62 research outputs found

    Measuring the Immeasurable? the Intangible Benefits of Digital Information

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    The benefits of digital information are mostly viewed as intangible, meaning that they can be hard to measure. This lack of measurements makes the benefits difficult to compare and communicate, creating problems for e.g. decision-making and the strategic development of specific digital information. Therefore, I conducted a literature review to find out how the combination of intangible benefits and measurements are dealt with in the information systems field. I found that we measure the intangible benefits of information systems or information technology. Here, the measurement method is divided into input, rule, and output. The input consists of predetermined individual benefits, areas of predetermined benefits, or interpreted benefits from respondents. The rule follows an accepted theory or contextual adjusted rules, and the output (benefit) can be seen as either financial or non-financial. The avenue for further research focuses on the digital information as the primary resource, not information systems or information technology

    A Communication-model for Intangible Benefits of Digital Information

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    The communication of the intangible benefits to different stakeholders is important at the development of organizational resources, in this study digital information, and could be described as a boundary-spanning activity. In this study we build on Ahlin’s model (2014) and illustrates categorization of intangible benefits of digital information by using Carlile’s (2002; 2004) efficient boundary objects, the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. Qualitative empirical pictures from three cases are illustrated by questions, derived from the efficient boundary objects. The illustrations show that this is an accessible path forward and that the illustrations can be changed to further research with the goal to practical test the communication model


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    High expression of cyclin D1 is associated to high proliferation rate and increased risk of mortality in women with ER-positive but not in ER-negative breast cancers

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    Cyclin D1 has a central role in cell cycle control and is an important component of estrogen regulation of cell cycle progression. We have previously shown that high cyclin D expression is related to aggressive features of ER-positive but not ER-negative breast cancer. The aims of the present study were to validate this differential ER-related effect and furthermore explore the relationship between cyclin D overexpression and CCND1 gene amplification status in a node-negative breast cancer case-control study. Immunohistochemical nuclear expression of cyclin D1 (n = 364) and amplification of the gene CCND1 by fluorescent in situ hybridization (n = 255) was performed on tissue microarray sections from patients with T1-2N0M0 breast cancer. Patients given adjuvant chemotherapy were excluded. The primary event was defined as breast cancer death. Breast cancer-specific survival was analyzed in univariate and multivariable models using conditional logistic regression. Expression of cyclin D1 above the median (61.7%) in ER breast cancer was associated with an increased risk for breast cancer death (OR 3.2 95% CI 1.5-6.8) also when adjusted for tumor size and grade (OR 3.1). No significant prognostic impact of cyclin D1 expression was found among ER-negative cases. Cyclin D1 overexpression was significantly associated to high expression of the proliferation markers cyclins A (rho 0.19, p = 0.006) and B (rho 0.18, p = 0.003) in ER-positive tumors, but not in ER-negative cases. There was a significant association between CCND1 amplification and cyclin D1 expression (p = 0.003), but CCND1 amplification was not statistically significantly prognostic (HR 1.4, 95% CI 0.4-4.4). We confirmed our previous observation that high cyclin D1 expression is associated to high proliferation and a threefold higher risk of death from breast cancer in ER-positive breast cancer.Peer reviewe

    A Preparatory Study for a Randomized Controlled Trial of Dietary Fiber Intake During Adult Pelvic Radiotherapy

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    Background: Patients undergoing pelvic radiotherapy are often advised to omit fiber-rich foods from their diet to reduce the adverse effects of treatment. Scientific evidence supporting this recommendation is lacking, and recent studies on animals and humans have suggested that there is a beneficial effect of dietary fiber for the alleviation of symptoms. Randomized controlled studies on dietary fiber intake during pelvic radiotherapy of sufficient size and duration are needed. As preparation for such a large-scale study, we evaluated the feasibility, compliance, participation rate, and logistics and report our findings here in this preparatory study. Methods: In this preparatory study of a fiber intervention trial, Swedish gynecological cancer patients scheduled for radiotherapy were recruited between January 2019 and August 2020. During the intervention, the participants filled out questionnaires and used an application. They also consumed a fiber supplement at first in powder form, later in capsules. Blood- and fecal samples were collected. The study is registered in clinicaltrials.gov (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04534075?cond=fidura&draw=2&rank=1). Results: Among 136 approached patients, 57 started the study and the participation rate for primary outcomes was 63% (third blood sample) and 65% (third questionnaire). Barely half of the participants provided fecal samples. Providing concise and relevant information to the patients at the right time was crucial in getting them to participate and stay in the study. The most common reasons for declining participation or dropping out were the expected burden of radiotherapy or acute side effects. Tailoring the ambition level to each patient concerning the collection of data beyond the primary endpoints was an important strategy to keep the dropout rate at an acceptable level. Using capsules rather than psyllium in powder form made it much easier to document intake and to create a control group. During the course of the preparatory study, we improved the logistics and for the last 12 participants included, the participation rate was 100% for the earliest primary outcome. Conclusion: A variety of adjustments in this preparatory study resulted in an improved participation rate, which allowed us to set a final protocol and proceed with the main study

    Service-oriented Architecture - An Emergence of a Service-oriented Architecture from a Business Perspective

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    This qualitative study analyzes service-oriented architecture (SOA) from a business perspective. The business is divided into different decision levels for clarification of the liability limits for the affected actors. The study of SOA covers the areas from development to implementation. The work has been conducted in order to contribute to a business perspective for how a SOA affects an entire organization, as published literature is more technically oriented. During the discussion and analysis of the empirical material did three reoccurring concepts emerge; ownership, communication and competence. These concepts were therefore discussed and analyzed within each decision level, and its adherent SOA-domains. The conclusions are presented by the three reoccurring concepts: ‱ The ownership of a service needs to be clearly defined, and connected on both a strategic and operational level both for business and IT processes. This will create a balance between the actor groups’ interests. ‱ Communication is essential and needs to be adjusted according to the level of the recipient. The linguistics needs to be adapted and clear within the level, as to facilitate discussions within dynamic formations, i.e. with representatives from different areas and with different backgrounds. ‱ The study indicates that the competence at the strategic level needs to increase, since this level sets the foundation for the possibility to implement services, in the form of budget and alignment. Alignment means to facilitate and demand that the business and IT must cooperate to be able to reach the target and thus achieve the benefit from a SOA. The practical conclusions from this study are; communication is important in creating interfaces between decision levels and between different business areas. To develop services and manage interfaces for existing and parallel activities it has emerged that an iterative work flow is preferable, i.e. it is crucial to begin and then develop gradually. The implementation of a SOA needs to be structured practically by a project-model, which should be one the organization already is familiar with. Three areas for future research have crystallized during the study. Firstly, good benefitcalculation models for services do not exist; the current models have too few dimensions to cover an all different perspectives of entire organization. Secondly, is to explore deeper within the area of communication between IT and the business. The final area covers the verification of this study’s practical contribution, i.e. empirically investigate if the content of the decision-levels are coherent with an actual implementation of a SOA

    The Demonstration of a Tool for Self-Estimating Digital Competence

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    This study presents the results from a demonstration of a tool for self-estimation of digital competence for nurses and assistant nurses. The data was gathered from twelve participants working as leaders of older care homes. The results show that digital competence is of importance in health and social care, that the dimension of motivation is of utmost importance and that the presentation of the survey results should be flexible

    Design och utvÀrdering av modell för operationell digital mognad

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    Föreliggande rapport beskriver kravstĂ€llning, design, test och utvĂ€rdering av en modell för mĂ€tning av individers digitala kunskap – nĂ„got vi hĂ€r valt att kalla ”operationell digital mognad” – inom vĂ„rd- och omsorgssektorn. Begreppet operationell digital mognad ska tolkas som individens kunskap om digitala hjĂ€lpmedel ur ett sociotekniskt perspektiv,”Kraven pĂ„ modellen var att den skulle kunna anvĂ€ndas repetitivt för att mĂ€ta den digitala mognaden ur ett sociotekniskt perspektiv, det vill sĂ€ga att digitala hjĂ€lpmedel anvĂ€nds för att stödja en organisation och att individer ska nyttja hjĂ€lpmedlen för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. Underlaget för modellen har varit Pentagonmodellen, framtagen av Schiefloe (2003), som innehĂ„ller följande dimensioner: formell struktur, teknik och infrastruktur, sociala relationer och nĂ€tverk, interaktion samt kultur och kompetens. För att fĂ„ fram digital mognad, har vi Ă€ven valt att lĂ€gga till dimensionen personlig motivation. Modellen översattes sedan till en enkĂ€t med pĂ„stĂ„enden kopplade till digitala hjĂ€lpmedel och miljöer. PĂ„stĂ„endena i enkĂ€ten kunde besvaras pĂ„ en skala som gick frĂ„n ”Jag Ă€r enig” till ”Jag Ă€r helt oenig”. Resultatet frĂ„n enkĂ€ten, bĂ„de frĂ„n 2021 och 2022, visar att motivationen för att anvĂ€nda digitala hjĂ€lpmedel Ă€r hög. Respondenterna hade Ă€ven god kunskap om den formella strukturen. Kultur och kompetens, teknik och infrastruktur samt interaktion fick ocksĂ„ relativt höga poĂ€ng UtvĂ€rderingen av modellen visar att det Ă€r viktigt med operationell digital mognad Ă€ven för vĂ„rd- och omsorgspersonal. Vi fick Ă€ven bekrĂ€ftat att modellen innehöll intressanta dimensioner för att mĂ€ta operationell digital mognad, med undantag för dimensionen sociala relationer och nĂ€tverk. Vi kunde ocksĂ„ konstatera att resultatet frĂ„n enkĂ€ten behöver innehĂ„lla jĂ€mförelser med tidigare mĂ€tningar, eftersom mĂ„let för operationell digital mognad förĂ€ndras över tid, och gĂ„ att bryta ner pĂ„ olika detaljnivĂ„er. Resultatet behöver Ă€ven kopplas till utbildningsĂ„tgĂ€rder. För att uppnĂ„ en iterativ process med att mĂ€ta operationell digital mognad föreslĂ„s ytterligare utredning kring dimensionen sociala relationer och nĂ€tverk, möjligheter att omvandla enkĂ€ten frĂ„n deskriptiv till prediktiv samt fler presentationsmöjligheter
