168 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran ABSI terhadap kemampuan memahami dan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa, serta mengetahui hubungan kemampuan memahami dengan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-experiment dengan desain one group pretest posttest design. Populasinya adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI di MAN Pamekasan Jawa Timur. Sampel sebanyak satu kelas yang dipilih secara cluster random sampling. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan memahami, tes kemampuan berargumentasi dan format observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah effect size, , uji korelasi, serta % keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran ABSI mempengaruhi kemampuan memahami dengan nilai effect size sebesar 4,78 dengan kategori sangat besar, serta meningkatkan kemampuan memahami siswa dengan nilai sebesar 0,74 atau pada kategori tinggi. Selain itu model ABSI juga mempengaruhi kemampuan berargumentasi siswa dengan nilai effect size sebesar 5,80 dengan kategori sangat besar, serta meningkatkan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa dengan nilai sebesar 0,85 atau pada kategori tinggi. Serta, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara kemampuan memahami dengan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa dengan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,725. Kata kunci: Model pembelajaran Argument-Based Science Inquiry (ABSI), kemampuan memahami, kemampuan berargumentasi. This study aims to gain an overview the implementation of argument-based science inquiry (ABSI) intructional model to understanding abilities and argumentation abilities students, and also to determine the correlation between understanding abilities and argumentation abilities. The method used pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The population is students in XI class MAN Pamekasan, East Java. Sample is a class selected by cluster random sampling. Instrument of this research is test of understanding abilities, test of argumentation abilities, and observation format feasibility instructional. Analysis data technique used to effect size, and while to knowing the ABSI used %. The results showed an implementation of ABSI intructional model influence to understanding abilities value of effect size is 4,78 or include in very big category and increase in students' understanding abilities value of is 0.74 or include in high category. In addition ABSI influence also to argumentation abilities value of effect size is 5,80 on include in very big category and increase students' argumentation abilities value of is 0.85 or include in high category. In addition, the results also showed that there is a strong relationship between the understanding abilities and the argumentation abilities correlation value is 0.725. Keyword:Argument-Based Science Inquiry Intructional Model, Understanding Abilities, Argumentation Abilities


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan korelasi kemampuan memahami dengan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa pada materi elastisitas dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Argument-Based Science Inquiry (ABSI). Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pre-experiment dengan desain The one group pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel siswa kelas XI IPA 2 di Madrasah Aliah Negeri Pamekasan 2 Kabupaten Pamekasan Jawa Timur pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa dari tes kemampuan memahami dan tes kemampuan berargumentasi siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis data diperoleh besar korelasi kemampuan memahami dengan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa sebesar 0,73 dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,01 yang berarti bahwa dalam taraf kepercayaan 95 % kemampuan memahami berhubungan secara signifikan  terhadap kemampuan berargumentasi, yaitu memiliki korelasi tinggi. Dengan kata lain kemampuan memahami sangat tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan berargumentasi siswa


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan korelasi kemampuan memahami dengan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa pada materi elastisitas dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Argument-Based Science Inquiry (ABSI). Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pre-experiment dengan desain The one group pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel siswa kelas XI IPA 2 di Madrasah Aliah Negeri Pamekasan 2 Kabupaten Pamekasan Jawa Timur pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa dari tes kemampuan memahami dan tes kemampuan berargumentasi siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis data diperoleh besar korelasi kemampuan memahami dengan kemampuan berargumentasi siswa sebesar 0,73 dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,01 yang berarti bahwa dalam taraf kepercayaan 95 % kemampuan memahami berhubungan secara signifikan  terhadap kemampuan berargumentasi, yaitu memiliki korelasi tinggi. Dengan kata lain kemampuan memahami sangat tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan berargumentasi siswa

    Development of linear parameter varying control system for autonomous underwater vehicle

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    The development and application of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) control system for robust longitudinal control system on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) are presented. The LPV system is represented as Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) on its parameter set. The LPV control system combines LPV theory based upon Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) and - synthesis to form a robust LPV control system. The LPV control design is applied for a pitch control of the AUV to fulfill control design criteria on frequency and time domain. The final closed-loop system is tested for robust stability throughout the operational envelope

    Challenge of Applying STEM Education to Improve Physics Problem Solving Skills in Islamic Boarding Schools

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    This study aims to examine the effect of the application of STEM education on students' problem-solving abilities at Islamic boarding schools in terms of educational background (santri-nonsantri and academic abilities). It is a pre-experimental research design using One Group Pretest-Postest Design. The population in this study is all physics education students at the Islamic University of Madura. The research sample is level 3 students, the determination of the sample is carried out using cluster random sampling technique. This research is a problem-solving ability test instrument in the form of description questions. Data collection is carried out by tests. Data analysis is carried out by two-way ANOVA test, N-Gain test, and effect size test. The results show the application of STEM education with influence significantly on the problem-solving ability of students in pesantren-based tertiary institutions and line with students' academic abilities. the higher the student's academic ability, the better the problem-solving ability. However, there is no relationship between the status of students and non-students. The challenges that must be solved in applying the STEM approach to Islamic boarding schools are difficulties in using mathematical procedures correctly and limited access to technolog

    The Performance of Beef Cattle Fed by Complete Feed

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    For Complete feed a diet were formulated mixed roughage and concentrate in one diet. CF in the study utilizes the agricultural land and crop estate by products. The aims of the study to determine the effect of the CF diets on the performance, to determine the efficiency of the diet use economic evaluation. 20 Simmental crossbreed young bulls (initial body weight = 375,10 ± 24,05) were housed in separate pens with space 2 m2. The completely random design (CRD) was used in the study. Complete feed were formulated in five treatments, T0 (control) 9.78%CP, 60%TDN; T1 (11%CP, 60%TDN); T2 (12%CP, 63%TDN); T3 (13%CP, 60%TDN); T4 (14%CP, 60%TDN). Dry matter (DM), Organic matter (OM), Crude protein (CP), Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) intake and digestibility to examine effects of complete feed on rumen degradability. Average daily gain (ADG) were used to examine the effect of complete feed on performance of bulls. Urea and glucose bloods were used to determine on hematologist. The statistical analysis indicated that DM, OM, CP, and TDN intakes and were not significant (P>0.05). Average daily gain of bulls fed by T2 (1.54) was the highest (P<0.05). FCR of T2 (7.33) was the lowest than that in other treatments. The income of the bulls fed by T2 assumed others factors constant was IDR 16,629.74. Implementation of complete feed (CP 12%, TDN 63%) could increase the performance of cattle