12 research outputs found

    "Nachhaltigkeit" in China am Beispiel des Produktionsmanagements chinesischer Heilkräuter in der Provinz Hunan

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    Chinesische Heilpflanzen haben seit Reform und Öffnung Chinas und dem Beginn internationaler Marktwirtschaft einen weltweiten Boom ausgelöst. Die Akzeptanz hat im Westen eine besondere Entwicklung durchlebt und stellt zunehmend höhere Anforderungen an den chinesischen Markt für Heilpflanzen. China erlebt diese starke Nachfrage nach seinen besonderen Ressourcen als neue Herausforderung zur Bereitstellung eines qualitätskontrollierten Angebots. Der Druck, der auf China ausgeübt wird, darf nicht primär ökonomischen Zielen Vorschub leisten, sondern sollte in erster Linie ökologische und soziale Konditionen nicht aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen. Vor allem strenge Qualitätskontrollen und die Einfuhr sauberer Rohdrogen stellt die höchste Priorität von Importeuren dar. Dennoch erlebt die Bewirtschaftung und das Zusammenspiel auf allen Ebenen immer wieder widersprüchliche Handlungsweisen, die nicht nachhaltige Balanceakte mit sich ziehen. Der Vergleich von chinesischen Textquellen deckt diese Widersprüche auf und gleichzeitig werden Lösungen bereitgestellt, um zukunftsorientiert transnationale Standards zu schaffen. In dieser Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Disziplinen objektiv zusammengeführt, die einen nachhaltigen Prozess in Gang führen können und sollen

    Comparison of In Vivo Selection and Rational Design of Heterodimeric Coiled Coils

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    this report, we explore these possibilities by two distinct strategies: genetic selection and protein design. We selected novel partners from two "chain-shuffling" experiments and compared the outcome to a rational design based on the PV hypothesis. Both approaches started with the parental WinZip-A1B1 sequence. These experiments afforded the first direct comparison of rational design and selection methods for improving in vitro and in vivo performance of heterodimeric coiled coils. Interestingly, the selected pairs revealed a g/e# interaction pattern, including charge repulsions, similar in character to the parental pair. A comparison of the thermodynamic stability of selected and designed pairs revealed only a minor influence of g/e# pair repulsions compared to the Figure 1. Overview of the Coiled-Coil Motif and the DHFR Protein dominant effects of the entire sequence context. These Fragment Complementation Assay results indicate that the PV hypothesis, although correct, (A) Schematic representation of a parallel, dimeric coiled coil in side provides an incomplete picture of the contributions of and top views. The helical backbones are represented by cylinders, the e and g residues to dimer stability and specificity. the side chains by knobs. The path of the polypeptide chain is indicated by a line wrapped around the cylinders. For simplicity, the The discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo perfor- supercoiling of the helices is not shown. Residues at positions a mance emphasizes the strength of in vivo approaches and d make hydrophobic contacts between the helices. Residues for selecting heterodimeric partners for use in in vivo at positions e and g pack against the hydrophobic core and can application

    Novel Campylobacter concisus lipooligosaccharide is a determinant of inflammatory potential and virulence

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    The pathogenicity of Campylobacter concisus, increasingly found in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, is unclear. Some studies indicate that its role in GI conditions has been underestimated, whereas others suggest that the organism has a commensal-like phenotype. For the enteropathogen C. jejuni, the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) is a main driver of virulence. We investigated the LOS structure of four C. concisus clinical isolates and correlated the inflammatory potential of each isolate with bacterial virulence. Mass spectrometric analyses of lipid A revealed a novel hexa-acylated diglucosamine moiety with two or three phosphoryl substituents. Molecular and fragment ion analysis indicated that the oligosaccharide portion of the LOS had only a single phosphate and lacked phosphoethanolamine and sialic acid substitution, which are hallmarks of the C. jejuni LOS. Consistent with our structural findings, C. concisus LOS and live bacteria induced less TNF-α secretion in human monocytes than did C. jejuni Furthermore, the C. concisus bacteria were less virulent than C. jejuni in a Galleria mellonella infection model. The correlation of the novel lipid A structure, decreased phosphorylation, and lack of sialylation along with reduced inflammatory potential and virulence support the significance of the LOS as a determinant in the relative pathogenicity of C. concisus

    Gesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien und Wählerbindungen innerhalb von Nationalstaaten

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