328 research outputs found

    DNMT Inhibitors Increase Methylation in the Cancer Genome

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    DNA methyltransferase inhibitors (DNMTi) decitabine and azacytidine are approved therapies for myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia, and their combinations with other anticancer agents are being tested as therapeutic options for multiple solid cancers such as colon, ovarian, and lung cancer. However, the current therapeutic challenges of DNMTis include development of resistance, severe side effects and no or partial treatment responses, as observed in more than half of the patients. Therefore, there is a critical need to better understand the mechanisms of action of these drugs. In order to discover molecular targets of DNMTi therapy, we identified 638 novel CpGs with an increased methylation in response to decitabine treatment in HCT116 cell lines and validated the findings in multiple cancer types (e.g., bladder, ovarian, breast, and lymphoma) cell lines, bone marrow mononuclear cells from primary leukemia patients, as well as peripheral blood mononuclear cells and ascites from platinum resistance epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Azacytidine treatment also increased methylation of these CpGs in colon, ovarian, breast, and lymphoma cancer cell lines. Methylation at 166 identified CpGs strongly correlated (|r|≥ 0.80) with corresponding gene expression in HCT116 cell line. Differences in methylation at some of the identified CpGs and expression changes of the corresponding genes was observed in TCGA colon cancer tissue as compared to adjacent healthy tissue. Our analysis revealed that hypermethylated CpGs are involved in cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis by P53 and olfactory receptor pathways, hence influencing DNMTi responses. In conclusion, we showed hypermethylation of CpGs as a novel mechanism of action for DNMTi agents and identified 638 hypermethylated molecular targets (CpGs) common to decitabine and azacytidine therapy. These novel results suggest that hypermethylation of CpGs should be considered when predicting the DNMTi responses and side effects in cancer patients

    DNMT Inhibitors Increase Methylation in the Cancer Genome

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    DNA methyltransferase inhibitors (DNMTi) decitabine and azacytidine are approved therapies for myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia, and their combinations with other anticancer agents are being tested as therapeutic options for multiple solid cancers such as colon, ovarian, and lung cancer. However, the current therapeutic challenges of DNMTis include development of resistance, severe side effects and no or partial treatment responses, as observed in more than half of the patients. Therefore, there is a critical need to better understand the mechanisms of action of these drugs. In order to discover molecular targets of DNMTi therapy, we identified 638 novel CpGs with an increased methylation in response to decitabine treatment in HCT116 cell lines and validated the findings in multiple cancer types (e.g., bladder, ovarian, breast, and lymphoma) cell lines, bone marrow mononuclear cells from primary leukemia patients, as well as peripheral blood mononuclear cells and ascites from platinum resistance epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Azacytidine treatment also increased methylation of these CpGs in colon, ovarian, breast, and lymphoma cancer cell lines. Methylation at 166 identified CpGs strongly correlated (vertical bar r vertical bar >= 0.80) with corresponding gene expression in HCT116 cell line. Differences in methylation at some of the identified CpGs and expression changes of the corresponding genes was observed in TCGA colon cancer tissue as compared to adjacent healthy tissue. Our analysis revealed that hypermethylated CpGs are involved in cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis by P53 and olfactory receptor pathways, hence influencing DNMTi responses. In conclusion, we showed hypermethylation of CpGs as a novel mechanism of action for DNMTi agents and identified 638 hypermethylated molecular targets (CpGs) common to decitabine and azacytidine therapy. These novel results suggest that hypermethylation of CpGs should be considered when predicting the DNMTi responses and side effects in cancer patients.Peer reviewe

    Identification of drug candidates and repurposing opportunities through compound-target interaction networks

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    Introduction: System-wide identification of both on- and off-targets of chemical probes provides improved understanding of their therapeutic potential and possible adverse effects, thereby accelerating and de-risking drug discovery process. Given the high costs of experimental profiling of the complete target space of drug-like compounds, computational models offer systematic means for guiding these mapping efforts. These models suggest the most potent interactions for further experimental or pre-clinical evaluation both in cell line models and in patient-derived material.Areas covered: The authors focus here on network-based machine learning models and their use in the prediction of novel compound-target interactions both in target-based and phenotype-based drug discovery applications. While currently being used mainly in complementing the experimentally mapped compound-target networks for drug repurposing applications, such as extending the target space of already approved drugs, these network pharmacology approaches may also suggest completely unexpected and novel investigational probes for drug development.Expert opinion: Although the studies reviewed here have already demonstrated that network-centric modeling approaches have the potential to identify candidate compounds and selective targets in disease networks, many challenges still remain. In particular, these challenges include how to incorporate the cellular context and genetic background into the disease networks to enable more stratified and selective target predictions, as well as how to make the prediction models more realistic for the practical drug discovery and therapeutic applications.Peer reviewe

    Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and drug repurposing in cancer

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    Introduction: Drug repurposing provides a cost-effective strategy to re-use approved drugs for new medical indications. Several machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) approaches have been developed for systematic identification of drug repurposing leads based on big data resources, hence further accelerating and de-risking the drug development process by computational means. Areas covered: The authors focus on supervised ML and AI methods that make use of publicly available databases and information resources. While most of the example applications are in the field of anticancer drug therapies, the methods and resources reviewed are widely applicable also to other indications including COVID-19 treatment. A particular emphasis is placed on the use of comprehensive target activity profiles that enable a systematic repurposing process by extending the target profile of drugs to include potent off-targets with therapeutic potential for a new indication. Expert opinion: The scarcity of clinical patient data and the current focus on genetic aberrations as primary drug targets may limit the performance of anticancer drug repurposing approaches that rely solely on genomics-based information. Functional testing of cancer patient cells exposed to a large number of targeted therapies and their combinations provides an additional source of repurposing information for tissue-aware AI approaches.Peer reviewe

    Fully-automated and ultra-fast cell-type identification using specific marker combinations from single-cell transcriptomic data

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    Identification of cell populations often relies on manual annotation of cell clusters using established marker genes. However, the selection of marker genes is a time-consuming process that may lead to sub-optimal annotations as the markers must be informative of both the individual cell clusters and various cell types present in the sample. Here, we developed a computational platform, ScType, which enables a fully-automated and ultra-fast cell-type identification based solely on a given scRNA-seq data, along with a comprehensive cell marker database as background information. Using six scRNA-seq datasets from various human and mouse tissues, we show how ScType provides unbiased and accurate cell type annotations by guaranteeing the specificity of positive and negative marker genes across cell clusters and cell types. We also demonstrate how ScType distinguishes between healthy and malignant cell populations, based on single-cell calling of single-nucleotide variants, making it a versatile tool for anticancer applications. The widely applicable method is deployed both as an interactive web-tool (https://sctype.app ), and as an open-source R-package.Peer reviewe

    SynergyFinder 2.0 : visual analytics of multi-drug combination synergies

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    SynergyFinder (https://synergyfinder.fimm.fi) is a stand-alone web-application for interactive analysis and visualization of drug combination screening data. Since its first release in 2017, SynergyFinder has become a widely used web-tool both for the discovery of novel synergistic drug combinations in pre-clinical model systems (e.g. cell lines or primary patient-derived cells), and for better understanding of mechanisms of combination treatment efficacy or resistance. Here, we describe the latest version of SynergyFinder (release 2.0), which has extensively been upgraded through the addition of novel features supporting especially higher-order combination data analytics and exploratory visualization of multi-drug synergy patterns, along with automated outlier detection procedure, extended curve-fitting functionality and statistical analysis of replicate measurements. A number of additional improvements were also implemented based on the user requests, including new visualization and export options, updated user interface, as well as enhanced stability and performance of the web-tool. With these improvements, SynergyFinder 2.0 is expected to greatly extend its potential applications in various areas of multi-drug combinatorial screening and precision medicine.Peer reviewe

    SynergyFinder 3.0 : an interactive analysis and consensus interpretation of multi-drug synergies across multiple samples

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    SynergyFinder (https://synergyfinderfimm.fi) is a free web-application for interactive analysis and visualization of multi-drug combination response data. Since its first release in 2017, SynergyFinder has become a popular tool for multi-dose combination data analytics, partly because the development of its functionality and graphical interface has been driven by a diverse user community, including both chemical biologists and computational scientists. Here, we describe the latest upgrade of this community-effort, SynergyFinder release 3.0, introducing a number of novel features that support interactive multisample analysis of combination synergy, a novel consensus synergy score that combines multiple synergy scoring models, and an improved outlier detection functionality that eliminates false positive results, along with many other post-analysis options such as weighting of synergy by drug concentrations and distinguishing between different modes of synergy (potency and efficacy). Based on user requests, several additional improvements were also implemented, including new data visualizations and export options for multi-drug combinations. With these improvements, SynergyFinder 3.0 supports robust identification of consistent combinatorial synergies for multi-drug combinatorial discovery and clinical translation. [GRAPHICS] .Peer reviewe

    Tumor microenvironment as a metapopulation model : The effects of angiogenesis, emigration and treatment modalities

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    Tumors consist of heterogeneous cell subpopulations that may develop differing phenotypes, such as increased cell growth, metastatic potential and treatment sensitivity or resistance. To study the dynamics of cancer development at a single-cell level, we model the tumor microenvironment as a metapopulation, in which habitat patches correspond to possible sites for cell subpopulations. Cancer cells may emigrate into dispersal pool (e.g. circulation system) and spread to new sites (i.e. metastatic disease). In the patches, cells divide and new variants may arise, possibly leading into an invasion provided the aberra-tion promotes the cell growth. To study such adaptive landscape of cancer ecosystem, we consider var-ious evolutionary strategies (phenotypes), such as emigration and angiogenesis, which are important determinants during early stages of tumor development. We use the metapopulation fitness of new vari-ants to investigate how these strategies evolve through natural selection and disease progression. We fur-ther study various treatment effects and investigate how different therapy regimens affect the evolution of the cell populations. These aspects are relevant, for example, when examining the dynamic process of a benign tumor becoming cancerous, and what is the best treatment strategy during the early stages of cancer development. It is shown that positive angiogenesis promotes cancer cell growth in the absence of anti-angiogenic treatment, and that the anti-angiogenic treatment reduces the need of cytotoxic treat-ment when used in a combination. Interestingly, the model predicts that treatment resistance might become a favorable quality to cancer cells when the anti-angiogenic treatment is intensive enough. Thus, the optimal treatment dosage should remain below a patient-specific level to avoid treatment resistance.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    C-SPADE : a web-tool for interactive analysis and visualization of drug screening experiments through compound-specific bioactivity dendrograms

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    The advent of polypharmacology paradigm in drug discovery calls for novel chemoinformatic tools for analyzing compounds' multi-targeting activities. Such tools should provide an intuitive representation of the chemical space through capturing and visualizing underlying patterns of compound similarities linked to their polypharmacological effects. Most of the existing compound-centric chemoinformatics tools lack interactive options and user interfaces that are critical for the real-time needs of chemical biologists carrying out compound screening experiments. Toward that end, we introduce C-SPADE, an open-source exploratory web-tool for interactive analysis and visualization of drug profiling assays (biochemical, cell-based or cell-free) using compound-centric similarity clustering. C-SPADE allows the users to visually map the chemical diversity of a screening panel, explore investigational compounds in terms of their similarity to the screening panel, perform polypharmacological analyses and guide drug-target interaction predictions. C-SPADE requires only the raw drug profiling data as input, and it automatically retrieves the structural information and constructs the compound clusters in real-time, thereby reducing the time required for manual analysis in drug development or repurposing applications. The web-tool provides a customizable visual workspace that can either be downloaded as figure or Newick tree file or shared as a hyperlink with other users. C-SPADE is freely available at http://cspade.fimm.fi/.Peer reviewe
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