9 research outputs found

    Automated verification of automata communicating via FIFO and bag buffers

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    International audienceThis article presents new results for the automated verification of automata communicating asynchronously via FIFO or bag buffers. The analysis of such systems is possible by comparing bounded asynchronous compositions using equivalence checking. When the composition exhibits the same behavior for a specific buffer bound, the behavior remains the same for larger bounds. This enables one to check temporal properties on the system for that bound and this ensures that the system will preserve them whatever larger bounds are used for buffers. In this article, we present several decidability results and a semi-algorithm for this problem considering FIFO and bag buffers, respectively, as communication model. We also study various equivalence notions used for comparing the bounded asynchronous systems

    Reasoning in description logics with variables: preliminary results regarding the EL logic.

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    International audienceThis paper studies the extension of description logics with variables ranging over infinite domains of concept names and role names.As a preliminary work, we consider more specifically the extension of the logic EL with variables and we investigate in this context two reasoningmechanisms, namely compliance (a kind of matching) and pattern containment. The main technical results are derived by establishing acorrespondance between the EL logic and finite variable automata

    Décidabilité et complexité de la relation de simulation des services Web orientés données

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    In this thesis we address the problem of analyzing specifications of data-centric Web service interaction protocols (also called data-centric business protocols). Specifications of such protocols include data in addition to operation signatures and messages ordering constraints. Analysis of data-centric services is a complex task because of the inherently infinite states of the underlying service execution instances. Our work focuses on characterizing the problem of checking a refinement relation between service interaction protocol specifications. More specifically, we consider the problem of checking the simulation preorder when service business protocols are represented using data-centric state machines. First we study the Colombo model [BCG+05]. In this framework, a service (i) exchanges messages using variables; (ii) acts on a shared database; (iii) has a transition based behavior. We show that the simulation test for unbounded Colombo is undecidable. Then, we consider the case of bounded Colombo where we show that simulation is (i) exptime-complete for Colombo services without any access to the database (noted ColomboDB=∅), and (ii) 2exptime-complete when only bounded databases are considered (the obtained model is noted Colombobound). In the second part of this thesis, we define a generic model to study the impact of various parameters on the simulation test in the context of datacentric services. The generic model is a guarded transition system acting (i.e., read and write) on databases (i.e., local and shared) and exchanging messages with its environment (i.e., other services or users). The model was designed with a database theory perspective, where all actions are viewed as queries (i.e modification of databases, messages exchanges and guards). In this context, we obtain the following results (i) for update free guarded services (i.e., generic services with guards and only able to send empty messages) the decidability of simulation is fully characterized w.r.t decidability of satisfiability of the query language used to express the guards augmented with a restrictive form of negation, (ii) for update free send services (i.e., generic services without guards and able to send as messages the result of queries over local and shared database), we exhibit sufficient conditions for both decidability and undecidability of simulation test w.r.t the language used to compute messages payloads, and (iii) we study the case of insert services (i.e., generic services without guards and with the ability of insert the result of queries into the local and the shared database). In this case, we study the simulation as well as the weak simulation relations where we show that: (i) the weak simulation is undecidable when the insertions are expressed as conjunctive queries, (ii) the simulation is undecidable if satisfiability of the query language used to express the insertion augmented with a restricted form of negation is undecidable. Finally, we study the interaction between the queries used as guards and the ones used as insert where we exhibit a class of services where satisfiability of both languages is decidable while simulation is undecidable.Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons au problème d’analyse des spécifications des protocoles d’interactions des services Web orientés données. La spécification de ce type de protocoles inclut les données en plus de la signature des opérations et des contraintes d’ordonnancement des messages. L’analyse des services orientés données est complexe car l’exécution d’un service engendre une infinité d’états. Notre travail se concentre autour du problème d’existence d’une relation de simulation quand les spécifications des protocoles des services Web sont représentés en utilisant un système à transition orienté données. D’abord nous avons étudié le modèle Colombo [BCG+05]. Dans ce modèle, un service (i) échange des messages en utilisant des variables ; (ii) modifie une base de donnée partagée ; (iii) son comportement est modélisé avec un système à transition. Nous montrons que tester l’existence de la relation de simulation entre deux services Colombo non bornée est indécidable. Puis, nous considérons le cas où les services sont bornés. Nous montrons pour ce cas que le test de simulation est (i) exptime-complet pour les services Colombo qui n’accèdent pas à la base de donnée (noté ColomboDB=∅), et (ii) 2exptime-complet quand le service peut accéder à une base de donnée bornée (Colombobound). Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous avons défini un modèle générique pour étudier l’impact de différents paramètres sur le test de simulation dans le contexte des services Web orientés données. Le modèle générique est un système à transition gardé qui peut lire et écrire à partir d’une base de donnée et échanger des messages avec son environnement (d’autres services ou un client). Dans le modèle générique toutes les actions sont des requêtes sur des bases de données (modification de la base de données, messages échangés et aussi les gardes). Dans ce contexte, nous avons obtenu les résultats suivant : (i) pour les services gardés sans mise à jour, le test de simulation est caractérisé par rapport à la décidabilité du test de satisfiabilité du langage utilisé pour exprimer les gardes augmenté avec une forme restrictive de négation, (ii) pour les services sans mise à jour mais qui peuvent envoyer comme message le résultat d’une requête, nous avons trouvé des conditions suffisantes d’indécidabilité et de décidabilité par rapport au langage utilisé pour exprimer l’échange de messages, et (iii) nous avons étudié le cas des services qui ne peuvent que insérer des tuples dans la base de donnée. Pour ce cas, nous avons étudié la simulation ainsi que la weak simulation et nous avons montré que : (a) la weak simulation est indécidable quand les requêtes d’insertion sont des requêtes conjonctives, (b) le test de simulation est indécidable si la satisfiabilité du langage de requête utilisé pour exprimer les insertions augmenté avec une certaine forme de négation est indécidable. Enfin, nous avons étudié l’interaction entre le langage utilisé pour exprimer les gardes et celui utilisé pour les insertions, nous exhibons une classe de service où la satisfiabilité des deux langages est décidable alors que le test de simulation entre les services qui leur sont associés ne l’est pas

    Reasoning in description logics with variables: preliminary results regarding the EL logic.

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    International audienceThis paper studies the extension of description logics with variables ranging over infinite domains of concept names and role names.As a preliminary work, we consider more specifically the extension of the logic EL with variables and we investigate in this context two reasoningmechanisms, namely compliance (a kind of matching) and pattern containment. The main technical results are derived by establishing acorrespondance between the EL logic and finite variable automata

    Reasoning in description logics with variables: preliminary results regarding the EL logic.

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    International audienceThis paper studies the extension of description logics with variables ranging over infinite domains of concept names and role names.As a preliminary work, we consider more specifically the extension of the logic EL with variables and we investigate in this context two reasoningmechanisms, namely compliance (a kind of matching) and pattern containment. The main technical results are derived by establishing acorrespondance between the EL logic and finite variable automata

    Automated Analysis of Asynchronously Communicating Systems

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    International audienceAnalyzing systems communicating asynchronously via reliable FIFO buffers is an undecidable problem. A typical approach is to check whether the system is bounded, and if not, the corresponding state space can be made finite by limiting the presence of communication cycles in behavioral models or by fixing the buffer size. In this paper, our focus is on systems that are likely to be unbounded and therefore result in infinite systems. We do not want to restrict the system by imposing any arbitrary bound. We introduce a notion of stability and prove thatonce the system is stable for a specific buffer bound, it remains stable whatever larger bounds are chosen for buffers. This enables one to check certain properties on the system for that bound and to ensure that the system will preserve them whatever larger bounds are used for buffers. We also prove that computing this bound is undecidable but we show how we succeed in computing these bounds for many examples using heuristics and equivalence checking

    On Decidability of Simulation in Data-Centeric Business Protocols

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