fait 23 ans, quelque chose comme ça, ..

    Effects of air-polishing powders on color stability of composite resins

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different air-polishing powders on the color stability of different types of composite resin restorative materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty cylindrical specimens (15×2 mm) were prepared for each of 7 composite resin restorative materials. All specimens were polished with a series of aluminum oxide polishing discs (Sof-Lex). The prepared specimens of each composite resin were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 specimens each, for control (Group-C) and two air-powder applications (Group-CP: Cavitron Prophy-Jet; Group-PS: Sirona ProSmile prophylaxis powder). A standard air-polishing unit (ProSmile Handly) was used. All specimens were air-powdered for 10 s at 4-bar pressure. The distance of the spray nosel from the specimens was approximately 10 mm and angulation of the nosel was 90°. Specimens were stored in 100 mL of coffee (Nescafe Classic) for 24 h at 37°C. Color measurement of all specimens was recorded before and after exposure to staining agent with a colorimeter (Minolta CR-300). Color differences (∆E*) between the 2 color measurements (baseline and after 24 h storage) were calculated. The data were analyzed with a 2-way ANOVA test, and mean values were compared by the Tukey HSD test (

    Effects of polishing procedures on color stability of composite resins

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different polishing methods on color stability of posterior, universal and nanohybrid composite resin restorative materials upon exposure to a staining agent. Twenty-five specimens were prepared for each of 5 different composite resins (Filtek Z250, Filtek P60, Quadrant LC, Grandio and Filtek Supreme). Specimens were divided into 5 groups and different polishing procedures, including polishing discs (Pd), polishing discs then diamond polishing paste (PdP), polishing discs then a liquid polishing system (Biscover) (PdB), and combinations of these (PdPB) were used. Unpolished specimens served as the control (C). The specimens were stored for 48 h in a coffee solution. The color of all specimens was measured before and after exposure with a colorimeter, and total color change (DE*) were calculated. The data were analyzed with a two-way ANOVA and the means were compared by Tukey HSD test (a=0.05). The lowest color difference was observed in the groups PdP and C, while the highest color difference was observed in PdPB, and PdB. When comparing the five different restorative materials, no significant difference was observed between FiltekP60 and FiltekZ250, and these materials demonstrated significantly less color change than Quadrant LC and the nanohybrid materials (Grandio, Filtek Supreme). The posterior (Filtek P60) and universal (Filtek Z250) composite resin restorative materials, which do not contain tetraethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), were found to be less stainable than the nanohybrid (Grandio, Filtek Supreme) and universal (Quadrant LC) composite resins, which contain TEGDMA. The use of diamond polishing paste after polishing with polishing discs significantly decreased staining when compared to the groups that used polishing discs alone, for all restorative materials tested. The highest color change values were obtained for the specimens that were polished with the Biscover liquid polish system (PdB and PdPB groups)

    Artistic Identities and Professional Strategies : Francophone Musicians in France and Britain

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    Funding This work was supported by Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/E508628/1] and European Commission [grant number HPSE-CT-2002-00133].Peer reviewedPostprin

    Child's Play: Baudelaire's Morale du joujou

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    Les interventions du maître dans les discussions à visée philosophique à l'école primaire

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    Dans notre mémoire, nous nous sommes intéressés aux interventions du maître lors de discussions à visée philosophique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons voulu identifier quels étaient les types d’interventions du maître dans un atelier philosophique conduit en classe de CP et à quelle fréquence apparaissaient-ils. Dans un second temps, nous avons souhaité observer si l’on retrouvait les mêmes interventions dans une DVP réalisée dans un niveau de classe supérieur (CE2) et si les fréquences d’apparition de ceux–ci était les mêmes. Pour répondre à nos interrogations, nous avons d’abord répertorié, analysé et catégorisé les interventions du maître dans la transcription de CP pour en établir une typologie. Ensuite, nous avons calculé et comparé les fréquences d'apparition de chaque type d'intervention. Une fois ce premier travail effectué, nous avons appliqué notre typologie des interventions du maître à l’atelier philosophique de CE2 pour relever les différences et similitudes entre les deux niveaux de classes. Il ressort de ce travail de recherche plusieurs tendances comme par exemple le fait que certains types d’interventions sont beaucoup plus présents que d’autres notamment les approfondissements et cela pour les 2 niveaux de classe. On peut aussi citer le fait qu’en CP les interventions les plus fréquentes tournent autour de la distribution de la parole et de la répétition de la question de l’atelier alors qu’en CE2, quasiment 3 quarts des interventions appartiennent aux sous-catégories : approfondissement 2 (l’enseignant pose une question à un élève pour qu’il approfondisse son idée), gestion de classe 1 (l'enseignant donne la parole à un élève), approbation 2 (l’enseignant approuve ce que vient de dire l’élève : « oui », « d’accord ») et reformulation.Cette recherche nous a permis d’analyser et de comparer les interventions du maître dans les discussions à visée philosophique. Nous en tirons des conclusions pour notre propre pratique future notamment au niveau des types d’interventions que nous pourrions mettre en place

    Fransız Dışişleri Bakanlığı arşivindeki belgelerle Çakırcalı Mehmet Efe

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 10-Çakırcalı Mehmet EfeUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/0101Çakırcalı Mehmet Efe adi bir eşkiya değildiÇakıcı dağdan iniyorÇakırcalı tekrar dağa çıkıyorÇakıcı'nın intikamıKamil Paşa'nın yetkileri alınıyorKamil Paşa sığınacak kapı arıyorBaskın üstüne baskınÇakırcalı'nın korkusundan hacı olan kaymakamÇakırcalı Efe ile gizli görüşmelerHükümet Çakırcalı'ya teslim oluyorÇakırcalı ağırdan alıyorÇakırcalı Efe kuşku içindeResmi haydutluk başlıyorEşkiya avı başlıyorEşkiyalığın tek nedeni sefalettirEfe yine kanlı olaylar içindeBoşa giden çabalarÇember daralıyorEfe, devlete misilleme yapıyorAydın'a, hiç kimse vali olmak istemiyorÇakırcalı'yı vuran kim?Çakırcalı'nın yeni bir oyunu mu?Çakırcalı çetesi tarihe karışıyo

    The Marmara Sea Gateway since ~16 ky BP: non-catastrophic causes of paleoceanographic events in the Black Sea at 8.4 and 7.15 ky BP

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    The Late Quaternary history of connection of the Black Sea to the Eastern Mediterranean has been intensely debated. Ryan, Pitman and coworkers advocate two pulses of outflow from the Black Sea to the world ocean at ~16–14.7 ky BP and ~11–10 ky BP. From ~14.7–11 ky BP and from ~10–8.4 ky BP, they suggest that the level of the Black Sea fell to ~ -100 m. At 8.4 ky BP, they further claim that a catastrophic flood occurred in a geological instant, refilling the Black Sea with saline waters from the Mediterranean. In contrast, we continue to gather evidence from seismic profiles and dated cores in the Marmara Sea which demonstrate conclusively that the proposed flood did not occur. Instead, the Black Sea has been at or above the Bosphorus sill depth and flowing into the world ocean unabated since ~10.5 ky BP. This conclusion is based on continuous Holocene water-column stratification (leading to sapropel deposition in the Marmara Sea and the Aegean Sea), proxy indicators of sea-surface salinity, and migration of endemic species across the Bosphorus in both directions whenever appropriate hydrographic conditions existed in the strait. The two pulses of outflow documented by Ryan, Pitman and coworkers find support in our data, and we have modified our earlier interpretations so that these pulses now coincide with the development of mid-shelf deltas: \Delta 2 (16–14.7 ky BP) and \Delta 1 (10.5–9 ky BP) at the southern end of the Bosphorus Strait. However, continued Black Sea outflow after 9 ky BP prevented the northward advection of Mediterranean water and the entry of open-marine species into the Black Sea for more than 1000 years. Sufficient Mediterranean water to change the Sr-isotopic composition of slope and shelf water masses was not available until ~8.4 ky BP (along with the first arrival of many varieties of marine fauna and flora), whereas euryhaline molluscs did not successfully populate the Black Sea shelves until ~7.15 ky BP. Instead of relying on catastrophic events, we recognize a slow, progressive reconnection of the Black Sea to the world ocean, accompanied by significant time lags

    La focalisation en afar

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    In Afar, focalization has two main characteristics : the syntactic link between focalization and complexe sentences, and the spliting of the focus markers in the utterance. Apart from verb focalization where only the verb is marked, two words are marked : the verb itself and the focused word which is identified by a different marker. Syntactically, no focused word, but the verb, bears the marks of its grammatical function which is expressed by another element in the utterance.La focalisation en afar se caractérise par la répartition et la dissociation des marques de focalisation dans l'énoncé. Excepté pour la focalisation du prédicat verbal, où c'est le verbe, et lui seul, qui porte une marque spécifique, dans tous les autres cas, un indice de focalisation affecte toujours le verbe tandis que le terme focalisé est identifié par une marque explicite. Sur le plan syntaxique, le terme focalisé, autre que le verbe, ne porte pas la marque de sa fonction grammaticale, cette fonction étant explicitée par un autre élément de la phrase. Enfin, il est à remarquer que la construction de la focalisation dans cette langue est liée à celle de la phrase complexe

    Esport i autoconcepte físic en la preadolescència

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    Es considera provat que l’activitat física i la pràctica esportiva tenen una relació directa amb l’autoconcepte i que la relació esmentada és bidireccional. Cal, però, matisar aquesta afirmació, perquè també se sap, per exemple, que no de tota activitat física se’n deriven, ras i curt, efectes beneficiosos, que s’han trobat associacions entre la insatisfacció corporal i l’exercici físic excessiu o que resulta inadequat al·ludir a l’autoconcepte de forma genèrica sense diferenciar-ne dimensions. En aquest estudi, realitzat amb 343 estudiants de 13 a 16 anys, s’ofereixen dades obtingudes mitjançant un nou Qüestionari d’Autoconcepte Físic (QAF) que permeten de precisar la relació existent entre l’autoconcepte físic i variables com ara la pràctica esportiva, el gènere, l’edat, l’índex de massa corporal i el grau de satisfacció corporal