44 research outputs found

    Nimityksiä : Kirjastonhoitaja Jaana Ahonen

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    Ammatillinen välittäminen opettaja-oppilassuhteessa:miesluokanopettajien kertomuksia välittämisestä

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    Tiivistelmä. Pro gradumme aiheena on miesopettajan välittäminen opettaja-oppilassuhteessa alakoulukontekstissa. Aiemmassa tutkimuksessa välittämistä on määritelty hyvin naisvaltaisesti ja stereotypisoivalla tavalla sukupuolta korostavaksi. Valitsimme tutkimuksemme osallistujiksi miesopettajat, koska heidän ääntään on kuultu vähän välittämisen tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksemme pääkäsitteenä on välittäminen, jonka ajattelemme olevan yksi rakkauden ilmenemismuoto. Tutkimuskysymyksemme on 1. Mitä miesopettajat kertovat välittämisestä opettaja-oppilassuhteessa?. Tähän kysymykseen etsimme vastauksen narratiivisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Narratiivisuus ei pyri yleistettävään totuuteen, vaan tarjoaa tietoa. Tutkimusaineiston muodostaa kolme kerronnallista haastattelua, joista yksi pohjautuu ennakkoon tehtyyn kirjoitelmaan. Haastattelimme kolmea pohjoissuomalaista miesopettajaa, joiden haastatteluissa käytimme puolistrukturoitua haastattelumenetelmää. Analysoimme tutkimusaineistomme teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysilla. Miesopettajien kertomuksista saimme tulokseksi, että välittäminen opettajan työssä on pakollinen valinta sekä osa ammattitaitoa. Lisäksi he kertoivat välittämisen ilmenemisestä käytännössä. Opettajat ajattelivat tehneensä valinnan välittävän suhteen rakentamisesta jo ammatin valitessaan. Kertomusten mukaan opettajalla on velvollisuus välittää oppilaistaan ja olla kiinnostunut heidän asioistaan. Hänen täytyy tuntea oppilaansa, jotta hän voi välittää oppilaistaan ja osoittaa välittämistään heidän tarpeidensa mukaan. Välittäminen ei synny itsestään vaan se vaatii pitkäjänteistä työtä. Opettajan työssä välittäminen ilmenee käytännössä oppilaiden yksilöllisenä kohtaamisena, keskusteluilla heidän kanssaan sekä arkisena huolenpitona. Opettajien kertomuksissa välittämiseen liittyy myös haasteita. Välittävässä opettaja-oppilassuhteessa myös oppilailla on aktiivinen rooli. Miesopettajat kertoivat välittämisen olevan osa heidän työtään. He kertoivat voivansa välittää omalla persoonallaan. Välittämisen määritteleminen naisellisena ominaisuutena ja toimintana rajoittaa välittämisen näkemistä osana opettajan ammattitaitoa. Sukupuolet erottelevasta välittämisen määritelmästä tulee pyrkiä kohti ammatillisen välittämisen käsitettä. Kasvatuksen mahdollistumiseksi jokaisen opettajan on tärkeä luoda ammatillinen välittävä suhde oppilaidensa kanssa, sillä se on perustana opettajan työlle. Ammatillista välittämistä raamittavat perusopetuslaki, valtakunnallinen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet sekä ammattieettiset ohjeet, mutta se ei kuitenkaan vaadi opettajalta tietynlaisia ominaisuuksia tai tapoja

    Competence management within organisations as an approach to enhancing GIS maturity

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    The national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) and GIS maturity of user organisations are mutually dependent. Only when the GIS maturity of user organisations is at a high level can they direct their needs to the development of an NSDI and the benefits of the NSDI come true to their full extent. To raise their GIS maturity to a level where user organisations can both utilise spatial data comprehensively in their businesses and contribute to the development of the NSDI, we propose a GIS maturity enhancement model in which competence management is the fundamental theme. The model suggests the means to improve the GIS maturity of an organisation. The model was motivated by user interviews in Finland, where the technical standard of GIS is not a hindrance to further development, but better exploitation of human competence seems to be the way forward

    Laparoscopic versus hybrid approach for treatment of incisional ventral hernia : a prospective randomised multicentre study, 1-year results

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    Purpose Laparoscopic incisional ventral hernia repair (LIVHR) is often followed by seroma formation, bulging and failure to restore abdominal wall function. These outcomes are risk factors for hernia recurrence, chronic pain and poor quality of life (QoL). We aimed to evaluate whether LIVHR combined with defect closure (hybrid) follows as a diminished seroma formation and thereby has a lower rate of hernia recurrence and chronic pain compared to standard LIVHR. Methods This study is a multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial. From November 2012 to May 2015, 193 patients undergoing LIVHR for primary incisional hernia with fascial defect size from 2 to 7 cm were recruited in 11 Finnish hospitals. Patients were randomised to either a laparoscopic (LG) or a hybrid (HG) repair group. The main outcome measure was hernia recurrence, evaluated clinically and radiologically at a 1-year follow-up visit. At the same time, chronic pain scores and QoL were also measured. Results At the 1-year-control visit, we found no difference in hernia recurrence between the study groups. Altogether, 11 recurrent hernias were found in ultrasound examination, producing a recurrence rate of 6.4%. Of these recurrences, 6 (6.7%) were in the LG group and 5 (6.1%) were in the HG group (p > 0.90). The visual analogue scores for pain were low in both groups; the mean visual analogue scale (VAS) was 1.5 in LG and 1.4 in HG (p = 0.50). QoL improved significantly comparing preoperative status to 1 year after operation in both groups since the bodily pain score increased by 7.8 points (p <0.001) and physical functioning by 4.3 points (p = 0.014). Conclusion Long-term follow-up is needed to demonstrate the potential advantage of a hybrid operation with fascial defect closure. Both techniques had low hernia recurrence rates 1 year after operation. LIVHR reduces chronic pain and physical impairment and improves QoL. Trial Registry: Clinical trial number NCT02542085.Peer reviewe

    Laparoscopic versus hybrid approach for treatment of incisional ventral hernia: a prospective randomised multicentre study, 1-year results

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    Purpose Laparoscopic incisional ventral hernia repair (LIVHR) is often followed by seroma formation, bulging and failure to restore abdominal wall function. These outcomes are risk factors for hernia recurrence, chronic pain and poor quality of life (QoL). We aimed to evaluate whether LIVHR combined with defect closure (hybrid) follows as a diminished seroma formation and thereby has a lower rate of hernia recurrence and chronic pain compared to standard LIVHR.Methods This study is a multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial. From November 2012 to May 2015, 193 patients undergoing LIVHR for primary incisional hernia with fascial defect size from 2 to 7 cm were recruited in 11 Finnish hospitals. Patients were randomised to either a laparoscopic (LG) or a hybrid (HG) repair group. The main outcome measure was hernia recurrence, evaluated clinically and radiologically at a 1-year follow-up visit. At the same time, chronic pain scores and QoL were also measured.Results At the 1-year-control visit, we found no difference in hernia recurrence between the study groups. Altogether, 11 recurrent hernias were found in ultrasound examination, producing a recurrence rate of 6.4%. Of these recurrences, 6 (6.7%) were in the LG group and 5 (6.1%) were in the HG group (p > 0.90). The visual analogue scores for pain were low in both groups; the mean visual analogue scale (VAS) was 1.5 in LG and 1.4 in HG (p = 0.50). QoL improved significantly comparing preoperative status to 1 year after operation in both groups since the bodily pain score increased by 7.8 points (p Conclusion Long-term follow-up is needed to demonstrate the potential advantage of a hybrid operation with fascial defect closure. Both techniques had low hernia recurrence rates 1 year after operation. LIVHR reduces chronic pain and physical impairment and improves QoL.</p

    Adaptation to climate change in Finland : Current state and future prospects

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    The KOKOSOPU project has aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of the national adaptation policy with particular emphasis on the National Adaptation Plan and international policy development. In addition, future challenges related to societal development have been taken into account. Projections of climate change, Finland’s Climate Act and the strengthened adaptation policy in the EU emphasise the importance of the national adaptation policy. A key objective of the National Adaptation Plan 2014–2022 was to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Finnish society. This objective is still relevant. The conditions for reaching the objective have, however, partly changed. First, cross border consequences of climate change are increasingly emphasised. Second, issues of justice and fairness with respect to the consequences of climate change and adaptation actions are being identified as central. Third, greater weight is given to the overall sustainability of adaptation and climate action. The changing conditions for climate change adaptation should be reflected in the allocation of resources, in improved coordination within the administration and in co-operation between the public and private sector. In addition, knowledge and education should be enhanced, and resources provided for RDI, and for monitoring and evaluation that supports continued improvement of adaptation activities

    Adaptation to climate change in Finland : Current state and future prospects

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    The KOKOSOPU project has aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of the national adaptation policy with particular emphasis on the National Adaptation Plan and international policy development. In addition, future challenges related to societal development have been taken into account. Projections of climate change, Finland’s Climate Act and the strengthened adaptation policy in the EU emphasise the importance of the national adaptation policy. A key objective of the National Adaptation Plan 2014–2022 was to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Finnish society. This objective is still relevant. The conditions for reaching the objective have, however, partly changed. First, cross border consequences of climate change are increasingly emphasised. Second, issues of justice and fairness with respect to the consequences of climate change and adaptation actions are being identified as central. Third, greater weight is given to the overall sustainability of adaptation and climate action. The changing conditions for climate change adaptation should be reflected in the allocation of resources, in improved coordination within the administration and in co-operation between the public and private sector. In addition, knowledge and education should be enhanced, and resources provided for RDI, and for monitoring and evaluation that supports continued improvement of adaptation activities

    Solar eclipse demonstrating the importance of photochemistry in new particle formation

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    Solar eclipses provide unique possibilities to investigate atmospheric processes, such as new particle formation (NPF), important to the global aerosol load and radiative balance. The temporary absence of solar radiation gives particular insight into different oxidation and clustering processes leading to NPF. This is crucial because our mechanistic understanding on how NPF is related to photochemistry is still rather limited. During a partial solar eclipse over Finland in 2015, we found that this phenomenon had prominent effects on atmospheric on-going NPF. During the eclipse, the sources of aerosol precursor gases, such as sulphuric acid and nitrogen-containing highly oxidised organic compounds, decreased considerably, which was followed by a reduced formation of small clusters and nanoparticles and thus termination of NPF. After the eclipse, aerosol precursor molecule concentrations recovered and reinitiated NPF. Our results provide direct evidence on the key role of the photochemical production of sulphuric acid and highly oxidized organic compounds in maintaining atmospheric NPF. Our results also explain the rare occurrence of this phenomenon under dark conditions, as well as its seemingly weak connection with atmospheric ions.Peer reviewe

    Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen Suomessa – nykytila ja kehitysnäkymät

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    KOKOSOPU-hankkeen tavoitteena oli tuottaa kokonaisarvio kansallisen sopeutumispolitiikan edistymisestä erityisesti kansallisen sopeutumissuunnitelman valossa ja kansainväliseen kehitykseen verraten. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin niitä haasteita, jotka tuleva ilmastollinen ja yhteiskunnallinen kehitys asettavat sopeutumistoiminnalle. Ennakoitu ilmastonmuutoksen eteneminen, Suomen ilmastolaki ja EU:n sopeutumispolitiikan vahvistuminen korostavat kansallisen sopeutumissuunnitelman merkitystä. Vuosien 2014–2022 sopeutumissuunnitelman keskeisenä tavoitteena oli suomalaisen yhteiskunnan sopeutumiskyvyn vahvistaminen. Tämä tavoite on edelleen ajankohtainen. Tavoitteen saavuttamisen lähtökohdat ovat kuitenkin osittain muuttuneet. Ensinnäkin globaalit ja rajoja ylittävät vaikutukset korostuvat. Toiseksi ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusten ja niihin sopeutumiseen tarvittavien yhteiskunnallisten muutosten oikeudenmukaisuus on nousemassa keskiöön. Kolmanneksi sopeutumistoiminnan ja ilmastotyön kokonaiskestävyyteen kiinnitetään aikaisempaa enemmän huomiota. Sopeutumistoiminnan muuttuneen toimintaympäristön tulee näkyä resurssien kohdentamisena ja parempana koordinointina hallinnossa sekä hallinnon ja yksityisen sektorin välillä. Tarvitaan myös lisäpanostusta osaamiseen ja koulutukseen, tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoimintaan sekä jatkuvaan edistymistä tukevaan seurantaan ja arviointiin.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Deficient H2A.Z deposition is associated with genesis of uterine leiomyoma

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    One in four women suffers from uterine leiomyomas (ULs)-benign tumours of the uterine wall, also known as uterine fibroids-at some point in premenopausal life. ULs can cause excessive bleeding, pain and infertility(1), and are a common cause of hysterectomy(2). They emerge through at least three distinct genetic drivers: mutations in MED12 or FH, or genomic rearrangement of HMGA2(3). Here we created genome-wide datasets, using DNA, RNA, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and HiC chromatin immunoprecipitation (HiChIP) sequencing of primary tissues to profoundly understand the genesis of UL. We identified somatic mutations in genes encoding six members of the SRCAP histone-loading complex(4), and found that germline mutations in the SRCAP members YEATS4 and ZNHIT1 predispose women to UL. Tumours bearing these mutations showed defective deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z. In ULs, H2A.Z occupancy correlated positively with chromatin accessibility and gene expression, and negatively with DNA methylation, but these correlations were weak in tumours bearing SRCAP complex mutations. In these tumours, open chromatin emerged at transcription start sites where H2A.Z was lost, which was associated with upregulation of genes. Furthermore, YEATS4 defects were associated with abnormal upregulation of bivalent embryonic stem cell genes, as previously shown in mice(5). Our work describes a potential mechanism of tumorigenesis-epigenetic instability caused by deficient H2A.Z deposition-and suggests that ULs arise through an aberrant differentiation program driven by deranged chromatin, emanating from a small number of mutually exclusive driver mutations.Peer reviewe