1,522 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Pembuatan Karya Ilmiah Siswa Menggunakan Microsoft Word

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    Proses pengajaran disaat ini sudah banyak memakai teknologi komputer dalam memudahkan penyampaian modul belajar ke siswa dengan baik. Microsoft Word merupakan fitur lunak yang sangat banyak digunakan di dunia. Pembaruan aplikasi Microsoft Word disaat ini mempunyai fitur-fitur serta support ekstra yang sangat menolong dalam pembuatan dokumen laporan salah satunya yakni karya tulis ilmiah. MTS 2 Palembang ialah institusi pendidikan umum setingkat SMP yang mesti senantiasa mengikuti pertumbuhan Teknologi Informasi serta Komunikasi (TIK) dengan support lab komputer guna menunjang proses belajar siswa. Siswa kelas VII MTS 2 Palembang memang mempunyai mata pelajaran TIK, tetapi isi modul belajar tentang aplikasi Microsoft Word-nya hanya membahas tentang pengenalan umum. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membagikan penjelasan simpel tentang konsep menemukan kemahiran dalam pemanfaatan komputer terkait pengenalan serta teknik pemanfaatan fitur-fitur berguna dari aplikasi Microsoft Word supaya sanggup mengoptimalkan fitur-fitur terkini yang terdapat pada aplikasi Microsoft Word sesuai dengan pembaharuan aplikasi disaat ini sehingga sanggup menciptakan peningkatan penguasaan siswa dalam membuat tugas karya ilmiah. Hasil akhir dari terlaksananya aktivitas ini para peserta dapat lebih termotivasi dan bersemangat untuk menulis dan mampu menyiapkan karya ilmiah menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Office Word sesuai sistematika pembuatan laporan artikel ilmiah

    Forensic dentistry in human identification: A review of the literature

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    An update is provided of the literature on the role of odontology in human identification, based on a PubMed-Medline search of the last 5 years and using the terms: 'forensic dentistry' (n = 464 articles), 'forensic odontology' (n = 141 articles) and 'forensic dentistry identification' (n = 169 articles). Apart from these initial 774 articles, others considered to be important and which were generated by a manual search and cited as references in review articles were also included. Forensic dentistry requires interdisciplinary knowledge, since the data obtained from the oral cavity can contribute to identify an individual or provide information needed in a legal process. Furthermore, the data obtained from the oral cavity can narrow the search range of an individual and play a key role in the victim identification process following mass disasters or catastrophes. This literature search covering the last 5 years describes the novelties referred to buccodental studies in comparative identification, buccodental evaluation in reconstructive identification, human bites as a method for identifying the aggressor, and the role of DNA in dental identification. The oral cavity is a rich and noninvasive source of DNA, and can be used to solve problems of a social, economic or legal nature

    Back to the brink in Pakistan

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    S. Mahmud Ali argues the current protests in Pakistan are symptomatic of systemic dysfunction. Despite the peaceful democratic handover of power last year, the essence and purpose of the Pakistani state remain contested and an overarching national identity remains incomplete

    Development of a new velocity measurement technique : the laser bessel velocimetry

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    The present thesis describes the design, construction and testing of a new velocity measurement optical technique system. The technique has similarities with the laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) in that it uses scattered light detection, in order to measure one component of the velocity vector of moving flows or solid surfaces. It uses the fringes of a Bessel beam produced by an axicon to generate the measurement volume. This technique, which we call Laser Bessel velocimetry (LBV), is noninvasive and permits continuous velocity measurements of moving particles. The experimental measurement set-up including the laser source, the optical devices, a moving stage with known velocities, a photodetector to capture scattered light and signal processing and data acquisition components, was developed and used to provide a proof of concept of this new technique. The set-up was also tested with a commercial LDV system. Two types of refractive linear axicons have been used to generate a Bessel type beam by illuminating the axicons with blue and red collimated and coherent laser light of dissimilar wavelengths, λ. The linear axicons offer the advantage of simplicity. The software tools for measurements, acquisition and analysis of the data are developed using NI Labview and MATLAB. Results from both theoretical simulation and experimental measurements are presented and compared.Master's These

    The growth and functions of Tripoli, Libya

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    Tripoli is the western capital of Libya and, is the largest urban centre in the whole country. The old city has evolved since Phoenician times, but grew gradually during the Roman and the Arab rules. It reached its ultimate stage of urban development at the end of the Ottoman rule, when the walled town of Tripoli was a fully built-up area. The urban development, of new Tripoli was initiated during the Italian rule when the central business district and part of the middle zone were developed for commercial and residential uses After the Independence of the country (1951) and recent oil development. The city began to experience a vast and rapid growth owing to various economic and social forces. Between 1954 and 1964 it nearly doubled in population partly through in-migration and partly through natural increase. Tripoli has important political and economic functions. The first is derived from the fact that the city is the western capital and the administrative centre of the Mugataa of Tripoli. The economic function is stronger than the political one, the growth of the shopping centre and central business district, together with the emergence of various industries within the city, are its most striking features. As a result of its growth, the city has begun to experience serious problems of transportation and traffic flow, shortage of housing, rise of rents, the emergence of the Shanty Town and other serious urban problems. Thus city planning and municipal programmes are of crucial importance to the city, in order to cope with the rapid growth of the population and expansion of housing development as well as to create better urban facilities and amenities "Mugataa" to indicate the province. Elsewhere he has avoided many Libyan expressions in certain places in order to make the thesis clearer in English. In conclusion, I wish to record my grateful acknowledgment to Professor W B Fisher who accepted me in his Department as a post-graduate research student. I am greatly indebted to Professor J I Clarke for his generous supervision, encouragement and useful criticism. I wish also to thank all high officials and civil servants in Libya who supplied me with reports, statistics and valuable information during ray field work in Tripoli. I would like to record my gratitude to the Libyan University and the Ministry of Education for offering me the scholarship. My thanks are also extended to other research students who gave me every kind of help


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara kematangan beragama dengan etos kerja masyarakat Desa Balun. Hipotesis yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kematangan beragama dengan etos kerja masyarakat Desa Balun. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menentukan sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 205 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Analisis data yang dilakukan mulai dari pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas angket, tabulasi data, menghitung koefisien korelasi, menghitung signifikansi, dan menghitung determinan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kematangan beragama dengan etos kerja masyarakat Desa Balun. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,413 yang masuk kategori cukup kuat. Hasil uji signifikansi menunjukan nilai signifikansi sebesar 5,591 yang berarti terdapat hubungan positif, dan hasil uji determinan yang menunjukan variabel kematangan beragama memberikan konstribusi sebesar 17,06% terhadap etos kerja. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut maka hipotesis penelitian (Ha) dapat diterima yaitu terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kematangan beragama dengan etos kerja masyarakat Desa Balun. Kata Kunci: Kematangan Beragama, Etos Kerja, Hubunga

    2015: Pakistan’s year of mixed fortunes

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    S. Mahmud Ali looks back on what proved to be a turbulent and often difficult year for Pakistan. Renewed Islamist violence shook the civilian government’s authority, tensions with India rumbled on, and Islamabad’s Afghan policy was coloured by profound insecurity. The year was not without its positives, most notably Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit which was coupled with promises of substantial investment. However, as 2016 gets under way it remains to be seen whether Pakistan can prevent the multiple threats it faces from escalating